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Fine Dictionary


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Bogue
    (Zoöl) The boce; -- called also bogue bream. See Boce.
  2. Bogue
    (Naut) To fall off from the wind; to edge away to leeward; -- said only of inferior craft.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. bogue
    Nautical, to drop off from the wind; edge away to leeward with the wind, as some vessels of inferior sailing qualities do.
  2. (n) bogue
    An acanthopterygian fish, Box vulgaris, of the family Sparidæ, found in the Mediterranean, on the west coast of Africa, and in rare cases on the coasts of Britain. The body is oblong and compressed, the head and mouth are small, the teeth notched, the eyes large, and the general coloring is brilliant. Also called boce and boga.
  3. (n) bogue
    A mouth; an embouchure. Used specifically in the name the Bogue, the principal mouth of the Canton river in China (also called Boca Tigris, the Tiger's Mouth).
Usage in the news

In his new role for Pléiades , Bogue designed libations that echo the organization of Café Boulud's menu next door.

The 28th annual Chef Soiree will be held on March 18 from 5 to 9 pm in Covington's Bogue Falaya Park.

This Best of Bogue column originally was published Sept 2, 2004.

Pam Bogue with the Buena Vista County Public Health says Pneumococcal meningitis kills about three people of every 10 who get it.

Bogue says it can also lead to other health problems including deafness and brain damage.

The Times-Picayune archive Former Louisiana Gov David Treen takes the baton during the Rhapsody on the River at Bogue Falaya Park in Covington in April, 2007.

Former NBA star point guard Muggsy Bogues will officially be introduced as head coach at United Faith Christian Academy (Charlotte, N.C.) today at a parent/faculty meeting at the school, according to Falcons' point guard Braxton Ogbueze.

Ellie Bogue, The News-Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Ind.).

With Declan Bogue Tuesday, 4 September 2012.

This Best of Bogue column originally was published Nov 23, 2008.

Todd Strasser's stepson, Jesse Bogue, was killed when his motorcycle was involved in a crash with a car at the intersection of Alexander and Bradley.

This Best of Bogue column originally was published Oct 4, 2005.

Officials said a 911 call was placed from the Bogue Chitto community in Neshoba County.

Leif Overturf takes advantage of the large surf near the Bogue Inlet Fishing Pier in Emerald Isle, N.C. As Hurricane Irene heads toward the North Carolina coast on Aug 25.

Nashville's Brasher-Bogue to open up Arnolds Park season.

Usage in scientific papers

The data were reduced using the BOGU S 20062 IRAF package which was specially designed for reducing LRIS slitmasks.
Wide-field mid-infrared and millimetre imaging of the high-redshift radio galaxy, 4C41.17

Usage in literature

He gave it to Mr. Henry Vizetelly, who submitted it to Mr. David Bogue, a man known for his shrewdness and enterprise. "The Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue" by Various

On the way up we obtained a fine view of the Bogue forts. "In Eastern Seas" by J. J. Smith

Therefore it must be Mrs Bogue's turn next. "The Weans at Rowallan" by Kathleen Fitzpatrick

London: David Bogue, 3 St. Martin's Place, Trafalgar Square, W. C., 1881. "The Bibliography of Walt Whitman" by Frank Shay

The Bogue is angelic, although very dirty. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 24 (of 25)" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Margaret Wilson had friends over at the farm of Bogue on the Garpelside. "The Men of the Moss-Hags" by S. R. Crockett

Route of Paper Canoe MARIA THERESA From Bogue Inlet, N.C. to Bull's Bay, S.C. "Voyage of the Paper Canoe" by Nathaniel H. Bishop

PUBLISHED BY TILT AND BOGUE. "The Use of a Box of Colours" by Harry Willson

On the other side the cemetery is buried Bogue, the well-known publisher of Fleet Street. "About London" by J. Ewing Ritchie

Bogue, heavily ballasted with treasure, went to the bottom like a plummet and was seen no more. "The Book of Buried Treasure" by Ralph D. Paine