a city in west central Germany noted for cutlery
The knives "are marked with the signature trademark ' Emerils ,' and 'Solingen, Germany' on one side of the blade, and on the other side they are marked 'China,'" according to the complaint.
Mehaz Professional hosts the Why I Love Mehaz Tweezers contest which offers the opportunity to win a Mehaz Depil-A-Tweez slanted tweezer made in Solingen, Germany.
The latest installation is at a new customer to Edale, Frank-Etikettendruck, based in Solingen.
Solingen speaks of abortion produced by sneezing. "Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine" by
Solingen is still, and has been for centuries, renowned for its sword blades. "Notes & Queries, No. 41, Saturday, August 10, 1850" by
Without further adventure he reached Solingen, and having acquainted Ruthard with what had transpired, he handed him the letter. "Hero Tales and Legends of the Rhine" by
Philosopher and economic writer, born at Wald bei Solingen, died at Marburg. "Immortal Memories" by
Hardware also, the production of which is centred in Solingen, Heilbronn, Esslingen, &c., is largely exported. "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 11, Slice 7" by