lead tree
lɛd tri-
lead tree
low scrubby tree of tropical and subtropical North America having white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods
Lead tree
(Bot) A West Indian name for the tropical, leguminous tree, Leucæna glauca; -- probably so called from the glaucous color of the foliage.
Mayfield's Tom McClellan set a new school record at the Galway Invitational on Saturday, completing the 2.82-mile course at Bob's Tree Farm in 14:50 to lead the Panthers to a seventh-place finish in the small-school division. leaderherald.com
CAROL'S TIP: Now's a good time to assess trees for structural weakness that can lead to catastrophic breakage during a storm. blog.syracuse.com
Ola Creston, one of the founding parents of the Language Tree, is a co-teacher at the program where she leads circle time, singing songs in Spanish. readingeagle.com
ON THE BARK BEAT – Michael Wojtech, author of a field guide to varieties of tree bark, leads a walk at the Long Pasture wildlife sanctuary. barnstablepatriot.com
Decorating can lead to falls while trees, candles pose fire hazard. krdo.com
After lighting the tree at the Jon Hunt Plaza, he'll lead a parade down Michigan Street. southbendtribune.com
A neat line of trees bursting with lemons, limes and oranges shades a stony pathway leading past a bubbling fountain and into a maze of garden beds filled with thriving fruits and vegetables. paloaltoonline.com
Brotherly bond leads to creation of motorized tree stand. thepittsburghchannel.com
Ad Age released the 32nd annual 100 Leading Media Companies (Media 100) report and the Media Family Trees on Oct 1, 2012. adage.com
Tony Moran creates tree stand for brother with MS. Brotherly bond leads to creation of motorized tree stand. thepittsburghchannel.com
Minnows on lead-head jigs fished vertically in tree-tops are catching many fish . knoxnews.com
Money doesn't grow on trees, it's said, not even in Woodside, where the number of high net worth residents might lead one to suspect such trees exist. almanacnews.com
Kris Kringle excites downtown crowd Mayor leads countdown to light up Baker Park tree Originally published December 08, 2012. fredericknewspost.com
Traditional tree lighting Palkovic leads countdown, Mayor Oettel's emphasis on 'Christmas' gets warm reception. lititzrecord.com
Angie's List, the nation's leading provider of consumer reviews, asked highly rated tree service companies about how to know when it's time to remove a tree. fox10tv.com
However as Haeupler and Tarjan noticed in , the authors of did not consider ”implementations issues” (sic) than lead to incorrect algorithms for C1P testing and planar graph recognition. A fourth approach appeared in with the idea of simplifying the C1P test by avoiding PQ-tree.
Consecutive ones property testing: cut or swap
In general using either a leaf-to-root order of a depth-first spanning tree or an st-order leads to particularly simple implementations that run in linear-time.
Testing Simultaneous Planarity when the Common Graph is 2-Connected
If our above conjectures above hold, then for every n the various realization maps should lead to the analogous exact sequence for our groups defined by trees.
Geometric Filtrations of Classical Link Concordance
Conversely, given a natural number n, the above procedure can be done in reverse, leading to a unique rooted tree τ (n) with Matula number n.
Tree statistics from Matula numbers
Or, do vortices unpin in a cascade restricted to a wedge within the star (Alpar et al. 1981; Warszawski & Melatos 2008)? A branching process, where an unpinned vortex also preferentially unpins its nearest neighbours, leading to a branching tree of activity, would produce this outcome.
Gravitational-wave bursts and stochastic background from superfluid vortex avalanches during pulsar glitches
The tendency for crystals of lead to "tree" over from the negative to the positive plates is well known. "The Automobile Storage Battery" by
She knew of a path through the trees which would lead her straight to old Badger's lodge. "The Old Countess; or, The Two Proposals" by
Or take the case of the pine or the spruce tree that loses its central and leading shoot. "Ways of Nature" by
Next he painted pictures upon the trees along the path leading from the wigwam to the lodge. "Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children" by
This beautiful structure is approached by three magnificent avenues, shaded by stately trees, leading respectively from Paris, St. "Maria Antoinette" by
These shoots, except the leading ones, should be shortened back; but to what length depends upon the vigor of the tree. "Soil Culture" by
Leading her to an arbor under the whitewashed trees, they made her sit down. "The Wide Awake Girls in Winsted" by
These were, of course, trees of the virgin forests, long since removed that we and all the world might have lead-pencils. "Old Plymouth Trails" by
Make the tree as even as you can by shortening leading shoots on opposite sides. "The Book of Pears and Plums" by
The Templars, not daring to bury him, soldered him up in lead, and hung him on a crooked tree in their river-side orchard. "Old and New London" by
You taught me at your knee.
Why did I not your warning heed . . .
And now - the gallows tree.
O’er the wall’s rent were shed.
Thence oft, a little lad, would he
Look down upon the lead.
And lead him to his seat beneath the tree,
Each striving to be first, for his caress,
Or gain the favour'd seat upon his knee.
our land is smitten by a plague of fear and lead,
our land is shadowed by the gallows tree
our land a common graveyard, huge with dead.
And in the summer time it's frequented with bees,
And also crows with their unmusical cry,
Which is a great annoyance to the villagers that live near by.
High over the mountains and down through the meads!
The brooks they are singing, the trees hear the call;
My heart's like a lark and sings out with them all.