For fear that; that . . . not; in order that . . . not. "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty.", "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." -
Last; least. -
Lust; desire; pleasure. -
That (without the negative particle); -- after certain expressions denoting fear or apprehension. "I feared Lest I might anger thee." -
lĕst To listen.
For fear that; that … not; so that … not: as, he fled lest (or for fear that) he should be killed; take heed lest you fall (that you fall not). -
etc. A Middle English form of last, least, list, lust.
lest that not: for fear that. -
lest (Spens.) to listen.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. leste, fr. AS. ðȳ lǣs ðē, the less that, where ðȳ, is the instrumental case of the definite article, and ðē, is an indeclinable relative particle, that, who, which,. See The Less (a.)
And lest anyone miss the message, Chevron products manager W.J. miaminewtimes.com
Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty. nytimes.com
They smell your mouth Lest you've told someone 'I love you'. pbs.org
"(Name) is rethinking plans to get helium balloons for my husband's b-day, lest the kids decide to take flight". ilx.com
Bartenders must tamp down their own views lest they offend a paying customer. denverpost.com
Traders and managers will need to, lest they risk drowning in the ever-expanding ocean of Big Data. futuresmag.com
Lest I immediately be labeled a stick in the mud, let me remind you, this is a TV show. vgazette.com
Lest anyone start panicking any time soon, there are more than 800 Ruby Tuesday restaurants. blog.syracuse.com
Fill it out carefully, lest you have too much or too little withheld. philly.com
That said, it might be a good idea to at least be familiar with the major players, lest you think your girlfriend is cheating on you with one of them. 98kool.com
Lest you thought Bill Murray had stopped being awesome for a hot second, we bring you this urgent update: Bill Murray is still awesome. 1037theloon.com
When it comes to developing vehicles that aren't really going to operate until they are on another planet , QDR is essential, lest one be left with a highly expensive sculpture. autofieldguide.com
Coach Jim Grobe of Wake Forest has to tread carefully lest he step on the toes of a good friend and longtime assistant. 2.journalnow.com
At a time when we should be encouraging job growth and courting new businesses to make this county their home, we are left praying for a mild winter, lest our roads crumble even further. morningjournalnews.com
Lest we forget, driving under the influence of alcohol is a 100 percent preventable crime. dallasnews.com
Proposition 1.1 If g is odd, then the largest (i.e. smal lest index) characteristic non-geometric subgroup of π is given by al l g th powers and K .
Large characteristic subgroups of surface groups not containing any simple loops
Therefore, we need to study the distribution of the smal lest root of p′ (x), given that the smallest root of p(x) is fixed at 0.
Mathematics of learning
The resulting algebra RS(π) (resp., RS (π)) has connections with classical invariant theory. A canonical special case of this construction is obtained by taking V to be the simple non-trivial module of smal lest dimension.
Presenting generalized q-Schur algebras
Indeed, let us consider the evolution of s0 — velocity dispersion of smal lest planetesimals having dimensionless mass x = 1.
Dynamical evolution of planetesimals in protoplanetary disks
As a result, it does not matter whether one studies the dynamics of planetesimals or runaway bodies — all the conclusions of §C.1 stay unchanged as long as the interaction with smal lest planetesimals occurs in the dispersion-dominated regime.
Dynamical evolution of planetesimals in protoplanetary disks
Ought he to give the alarm or wait, lest the sound of the shot warned the two horsemen as well as alarmed Brennan? "The Rider of Waroona" by
So much so that if she had a husband, he dare not beat her lest she run and tattle to them. "The Arrow-Maker" by
Went you forth in such haste lest you should be clapped into prison for stealing? "In Convent Walls" by
There was quite a fresh breeze when he went to his room; but he trembled with fear lest it should subside before he could take advantage of it. "Watch and Wait" by
He refused to do so, lest he should have to wring money from the poor in order to pay it. "A Student's History of England, v. 1 (of 3)" by
I waited, dreading lest I should be suddenly attacked. "Hushed Up" by
She maintained her hold on the leash bravely, lest worse follow. "Heart of the Blue Ridge" by
Pretty soon the storm rattled very near him, and he thought he had better seek shelter, lest the thunder should strike and kill him. "Japanese Fairy World" by
Possibly it was a dangerous shade to summon, lest the substance follow. "The Prisoner" by
I was surprised at the old man's absence, and fearful lest at any moment he might turn up. "Murder Point" by
"Now will I watch my tongue;
Lest I let slip one sinful word,
Or do my neighbor wrong."
Is: There's often time to spare,
And that races are (like this one)
Won not always by a hair.
Of angels, who at thy command
Are charg'd to bear me, ev'ry one,
Lest I shou'd stumble at a stone.
Upon them as before—
Driven upwards evermore, lest I
Should love these things no more.
A veil 'twixt us and Thee—
Lest we should hear too clear, too clear,
And unto madness see!
And waits for your request;
Come, lest he rouse his wrath and swear,
"Ye shall not see my rest."