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Fine Dictionary


A delegation of the Doelists asks the Prince lying in bed to convene a free court-martial, independent of the city government, 9 September 1748. Marked top right: XXXII. Dl. pl. III.
A delegation of the Doelists asks the Prince lying in bed to convene a free court-martial, independent of the city government, 9 September 1748. Marked top right: XXXII. Dl. pl. III.
  1. (adj) free
    not literal "a loose interpretation of what she had been told","a free translation of the poem"
  2. (adj) free
    completely wanting or lacking "writing barren of insight","young recruits destitute of experience","innocent of literary merit","the sentence was devoid of meaning"
  3. (adj) free
    unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion "free expansion","free oxygen","a free electron"
  4. (adj) free
    not fixed in position "the detached shutter fell on him","he pulled his arm free and ran"
  5. (adj) free
    able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint "free enterprise","a free port","a free country","I have an hour free","free will","free of racism","feel free to stay as long as you wish","a free choice"
  6. (adj) free
    not held in servitude "after the Civil War he was a free man"
  7. (adj) free
    not occupied or in use "a free locker","a free lane"
  8. (adj) free
    not taken up by scheduled activities "a free hour between classes","spare time on my hands"
  9. (adj) free
    costing nothing "complimentary tickets","free admission"
  10. (adv) free
    without restraint "cows in India are running loose"
  11. (v) free
    make (assets) available "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
  12. (v) free
    let off the hook "I absolve you from this responsibility"
  13. (v) free
    free or remove obstruction from "free a path across the cluttered floor"
  14. (v) free
    remove or force out from a position "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums","He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble"
  15. (v) free
    release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
  16. (v) free
    part with a possession or right "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest","resign a claim to the throne"
  17. (v) free
    relieve from "Rid the house of pests"
  18. (v) free
    grant freedom to; free from confinement
  19. (v) free
    free from obligations or duties
  20. (v) free
    make (information) available for publication "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
  21. (v) free
    grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to "She exempted me from the exam"
  22. (n) free
    people who are free "the home of the free and the brave"
Freeing or visiting the prisoners as the fourth of the works of mercy. The scene is set in an architectural frame with an arch. Above, in cartouche, the title. In the foreground prisoners are sitting in a block; they are visited by some of the citizens who offer them food. On the second plan, on the right, Paul and Silas in Philippi prison; On the left, Peter is released from captivity by an angel. In the frame on the left Jeremiah with text from Jeremiah 21; on the right a king from the OT with text from Ecclesiastes 4. In the four outer corners, scenes from the OT and NT that are about prisoners: Abraham and Melchizedek; David and the Amalekites; Daniel in the lions' den; Tobias. With explanatory texts from OT and NT Under the performance four lines of Latin. This print is part of a series of prints of the works of mercy (consisting of a title page and seven numbered prints).
Freeing or visiting the prisoners as the fourth of the works of mercy. The scene is set in an architectural frame with an arch. Above, in cartouche, the title. In the foreground prisoners are sitting in a block; they are visited by some of the citizens who offer them food. On the second plan, on the right, Paul and Silas in Philippi prison; On the left, Peter is released from captivity by an angel. In the frame on the left Jeremiah with text from Jeremiah 21; on the right a king from the OT with text from Ecclesiastes 4. In the four outer corners, scenes from the OT and NT that are about prisoners: Abraham and Melchizedek; David and the Amalekites; Daniel in the lions' den; Tobias. With explanatory texts from OT and NT Under the performance four lines of Latin. This print is part of a series of prints of the works of mercy (consisting of a title page and seven numbered prints).
An angel frees the apostle Peter from prison.
An angel frees the apostle Peter from prison.
Cabinet glued with rosewood on an oak core, resting on spherical legs. Half-columns and free-standing columns are placed on diagonally placed corrugations with cushions in the corners; the capitals are decorated with heads and leaves. The frieze of the entablature is glued with floral motifs at the front and with two birds in the middle. On the profile above lion masks with cherubs. The cornice has an openwork decorative piece in the middle. At the bottom a wide drawer, divided in two by crumbling.
Cabinet glued with rosewood on an oak core, resting on spherical legs. Half-columns and free-standing columns are placed on diagonally placed corrugations with cushions in the corners; the capitals are decorated with heads and leaves. The frieze of the entablature is glued with floral motifs at the front and with two birds in the middle. On the profile above lion masks with cherubs. The cornice has an openwork decorative piece in the middle. At the bottom a wide drawer, divided in two by crumbling.
Half-length portrait to the right of Johan, free lord of Paffenrode, lord of Gussigny, in armor. His left hand rests on a helmet, in his right he holds a command staff. In front of him is a book with the text Utroque clarescere pulchrum. Below the portrait a cartouche with his name and a three-line text in Dutch.
Half-length portrait to the right of Johan, free lord of Paffenrode, lord of Gussigny, in armor. His left hand rests on a helmet, in his right he holds a command staff. In front of him is a book with the text Utroque clarescere pulchrum. Below the portrait a cartouche with his name and a three-line text in Dutch.
Cupboard, so-called cushion cupboard, glued with rosewood and ebony on an oak core. Free-standing Corinthian columns form the corner posts at the front. The middle pillar has a half column. Both doors are decorated with high cushions. The main frame and pedestal are decorated with cushion panels, as are the sides. Quarter-columns against the rear wall. The pedestal has two drawers. The piece of furniture rests on three turned black wooden spheres. Inside four shelves.
Cupboard, so-called cushion cupboard, glued with rosewood and ebony on an oak core. Free-standing Corinthian columns form the corner posts at the front. The middle pillar has a half column. Both doors are decorated with high cushions. The main frame and pedestal are decorated with cushion panels, as are the sides. Quarter-columns against the rear wall. The pedestal has two drawers. The piece of furniture rests on three turned black wooden spheres. Inside four shelves.
Richard Cobden and the free traders
Hercules frees Prometheus
Portrait of Joachim Rendorp (1728-92), free lord of Marquette, brewer and mayor of Amsterdam on several occasions. Bust to the left, in a stone window. Pendant to SK-A-2421.
Joachim Rendorp (1728-92), free lord of Marquette.Brouwer and several times mayor of Amsterdam
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
New Hampshire's license plates are stamped with the motto "Live Free Or Die." They are made by prison inmates.
  1. Free
    Characteristic of one acting without restraint; charming; easy.
  2. Free
    Clear of offense or crime; guiltless; innocent. "My hands are guilty, but my heart is free ."
  3. Free
    Exempt from subjection to the will of others; not under restraint, control, or compulsion; able to follow one's own impulses, desires, or inclinations; determining one's own course of action; not dependent; at liberty. "That which has the power, or not the power, to operate, is that alone which is or is not free ."
  4. Free
    Exempt; clear; released; liberated; not encumbered or troubled with; as, free from pain; free from a burden; -- followed by from, or, rarely, by of. "Princes declaring themselves free from the obligations of their treaties."
  5. Free
    Invested with a particular freedom or franchise; enjoying certain immunities or privileges; admitted to special rights; -- followed by of. "He therefore makes all birds, of every sect, Free of his farm."
  6. Free
    Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master.
  7. Free
    Not arbitrary or despotic; assuring liberty; defending individual rights against encroachment by any person or class; instituted by a free people; -- said of a government, institutions, etc.
  8. Free
    Not close or parsimonious; liberal; open-handed; lavish; as, free with his money.
  9. Free
    Not confined or imprisoned; released from arrest; liberated; at liberty to go. "Set an unhappy prisoner free ."
  10. Free
    Not under an arbitrary or despotic government; subject only to fixed laws regularly and fairly administered, and defended by them from encroachments upon natural or acquired rights; enjoying political liberty.
  11. Free
    Ready; eager; acting without spurring or whipping; spirited; as, a free horse.
  12. Free
    Thrown open, or made accessible, to all; to be enjoyed without limitations; unrestricted; not obstructed, engrossed, or appropriated; open; -- said of a thing to be possessed or enjoyed; as, a free school. "Why, sir, I pray, are not the streets as free For me as for you?"
  13. Free
    To frank.
  14. Free
    To remove, as something that confines or bars; to relieve from the constraint of. "This master key Frees every lock, and leads us to his person."
  15. Free
    Unconstrained by timidity or distrust; unreserved; ingenuous; frank; familiar; communicative. "He was free only with a few."
  16. Free
    Unrestrained; immoderate; lavish; licentious; -- used in a bad sense. "The critics have been very free in their censures.", "A man may live a free life as to wine or women."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
The internet is NOT FREE, a group of companies actually own the internet.
  1. free
    Not subjected to physical or moral restriction or control, either absolutely or in one or more particulars; able to act without external controlling interference; being at liberty: said of persons and of their acts or functions: as, free thought; a free conscience; free will or choice; the prisoner was set free; he was free to go or to stay.
  2. free
    Unrestrained in movement; not constrained, as by fastenings, to remain in a certain position or to move in a certain direction: as, to get one's arm free; the free motion of a particle in space. See def. 17.
  3. free
    Specifically, not subject to arbitrary, despotic, or autocratic governmental control, but existing under a government and laws based on the consent, expressed or implied, of the majority of the governed; having civil liberty: as, a free state or people; a free church.
  4. free
    Based on the principles of civil liberty; not arbitrary, despotic, or autocratic: as, a free constitution or government.
  5. free
    Characterized by liberty of action or expression; unreserved, open, frank, ingenuous, etc.: often with the implication of undue liberty.
  6. free
    Loose; at liberty; wild: often used in old English poetry, mainly for alliteration, without special significance.
  7. free
    Unrestrained by decency; bold; indecent.
  8. free
    Clear of obstruction or impediment; not hindered or restricted; unobstructed: as, free motion; the water has a free passage or channel; a free field of action.
  9. free
    Clear or exempt (from something); having immunity: with from, or sometimes of: as, free from disease, or from faults; a grove free from underbrush.
  10. free
    Open for use or enjoyment; generally accessible or available; not appropriated; unrestricted: as, air and water are free; the ocean is a free highway for all nations; a free library.
  11. free
    Specifically, not encumbered with taxes or customs-duties.
  12. free
    Gratuitous; without compensation or reward; clear of equivalent or reciprocation: as, free schools or education; a free table; a free gift or service.
  13. free
    Liberal; not parsimonious or sparing; giving or using, or disposed to give or use, generously or abundantly: as, he is very free with his money; a free patron of art.
  14. free
    Invested with the rights or immunities (of); having a right to the freedom, enjoyment, or use (of): with of: as, a man free of the city of London.
  15. free
    Ready; eager; not dull; acting without compulsion.
  16. free
    Not holding strictly to rule or form or to an original: as, a free drawing; a free translation; a free fugue.
  17. free
    Not attached or fixed; moving freely, or able to do so; detached from some support: as, the free larval form of an animal afterward becoming fixed.
  18. free
  19. free
    In chem., not chemically combined with any other body; at liberty to escape: as, free carbonic-acid gas.
  20. free
    In botany, not adnate to other organs: as, a free ovary (that is, one not united with the calyx); a free placenta (one detached from the walls of the ovary). It is sometimes used in the sense of distinct, or not adnate to adjacent organs of the same kind.
  21. free
    In entomology, unrestrained in articulate movement; movable at the point of contact.
  22. free
    Said of those parts of a limb which are beyond the common integument of the body.
  23. free
  24. free
    To use liberties with; use, or make use of, with undue freedom.
  25. (n) free
    A person of free or noble birth; often, in early poetry, a lady.
  26. free
    In a free manner, in any sense of the adjective; freely; with freedom or liberty.
  27. free
    To make free; release from restraint or constraint; specifically, to release from bondage or from imprisonment: as, to free prisoners or slaves.
  28. free
    To rid, as from something obstructive or restrictive; clear; disentangle; disengage: with from or of: as, to free a man from debt, or the feet from fetters; to free the lungs of morbid matter; to free a ship from water by pumping it out.
  29. free
    To remove.
  30. free
    To clear from blame or stain; absolve from some charge; gain pardon for.
  31. free
    To indorse and send free by mail; frank.
  32. free
    To make free; take liberties: followed by with.
  33. free
    In horticulture, abundantly blooming or fruiting; also, of profuse and rapid growth.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
The CN Tower, in Toronto, is the tallest free standing structure in the world.
  1. (adj) Free
    frē not bound: at liberty: not under arbitrary government: unimpeded: set at liberty: guiltless: frank: lavish: not attached: exempt (with from): having a franchise (with of): gratuitous: bold, indecent: idiomatic, as a translation
  2. (v.t) Free
    to set at liberty: to deliver from what confines: to rid (with from, of):—pr.p. free′ing; pa.p. freed
  3. (n) Free
    the practice of a freebooter: robbery, pillage
  4. (adj) Free
    having a stone from which the pulp easily separates, as a peach—opp. to Clingstone
  5. (adj) Free
Jacques Prevert
When truth is no longer free, freedom is no longer real: the truths of the police are the truths of today.
Jacques Prevert
Princess of Wales Diana
I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's the way I am.
Princess of Wales Diana
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Resolve and thou art free.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
No one is free who does not lord over himself.
He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.
St. Augustine
Liberty is being free from the things we don't like in order to be slaves of the things we do like.
Ernest Benn

Feel free - If you ask for permission to do something and are told to feel free, the other person means that there is absolutely no problem

Free rein - If someone has a free rein, they have the authority to make the decisions they want without any restrictions. ('Free reign' is a common mistake.)

Free-for-all - A free-for-all is a fight or contest in which everyone gets involved and rules are not respected.

Get away scot-free - If someone gets away scot-free, they are not punished when they have done something wrong. ('Get off scot-free' is an alternative.)

Scot free - If someone escapes scot free, they avoid payment or punishment. 'Scot' is an old word for a tax, so it originally referred to avoiding taxes, though now has a wider sense of not being punished for someone that you have done.

Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free - This idiom is usually used to refer to men who don't want to get married, when they can get all the benefits of marriage without getting married.


Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. fre, freo, AS. freó, frī,; akin to D. vrij, OS. & OHG. frī, G. frei, Icel. frī, Sw. & Dan. fri, Goth. freis, and also to Skr. prija, beloved, dear, fr. prī, to love, Goth. frijōn,. Cf. Affray Belfry Friday Friend Frith inclosure

Usage in the news

Music Phil Bacharach Sugar Free Allstars with Heidi Swedberg 2 pm Sunday Cafe Evoke 103 S Broadway, Edmond 285-1522 free.

Free even by the standards of free countries.

BENHAM—There's not many things that are free in today's world, so when you have the chance to get something for free, you'd better make sure you take it.

Feeder -Free, Xeno-Free Culture of hESCs.

Debbie Dufault will receive a coupon for her choice of a free car wash, a free three-pack of tacos or a free pizza at Ampride Convenience Mart in Crookston.

Vlad Morozov also bettered the 100 free meet record with his 100 free relay leadoff. Free Personalized Greeting Card with Free Shipping (today only.).

The Free Clinic of Southwest Washington's annual Holiday Ball brought in more than $204,000 to help support the health care provider's efforts to give free medical treatments to those in need.

"This training consists of administrative procedures for weed-free hay and forage inspections," said Don Gallegos, CDA's weed free forage program administrator.

( periodically will profile a potential Detroit Red Wings free-agent target until the start of free agency on July 1).

All Blogs Phlog Free Fun Shit: Sept 28-Oct 4: Group Hug's "Last Grr-Ah," free booze (.

FREE AGENTS WHO COULD BE FITS FOR RANGERS: With MLB free agency officially underway, we're heading into the part of the off-season where reason often gives way to rampant speculation.

Cathy Free has written her " Free Lunch " column since 1999, believing that everyone has a story worth telling.

FREE STUFF You may give one item away for free and run the ad for 2 days with the exception of any type of animals 610-377-2051 570-668-1250 1-800-443-0377 Kim.

Get a coupon for one free Safeway Select Simmering Sauce and one free Slow Cooker Sauce.

Usage in scientific papers

These and results of a similar nature have been instrumental in applications of free probability to the study of the free group factors L(Fn ) and related factors; some of the first of these were , , , , .
Invariant subspaces of Voiculescu's circular operator

Furthermore, by a family of GPS of rank r over T , we mean the following (1) a rank r sheaf E on eX0 × T flat over T and locally free outside {x1 , x2} × T . (2) a locally free rank r quotient Q of Ex1 ⊕ Ex2 on T . (3) a flag bundle F lag~n(x) (Ex) on T with given weights for each x ∈ I .
Factorization of generalized theta functions at reducible case

Any stable GPS (E , Q) with rank(E ) > 0 must be locally free (i.e., E is locally free), and two stable GPS are s-equivalent iff they are isomorphic.
Factorization of generalized theta functions at reducible case

The opacity κ has contributions from electron scattering, free-free absorption and electron conduction, which we calculate as described in Schatz et al. (1999).
Rotational Evolution During Type I X-Ray Bursts

Voiculescu [V1] has made a remarkable observation that for q = 0 random variables Gµ are free semicircular elements (an analogue of independent Gaussian variables in the free probability theory of Voiculescu [V3, VDN]).
Gaussian Random Matrix Models for q-deformed Gaussian Random Variables

Usage in literature

Expression is free, and worship is free as far as it is the expression of personal devotion. "Liberalism" by L. T. Hobhouse

Free trams may well imply free trains in the metropolitan and suburban area. "British Socialism" by J. Ellis Barker

It is only where there is neither a cultural nor a political order that commerce is absolutely free. "Introduction to the Science of Sociology" by Robert E. Park

Rachel was no more free to keep her virginity than you were free to remain a Christian after the Turks captured you. "The Saracen: Land of the Infidel" by Robert Shea

Her right arm free, she thrust her open palm against his jaw, forcing his head back. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by Robert Shea

Then dawn came stealing over the desert, and the two shook themselves free from sleep. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930" by Various

He could not get free: and he was ashamed. "The Rainbow" by D. H. (David Herbert) Lawrence

She pulled her arm free. "Shaman" by Robert Shea

The gills are always white, wide, ventricose, rounded next to the stem, and free from it. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by M. E. Hard

It is simply the free outcome of the free beliefs of the people, as much a part of them as the fruit is of the tree. "The Soul of a People" by H. Fielding

Usage in poetry
Perhaps you are free tomorrow?
If so, perhaps the matinee
Will teach us sorrow.
Said the NAFTA skeleton
Get rich, Free Trade,
Said the Maquiladora skeleton
Sweat shops, low paid
I labored up the valley
To granite mountains free.
You hurried down the river
To Zidon by the sea.
Said the Think Tank skeleton
Free Market's the way
Said the Saving & Loan skeleton
Make the State pay
When his own good time arriveth,
Then will He,
From the load with which thou strivest,
Set thee free.
The Day-spring from above,
The Truth that maketh free:
Give us great hearts to love
A great land worthily!