free from constraint "he was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society","the dog was unconstrained","idle, unconstrained gossip"
Free from constraint; free to act; not acting or done under compulsion; voluntary. -
Not constrained or embarrassed; not mentally constrained.
un-kon-strānd′ not under constraint, voluntary: not embarrassed
This paper addresses the problem of detecting keywords in unconstrained speech. aaai.org
Ql are considered to be unconstrained N × N Hermitian.
Spectra of Random Contractions and Scattering Theory for Discrete-Time Systems
Let cγ ,k denote the number of random walks of length k , with steps in S , from the origin to γ , but unconstrained by a chamber.
Random Walk in an Alcove of an Affine Weyl Group, and Non-Colliding Random Walks on an Interval
The number of unconstrained walks from η to η + γ with steps ei is γ1 !···γn ! .
Random Walk in an Alcove of an Affine Weyl Group, and Non-Colliding Random Walks on an Interval
If either x = 0 or y = 0 then the other (nonzero) variable is unconstrained, giving flat directions in the moduli space of solutions to the classical equations of motion.
M(atrix) Theory: Matrix Quantum Mechanics as a Fundamental Theory
Moreover, they can be mapped onto unconstrained random walks on a random surface, and the latter corresponds to a non-Hermitian random free fermion model which describes electron localization near a band edge.
Anomalous Roughness, Localization, and Globally Constrained Random Walks
True love cannot be divided, and must be voluntary and unconstrained. "Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote" by
Tea was served; the conversation became still more unconstrained. "A Nobleman's Nest" by
Nothing can be more unconstrained. "The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 (Vol 28 of 55)" by
His position was easy and unconstrained, and his seat was firm. "Tom, The Bootblack" by
Left master of the field of battle, Charming listened to nothing but his caprice, and lived lawless and unconstrained. "Laboulaye's Fairy Book" by
Unconstrain'd to rove along The bushy brakes and glens among. "Notes and Queries, Number 203, September 17, 1853" by
In bearing they were much gayer and more unconstrained than the Chinese. "A Wayfarer in China" by
His face was calm, and his smile sweet, and his manner unconstrained. "The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. X (of X) - America - II, Index" by
The elbows should be steady, and kept in an easy, and apparently unconstrained position, near the sides. "The Young Lady's Equestrian Manual" by
He seemed wholly unconstrained, but the truth was not in him. "Nobody" by
To the bottom of the night,
With your unconstraining voice
Still persuade us to rejoice;
Should you persuade her—
The Unconstrainable One
Who has slid out of the arms of so many lovers,
Leaving'not'a feather in their hands!