federal agency responsible for enforcing laws and regulations governing narcotics and controlled substances; goal is to immobilize drug trafficking organizations
Online Staff Report Dec 24 , 2011, an accident took place on Bypass 20 that resulted in the deaths of Dea Crose and Cole Trusler.
DEA and Onedia Nation take unwanted prescription drugs for safe disposal .
Chicago – To promote the safe disposal of prescription drugs, the American Medical Association (AMA) encourages patients to take advantage of the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 28.
Nationally, DEA has collected a total of 995,185 pounds (498.5 tons) of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal at the 5,327 Take-Back sites available in all 50 states and US territories during the past 13 months.
The Hawaii Department of the Attorney General, DEA and State Narcotics Enforcement Division are coordinating the fourth National Take-Back Initiative.
It was learned that Baker was wanted by the US Marshal Service/DEA in NYC for the distribution of cocaine.
DEA probes Walgreens pharmacies over drug diversion in Florida.
DEA apologizes to college student left in cell.
"I think it's become a national movement because there is so much of an issue now with prescription drugs being misused and abused," said Debbie Black, a DEA diversion investigator.
A Honduran counternarcotics policeman stands watch during the incineration of nearly half a ton of cocaine seized in a joint operation with US DEA agents in Honduras.
DEA warns public of extortion scam.
The Miami DEA is searching for a federal fugitive .
0The DEA will host drug take back events nationwide this Saturday.
Jon Naso/The Star-Ledger In this file photo, a drug enforcement agent secures evidence from a seizure at DEA Headquarters in Newark.
Kerin O'Dea's language teacher mother gave her the belief that with hard work she could do well in whatever profession she chose.
Thus the number of l-connected sets of volume m that intersect the box [−n, n]d is smaller than (2n + 1)dea(l)m .
Quenched invariance principles for random walks with random conductances
Since Jt is integrable, we have dea(t)φα + Eα (t)ea(t)φα = 0.
Deformations of generalized complex and generalized Kahler structures
Faraut: Introduction a l’analyse des matrices al´eatoires, Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, Cours de DEA (2001-2002).
Random and Integrable Models in Mathematics and Physics
Th is section dea ls w i th the abe l ian HSP and is mostly based on [Dam2001].
The Hidden Subgroup Problem
Guichardet A., Cohomologie dea groupes topologiques et des alg`ebres de Lie.
q_R-conformal symmetries in 2D nonlocal quantum field theory, categorical representation theory, and Virasoro algebra
Will Dea live, can Dea live? "Clair de Lune" by
You good dea' maw wise dissa magistrate Tsan Ran Foo. "Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes" by
But 's tued an' moil'd 'issen deaed, an' 'e died a good un, 'e did. "The Book of Humorous Verse" by
The Bona Dea, or Good Goddess, was a woodland deity, the daughter and wife of Faunus. "The Science of Fairy Tales" by
Dea's first tooth was in Licinia's keeping and so was the first lock of hair cut from Dea's head. ""Unto Caesar"" by
Zo you gom vrom Kopfontein all py youzelf to puy mealies and dea, and goffee and sugars? "Diamond Dyke" by
And to think of the ankles of little Dea! "The Immortal" by
Deas, Miss Mary L., Charleston. "The American Missionary - Volume 52, No. 1, March, 1898" by
Brattleboro, First, Fessenden Girls, 10; Dea. "The American Missionary - Volume 52, No. 2, June, 1898" by
This eminently devout and useful man, was so burdened with Dea. "Log-book of Timothy Boardman" by
Sacro a Minerva,--la Dea propizia
Ai savi, austera Dea,
Pensieroso sedea
Con cui sapra` dar vita ad una Dea;
So che dopo la notte vien l'aurora,
Dopo il dubbio l'idea.
Le barbariche genti che ti han doma
Nomavan tutte; e questo a noi pur fea
Lieve la varia, antiqua, infame soma.
Ardua tecta petit, stabuli et de culmine summo
Pastorale canit signum, cornuque recurvo
Tartaream intendit vocem, qua protinus omne
Contremuit nemus, et silvae intonuere profundae.