a trivalent metalloid element; occurs both in a hard black crystal and in the form of a yellow or brown powder
bō"rŏn (Chem) A nonmetallic element occurring abundantly in borax. It is reduced with difficulty to the free state, when it can be obtained in several different forms; viz., as a substance of a deep olive color, in a semimetallic form, and in colorless quadratic crystals similar to the diamond in hardness and other properties. It occurs in nature also in boracite, datolite, tourmaline, and some other minerals. Atomic number 5. Atomic weight 10.81. Symbol B.
Chemical symbol, B; atomic weight, 11. A chemical element belonging to the group of non-metals. Two allotropic forms of this element are known, one a brown, amorphous powder, slightly soluble in water, the other (adamantine boron) crystalline, and with a luster and hardness inferior only to that of the diamond. In all its compounds boron appears to be trivalent. It does not occur in nature in the free state, but some of its compounds are well-known articles of commerce. It is prepared by heating boric acid at a high temperature with some powerful reducing agent, such as potassium or aluminium. Its oxygen acid, horacic acid, and the soda salt, borax, are extensively used in the arts.
bō′ron a simple non-metallic element present in borax and boracic acid, obtained in crystals which resemble diamonds.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary See Borax
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary See Borax.
Gel to Enhance Boron Nitride Powder.
Baker's Tiger Sulphur Breaks The Boron Barrier.
In the not too distant future, nutrition experts may tell us to include boron -rich foods in our diet.
The opponent, Boron (4-1), is one thing.
And that's bad, because deficiencies in micronutrients like manganese, copper, zinc, iron or boron can put a hit on yield.
My thanks to the Knight Science Journalism Tracker for pointing out a "mea culpa" posted today by The New York Times 's Kenneth Chang regarding an error he made in an article last week about a new form of the element boron.
High concentrations of naturally occurring elements, including arsenic and boron, as well as human-introduced compounds such as nitrate, were found in three aquifers studied in the Sacramento Valley in California.
Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials: Hot-Pressed Boron Nitride .
3M to buy Ceradyne, including boron plant in Quapaw .
Tim Boron shined in goal for the Rush as he was able to earn his eighth pro shutout of his career.
Researchers at Rice University and Penn State, found that adding boron to carbon nanotubes created a reusable sponge that may help clean up oil spills in water.
Gel to Enhance Boron Nitride Powder.
SemEquip will continue to market its cluster ion chemistry, particularly boron cluster ions such as B18H22, to the semiconductor industry.
Researchers are on the verge of unleashing the power of the element boron in a new generation of drugs and therapies as decades of research begins to bear fruit.
AX15 has been added to this company's Combat® family of high-purity, hot- pressed boron nitride products.
In an earlier publication,4 we discussed the possible existence of metallic boron nanotubes that could serve such a purpose.
Metal-Boron Nanotubes
Boron nanotubes can be constructed from the so-called Aufbau principle for the formation of stable boron compounds formulated in Ref. 5.
Metal-Boron Nanotubes
This Aufbau principle identifies a small set of simple structural features characteristic of the most stable isomers of pure boron clusters and proposes that highly stable boron clusters, surfaces, and networks can be constructed using only these structural elements.
Metal-Boron Nanotubes
Crystalline α-boron has long been the paradigm for boron bonding.
Metal-Boron Nanotubes
The coordination in the proposed boron nanotubes is very different – hexagonal pyramidal – but also follows the Aufbau principle.
Metal-Boron Nanotubes
A great variety of methods for coating incandescent lamp filaments with silicon, titanium, chromium, osmium, boron, etc. "Edison, His Life and Inventions" by
I go to Paris, then to my villa at Mont Boron. "The Fortunate Youth" by
Red phosphorus also reacts with incandescence when heated in the vapor of boron iodide. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 841, February 13, 1892" by
Boron is chosen as an example (4 on Plate III). "Occult Chemistry" by
Deville's adamantine boron burns in the same manner, but with more difficulty, becoming fluoride or boron. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 561, October 2, 1886" by
A boron bronze may be prepared by the reduction of boracic acid in contact with copper. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 508, September 26, 1885" by
One part of boron fluoride BF3 instantly converts 160 parts of terebenthene into polymers boiling above 300 deg. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889" by
Claire Deville, he discovered crystallized boron. "Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882" by
Silicon and boron are not attacked by acids under ordinary conditions; titanium is easily dissolved by them. "An Elementary Study of Chemistry" by
It has been reported from British Columbia that some die-back is due to deficiency of boron. "Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting" by