a person who enrolls in (or is enrolled in) a class or course of study
Health care reform leaves NJ without federal funds for new Medicaid enrollees, assemblywoman says. nj.com
While most states will have to pick up much of the tab for new enrollees in Medicaid beginning in 2017, Nebraska will not. commentarymagazine.com
Women Veterans Dissatisfied with VA Care, Especially Sexual Trauma Screening for New Enrollees. usmedicine.com
Nearly all states have at least one program to encourage Medicaid enrollees to reduce emergency department use considered unnecessary. ama-assn.org
Bethlehem Enhanced STAR enrollees must renew by March 1. blog.timesunion.com
But if the Congress doesn't adjust the price of the voucher each year enough to cover the true medical needs of Medicare enrollees (and not just what everybody wants), then the Obama team will be right. chron.com
Anya Kapstan, a new Peninsula College enrollee, takes the bus to classes from her home in Port Townsend. sequimgazette.com
Neighborhood Health Plan, which serves mostly low-income enrollees, would be affiliated with an organization that includes two hospital giants in Massachusetts. ama-assn.org
The only way the Bulldogs can sign all their targets is to make use of the early enrollee spaces available in January. espn.go.com
They, and other enrollees, could open up treatment options for future patients. onlineathens.com
Jones and Ogletree believed leaving, assistant coaches, early enrollees. ledger-enquirer.com
Unlike Medicare which is financed by enrollees and the federal government, Medicaid is financed by the feds and state governments. boston.com
Insurers must send enrollees and prospective members documents that allow for comparisons of coverage, but they say the requirement could lead to higher premiums. ama-assn.org
Some experts question state interpretations that the Supreme Court decision means they no longer need federal waivers to cut enrollees. ama-assn.org
FEHBP enrollees generally pleased with health coverage. govexec.com