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Fine Dictionary


Dress, robe à l'anglaise or polonaise, of red-green and white striped and floral silk, consisting of an overgown (a) and a skirt (b). Louis XVI style.
Dress, robe à l'anglaise or polonaise, of red-green and white striped and floral silk, consisting of an overgown (a) and a skirt (b). Louis XVI style.
  1. (n) dressing
    the act of applying a bandage
  2. (n) dressing
    the activity of getting dressed; putting on clothes
  3. (n) dressing
    processes in the conversion of rough hides into leather
  4. (n) dressing
    a cloth covering for a wound or sore
  5. (n) dressing
    making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure
  6. (n) dressing
    a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
  7. (n) dressing
    savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type
A decent company on a terrace. Two fashionably dressed couples in an interior. The man on the left is stroking a dog, gloves and a sword lie on the floor.
A decent company on a terrace
Dress with diagonal stripes, Karabagh or Daghestan. Midfield: full pattern of oblique stripes of dark blue and yellow filled with fine finials. Edge: quadruple. The widest rim is white with stacked calyxes in red, green, dark brown, ocher, blue, purple and light yellow. Here outside two tilting edges in brown / blue and red / green. The inner border is red with white rosettes and green S-sen.
Dress with diagonal stripes, Karabagh or Daghestan. Midfield: full pattern of oblique stripes of dark blue and yellow filled with fine finials. Edge: quadruple. The widest rim is white with stacked calyxes in red, green, dark brown, ocher, blue, purple and light yellow. Here outside two tilting edges in brown / blue and red / green. The inner border is red with white rosettes and green S-sen.
A man dressed in black seated on the sidewalk of a house on Oude Delft, a letter in his left hand. A richly dressed girl, possibly his daughter, steps down the steps. An old woman in faded clothes with a boy by her side addresses the man. In the background the tower of the Oude Kerk.
A man dressed in black seated on the sidewalk of a house on Oude Delft, a letter in his left hand. A richly dressed girl, possibly his daughter, steps down the steps. An old woman in faded clothes with a boy by her side addresses the man. In the background the tower of the Oude Kerk.
Photo reproduction of a print after a painting, depicting Petruchio reprimands the tailor for an ill-fitting dress
The Seven Works of Mercy. 3: Dressing the naked. A man and a woman hand out clothes to the poor and beggars standing in front of their house. Christ stands between the arms. In the background a man is handing out clothes. Part of a series of seven paintings depicting the seven works of mercy.
The Seven Works of Mercy. 3: Dressing the naked. A man and a woman hand out clothes to the poor and beggars standing in front of their house. Christ stands between the arms. In the background a man is handing out clothes. Part of a series of seven paintings depicting the seven works of mercy.
Portrait of an unknown man dressed as Judas Iscariot for the Passion Plays in Oberammergau
Man dressed up for the Passion Plays in Oberammergau, depicting Peter's repentance
Portrait of the artist, looking through a lorgnette and dressed in a painter's coat, placed at the front of the image plane. Behind him a view of his dining room, presumably address Ceintuurbaan 288. A painter's palette, a dagger and a black mask hang from the doorpost or cupboard. Two envelopes are pinned to the doorpost or cupboard.
Portrait of the artist, looking through a lorgnette and dressed in a painter's coat, placed at the front of the image plane. Behind him a view of his dining room, presumably address Ceintuurbaan 288. A painter's palette, a dagger and a black mask hang from the doorpost or cupboard. Two envelopes are pinned to the doorpost or cupboard.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
During the 1600's, boys and girls in England wore dresses until they were about seven years old.
  1. Dressing
    (Cookery) A preparation, such as a sauce, to flavor food for eating; a condiment; as, a dressing for salad.
  2. Dressing
    (Surg) An application (a remedy, bandage, etc.) to cover a sore or wound.
  3. Dressing
    An ornamental finish, as a molding around doors, windows, or on a ceiling, etc.
  4. Dressing
    Castigation; scolding; -- often with down.
  5. Dressing
    Dress; raiment; especially, ornamental habiliment or attire.
  6. Dressing
    Gum, starch, and the like, used in stiffening or finishing silk, linen, and other fabrics.
  7. Dressing
    Manure or compost over land. When it remains on the surface, it is called a top-dressing.
  8. Dressing
    (Cookery) The stuffing of fowls, pigs, etc.; forcemeat.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
51% of adults dress up for a Halloween festivity.
  1. (n) dressing
    The act of one who dresses; the act or process of adjusting, preparing, trimming, finishing, etc., in any sense of the verb dress. Specifically, in metallurgy, the mechanical treatment which an ore receives after being brought to the surface; concentration. This is almost always done in water, and with the aid of suitable machinery. (See cob, jig, buddle.) The dressing of an ore, or the mechanical treatment, necessarily precedes the smelting, or chemical treatment. In the former it is chiefly the difference in specific gravity between the metalliferous portion of the vein and the veinstone itself of which advantage is taken for effecting a separation. In the chemical treatment the result depends on the various reactions which the substances present have with one another when exposed to a high temperature or smelted.
  2. (n) dressing
    That which is used in dressing or preparing anything, as for use or ornament. Specifically— In medicine and surgery, the remedy or apparatus applied to a wound or sore, etc.
  3. (n) dressing
    A thrashing; a flogging or beating; a reprimand or scolding.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
According to a major hotel chain, approximately the same numbers of men and women are locked out of their rooms. 32 percent are less than fully dressed.
  1. (ns) Dressing
    dress or clothes: manure given to land: matter used to give stiffness and gloss to cloth: the sauce, &c., used in preparing a dish for the table, stuffing, &c.: the bandage, &c., applied to a sore: an ornamental moulding: a thrashing
If people turn to look at you on the street, you are not well dressed.
Beau Brummel
Jennie Jerome Churchill
There is no such thing as a moral dress. It's people who are moral or immoral.
Jennie Jerome Churchill
I dress for women and I undress for men.
Angie Dickenson
William Hazlitt
Those who make their dress a principal part of themselves will, in general, become of no more value than their dress.
William Hazlitt
Lin Yu-tang
All women's dresses are merely variations on the eternal struggle between the admitted desire to dress and the unadmitted desire to undress.
Lin Yu-tang
How to dress? When the money is going from you wear anything you like. When the money is coming to you, dress your best.

All dressed up and nowhere to go - You're prepared for something that isn't going to happen.

Dress someone down - If you dress someone down, you scold them.

Dress to kill - When someone is dressed to kill, they are dressed very smartly.

Dressed to the nines - If you are in your very best clothes, you're dressed to the nines.

Mutton dressed as lamb - Mutton dressed as lamb is term for middle-aged or elderly people trying to look younger.

Window dressing - If something is done to pretend to be dealing with an issue or problem, rather than actually dealing with it, it is window dressing.


Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. dresser, to prepare—L. dirigĕre, directum, to direct.

Usage in the news

A ubiquitous day-to-evening dress, sheath dresses have been popular since Jackie Onassis and are a favorite of the current first lady, Michelle Obama.

Emily Blunt mastered the art of Russian dressing, showing up at The Wolfman premiere in Moscow looking gorgeous in a winter white corseted dress and tailored jacket.

"If you walk into a room and people say, 'What a marvelous dress,' you are badly dressed," the designer told the photographer.

Donate dresses to Hudson Bay ’s National Honor Society’s Prom Dress Drive.

AnnaLynne McCord Looking Fuller In A Red Keyhole Dress AnnaLynne busting out of her revealing dress on the set of 90210.

A proposed amendment to the dress code would have required Newport News students to wear shorts, skirts or dresses that fall to at least the knee.

Courtney Stodden dresses as a sexy school girl for halloween while her husband Doug Hutchison dresses as Courtney herself.

The Birmingham News Tiffany Denson has been making her all-natural salad dressings, T. Lish salad dressing since 2006.

There it was, the Marilyn Monroe-esque cover of Dressed to Perfection: The Art of Dressing for Your Red Carpet Moments, filling Nasdaq's.

This was the sort of "peasant life" that Marie-Antoinette played at with her female friends in the petit hameau, when they dressed in simple gauze dresses tied around the waist with satin ribbons.

Save on the Maxi Dress for Summer with a Summer Dress Sale.

You can dress them up, dress them down and layer them.

SPARKLE Costume Designer Ruth E Carter made the risky choice of dressing Sparkle 's stars in sparkly dresses.

The Carrickmacross lace-making technique used on Kate's wedding dress also featured on Diana, Princess of Wales's wedding dress .

Some schools have dress code s for students, but starting next year public schools in Janesville will start enforcing dress code s for teachers.

Usage in scientific papers

For given x ∈ M , r ∈ R+ , we call B≤r (x) := {y ∈ M | d(x, y ) ≤ r} the dressed ball with center x and radius r.
The wave equation on static singular space-times

Following standard ultrametric literature (cf. ), nested sequences of dressed balls might have empty intersection.
The wave equation on static singular space-times

To check this, let Bi := B≤ri (xi ) be a nested sequence of dressed balls in Cp with empty intersection.
The wave equation on static singular space-times

In order to avoid confusion we henceforth denote closed balls in K by B≤r (x) in distinction with dressed balls in eK which we denote by eB≤r (x).
The wave equation on static singular space-times

Note, that every dressed ball admits an euclidean model: let (xε )ε be a representative of x and define (Cε )ε by Cε := 1 for each ε ∈ I ; then B≤Cε ερ (xε ) yields determines an euclidean model of eB≤r (x).
The wave equation on static singular space-times

Usage in literature

ETIQUETTE OF DRESS AND HABITS. "Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners" by B.G. Jefferis

I set the dressing-table on fire by spilling matches and crunching them beneath my heels. "About Peggy Saville" by Mrs. G. de Horne Vaizey

Rosina wished a dress, Marietta asked him for a shawl, but Zelinda was satisfied with a handsome rose. "Italian Popular Tales" by Thomas Frederick Crane

Everybody dresses so much more in the city. "A Little Girl in Old New York" by Amanda Millie Douglas

We could get the Peter Thompsons there, and my evening dresses and slippers and things. "Blue Bonnet in Boston" by Caroline E. Jacobs

It is used chiefly in the manufacture of dress goods. "Textiles" by William H. Dooley

This is the first really decent dress I've ever had in my life. "The Root of Evil" by Thomas Dixon

Timothy's dress was a pair of wide Turkish trowsers and red jacket, with spangles. "Japhet in Search of a Father" by Frederick Marryat

So I picked myself meekly up, shook the sand from my dress, and followed my good aunt dutifully home. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1902 to 1903" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Carry never sewed on pretty dresses for herself, for the simple reason that she never had any pretty dresses. "Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908" by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Usage in poetry
Had I the pinions of a dove,
I'd climb the heav'nly road;
There sits my Savior dressed in love,
And there my smiling God.
We shall appear before the throne
Of our forgiving God,
Dressed in the garments of his Son,
And sprinkled with his blood.
An inborn charm of graciousness
Made sweet her smile and tone,
And glorified her farm-wife dress
With beauty not its own.
The healing of His seamless dress
Is by our beds of pain;
We touch Him in life's throng and press,
And we are whole again.
My boy beside me tripped, so slim
And graceful in his rustic dress!
And, as we talked, I questioned him,
In very idleness.
"My maids, gae to my dressing-room,
And dress to me my smock;
The one half is o the holland fine,
The other o needle-work."