the activity of getting dressed; putting on clothes -
activity leading to skilled behavior
Playboy 's ultimate real man's guide to grooming 2010.
Familiar Obama Phrase Being Groomed as a Slogan.
Prospect, Is Groomed to Play His Own Way.
Kids groomed to be tomorrow's leaders.
"About 15 inches of snow fell Sunday and we packed it down," said Mark Strabel, who along with his dad, Ed Strabel, does much of the grooming at Hatcher Pass for the Mat-Su Ski Club.
Strabel said he saw about 20 or 30 skiers Tuesday, when he was able to combine some skiing with grooming .
Grooming can be stressful for aging dogs.
Showers, hair styling — any sort of " grooming " — can be distressing for senior citizens at nursing homes.
All the dogs and cats I've owned over the years became less tolerant of grooming when they reached their senior years.
From childhood, Stew Leonard Jr was groomed to take over his father's Connecticut-based dairy and retail grocery business.
Nonprofit Valencia program grooms students for college.
As the shaving expert for grooming guru King of Shaves, Diane Wood knows how to keep your mug looking good.
The Light Touch / The insignificant other: Contrary to popular belief, the Mother of the Groom plays an important role.
Since we are parents of the groom we used to think we had the "easy list" of things to do.
The groom is the son of Bill and Joellen Whanger of Wintersville.
Programmes aiming at grooming individuals into excellent team players, with strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills, will help students to adapt to the corporate work culture easily.
Approaches to Curriculum and Teaching Materials to Bring Out Better Skilled Software Engineers-An Indian Perspective
Fig. 16 shows the e/π ratio as a function of the beam energy for Module-0 and its fitting of equation (7) with the Wigmans (Groom) parameterization of fπo (E ).
Non-Compensation of the Barrel Tile Hadron Module-0 Calorimeter
Table 2: The values of the e/h ratio for different methods and fπ0 (E ) parameterizations (W – the Wigmans parameterization, G – the Groom parameterization).
Non-Compensation of the Barrel Tile Hadron Module-0 Calorimeter
Groom et al., The Review of Particle Physics 2000, Eur. J.
Workshop Summary
Groom et al. (Particle Data Group), Review of particle physics, Eur.
Local contribution of a quantum condensate to the vacuum energy density
I saw one of the Bitterworth grooms come to the house this afternoon, so perhaps something's wrong there. "Verner's Pride" by
The groom was holding our horses by the bridle. "The Man-Wolf and Other Tales" by
The groom of the chambers came in and lighted the gas in the drawing-rooms, and retired in silence. "The Lost Lady of Lone" by
The bishop, in his canonicals, is waiting; the groom and his groomsmen are expectant. "For Woman's Love" by
The groom hung on to his bride's arm like a fly to a sugar-stick. "Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900)" by
Throwing up the window, he saw his young son attempting to mount the groom's pony: the latter objecting. "Elster's Folly" by
But to our groom and horses. "Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour" by
And they took no sort of care of the little Prince Ivan, and he spent all his time in the stables, listening to the tales of an old groom. "Old Peter's Russian Tales" by
Then the marquis got in himself, and took the reins from his groom. "Emily Fox-Seton" by
Behind them follows the groom alone. "Our Deportment" by
Waters, feeds and grooms the horse;
Turns a whip of sand, and presto!
It stands ready for the course.
To meet her winsome groom,
When she was aware of twa bonny birds
Sat biggin' in the broom.
“Go, saddle me Skimming gray,
For I will ride to the wood, and hear
What Sivard himself will say.”
Groom there was none to see,
The mourners followed after,
And so to church went she,
And would not wait for me.
And hearts are warm'd and faces bloom,
As drinking health to bride and groom
We wish them store of happy days.
And hearts are warm'd and faces bloom,
As drinking health to bride and groom
We wish them store of happy days.