the custom in some Islamic societies of women dressing modestly outside the home "she observes the hijab and does not wear tight clothing" -
a headscarf worn by Muslim women; conceals the hair and neck and usually has a face veil that covers the face
Soccer's rules-making panel approved headscarves for female Muslim players on Thursday, reversing a ban on the Islamic hijab that's been enforced in FIFA competitions since 2007. espn.go.com
Syrian President Bashar Assad named a longtime ruling-party loyalist, Riyad Farid Hijab , as his new prime minister. latimes.com
Attorney in hijab defends call for other women at 9/11 hearing to wear 'appropriate' clothing. foxnews.com
Trayvon Martin case, Iraqi woman's death spark 'hoodies and hijab ' rally. ashingtonpost.com
Local women who wear the hijab draw a mixed reaction. vancouversun.com
Maplewood woman could be first American Muslim to wear hijab while competing at Olympics. blog.nj.com
AP) Hani Khan worked as a stockroom employee at teen clothing retailer, Hollister, until she was fired, she says, for refusing to remove her hijab . ashingtonpost.com
Disneyland bends on employee who wore hijab , Muslim rights group says. latimes.com
Rasha Mohammed is always looking for new hijab styles. csmonitor.com
Caroline De Lazzer, right, the UAE women's team coach, is hoping the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation will accept her argument to end the ban of hijabs at competitions. thenational.ae
Officials in Kano State ordered every Muslim schoolgirl to wear a hijab, an Islamic scarf , to class. nytimes.com
Egypt Abuzz as Newsreader on State TV Wears Hijab. nytimes.com
In other news Tuesday, Syria's former prime minister Riad Hijab publicly called for more government officials to throw support behind rebel opposition. pbs.org
Hijab, who defected this month, claims the regime is nearing moral and financial collapse. pbs.org
Former Syrian Prime Minister Riyad Hijab arrives in Jordan, says a source. edition.cnn.com
The original proof of the Hermite expansion for K was in [G1] and involved the stochastic analysis described here. A purely finite-dimensional proof of the Hermite theorem for K was then given by Hijab [Hi1, Hi2] and Driver [Dr].
Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure
Hijab argues first that for all s < t there exists fs with es∆K /2 fs = F.
Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure
Hijab, Hermite functions on compact Lie groups. I, J.
Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure
Hijab, Hermite functions on compact Lie groups.
Harmonic analysis with respect to heat kernel measure
Hijab, Hermite functions on compact Lie groups. J.
Relations among various versions of the Segal-Bargmann transform