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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) lint
    cotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side; used to dress wounds
  2. (n) lint
    fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Lint
  2. Lint
    Linen scraped or otherwise made into a soft, downy or fleecy substance for dressing wounds and sores; also, fine ravelings, down, fluff, or loose short fibers from yarn or fabrics.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) lint
  2. (n) lint
    A flocculent material procured by raveling or scraping linen, and used for dressing wounds and sores; charpie.
  3. (n) lint
    Raw cotton that has been ginned and is ready for baling.
  4. (n) lint
    Fluff; flue.
  5. (n) lint
    A net.
  6. (n) lint
    The netting of a pound or seine.
  7. (n) lint
    A kerchief or net for the head.
  8. (n) lint
    An obsolete variant of lunt.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Lint
    lint linen scraped into a soft woolly substance for dressing wounds: raw cotton ready for baling.
O. Henry Porter
She plucked from my lapel the invisible strand of lint (the universal act of woman to proclaim ownership).
O. Henry Porter

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. līnet, flax, hemp, fr. līn, flax; or, perh. borrowed fr. L. linteum, a linen cloth, linen, from linteus, linen, a., fr. linum, flax, lint. See Linen

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. linteuslinum, linen.

Usage in the news

Two "As Seen On TV" products are currently trying to sell you on reusable lint rollers.

She was born Sept 20, 1957, in Ashland County and was the daughter of Richard and Joan (Lint) Smail.

Lint Art, the Devil's Postpile and Birthplace of the Squeegee .

All of which might have been rendered outdated by breaking news after this column's deadline, but regardless, Boehner will be picking Tea Party lint off the GOP tuxedo for years to come.

Dryer Venting System Solves Lint Problem in Dorm, Reduces College's Heating Bills.

In 1984, after designing and manufacturing lint filters for other companies, the Clements created Clean Cycle Systems, which today offers domestic and international sales.

Pocket Lint/ Coon Rapids Entrepreneur.

Always clean lint from a dryer 's lint filter.

Lint will also build up in the mechanism of the dryer , so lint inside should be vacuumed out periodically to avoid ignition.

Reduced flow can lead to overheating and lint fires.

Firefighters said people aren't cleaning their dryers properly and the lint can catch on fire fast.

Pocket Lint/Coon Rapids Entrepreneur .

Pocket Lint' Goodnight John Boy.

Post by Eric Lint / The News Tribune on Nov 6, 2012 at 11:20 pm.

Window Cleaner – Simply spray windows with diluted vodka and wipe with a lint free cloth for a streak free shine.

Usage in scientific papers

The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty at a LC with √s = 0.5 TeV and Lint = 50 f b−1 .
New Physics at the TeV Scale and Precision Electroweak Studies

Their results on kγ and λγ sensitivities comparing e+ e− , eγ and γ γ modes for √see = 500 GeV and Lint = 1000 fb−1 are shown in Table I.
New Physics at the TeV Scale and Precision Electroweak Studies

Following the original method due to Nambu and Jona-Lasinio, we anticipate spontaneous generation of the fermion mass by the interaction and split the Lagrangian into the massive free part and an interaction, L = Lfree + Lint , where Lfree = ¯ψ(i/∂ − m)ψ , Lint = m ¯ψψ + G (cid:2)( ¯ψψ)2 − ( ¯ψγ5ψ)2 (cid:3) .
Spontaneous symmetry breaking in strong and electroweak interactions

However, we must also make sure that the second square in (11) is small, which means that f gsLint ∼ |W − 1 |Lint is small.
On the effective theory of type IIA AdS_4 compactifications

Lint = gS (x) Z d4yϕ(x + y/2)ϕ(x − y/2)Φ(y) , where Φ is a form factor whose Fourier transform, fΛ(q) = R d4 yΦ(y)e−iyq , appears in the loop integrals and regularizes the divergences. (For nonlocal Lagrangians see also Refs.
Non exponential decays of hadrons

Usage in literature

As lint, or bandages? "Macaria" by Augusta Jane Evans Wilson

I beg you for the love of humanity to make lint and bandages for the wounded. "Kosciuszko" by Monica Mary Gardner

There, I must go and wet the captain's lint. "The Kopje Garrison" by George Manville Fenn

Lois hummed, picking bits of lint from her skirt while Phil deliberated. "Otherwise Phyllis" by Meredith Nicholson

He tore up one of his shirts for bandages, and Lily made lint of of his collars. "Watch and Wait" by Oliver Optic

It is not enough that we scrape lint, make hospital stores, knit socks, make shirts, etc., etc. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II"

Then it is lined with white vegetable lint or down. "Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight" by Mathew Joseph Holt

But poultices, greasy salves, or filling the wound with lint, will have an opposite effect. "The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches," by Mary Eaton

V. Telamonia, meaning a bandage or lint. "The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise" by M. E. Hard

Clara saw the women and girls making lint, and she wanted to make lint too. "Our Young Folks at Home and Abroad" by Various

Usage in poetry
Say, Paxton, truth,
Thou wondthrous youth,
What sthroke of art celistial,
What power was lint
You to invint
This combineetion cristial.
A square, squat room (a cellar on promotion),
Drab to the soul, drab to the very daylight;
Plasters astray in unnatural-looking tinware;
Scissors and lint and apothecary's jars.
Her hair it is lint-white, her skin it is milk-white;
Dark is the blue o' her saft rolling ee;
Red, red her ripe lips! and sweeter than roses:
Whar could my wee thing wander frae me?'
Her hair it was lint-white, her skin it was milk-white;
Dark was the blue o' her saft rolling ee;
Red ware her ripe lips, and sweeter than roses:
Sweet ware the kisses that she gae to me!'
'Awa wi' beguiling,' cried the youth, smiling.
Aff went the bonnet; the lint-white locks flee;
The belted plaid fa'ing, her white bosom shawing,
Fair stood the lov'd maid wi' the dark rolling ee!
'Tis there as a Student of Science I'll enther,
Fair Fountain of Knowledge, of Joy, and Contint!
SAINT PATHRICK'S sweet Statue shall stand in the centher,
And wink his dear oi every day during Lint.