a macintosh made from cotton fabric treated with oil and pigment to make it waterproof -
someone who leads you to believe something that is not true -
a person with good manners and stylish clothing
A waterproof coat. -
(Founding) That which makes smooth or sleek.
etc. See sleeker, etc. -
Same as silver-fish, 6.
a tool for dressing the surface of leather
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Scand., Ice. slíkr, sleek; cf. Dut. slijk, Ger. schlick, grease.
Tech stars plan City Slickers-style cattle drive .
A city slicker 's guide to fly fishing in Colorado.
City slicker stumbles into great outdoors.
Loving life as a city slicker, college girl .
Recap for 'Doc Martin,' Episode Eighteen : 'City Slickers'.
The cheesy Maverick and the stilted Even Cowgirls Get the Blues have already tumbled into town, while City Slickers: The Legend of Curly's Gold and Wyatt Earp a la Kevin Costner aren't far behind.
City slickers looking for a bit of the old west can find it where they might not expect — eastern Oregon.
Sing Records reissues the Leopards' lost classic, Kansas City Slickers.
Our buddy Greg over at Riot on the Plaza clued us in on this rerelease of the Leopards ' 1977 album, Kansas City Slickers, back in June.
Blackwolf Run a bit brawnier, slicker for Women's Open.
Eco-friendly custom home to use Bejamin Obdyke Home Slicker .
Slicker , age 86 of Hobart passed away Saturday, October 11, 2008 at the Rensselaer Care Center.
He was born December 27, 1921 in Cleveland, Ohio the son of the late William and Lela Slicker .
New 'Total Recall' slicker but soulless .
New `Total Recall' slicker but soulless .
Let Susie go to Slicker's tavern! "Queer Stories for Boys and Girls" by
But she put on the slicker and started for the door. "Riders of the Silences" by
Have you boys brought your slickers with, you? "The Pony Rider Boys in Texas" by
An' the young master be wishin' us to hev cleaner housen an' slicker, an' I be willin' to do't ef he wish, now! "Culm Rock" by
As the men dismounted the light from the windows glistened on wet slickers. "Prairie Flowers" by
The inside of her was slicker'n any parlor car you ever saw. "Shorty McCabe" by
Water dripped from her old pony hat and ran in little rivulets from a long, yellow slicker. "Desert Conquest" by
Here it was kept until taken to the "slickers" to be used. "The Story of Leather" by
Yo' tongue lots slicker dan mine. "The Book of Stories for the Storyteller" by
You'd ought 'o have a slicker, no fancy 'raincoat,' but a real old-fashioned cow-puncher's oilskin. "The Forester's Daughter" by
With a fust class Stetson on my head.
A bran new slicker tied on behind—
It's strange how yore clo'se improves your mind.
His saddle is never without it—
It's rolled in a bundle and tied at each end,
But it's ready for service, don't doubt it.
Across which the cloud shadows flicker,
Then the night-herd's asleep, where the round-up tents show,
With his head on his old yaller slicker.
In the town it would stir up a snicker—
But the style can go hang—it's a friend tied and true,
is the cowpuncher's old yaller slicker.
And the far hills the storm king is hiding,
Then the old yaller slicker gleams ghostlike and strange
Where the tireless cowboy is riding.