speaking of yourself in superlatives
The act of glorying or vaunting; vainglorious speaking; ostentatious display. "When boasting ends, then dignity begins."
A glorying or vaunting; boastful or ostentatious words; bragging language. -
Synonyms Brag, bravado, bluster, swagger, swaggering, vainglory, rodomontade, parade, vaporing, rant. -
In masonry, the process of dressing the surface of a stone with a broad chisel and mallet. -
In sculpture and carving, the act of cutting a stone roughly with a boasting-chisel, so as to give it the general contour of a statue or an ornament. Also called scabbling.
ostentatious display: vaunting
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary M. E. bost, of doubtful origin; apparently W. bostio, Gael. bòsd, a bragging, are borrowed.
SRI Boasts Abilities in Early- and Late-Stage R&D.
Charles Dickens' cheapskate boasts a net worth of $8 billion on this year's list of fiction's richest.
Fashion's newest It girl boasts a bohemian beauty, a haute-y pedigree, and a perfectly curated wardrobe.
The machine boasts one of the longest and slimmest free arms in the industry and the opportunity to create and embroider larger-than-life designs without re-hooping.
Carrying US flags and signs boasting "Finally ExMormon," "Research the church" and "Transcend Mormonism," a crowd hiked Ensign Peak on Saturday and chanted "freedom" to the valley below.
"This recipe only has one, two, three, four, five ingredients so it's going to be very quick to put together" boasts Stephanie Smith of Changing Tides Gifts in Gloucester.
When completed, the Palisades Center mall here is expected to boast an ice-skating rink, a 2,100-seat amphitheater, a 21-screen cinema complex, a carousel, a ferris wheel, more than 15 restaurants and a 2,000-seat food court.
France on paper boasts one of the world's most talented squads, but it staggered through qualifying and only made it through with an assist from Thierry Henry's now notorious forearm.
10-year Marine heard boasts as corporate host.
Vitamin Cottage Natural Food Markets boasts 57 stores in 11 states, and the Lakewood-based chain now has the capital to expand much more after an initial public offering in July that raised $100 million.
With several new makeup launches happening per year, the cosmetic industry boasts a roster of every lipstick color and formula under the rainbow.
Rose City Antifa is part of the Anti-Racist Action Network, which boasts 20 chapters in cities across the US and Canada.
We've Got a Map boasts the title of experimental folk band Tidelands' upcoming sophomore album – and do they ever.
The harmless but brainless heist movie "Man on a Ledge" calls itself a feature film, and it boasts a feature-caliber cast.
Forestry industry is booming and these 20 companies boast the top spots for biggest operations.
Although space missions may one day boast collecting areas rivaling those of ground-based telescopes, in the near future it is the latter that will push the envelope to provide the necessary constraints.
Coronal Heating versus Solar Wind Acceleration
Let us fix any numbering of the edges of G and, for each spanning tree T , let B (T ) be the set of “bad” edges of G \ T , that is, edges which boast the lowest index of any edge in the cycle formed with T .
Branched Polymers
None of its subsequent modifications can boast of such a firm and uniquely interpreted experimental ground.
Algbrodynamics over complex space and phase extension of the Minkowski geometry
My humble, non-economist view is that the proof is in the pudding: an industry does not become a boom market boasting 20% annual growth for an entire decade – unless it is very profitable indeed.
Is There Statistical Evidence that the Oregon Payday-Loan Rate Cap Hurts Consumers?
This is the underlying premise behind the professional social networking site LinkedIn, which now boasts more than 40 million users .
Social Networks and Stable Matchings in the Job Market
Boasting is not well. "Tom Tufton's Travels" by
Men will often boast of doing that, which, if true, would be rather a disgrace to them than otherwise. "The Young Gentleman and Lady's Monitor, and English Teacher's Assistant" by
I could boast of nothing in this line. "Continental Monthly, Vol. I. February, 1862, No. II." by
The Russian Government is the open enemy of every liberty we boast of. "New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1" by
This regulation excludes at once one half of mankind from its boasted advantages. "Secret Societies" by
There are, however, certain extenuating circumstances in the cases of those timid people who take refuge in boasting. "Poise: How to Attain It" by
They will boast a victory over a king or a chief of the reavers; and they will afterwards escape though wounded. "The Harvard Classics, Volume 49, Epic and Saga" by
Mrs. Wickersham openly boasted of her son's success and of her motive, and sent him money lavishly. "Gordon Keith" by
Whatever he undertook, he quietly and without any boasting performed. "Christopher Carson" by
Dost thou venture to boast thyself of the beauty of any one of them? "The Consolation of Philosophy" by
When brought before his throne;
No flesh shall in his presence boast,
But in the Lord alone.
This mercy will restrain;
Surely I now shall boast no more,
Nor censure, nor complain.
And she who boasts her virtue,
Give reason to suspect that they
Tell neither him nor her true.
Of his valor and renown;
And his cutlass he would brandish
With a fearful pirate frown.
And lov'd to douse a boasting fop,
Nor cared I how or where we fell
Provided I fell on the top.
By his successful crimes,
Floating on folly's golden tide,
Prosper'd in stormy times.