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Fine Dictionary


An ornamented dresser with eight drawers, with leaf motifs and garlands. Print number 38.
An ornamented dresser with eight drawers, with leaf motifs and garlands. Print number 38.
  1. (n) dresser
    furniture with drawers for keeping clothes
  2. (n) dresser
    a cabinet with shelves
  3. (n) dresser
    low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup
  4. (n) dresser
    a wardrobe assistant for an actor
  5. (n) dresser
    a person who dresses in a particular way "she's an elegant dresser","he's a meticulous dresser"
A Louis XVI style table and dresser. Print from 334th Livraison.
A Louis XVI style table and dresser. Print from 334th Livraison.
A woman at a lacquer dresser, dressed in an evening gown from Worth, consisting of a long silk muslin tunic on a crepe de Chine skirt. Planche 49 from Gazette du Bon Ton 1914, No. 5. Explanation about the clothing on page "Explication des Planches".
A woman at a lacquer dresser, dressed in an evening gown from Worth, consisting of a long silk muslin tunic on a crepe de Chine skirt. Planche 49 from Gazette du Bon Ton 1914, No. 5. Explanation about the clothing on page "Explication des Planches".
A Louis XIV style table and dresser. Print from 334th Livraison.
A Louis XIV style table and dresser. Print from 334th Livraison.
Possibly a dresser working on a woman's clothes. Page 9 from sketchbook XLII with 32 pages.
Possibly a dresser working on a woman's clothes. Page 9 from sketchbook XLII with 32 pages.
Two women standing in front of a dresser, dressed in simple ankle-length dresses from Doeuillet. Next to them a dog.
Two women standing in front of a dresser, dressed in simple ankle-length dresses from Doeuillet. Next to them a dog.
Two ornamented dressers, left with flowers and right with shell motif. Print number 91.
Two ornamented dressers, left with flowers and right with shell motif. Print number 91.
According to the accompanying text (p. 96): Ball costume. Satin stripe gauze dresser, trimmed at the bottom with flowers and foliage. Comb as described on page 91: "On many Tituses one would take for a 'bandeau' of paerlen and gold a comb with short teeth, which is as wide as three combs next to each other." Print from the fashion magazine Elegantia, or magazine of fashion, luxury and taste for ladies 1807-1814 (interrupted by the period 1811-1813).
According to the accompanying text (p. 96): Ball costume. Satin stripe gauze dresser, trimmed at the bottom with flowers and foliage. Comb as described on page 91: "On many Tituses one would take for a 'bandeau' of paerlen and gold a comb with short teeth, which is as wide as three combs next to each other." Print from the fashion magazine Elegantia, or magazine of fashion, luxury and taste for ladies 1807-1814 (interrupted by the period 1811-1813).
Front and top views of two ornamented dressers with rocailles, top with male mask with beard, bottom with dolphins.
Front and top views of two ornamented dressers with rocailles, top with male mask with beard, bottom with dolphins.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. dresser
    A cupboard or set of shelves to receive dishes and cooking utensils.
  2. dresser
    (Mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal.
  3. Dresser
    A piece of chamber furniture consisting of a chest of drawers, or bureau, with a mirror.
  4. dresser
    A table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed, or prepared for use.
  5. dresser
    An assistant in a hospital, whose office it is to dress wounds, sores, etc.
  6. dresser
    One who dresses; one who put in order or makes ready for use; one who on clothes or ornaments.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) dresser
    One who dresses; one who is employed in preparing, trimming, or adjusting something.
  2. (n) dresser
    Specifically— A hospital assistant whose office it is to dress wounds, ulcers, etc.
  3. (n) dresser
    One who is employed in clothing and adorning others, as in a theater.
  4. (n) dresser
    In type-founding, a workman who dresses types arranged in rows, removes their defects, and prepares them for sale.
  5. (n) dresser
    A tool, apparatus, or power-machine for cutting and dressing the furrows on the face of a millstone. The simplest of the tools used for this purpose is a pick or light hammer having one or more sharp steel points; a block of emery or corundum, provided with a handle, and having a sharp cutting edge, is also used. In more complicated apparatus, a pick or other similar tool is supported on a frame that travels over the face of the stone. In some cases the stone is set up on edge, as in a lathe; in others it is placed horizontally in the machine under a revolving cutter, which travels on a fixed arm radial to the stone, the stone revolving beneath it.
  6. (n) dresser
    A machine for splitting geological specimens. It consists of a strong frame with a pair of chisels, one fixed and the other controlled by a powerful lever. The mineral, fossil, or other material is placed between the chisels and split by pressure.
  7. (n) dresser
    A miners' pick.
  8. (n) dresser
    A plumbers' mallet used for closing joints in sheet-lead.
  9. (n) dresser
    A table, sideboard, or bench on which meat and other things are dressed or prepared for use.
  10. (n) dresser
    A cupboard or set of shelves for dishes and cooking utensils.
  11. (n) dresser
    A mandrel having a round top face, used by blacksmiths in forging the forked ends of connecting-rods.
  12. (n) dresser
    A dressing- or toilet-table.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. Dresser
    one who dresses: a medical student who dresses wounds: a table on which meat is dressed or prepared for use: a kind of kitchen sideboard with rows of shelves for plates, dishes, &c

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. dressoir,. See Dress (v. t.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary O. Fr. dresser, to prepare—L. dirigĕre, directum, to direct.

Usage in the news

(AP) — Authorities on Wednesday were investigating the death of a 6-year-old girl whose father is in prison for chaining her to a dresser last year in northwest Arkansas.

Joel Sircus '14, who served with Dresser this year as a UOFC board member, said Dresser 's ability to maintain enthusiasm for a large number of activities simultaneously would serve him well as UOFC chair.

Poster art transforms a dresser .

How to turn a plain dresser into a showcase for an art poster.

Dresser -Rand is expanding its Turbine Technology Services facility in Houston, Texas, to include a center of excellence for F-class rotor repair.

DUNCAN — Shayna Fern Spivey and Jerry Lee James Dresser , both of Duncan, exchanged wedding vows at 6:30 pm Sept 10, 2011, in an outside ceremony at the home of the bride's grandparents in Duncan.

O'verlays by Danika and Cheyle are basically PVC foam composites that you place on dressers and then paint however you want.

How many clues does one need to give an overly sexy dresser .

Eighty-five percent of Dresser 's revenue is from energy customers, and it has developed a large i...

Put shelves in a closet rather than using a dresser .

With clever thought about your specific needs, you can obviate the need for a dresser and make the room more attractive.

Eighty-five percent of Dresser 's revenue is from energy customers, and it has developed a l...

Crisp white dressers , in a nod to the store's name, will be brought in to help show off shirts, hats and shoes.

Bed, 2 dressers, round kit.

The international award-winning hair dresser and fashion designer will be showcasing his work entitled CatWalk exotic hair art and fashion show.

Usage in scientific papers

QED corrections in the three QED dressers are treated according to different theoretical methods, whereas QCD corrections are common to a large extent in all the codes.
Precision Physics at LEP

Usage in literature

Rand knotted the muslin in front, put on his green riding-coat, and took from the dresser his watch and seals. "Lewis Rand" by Mary Johnston

From this comes our word "dresser" for the kitchen shelves. "Furnishing the Home of Good Taste" by Lucy Abbot Throop

Later, while he stood at his dresser constructing an immaculate knot in his white tie, Nina knocked. "The Younger Set" by Robert W. Chambers

For the time being, she forgot all about the two letters in her handbag that lay on her dresser. "Campfire Girls in the Allegheny Mountains" by Stella M. Francis

In his dresser's opinion the actor was a man likely to keep his word. "A Book of the Play" by Dutton Cook

Would she be kind enough to give Mrs. Balfour the name of her hair-dresser? "Sevenoaks" by J. G. Holland

Taking a basket from a peg, and a bowl from the dresser, he went out into the fields. "Prince Lazybones and Other Stories" by Mrs. W. J. Hays

You should have seen my hair-dresser's face when I told her to do it up. "The Quest of the Silver Fleece" by W. E. B. Du Bois

It was large and wainscoted, and furnished with an ample dresser. "Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)" by John Roby

Marie, go to the telephone, and call up Blandeaux, and tell him to send up a hair-dresser at once. "The Girl from Montana" by Grace Livingston Hill

Usage in poetry
The wannut logs shot sparkles out
Towards the pootiest, bless her!
An' leetle fires danced all about
The chlny on the dresser.
The wa'nut logs shot sparkles out
Towards the pootiest, bless her,
An' leetle flames danced all about
The chiny on the dresser.
She laid a hand on the dresser-ledge,
And scanned far Egdon-side;
And stood; and you heard the wind-swept sedge
And the rippling Froom; till she cried:
If thou'rt a vine-dresser, thy vineyard till,
And from the plants prune ev'ry useless shoot,
Their roots, their trunks, their branches, dress with skill,
Lest they shou'd all be fell'd, for want of fruit.
"The ebomminable Englishmen, the Parsing and his Clark,
His Holiness's Air-dresser devised it in the dark!
And I would recommend you in prison for to throw
These villians would esassinate the Holy POPE PIO?
That sackreligious Air-dresser, the Parson and his man
Wouldn't, though ask'd continyally, own their wicked plan—
And so the kind Authoraties let those villians go
That was plotting of the murder of the good PIO NONO.