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Song-writing competitions are only apart of 'chuangzuo' cultural form, in which youths seek after identity construction, and also a settlement for their enthusiasm in their engagement in 'chuangzuo'. It is undeniable that they are keen on... more
In this article, I wish to elaborate on Benjamin’s reading of so-called “dark thinkers,” i.e. those radical thinkers of the fin de siècle whose cultural criticism willingly or not reinforced and reiterated what they actually criticized. I... more
In this paper, I examine the Caribbean reparations movement using an intersectional framework that is located within the Black radical tradition. In order to engage civil society in the discourse of reparations, I argue for the movement... more
An analysis of the emergence and rise of an alternative sport scene using social movement theory. The rise of Freestyle BMX in "Pro-Town, USA" (Greenville, NC) from local kids erecting guerrilla ramp parks on vacant lots to a residential... more
Along the last years of Franco’s dictatorship, social and political conflicts extended beyond main industrials areas of Spain and took strength also in the outlying regions, where low intensity conflicts had been characteristic until... more
Few outsiders have had the privilege to get to know Algeria and its youth so intimately—or to observe firsthand this pivotal chapter in the nation’s history. It’s a story that reveals much about the relationship between citizens and... more
El presente texto presenta los resultados de investigación de Jóvenes Investigadores galardonados por Colciencias y vinculados al Semillero Temático de Investigación en Juventudes. En el texto se abordan temáticas relacionadas a culturas... more
Movidas, movilizaciones y movimientos es un libro que se inscribirá como una obra obligada en el cada vez más sólido campo de los estudios sobre juventud en Chile; pero la potencia de su escritura y la trascendencia de su contenido lo... more
(The enclosed PDF file of the book contains the full introduction, table of contents and index. The book is also available for partial view on Google books, interested readers can also search on Worldcat for available copies in nearby... more
In October 2020, the Nigerian youth championed what is arguably the most organic and decentralized protest ever experienced in Nigeria through the ENDSARS protest movement. This research examines the protest motives, planning and... more
Chuangzuo has emerged as a music trend through a music movement, and as a popular culture for youth in Malaysia, but the music of chuangzuo have not been described to the general public that is probably not aware of the identity in... more
Εισήγηση στο Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο “Youth Resisting Dictatorship in Greece (1967-74) and beyond: Social Sciences and Humanities Perspectives”, 19-20/11/2021 (με τους Ε. Παπαβλασόπουλο και Μ. Σωτηροπούλου)
For years, the fate of the Roma people during World War II was referred to as the “forgotten Holocaust”. Indeed, for decades it was. In recent years, however, the plight for Roma Genocide recognition and remembrance has gained an... more
El artículo ofrece resultados acerca de las características novedosas de la movilización juvenil contemporánea, la cual se apoya, como era de prever, en la potencia de los medios y tecnologías de la comunicación, resaltando la importancia... more
The article analyzes the specifics of subcultural differentiation of youth in a global context; and, on the basis of the system-forming feature of the community and gender orientation of its representatives develops a two-dimensional... more
The essay reconstructs the history of the re-emergence of the proletarian Youth Movement "Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands Die Falken" after the end of WWII in the city of Hannover (Germany). It sheds light on paedergogical praxis,... more
Der Einfluss des deutschen und österreichischen Wandervogel auf die zionistische Pionierjugendbewegung Haschomer Hazair in deren formativen Anfangsjahren.
Επιμέλεια-σύνταξη: Στέφανος Δ. Στεφάνου και Ζήσιμος Χ. Συνοδινός. Οι πρώτες 47 σελίδες της έκδοσης (πρόλογος, περιεχόμενα, εισαγωγή, βασική βιβλιογραφία). Εταιρεία Μελέτης της Ιστορίας της Αριστερής Νεολαίας (ΕΜΙΑΝ), Αθήνα 2010, σσ. 327... more
“Arts and cultural activities really do improve lives: they provide participatory creative activities that help to restore people’s well-being and increase their self-esteem, confidence and empowerment.” This work is a case... more
The Association of Hungarian University and College Students (AHUCS) founded in Szeged on 16 October 1956 was one of the most significant youth movement of the Hungarian 20th century. Several facts seem to justify this proposition. First... more
Die Entwicklung eines Gruppenhelfers und Funktionärs der sozialdemokratischen "Kinderfreunde" von einem deutschnationalen Hintergrund von den "Fahrenden Gesellen" über den "Wandervogel" zur Arbeiterjugendbewegung und in den... more
When labour and student movements of a new kind emerged in the 1950s, Communists had to change their strategy for fighting the Franco dictatorship. Working with the masses began to become more complex, and student organizations took... more
Alors que le scoutisme rassemble actuellement environ 38 millions d'adhérents issus de 217 pays du monde, il n'est pas toujours vu d'un bon oeil. En effet, les scouts et guides sont parfois vivement critiqués pour leur côté fermé, parfois... more
The Association of Hungarian University and College Students (AHUCS, MEFESZ) founded in Szeged on 16 October 1956 was one of the most significant youth movement of the Hungarian 20th century. Several facts seem to justify this... more
OLIVEIRA, R. C. A. . "Os jovens das periferias de São Paulo e as políticas de segurança pública, de educação e de cultura: o genocício, a precarização e o ativismo cultural". In: Patrícia Botero, Alícia Palermo. (Org.). La utopía no está... more
The contemporary phenomenon of the cafe racer culture raises today many ques‐ tions on the culturally defined identities and the nature of modern subcultures. This paper examines those issues by highlighting both, the most significant... more
A kötetben az 1956. október 16-án alakult Magyar Egyetemisták és Főiskolások Szövetsége (MEFESZ) létrehozásának egykori kezdeményezőivel, vezetőivel, tagjaival készült interjúk szerepelnek. A beszélgetések során — túl az 1956-os... more
Among the censored press and criminal prosecutions led against individuals after the 1968 student demonstrations in socialist Yugoslavia, a Hungarian neo-avantgarde journal published in Novi Sad found its own place. The "Új Symposion"... more
This paper investigates the impact mobilized publics have had on Yemen’s domestic political environment by examining two case studies initiating collective action, with autonomous agency, yet with distinct differences in access to... more
This is a review essay of Eckard Holler´s biography of tusk, a name resounding for decades in the German youth movement. tusk was the nom d´action chosen by Eberhard Koebel. In the final years of the Weimar Republic and in the Third Reich... more
Sartre es una de las figuras tutelares de "los años 68", ciclo global de contestación e insurgencia. Nunca escribió sobre las puebladas argentinas que estallaron a partir del año 1969, pero sí puede considerarse que fue leído "en clave... more
While the study of youth and subcultural movements has been central in British and U.S. cultural studies, it has not met similar academic interest in Italian Studies. And yet, contemporary Italian youth is ever-more interconnected—both... more
MEFESZ (Association of University and College Students, AHUCS), which is considered to have been the spark of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, was founded at the University of Szeged on 16 October 1956. The acronym (MEFESZ) appeared three... more