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in: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Concentration Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945, Volume 1, Indiana University Press 2009.
While the book mainly deals with questions of German Jews, who escaped to Japan and Korea during the 1930s and early 40s, my contribution covers the history of the German East Asiatic Society (OAG) from its foundation in 1873 to 1945,... more
The corpus of narratives produced in Germany since 1943 about the battle of Stalingrad appears as a multifaceted "grand narrative" in which historiographical and mythical morphology coexist. The Nazi myth of Stalingrad contributed to... more
The name Mildred Fish-Harnack is commemorated in American academic circles. On the other hand, the German resistance group known as "Rote Kapelle" is hardly known, due to the convictions of its protagonists Harro Schulze-Boysen and Arvid... more
Danish-German Summer University "Minorities - Problem or diversity?" a cooperation between the University of Southern Denmark, the Europauniversität Flensburg, Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, University Marburg, Konrad Adenauer... more
This piece consists of two parts and deals with three German East Asia experts that cooperated more or less with the National-Socialist regime during the 1930s: Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm Hack, Prof. Dr. Karl Haushofer and Dr. Hermann von... more
The purpose of this essay is to reconstruct the comics controversy in Germany in the 1950s and 1960s, paying special attention to the debate over effects, which was paramount. A guiding principle of this investigation is to relate the... more
In the first half of 1944, tens of thousand Ukrainians left their country together with the withdrawing German occupiers in order to avoid confrontation with the approaching Red Army and the Soviet authorities. Between the summer of 1941... more
The author Julia Warth was awarded the Gerhard-Ritter-Preis for her biography of Walther von Seydlitz-Kurtzbach. Taken prisoner after surrendering in Stalingrad, the general, descended from a famous military family, came forward as the... more
Es war wie das gleichsam letzte Aufflackern des "roten Jahrzehnts" der 1970er Jahre, als in den Jahren 1983 und 1984, vor nun einem Vierteljahrhundert, zwei Aufsatz-Bände des politischen Psychologen und Theoretikers Peter Brückner im... more
Ernst Bloch-ist das nicht der linke Philosoph mit der Pfeife und dem »Prinzip Hoffnung«? Das dürfte-jenseits der kleinen, aber eingeschworenen Bloch-Forscher und-Anhänger, die sich weitgehend abseits von der bürgerlichen Öffentlichkeit... more
June 2005 Loccum/Hannover, workshop ‘Reformzeit des Erfolgsmodells BRD im internationalen Vergleich’, organized by the Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte Hamburg
This article introduces the Völkerpsychologie of the German psychologist and liberal politician Willy Hellpach. It shows how Hellpach used the once venerable approach of Völkerpsychologie, introduced by Moritz Lazarus and Heymann... more
This article is devoted to Birth Anniversary of Kurt Knispel, the highest scoring tank ace of World War II with a total of 168 confirmed tank kills. He was born in Salisfeld (Salisov) near the town of Zuckmantel (Zlaté Hory) in... more
Article about the Battle of Passchendaele to mark its centenary. Features interviews with Professor Mark Connelly and children's author Rebecca Lisle.
Das Prof. Dr. Angela Schwarz und Dr. Heiner Stahl durchgeführte Forschungsprojekt Kontaktzone Bonn. Die Praktiken öffentlicher Kommunikation und der Verlautbarung in der bundesrepublikanischen Mediendemokratie (1949-1969) wird durch das... more
Die Grenzlanduniversität Kiel gilt als nationalsozialistische Musterhochschule, an der der Parteiwille regierte und die Professoren und Studierenden dem NS-Regime zuarbeiteten. Doch ausgerechnet zu den studentischen Funktionären des... more
Werbung für (West-) Deutschland im postkolonialen Asien und Afrika: Die Auslandsberichterstatterin und Öffentlichkeitsarbeiterin Gisela Döhrn (1909–1996), S. 111-141
After World War II the victorious United States and Great Britain sought to demobilize their armed forces but soon realized they had too little manpower left not only to do important jobs but also to guard prisoners of war and war... more
Für Amerikaner und Westeuropäer war der Kalte Krieg nur am Rande ein bewaffneter Konflikt und mehr als eine reine Auseinandersetzung zwischen den zwei großen Ideologien Kommunismus und liberaler Kapitalismus. Er beeinflusste Gesellschaft,... more
Die jüdische Wohlfahrtspflege in der Weimarer Republik entwickelte sich in besonderem Maße wegen der Fürsorgefragen von osteuropäischen jüdischen Migranten und Flüchtlingen von einer traditionellen sozialen Fürsorgearbeit, die auf... more
A History of World Egyptology is a ground-breaking reference work that traces the study of ancient Egypt. Spanning 150 years and global in purview, it enlarges our understanding of how and why people have looked, and continue to look,... more
The domination of twentieth century history by World War Two and its aftermath are still heavily analysed and debated today. Despite this vast amount of research, little has been written about the emotional effects and the subjective... more
Peeling the Onion. A Look Backwards on National Bolshevism in the 1900s. This article aims at analyzing the problematic trajectory of National Bolshevism, an “oxymoronic” provocative political concept, born and developed throughout the... more