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VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Militar (ASEHISMI) - Dominio político y expansionismo militar en la Historia. Granada, 21-24/V/2019: Las guerras dácicas de Trajano (101-106 d.C.) se saldaron con las mayores... more
Conferencia invitada impartida en el marco de la inauguración de la exposición temporal "Pons Traiani Drvbeta. Entre Hispania y Dacia" organizada por la Embajada de Rumanía en el Reino de España, el Instituto Cultural Rumano (ICR), el... more
A space and place approach to the Temple of Divine Trajan and its environs, as reconstructed by Amanda Claridge, considering how a learned ancient Roman of the 2nd century A.D. may have navigated and apprehended the space.
The article concerns 23 ancient coins (8 Greek, 1 Numidian, and 14 Roman) from the museum collection in Inowrocław. One coin comes from archaeological excavations (a Trajanic denarius type RIC 6), the rest from donations and purchases.... more
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
For over fifteen years before the production of Tacitus's Germania, the title Germanicus had been prominent in Rome, claimed not only by Domitian but also by both Nerva and Trajan. Tacitus famously refutes military success in his account.... more
In 106 CE the Romans added the territories of the former Nabataean Kingdom to their empire, thus creating a new province called Arabia. Although we have no contemporary literary sources about the events connected with the annexation, the... more
Un repaso de los antecedentes, las etapas y las consecuencias de la intervención de Marco Ulpio Trajano en el limes de Germania Superior. A review on the background, phases and consequences of Marcus Ulpius Traianus's intervention on the... more
Today the brick-faced complex of Trajan’s Markets, home to curious tourists and idle cats lounging under the Italian sun, offers a peaceful escape from the hurried commotion of modern Rome. In AD 357 however, the sight was very different.... more
Paper demonstrating the origin of Popes (or Bishops of Rome) from the Calpurnius Piso family, giving the actual identities of the first 10 Popes. 18 pages. This paper also makes the case for the mention of Christ in the works of Flavius... more
Corespondența lui Pliniu cu Împăratul Traian.
Traducere cu o prefață și un studiu introductiv de G. Popa-Lisseanu
L’epistolario di Plinio il Giovane è uno dei capolavori della prosa latina e una miniera di informazioni sul periodo a cavallo fra il I e il II secolo d.C. Delle oltre 350 lettere che lo compongono, questo volume presenta una selezione... more
This is from a paper which I had written some time ago. The basis for discovering and confirming this is the work of Sir Ronald Syme; particularly, his paper titled 'Domitius Corbulo' (JRS, 1970-71). The subject of which is quite... more
Costabile Felice , Coppola Bisazza Giovanna Anno di Edizione: 2020 Edizione: L'ERMA di BRETSCHNEIDER Collane: Minima Epigraphica et Papyrologica, 24 estratto ISBN: 978-88-913-1925-8 Rilegatura: Brossura Pagine: 68, 10 ill. B/N Formato:... more
Cassius Dio has never been held in high esteem by historians dedicated to Roman History. As a Greek, he was considered unable to understand the Roman Empire. As a Roman senator, he was blamed for showing little respect for the phylogeny... more
In his paper the author deals with the deities depicted on Trajan's and Marcus Aurelius' column with a special regard the cult of Danuvius/Danube and the winged and bearded god of the rain miracle. The cult of Danuvius is rarely attested... more
Članak s obimnom foto-gradjom objavljen u časopisu „Vodič za život”, u Beogradu marta 2013. Populistički napisan, naučno-istorijski tekst, koji spaja starije srpske izvore o Rimljanima na Balkanu, sa obimnom, zapadnom literaturom o... more
Em edição especial comemorativa dos 10 anos da Revista Prometeus (UFS, B1-Filosofia) apresento a tradução completa do epistolário cruzado entre Plínio, o Jovem, e Trajano. Primeira versão na língua portuguesa de forma integral e... more
In this revealing article of disclosure, historian Dr Daryn Graham examines the theories and reasoning behind the Roman emperor Trajan’s launch of the Parthian War. It is argued, with ancient and modern evidence, that while Trajan planned... more
RÉSUMÉ ("Puissance et promotion des Hispani à Rome", 1998-1999).- En 1991 j’ai commencé l'étude du comportement du groupe hispanique, sénateurs et équites, à Rome (composé en particulier par bétiques, en plus de certains tarraconenses et... more
Este artículo estudia el cambio con- ceptual que se produjo a partir de Ignacio de Antioquía, creador de los neologismos Christianismós y Katholika Ekklesía. Se analiza también el precedente que supuso el neologismo ’ Ioudaïsmós, nacido... more
Dedicado a Antonio García y Bellido (1903-1972) en el primer centenario de su nacimiento. RESUMEN.- Revisión detenida de las fuentes antiguas sobre los orígenes familiares de Trajano, que, leídas de otra manera, permiten defender el... more
Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America: Panel “Renaissance Transformations of Antiquity VII: Allelopoietic Transformations of Roman battle scenes”
Trajan’s Arch in Benevento still holds many mysteries. I suggest a new interpretation of the female figure standing on the keystones of the Arch. Notwithstanding other considerations the predominant position itself demonstrates the... more
Las guerras dácicas de Domiciano y Trajano implicaron la desaparición violenta del Estado dacio, la civilización más importante después del propio Imperio romano y la segunda mayor potencia de la Europa del momento, consolidando a Roma... more
Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz publiés avec le concours du Centre national de la recherche scientifique XXIX 2018 Éditions de Boccard Les Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz sont une des revues de l'UMR 8210 ANHIMA (
General recapitulation of the interactions between the imperial figures of Trajan and Hadrian and their provincial patria, the city of Italica, in the provincia Hispania Ulterior Baetica. Recapitulación general de las interacciones entre... more
Die Quintilier sind zweifellos die berühmteste und am besten dokumentierte Familie aus Alexandria Troas. Insbesondere die letzten vier Generationen haben durch ihre Tätigkeit in der römischen Reichsverwaltung, ihre engen Verbindungen zu... more
En el trabajo se argumenta a favor de la legitimidad de la llegada al trono de Adriano frente a cierta tradición historiográfica antigua, contraria al nuevo emperador. Se aborda también la repercusión de esta tradición hostil a Adriano en... more