Roman Army
Recent papers in Roman Army
Il pilum è un'arma di cui si è persa la reale memoria con la fine dell'Impero Romano. Nei secoli successivi è stato tramandato un uso mitizzato da errate interpretazioni testuali del tutto sbagliate. La moderna archeologia ne sta... more
m a g a z i n z u r r e g i o n a l e n k u l t u r u n d g e s c h i c h t e a u s g a b e 1 -2 0 1 3 saargeschichte|n e i n z e l p r e i s 4 , -e u r o i s s n 1 8 6 6 -5 7 3 x Ein Hauch von Weltgeschichte Ältestes römisches... more
Das kelten römer museum manching zeigte in Kooperation mit Mules of Marius eine Erlebnisausstellung, die das römische Militär auf anschauliche, unterhaltsame und interaktive Weise erneut zum Leben erweckte. Kleine und große Gäste durften... more
There is ample evidence that anti-Christian polemicists asserted that Jesus' true father was neither God nor Joseph, but a Roman soldier named Pantera. This was long dismissed as ahistorical, but for the past century, some interlocutors... more
Keywords: unknown roman military equipment; roman helmet; Niederbieber; lorica squamata; umbo; archaeological collection; Slovak national museum in Martin; Komárno; Bojlovce Abstract: Unknown Roman militaria in the collections of the... more
The article is devoted to the publication of an inscription found in Tanais, which mentions the erection of a statue of the Bosporan king Sauromates III (AD 229/230-231/232). The statue was commanded by a person whose name has disappeared... more
The paper asks the question what the Romans really meant, when the used the term "barbarian". The evidence shows that the Romans had been often uneasy with this greek word, as in the end they themselves would be Barbarians, too. Further,... more
Mitchell, Stephen A. 2017. "Óðinn, Charms and Necromancy: Hávamál 157 in its Nordic and European Contexts." In Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives. Ed. Pernille Hermann, Stephen A. Mitchell and Jens Peter Schjødt. Publications of... more
Global Strategy Report 19/2020 - Cabe preguntarse cuál fue la contribución del... more
Global Strategy Report 10/2020 - Entre los años 69 y 106 d.C. el Imperio romano se enfrentó a una... more
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Let Kenyan army in somalia use technology to defeat the enemy The films sometimes we see give us ideas and a lot of fantasy and illusions. Kenya has once again lost some members of the army through an attack by Al shabab militant group.... more
Un 24 de enero del 76 d.C. nace el emperador romano Adriano quien ordenó la construcción del muro que separaba britanos de los pueblos del norte. El segundo (sucediendo a Trajano) de los emperadores romanos de origen hispánico,... more
C elem niniejszego artykułu nie jest dokonanie szczegółowej rekonstrukcji wydarzeń mających miejsce w 88 r. przed Chr., które w konsekwencji doprowadziły do pierwszego w historii Rzymu udanego zbrojnego zamachu stanu, lecz ich... more
Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World, A Brill Companion to Classical Studies Series Series Editor: Lee L. Brice Aims and Scope The aim of the series is to publish high-quality, useful volumes each focused on a specific topic related... more
The study of cremated human remains from archaeological contexts has traditionally been viewed as less valuable than the study of inhumed bodies. However, recent methodological and theoretical developments regarding the taphonomic... more
Se pretende abordar el estudio de los graneros romanos de ámbito militar en Hispania, mediante un análisis del emplazamiento que ocupaban en el interior de los campamentos legionarios y fuertes y, especialmente, de las técnicas de... more
Пількевич А.Л. Деструктивні процеси в системі військової організації Риму та формування ранніх елементів професіоналізації армії в ІІ ст. до Р.Х. // Етнічна історія народів Європи. 2015. №45. С. 17-20. В статті проаналізовано ключові... more
Conférence organisée à l'occasion de l'ouverture au public du parc archéologique de Samara
La conférence faisait suite à une marche de 14 km par 8 légionnaires de l'association Legion VIII Augusta le matin même
La conférence faisait suite à une marche de 14 km par 8 légionnaires de l'association Legion VIII Augusta le matin même
Il presente volume, con cui si conclude la lunga ricerca di Fernando Sammarco, che nel corso del tempo ha già dato alla luce “I Leoni di Messapia”(1999), “I Leoni di Messapia II - Il Cerchio di Fuoco”(2004) e “Re Arthas il Grande -... more
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
Article based on my Bachelor thesis and conference talk delivered on 20th May 2011 in Krakow. It discusses two different types of Roman fortification systems - Hadrian's Wall and Limes Arabicus.
The book deals with birth, childhood, family, education, the career of Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, who was the plebeian tribune of 133 BC. The book attempts to explain the reasons why Tiberius became the leader of the revolutionary... more
Ce mémoire de master propose un examen des entrepôts publics en milieux urbain et militaire durant les Haut et Bas-Empire, en Gaule Belgique et Germanie inférieure. Pour cela, il a d’abord été nécessaire d’établir un catalogue de toutes... more
This text gives some very small selection of details included in the forthcoming Caracalla: A Military Biography (as an advertisement) due to be published by Pen & Sword this year and in fact provides also a short overview of some of the... more
If there is anything that unified the Roman world almost 2000 years ago in a similar way as it brought us together for scholarly reasons at León in Spain, it is the Roman army. And just as we had to take some efforts to get there the... more
The principia of Roman camps, including the heart of a unit's religious activities, the chapel of standards, as well as altars, were the most important venues of official religious ceremonies of the army. In many ways, this setting was a... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Those who protected the Imperial borders. Brief history of the Roman Army and its relation to Pannonia.
How can one read Mark 5:1-43’s story from the multiple levels of post-colonial, feminist and HIV/AIDS perspectives? There are, no doubt, many ways of reading any text. But more importantly each of the above mentioned paradigm is a... more