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Global Strategy Report 10/2020 - Entre los años 69 y 106 d.C. el Imperio romano se enfrentó a una... more
Visión actualizada y crítica de la llamada "persecución" de Domiciano contra los cristianos.
Up-to-date critical summary on the Domitianic persecution against the christians.
In this paper I will discuss how an epigram by Martial (Mart. 9.20) can be connected to a passage of Theocritus’ Encomium to Ptolemy Philadelphus (Theoc. Id. 17.58 – 76): the analysis will be developed in detail in order to enable the... more
Gives an overview of the Greek-language literature of the Flavian period (AD 69-96) and considers (1) to what extent the dynastic changes of the period make themselves felt in that literature (mainly Plutarch and Dio Chrysostom) and (2)... more
Table of Contents of the thesis submitted to the University of Nottingham
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
In life, the emperor Domitian (81-96 CE) marketed himself as a god; after his assassination he was condemned to be forgotten. Nonetheless he oversaw a literary, cultural, and monumental revival on a scale not witnessed since Rome’s first... more
For over fifteen years before the production of Tacitus's Germania, the title Germanicus had been prominent in Rome, claimed not only by Domitian but also by both Nerva and Trajan. Tacitus famously refutes military success in his account.... more
John's Logos-hymn reflect a response to the Johannine narrative, functioning with other Christological hymns to pose a Jewish challenge to Empire and its divine-Caesar cult. It is added to the final edition of John as an experientially... more
This is the final typescript (AAM) of a chapter now published in Antony Augoustakis, Emma Buckley, and Claire Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature, “Phoenix Supplementary Series.” Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 45–67. In... more
An examination of the early career of the Emperor Domitian, younger son of Vespasian. This is a recent revision of a research paper first written in my Honours' year. Brian Jones, whose works are cited herein, was my supervisor for this... more
Before Vespasian returned to Rome to take up the reins of imperial government, he reportedly had a vision in the Serapeum of Alexandria and, as the New Serapis, healed two men. These wonders came to define Vespasian's time in Egypt and... more
In this short, introductory essay, I introduce the Revelation of St. John by providing the following elements: a short overview of the work, the historical context in which the book was written, some examples of the elements that make... more
This is from a paper which I had written some time ago. The basis for discovering and confirming this is the work of Sir Ronald Syme; particularly, his paper titled 'Domitius Corbulo' (JRS, 1970-71). The subject of which is quite... more
The twin stories about Roman matrons in book 18 of Josephus' Antiquities are more than historically gossip. Rather, they encapsulate Josephus' opinion of nascent Christianity on the one hand, and his criticism of Domitian's religious... more
Der Aufsatz befasst sich mit der Darstellung Neros und Domitians als Tyrannen bei Cassius Dio. Als grundlegend für die negative Schilderung der beiden erweist sich das Verfahren der ,Dekomposition‘: Am Beispiel von Neros Bewertung als... more
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
A new reading of Suetonius' De Vita Caesarum as source for emperors' lives and Roman social history. The focus is on how Suetonius used his own memory and those of others. Paper given at the Oxford Food Symposium and published in its... more
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
This is a study regarding traits that are found in clinical psychopaths and the same traits as found displayed by the ancient author known as 'Flavius Josephus'. This paper presents the need to make such information a necessary part of... more
An unpublished Master's Diploma Thesis, which deals with the Imperial cult and propaganda during the reign of Roman emperor Domitian (I apologise for little mistakes (mostly grammar/spelling and numbering of pictures), which were not... more
[MORE INFORMATION IN: Romeo Dell’Era, Gian Luca Gregori, “Amministrazione imperiale e popoli alpini al tempo di Domiziano. Il caso del procurator Augusti Alpium Cottianarum et Pedatium Tyriorum et Cammuntiorum et Lepontiorum”, Ancient... more
Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more
This paper tells a little known part of the story involving the creation of Christianity, and how a family alliance between the Flavians and Pisos had worked for the Piso family until the death of the Emperor Titus. And then, how, once... more
Much ink has been spilled about the authenticity of the so-called testimonium Flavianum, which is one of the most important extra-Biblical prooftexts about Jesus. There are three major assumptions regarding this 89-word-long passage that... more
Even the name, Pausilypon, or “place that puts an end to worries”, today used to refer to the entire Neapolitan hillside, conveys an idea of the pleasantness of the sites and the purpose of the villa. The hillside of Posillipo rises to... more
The epigraphical cursus honorum of Sex. Attius Suburanus Aemilianus mentions the task of procurator Augusti Alpium Cottianarum et Pedatium Tyriorum et Cammuntiorum et Lepontiorum, otherwise not attested, which he held at the beginning of... more
This is the third chapter of my dissertation, 'The Invisibility of Juvenal' (2011). This chapter hit the cutting-room floor when I was writing my Juvenal book and has since not been published. Important work has been done on Satire Four... more
Thebes (modern Luxor) was a popular tourist destination during the Roman Period, receiving the likes of Strabo, Germanicus, and Hadrian. Yet while its international fame rested on its royal tombs and the Memnon colossus, Thebes was also a... more
Overview of urbanistic interventions by nero in Rome who shaped a true 'Domitianopolis'. The paper forms part of a modern assessment of the last Flavian emperor.
This is a VERY ROUGH outline of my belief that the Emperor Domitian had aspergers syndrome. I hope to expand over the next few months and add more evidence from secondary literature. The focus here is on the primary sources of Suetonius... more
The paper reports the results of the direct inspection of ChLA X 417 (P.Berol. inv. 8334), a letter presumably from Emperor Domitian to the prefect of Egypt Laberius Maximus. The inspection provides new readings for several passages of... more
L'entrata al foro di Nerva dalla Subura fu risolta attraverso un curioso portico a forma di ferro di cavallo comunemente identificato nella cosiddetta porticus absidata delle fonti. L'edificio è stato analizzato nel dettaglio del design... more
Since I have been studying so many different areas of ancient history, particularly that of ancient Rome, this subject has been of some interest to me and others for a number of reasons. It has been apparent that the decline in the... more