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New  discoveries in the gallery of the Baths of Trajan on the Oppian hill
This volume discusses the culture, art and literature of the Flavian world and constitutes a critical survey of the period, which underscores and re-evaluates its foundational importance. The studies attend to a diversity of topics,... more
Monografia de conclusão de curso da faculdade de licenciatura em História, da UNIRIO, cujo objetivo é demonstrar o uso da propaganda, religião e uso das moedas na antiguidade, a partir de uma dinastia romana imperial estreante: os Flávios.
Before Vespasian returned to Rome to take up the reins of imperial government, he reportedly had a vision in the Serapeum of Alexandria and, as the New Serapis, healed two men. These wonders came to define Vespasian's time in Egypt and... more
The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History (Roman Piso, 11-25-2016, edited & updated 03-22-2017) [Note: To fully understand this, it is recommended that other related papers be read as well, as this is a complex... more
This list covers many of the aliases and pen names that were used from the first century CE, up to near modern times (see my paper, 'Napoleon Bonaparte & The Holy Roman Empire', which, gives his descent from Arrius Piso and his... more
Who was Flavius Josephus? Answering this one question, leads to answers to virtually all other questions about ancient history. The answer is that he was Arrius Calpurnius Piso, a royal Roman. He wrote under the alias of Flavius Josephus... more
A lo largo de sus tres siglos de historia en la época imperial romana, la función principal de la Guardia Pretoriana fue la protección de la figura del emperador allí donde este se encontrara, ya fuera actuando permanentemente como su... more
This is a study regarding traits that are found in clinical psychopaths and the same traits as found displayed by the ancient author known as 'Flavius Josephus'. This paper presents the need to make such information a necessary part of... more
Being 'Inner-Circle' with regards to history & religion means viewing it with "inside" knowledge. Whereas, all others try to understand it by studying it from the outside looking in. Summary: Certain Romans created Christianity during a... more
The emperor Constantine's family is referred to by scholars as either the Constantinian Dynasty, or the Neo-Flavians. The reason that they have been called the 'Neo-Flavians' or New Flavians, is not because scholars have traced back their... more
Another thing is that Abelard Reuchlin not only passed along Inner-Circle knowledge that he was told, but he expounded upon it so that it could be more clearly understood by those who otherwise would not. He put forth a viable means in... more
There are so many areas which need to be studied when it comes to the First and Second Centuries of the Common Era, and so much more to learn about that time in history. If you read this paper and still wonder about various parts of it,... more
This paper tells a little known part of the story involving the creation of Christianity, and how a family alliance between the Flavians and Pisos had worked for the Piso family until the death of the Emperor Titus. And then, how, once... more
This paper helps illustrate the true nature of the New Testament and its authors. It shows that the authors were not holy men at all; but instead, extremely cruel psychopathic murderers who joked about the horrific acts that they had... more
The Colosseum is well understood as a dynastic monument that was key to the Flavian building programme and to Flavian ideology. From this point of view it has been approached as the fulfilment of Augustus's ambition for a large-scale... more
L'entrata al foro di Nerva dalla Subura fu risolta attraverso un curioso portico a forma di ferro di cavallo comunemente identificato nella cosiddetta porticus absidata delle fonti. L'edificio è stato analizzato nel dettaglio del design... more
Since I have been studying so many different areas of ancient history, particularly that of ancient Rome, this subject has been of some interest to me and others for a number of reasons. It has been apparent that the decline in the... more
Abstract: The triumph de Iudaeis had an enormous impact in Flavian Rome. Whereas a considerable amount of bibliography has accumulated over the years, no study examines in detail the issue of the exact date of such a major event. The... more
in A. J. Boyle and W. J. Dominik (eds.), Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 559-90.
This is something that I had discovered many years ago, but which had remained only in my own private notes until I began sharing this information with others after the year 2000. I finally wrote it out as a genealogical chart as a means... more
While today we naturally tend to concentrate on the tragedy of the Jewish people, the events of 70 CE were just an outcome of a much bigger change in the Roman Empire. The fate of Jerusalem was resolved by the political circumstances... more
La legitimidad es un espacio político en continua construcción. Sin embargo, el respeto al legado augústeo y la explotación de su recuerdo, en aras de proyectar una imagen de continuidad con la casa imperial precedente, son... more
Nummi restituti (Restitution coins) appeared in Roman imperial mintage thanks to the Flavian mints, operating in the times of Titus and Domitian. The authoress shares the thesis that the Restitution coins, apart from their commemorative... more
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
This article, in memory of Alla Kushnir-Stein, discusses a newly discovered aureus, bearing a previously unattested legend, Iudaea recepta, and an equally unattested combination of iconographic elements on its reverse, issued immediately... more
Since Bernays in 1861, scholars have disputed Josephus’ account in Bell. Iud. 6.252 that a Roman soldier during the siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE acted on ‘some supernatural impulse’ when he threw a piece of burning wood into the Temple,... more
The Flavian period is represented in the original Victor A. Adda collection through a considerable assemblage of 30 aurei of Vespasian, Vespasian and Titus, Titus and Domitian. Of these, two are included in the group now at the Israel... more
in J. Edmondson, S. Mason, and J. Rives (eds.), Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome (Oxford: OUP, 2005), 243-88