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The numerical growth of the population, together with the exponential growth of the consumer desire for specific consumption on the background of raising the standard of living, necessarily requires the identification of new solutions for... more
The methodological foundations of the recently published Manual for Annex I Habitats monitoring in Italy, edited by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) with the scientific support of the Italian Society... more
FREE DOWNLOAD BOOK: This book concludes the project entitled “Environmental Sustainability in Europe: A socio-legal perspective” (2017/2020) coordinated by prof. Serena Baldin of the... more
Indice e bibliografia della tesi di laurea. Note: - Menzione speciale “per l’alto valore della tesi” dalla giuria del V° concorso “Laura Conti” 2004 (Ecoistituto del Veneto. Viale Venezia 7 - 30171 Mestre (Ve).... more
Per valutare l’impatto che le attività agricole possono potenzialmente avere nei confronti delle specie e degli habitat sono stati applicati una serie di indici per individuare le situazioni di emergenza ove è necessario agire rapidamente... more
The presentation of the historical and recent distribution of Myricaria germanica in Austria is based upon an evaluation of historic and current literature, floristic databases and public herbaria complemented by authors’ surveys. The... more
The paper presents phytosociological documentation and habitat conditions of Molinia meadows from the alliance Molinion Koch 1926 in the Kłodzko district (south-eastern central Sudetes Mts.). The Selino carvifoliae-Molinietum Kuhn 1937... more
Catalogul isi propune sa informeze publicul in legatura cu reteaua de zone de interes conservativ european Natura 2000. Lucrarea ofera informatii detaliate despre cele 5 regiuni biogeografice din Romania, explicatii despre cele 2 tipuri... more
The Habitat Directive requires Member States to implement surveillance of the conservation status of habitats and species of Community Interest. The aim of this handbook is to outline the methodological instruments for the implementation... more
L'uso dei prodotti fitosanitari, i cui principi attivi sono quasi sempre sostanze chimiche di sintesi, desta serie preoccupazioni non solo per la salute umana e l’ambiente, ma anche per le aree naturali, sottoposte a tutela in base alle... more
First chapter of 1st book of  "Sistemi ambientali e Rete Natura 2000 della Regione Basilicata" published by Regione Basilicata and edited by Valeria Giacanelli, Riccardo Guarino, Patrizia Menegoni, Sandro Pignatti
RINGKASAN Belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang mudah rusak (perishable) sehingga fleksibelitasnya dipasaran menjadi terbatas. Sifat perishable ini muncul karena sebagian besar komoditas... more
Catálogo técnico acerca de las buenas prácticas que se pueden desarrollar en la Red Natura 2000 y sus herramientas de financiación
Guía detallada para poder elaborar un plan de gestión destinado a la conservación de los valores naturales de un espacio cierto de gestión, la finca o monte
The document contains presentations of and comments on 5 case studies of CBNRM projects globally. Available in Bulgarian and English.
The importance of taking into account ecosystems, plant communities and habitats for the development of biodiversity conservation strategies is increasingly acknowledged. Recently, the first ever European Red List of Habitats was... more
This case comment explores the relationship between two intertwined objectives – ensuring security of electricity supply and environmental protection – in the context of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU in the case... more
At rewilding initiative the Oostvaardersplassen activists oppose Dutch wildlife management organization Staatsbosbeheer. They ask to stop animal suffering and try to feed the animals, stating that the large grazers are landlocked in a "... more
Human-induced land-use changes have shaped landscapes and modeled structures and functions of ecosystems, to the extent that they are regarded as the main driver of alteration of ecosystem services (ES), that is those services provided... more
Field investigation carried out by the Sicilian botanists in the last 20 years enabled them to identify eight habitat types of high biogeographic and conservation interest, neglected by the Directive 92/43, which deserve ad hoc... more
Presence-only models can aid conservation and management of threatened, elusive species. A MaxEnt model has been developed for the great capricorn beetle (Cerambyx cerdo L., 1758) in southwestern Poland and the variables identified best... more
The European Red List of Habitats provides an overview of the risk of collapse (degree of endangerment) of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the European Union (EU28) and adjacent regions (EU28+), based on a consistent set... more
The Roach’s mouse-tailed dormice (Myomimus roachi) is an endangered mammal in Europe with poorly known distribution and biology in Bulgaria. Cranial remains of 15 specimens were determined among 30532 mammals in Barn Owl (Tyto alba)... more
This LIFE Nature Focus publication looks at the importance of partnership work to the successful implementation of EU nature and biodiversity policy, in particular the management of the Natura 2000 network. Effective conservation today... more
Pradolina Bzury-Neru jako ostoja siedliskowa Natura 2000 jest odcinkiem pradoliny warszawsko-berlińskiej – największej bruzdy dolinnej obszaru staroglacjalnego w Polsce i jednej z największych form wklęsłych Niżu Środkowoeuropejskiego... more
This article responds to calls for the historical sciences to inform adaptation in the Anthropocene, in this case, the sustainability of hill farming in view of EU habitat conservation. Focusing on Kerry, Ireland, it highlights the... more
L'archivio dati delle corrispondenze specie-habitat del Progetto Speciale Funghi contiene più di 100.000 segnalazioni di specie fungine assegnate ai relativi codici. Viene quin presentata l'estrazione dei dati relativi alle leccete... more
Effectively using the space provided for political mobilization by the legalization of associations and the rise of public concern on environmental damage, environmental groups were among the main drivers of democratic transition in... more
Building upon a recent piece of research that maps a regional green infrastructure (RGI) in relation to four components (natural value, conservation value, landscape value, and recreational value), this study aims at identifying planning... more
Turkey has an impressive richness in terms of fauna and flora. Nearly 28% of total country area of Turkey is covered by the forests. The aim of this research is to present the status, opportunities and challenges for forest biodiversity... more
Secondary succession in former arable fields (i.e. old fields) might be altered by the colonization of invasive alien species, with possible community-wide impacts, hindering the ability of old fields to become species-rich communities.... more
Establishing structures of environmental governance is an important goal of external policy actors but a notoriously difficult one to achieve in states with weak regulatory capacities. Building on newer developments in governance... more
Samaria gorge located in the White Mountains on Crete has been nominated as both a National Park and a Biosphere Reserve, while it also holds the diploma of the Council of Europe protected areas. Its management is currently done by the... more
The stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium is one of the three native crayfish species occuring in Bulgaria (the other two are Astacus astacus and Astacus leptodactylus), which is protected by many European and national laws. In... more