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In the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia, a deeply worrying trend has emerged where the approval of major mining projects is predicated on the rescinding of areas previously set aside to conserve environmental, including... more
It is well-known that the existing building stock is responsible for non-renewable resource depletion, energy and material consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Life cycle analysis (LCA) procedures have thus been developed, in... more
There is an increasing need and interest in including indicators of landscape fragmentation in monitoring systems of sustainable landscape management. Landscape fragmentation due to transportation infrastructure and urban development... more
Worldwide, cassava (Manhiot esculenta Crantz) is used for a multitude of reasons; as a main food staple in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroun etc.), Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia etc.) and South America (Bazil, Paraguay etc.) as well... more
The present study involves the assessment of metals (Cr, Ni, Pb and Cd) in contaminated agricultural soil (CAS) and abandoned chromite-asbestos waste (CW). High concentrations of Cr and Ni were found in CW (1,121–2,802 mg Cr kg-1;... more
O governo brasileiro tem investido e deveria investir ainda mais em infraestrutura de transporte. De acordo com as leis ambientais, esse tipo de empreendimento exige um estudo de impacto ambiental (EIA). No entanto, o EIA é uma medida... more
The world-wide problem of increasing light pollution is assessed through the development of global maps of the distribution of zenith sky brightness with a resolution of approximately 1 km. These maps are produced using satellite imagery... more
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a key public health and environmental sustainability activity and the revised EIA Directive presents opportunities for an effective consideration of population and human health and for greater... more
The Canal del Dique, located on the Colombian Caribbean Coast, can be seen as an "artificial" branch of the River Magdalena. Since its inception in 1650, it has undergone a series of interventions aimed at optimising river navigation... more
Monitoring and measuring mitigation success is the only way to ‘close the loop’ and ensure mitigation implementation is effective. After almost 30 years of monitoring being excluded from Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation,... more
Kniha Hany Müllerové a Petry Humlíčkové reflektuje posun v české legislativě a judikatuře v oblasti účasti veřejnosti v procesech týkajících se životního prostředí. Komentuje především nadcházející koncepční změny procesu posuzování vlivů... more
The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has set a goal to produce 6000 MW of electricity solely from solar Photovoltaic (PV) to ensure energy usage and sustainable development for every region by the year 2041. To meet this target, we have... more
ÖZET Sanayileşme, birçok farklı alanda olumlu gelişmelere gebe olsa da bazı yan etkileri problem olarak karışımıza çıkmaktadır. Buna çevre problemini örnek gösterebiliriz. Bugünümüz bilhassa geleceğimiz için büyük öneme sahip çevreye dair... more
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a key public health and environmental sustainability activity and the revised EIA Directive presents opportunities for an effective consideration of population and human health and for greater... more
Ferrante, L. & P.M. Fearnside. 2021. Brazil’s political upset threatens Amazonia. Science 371: 898-899.    Preprint
In Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) the use of health impact assessment (HIA) as a tool for improved policy development is comparatively new. The public health workforce do not routinely assess the potential health and equity... more
La costa de Chiapas se extiende a lo largo de 253.9 km, desde la frontera con Guatemala hasta el límite con el estado de Oaxaca. Cambios importantes se han identificado a lo largo de la línea de costa, mismos que han dejado un amplio... more
Assessing the average energy intensity of Internet transmissions is a complex task that has been a controversial subject of discussion. Estimates published over the last decade diverge by up to four orders of magnitude — from 0.0064... more
... The paper identifies opportunities for taking advantage of the current environment for strengthening the EIA process. ... But the EIA reports of such projects were not approved by the concerned Environment Protection Agency prior to... more
This research primarily aims to develop a method in which road distress can be identified at early stage so that it could be maintained and fixed early thus avoiding critical damage. The primary source of data for the project was obtained... more
Evaluating the sensitivity of geodiversity features to development projects may be a part of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the UK. However, there are no published environmental assessment techniques or good practice guides... more