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The Habitat Directive requires Member States to implement surveillance of the conservation status of habitats and species of Community Interest. The aim of this handbook is to outline the methodological instruments for the implementation... more
The methodological foundations of the recently published Manual for Annex I Habitats monitoring in Italy, edited by the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) with the scientific support of the Italian Society... more
L'uso dei prodotti fitosanitari, i cui principi attivi sono quasi sempre sostanze chimiche di sintesi, desta serie preoccupazioni non solo per la salute umana e l’ambiente, ma anche per le aree naturali, sottoposte a tutela in base alle... more
First chapter of 1st book of  "Sistemi ambientali e Rete Natura 2000 della Regione Basilicata" published by Regione Basilicata and edited by Valeria Giacanelli, Riccardo Guarino, Patrizia Menegoni, Sandro Pignatti
The European Red List of Habitats provides an overview of the risk of collapse (degree of endangerment) of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the European Union (EU28) and adjacent regions (EU28+), based on a consistent set... more
This paper analyses Natura 2000 as a shifting configuration of different approaches to nature conservation and discusses the consequences of these shifts for the roles of the stakeholders affected by this policy. Natura 2000 started with... more
RINGKASAN Belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan yang mudah rusak (perishable) sehingga fleksibelitasnya dipasaran menjadi terbatas. Sifat perishable ini muncul karena sebagian besar komoditas... more
Guía detallada para poder elaborar un plan de gestión destinado a la conservación de los valores naturales de un espacio cierto de gestión, la finca o monte
The importance of taking into account ecosystems, plant communities and habitats for the development of biodiversity conservation strategies is increasingly acknowledged. Recently, the first ever European Red List of Habitats was... more
Catálogo técnico acerca de las buenas prácticas que se pueden desarrollar en la Red Natura 2000 y sus herramientas de financiación
We investigate the impact of performances of failure in nature conservation by means of a detailed reconstruction of the implementation of European Union conservation directives in the Netherlands. We distinguish performance and... more
The Habitats Directive celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2012. The influence of the Directive now extends across 27 Member States, compared to just 12 when it was first adopted in May 1992. The sites now cover more than 17% of the land... more
In this paper we reflect on the relationship between planning and law. We analyse the Dutch interpretation and implementation of the European Union Habitats and Birds Directives by investigating the practices of delineation of protected... more
Turkey has an impressive richness in terms of fauna and flora. Nearly 28% of total country area of Turkey is covered by the forests. The aim of this research is to present the status, opportunities and challenges for forest biodiversity... more
This paper describes the land mollusc fauna of four “Natura 2000” sites in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy. The study sites are located along an altitudinal transect and host different forest types. Study sites include a... more
In agroecosystems, the evaluation of biodiversity is extremely important given its relation with their sustainability, however it is a difficult and expensive task. The use of the higher taxa surrogacy has been proposed as an effective... more
We propose a method for the appropriate assessment of adverse effects of roads in compliance with the European Union Habitats Directive. The method incorporates an analysis of ecological risk of edge effects by the proposed roads with the... more
The presentation of the historical and recent distribution of Myricaria germanica in Austria is based upon an evaluation of historic and current literature, floristic databases and public herbaria complemented by authors’ surveys. The... more
Effectively using the space provided for political mobilization by the legalization of associations and the rise of public concern on environmental damage, environmental groups were among the main drivers of democratic transition in... more
Human-induced land-use changes have shaped landscapes and modeled structures and functions of ecosystems, to the extent that they are regarded as the main driver of alteration of ecosystem services (ES), that is those services provided... more
The implementation of Natura 2000 has met with considerable resistance from farmers, fishermen, foresters and other local residents in most EU Member States. In response to the rural protest, the majority of governments have gradually... more
Per quanto riguarda i sistemi fluviali e lacustri, ritenuti elementi di connessione delle aree core (e quindi tra SIC, ZPS e altre aree protette) e fondamentali stepping stones nella rete ecologica, lo stato di conoscenza degli habitat da... more
The document contains presentations of and comments on 5 case studies of CBNRM projects globally. Available in Bulgarian and English.
Many EU Member States are using management plans to ensure the sustainable conservation and management of Natura 2000 sites. The decision about whether to use management plans lies with the Member States. Although management planning... more
Per valutare l’impatto che le attività agricole possono potenzialmente avere nei confronti delle specie e degli habitat sono stati applicati una serie di indici per individuare le situazioni di emergenza ove è necessario agire rapidamente... more
Integrating ecosystem services (ES) into the management of protected areas, such as European Natura 2000 sites, can improve biodiversity conservation and human well-being; yet, the assessment and application of ES remains challenging. In... more
Secondary succession in former arable fields (i.e. old fields) might be altered by the colonization of invasive alien species, with possible community-wide impacts, hindering the ability of old fields to become species-rich communities.... more
The Brachiopoda of the infralittoral substrates of the Marine Protected Area “Secche di Tor Paterno”, Central Tyrrhenian Sea, are described and illustrated. Four species are reported: Novocrania anomala, Megathiris detruncata, Argyrotheca... more
Land use changes are apparent in mainland Portugal as a consequence of important economic, social and climatic changes. The international commitments made by Portugal, while Member State of the European Union, in the scope of the... more
In 2003 - 2004 period, by the use of GIS technique there were delimited the five European bioregions that occur in Romania, the respective bioregions having the following total surfaces in the initial version of the map: Alpine... more
Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas of the European Union and it is legally binding based on the Birds and Habitats Directives adopted by the EU Member States in 1979 and 1992, respectively. The purpose of this... more
L'archivio dati delle corrispondenze specie-habitat del Progetto Speciale Funghi contiene più di 100.000 segnalazioni di specie fungine assegnate ai relativi codici. Viene quin presentata l'estrazione dei dati relativi alle leccete... more
Question Can very high-resolution colour orthophotography and digital surface models (DSMs) from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) be effectively used for assessment of habitat extent and condition in fine-scale disturbance-dependent... more
The setting up of the European network of protected areas (Natura 2000) is nearing completion. Alpine rivers with nearnaturalmorphology and dynamics have become rare and are highly endangered. Myricaria germanica, an endangeredindicator... more