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Le programme CarHAB est un programme de cartographie de la végétation, lancé par le ministère en charge de l’écologie dans le but d’améliorer la connaissance sur la répartition et l’état de conservation des milieux naturels et... more
Given the current decline of natural wetlands worldwide and the consequent negative impacts on amphibians, wetlands constructed for the treatment of wastewaters have the potential to play a role in the protection of these animals.... more
The spider fauna of Barangay Sinaloc, in El Salvador City was sampled from three cites (A, B and C) to assess the relative abundance, species diversity, evenness and their habitat preferences. A total of 187 individuals were collected... more
The Siberian spruce grouse (Falcipennis falcipennis) is an endemic species of the Russian Far East associated with late-succession dark conifer taiga forests. The species is listed in the Red Data Book of Russia and possesses a “Near... more
Pakistan's periled treasures of Coral reefs require protection from devastating anthropogenic activities, which can only be achieved through the identification of their habitat. The primary objective of this study is to identify the... more
In the light of the "Biological Diversity" concept, habitats are cardinal pieces for biodiversity quantitative estimation at a local and global scale. In Europe EUNIS (European Nature Information System) is a system tool for... more
This project was carried out within the course Satellite Oceanography under the academic supervision of Konstantinos Topouzelis. The main object of this study was to classify and map the underwater habitats in a shallow coastal area... more
The aim of the work was to map and analyse benthic habitats in the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea using the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The habitats definitions were analogous to those proposed in the HELCOM classification,... more
Grassland ecosystem is dynamic and productive ecosystem and it always has key role to provide suitable habitat of rare and threatened wildlife species. Reliable and updated information about number and extent of grasslands of Chitwan... more
Seagrass meadows cover about 0.05-0.15% of the world’s ocean and are some of the most productive systems on Earth. Direct and indirect human-derived impacts have led to significant seagrass declines worldwide and the alteration of... more
The UK Habitat Classification is a new, free-to-use, unified and comprehensive approach to classifying habitats that is fully compatible with existing classifications. It is designed to provide digital outputs suitable for habitat... more
The Merja Zerga lagoon is significant as a stopover site for Trans-Sahara migrants, an over-wintering site for ducks and waders, as well as a breeding site nesting refuge for some rare species in Morocco. The lagoon contains a mosaic of... more
This review examines the various strategies and methods used to produce benthic habitat maps using acoustic remote sensing techniques, coupled with in situ sampling. The applications of three acoustic survey techniques are examined in... more
The Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) population of the Okavango Delta has undergone three major periods of human-induced decline in the past century. Combined, these periods have lead to an estimated 50% reduction in the breeding... more
I sistemi costieri sono aree di notevole interesse turistico e ambientale la cui gestione richiede competenze diversificate per lo sviluppo di strategie sostenibili in grado di coniugare attività antropiche e tutela delle risorse... more
We present the first digital seafloor geomorphic features map (GSFM) of the global ocean. The GSFM includes 131,192 separate polygons in 29 geomorphic feature categories, used here to assess differences between passive and active... more
Abrupt collapse of the tropical rainforest biome (Coal Forests) drove rapid diversification of Carboniferous tetrapods (amphibians and reptiles) in Euramerica. This finding is based on analysis of global and alpha diversity databases in a... more
Current MSc thesis focuses on the monitoring of seagrass P.oceanica along the northern coasts of Crete Island, Greece, and investigates the application of the remote sensing techniques for the seagrass mapping. This research was... more
Bat comes among the least studied and highly misunderstood animal, regarded as evil spirit or omen in Mesoamerican, Oaxcan and East Nigerean mythology, unlike depicted as Fu-Shing (symbology of god of happiness) in Chinese Culture.... more
The natural accumulation of logs, branches and other woody vegetation into the stream environment (coarse woody debris (CWD) accumulations) from adjacent stream banks plays an important role in altering the physical and ecological... more
The projected growth in human population, rapid urbanization, and expansion of structures like highways and canals pose a major threat to the future survival of wildlife, particularly large terrestrial mammals. In many cases, wild animal... more
It is difficult to map and quantify biodiversity at landscape level in areas with low data availability, despite demand from decision-makers. We propose a methodology to determine potential biodiversity pattern using habitat suitability... more
Clearing of forests for settlements, agriculture, industries and for communication purposes has done irreparable damage to the natural system. In particular, many wild species including birds are adversely affected by human induced... more
The intensive use of the European rivers during the last hundreds of years has led to profound changes in the physico-chemical properties, river morphology and aquatic faunistic communities. Rectifying these changes and improving the... more
Authorship order: The Heritage Council (Ireland), Future Analytics Consulting, Optimize Economic Consultancy, Michael Brennan, Mary Tubridy Associates This report presents the findings of a use case analysis and economic value study for... more