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"Natura 2000" is a coordinated network of protected areas that stretches across the European Union in compliance with two directives (the so-called "Habitats Directive" and the "Birds Directive") that underpin the Union's policies on... more
Le infrastrutture verdi (IV) sono definite come reti di aree naturali e semi-naturali pianificate a livello strategico per garantire la connessione ecologica tra gli ecosistemi. La questione dell’identificazione spaziale delle IV e della... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die Umsetzung der FFH-Richtlinie durch Landwirte in Sachsen. Seit 2002 hat der Freistaat Sachsen 270 FFH-Gebiete an die Europäische Kommis-sion gemeldet und führt in diesen Gebieten systematisch... more
Ponor Special Protection Area (Ponor SPA) is part of the Western Stara Planina (Western Balkan Range) and includes open grasslands and forests. Twenty-seven species of small mammals were detected in it: 1 species of the order... more
Carabus variolosus Fabricius, 1787 is a semiaquatic carabid beetle, rare and endangered in many European countries; it is listed in the EU Habitats Directive. The paper presents the current state of knowledge on its distribution in the... more
Natura 2000 is a network of habitats, the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world, managed under the same regulatory framework. Although the main aim of the network is to protect the habitat, it also considers the... more
We propose a method for the appropriate assessment of adverse effects of roads in compliance with the European Union Habitats Directive. The method incorporates an analysis of ecological risk of edge effects by the proposed roads with the... more
In 2003 - 2004 period, by the use of GIS technique there were delimited the five European bioregions that occur in Romania, the respective bioregions having the following total surfaces in the initial version of the map: Alpine... more
The study deals with issues related to the impact of Natura 2000 sites on local development of rural communes in Poland. The purpose of the study is an attempt at comparing the level of social-economic development of rural communes in... more
STRESZCZENIE W pracy scharakteryzowano siedlisko przyrodnicze źródliska wapienne ze zbiorowiskami Cratoneurion commutati (kod siedliska Natura 2000: 7220) zlokalizowane w granicach obszaru Natura 2000 Ostoja Gor-czańska PLH120018, w... more
Per quanto riguarda i sistemi fluviali e lacustri, ritenuti elementi di connessione delle aree core (e quindi tra SIC, ZPS e altre aree protette) e fondamentali stepping stones nella rete ecologica, lo stato di conoscenza degli habitat da... more
Between 2000 and 2013 a number of 1389 individuals belonging to Tipuloi­ dea and Ptychopteridae were collected in Cluj-­Napoca and its surround­ ings. Seven species are new to the Romanian fauna. Additionally, many species considered rare... more
Question Can very high-resolution colour orthophotography and digital surface models (DSMs) from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) be effectively used for assessment of habitat extent and condition in fine-scale disturbance-dependent... more
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According to the European Commission, green infrastructure (GI) is conceived as a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas. This definition highlights three important issues: environment protection, ecosystems... more
Wetlands are ecosystems of great ecological values. The produced biomass of these areas can act as an alternative renewable energy source. Lake Agras is an artificial wetland in central Macedonia. The purpose of the survey was to record... more
Nell’ambito delle attività istituzionali del Dipartimento Difesa della Natura dell’Istituto Superiore par la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), è stato istituito il “Progetto Speciale Funghi”, per studiare questa componente... more
This paper describes the land mollusc fauna of four “Natura 2000” sites in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy. The study sites are located along an altitudinal transect and host different forest types. Study sites include a... more
Gli insetti impollinatori e, in particolare, api e farfalle, sono di fondamentale importanza per il servizio ecosi-stemico dell'impollinazione, essenziale per la produtti-vità agricola, la conservazione della biodiversità delle piante... more
Στις νοτιοδυτικές παρυφές των Λευκών Ορέων, στην επαρχία Σελίνου του Νομού Χανίων, βρίσκεται το μοναδικό σε ομορφιά Φαράγγι της Αγίας Ειρήνης, συνολικού μήκους 7,5 χιλιομέτρων, του οποίου η νότια είσοδος απέχει 5 χιλιόμετρα από το... more
Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas of the European Union and it is legally binding based on the Birds and Habitats Directives adopted by the EU Member States in 1979 and 1992, respectively. The purpose of this... more
Pellet and feather analyses of the Eagle Owl diets in 41 localities in SE Bulgaria indicated 144 (75.8 %, n = 190) new and 46 (24.2 %) affirmative records of ten poorly known and threatened bird species during their breeding period in... more
Nell'ambito "Progetto Speciale Funghi" di ISPRA si presentano i primi risultati inerenti l'identificazione di specie micologiche indicatrici di qualità ambientale nei boschi ripariali italiani. Within the scope of the "Special... more
Per la valutazione della ricchezza di specie e di habitat a priorità di conservazione presenti in una zona umida, occorre considerare prioritatariamente le emergenze floristico-vegetazionali. E‘ prevista da parte di ISPRA, nell‘ambito del... more
The implementation of Natura 2000 has met with considerable resistance from farmers, fishermen, foresters and other local residents in most EU Member States. In response to the rural protest, the majority of governments have gradually... more
Crónica de Nicolás María López de la excursión realizada a Sierra Nevada en 1899 por la sociedad Diez amigos limited SEÑORES que hicieron 1a excursión á que se refiere e s t a crónica D. Alberto Álvarez Cienfuegos, Catedrático •del... more
Twee naar buiten gebrachte opvattingen staan lijnrecht tegenover elkaar: A. De Statenfracties van VVD, CDA, SGP, PVV, en 50Plus in Flevoland eisen de zeggenschap over de Oostvaardersplassen op ten koste de particuliere eigenaar... more
The Habitats Directive celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2012. The influence of the Directive now extends across 27 Member States, compared to just 12 when it was first adopted in May 1992. The sites now cover more than 17% of the land... more
In agroecosystems, the evaluation of biodiversity is extremely important given its relation with their sustainability, however it is a difficult and expensive task. The use of the higher taxa surrogacy has been proposed as an effective... more
The setting up of the European network of protected areas (Natura 2000) is nearing completion. Alpine rivers with nearnaturalmorphology and dynamics have become rare and are highly endangered. Myricaria germanica, an endangeredindicator... more
Fact is that, by intensively exploiting natural resources for years, we have achieved to reproduce the urban ecological dead ends, that deteriorate the everyday living in the Greek cities, into the protected natural areas. Two... more
The study aimed to determine the distribution, numbers, and forms of human activity on the banks and in the riverbed of the middle part of the Vistula River. This section of the river is the most valuable for nature and is located between... more
A large site encompassing Polish part of Szczecin Lagoon and adjacent meadows, agricultural land and forests in the east and south-west part. One of the most important sites for migratory and wintering waterbirds in the country,... more
The UNESCO Biosphere Reserves (BRs) comprise core conservation areas supported by a buffer and transition zone of sustainable development. This zoning can help manage urbanisation around conservation areas. Although it is UNESCO policy to... more
Practical advise on how to use community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) in Bulgaria's coastal setting. The focus is on stakeholder analysis, public consultation, and network building.
The European Union (EU) ensures the conservation of biodiversity through the Natura 2000 Network, which establishes the classification and selection of protected areas at European level. Unfortunately, member countries cannot make the... more
Introduzione Il Museo di Storia Naturale di Ferrara è attivo nell'ambito del monitoraggio della mortalità stradale degli animali (Vertebrati) dal 2016, anno in cui ha avviato il progetto Delta Road Kill, un progetto di scienza partecipata... more