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This Special Issue is the first volume in English to focus entirely on this remarkable artist.
Book (in French) published in 2003 at the occasion of the first exhibition staging exclusively biomedia art works at the national art center Le Lieu Unique in Nantes/France. Hauser Jens (ed.): L'Art Biotech. Nantes/Trézélan, 2003. The... more
For a culture defined by pervasive mediation and unceasing circulation of images, the invisibility of climate change, especially as it relates to the dark bed of the oceans, is unnerving. The oceans are persistently screened: as the human... more
Fostering conservation as a discursive and contextual practice, this essay examines transitional media that necessitate new ways of thinking about continuity. It looks at two examples of artworks with the objective of unraveling the... more
Technology still carries a promise. The spirit that drew media and net artists to the networks, computers, projectors, WWW, databases, sensors, portable devices, and even virtual reality is still alive today as the unique selling point of... more
This essay discusses two immersive installations by Mexican artist Erick Meyenberg. It argues that both Return to the Present (2011), and Étude taxonomique et comparative entre les castes de la Nouvelle Espagne et celles du Mexique... more
As part of the proceedings of the 2016 transmediale (TM) festival, the Research Institute for Arts and Technology together with Critical Media Lab Basel was invited to stage one of the festival’s many “conversation pieces”. The thematic... more
Marking the occasion of the first group exhibition of Australian media art at Ars Electronica (as part of its 25th anniversary festival), a specially edited publication was produced, featuring the works of a group of artists whose... more
The youth media movement, which now has a place in countless venues, communities, and scholarly discourses, reflects an evolution of practices pioneered in the 1950s and 1960s as amateur filmmaking increasingly became a reality in... more
¿CUÁL ES LA RELACIÓN entre la circulación desbordante de imágenes y la imagen que construimos de nuestro cuerpo? ¿En qué medida esta relación informa nuestros modos de acercarnos a la muerte? Estas preguntas son los detonantes de las... more
Catalogue essay to accompany the exhibition Gibson/Martelli: MAN A, at the Jaffe Fried Gallery, Hopkins Centre for the Arts, Dartmouth College. 22nd September -- 22nd November 2015.
One of the most salient differences between fine art and new media art lies in the possibility for interactivity. Interactivity is not simply an inherent quality of new media, it also relates to a crucial ethico-aesthetic premise... more
This chapter illustrates the reaction to the preservation and conservation of software-based media art and summarizes the crucial ideas and questions that involve this emergent area of conservation. The chapter analyzes the role in which... more
Video Information Center と 1970年代アートの記録(本間 友) Video Information Center 年譜 1972–1977 目録:VICビデオライブラリ 資料の概要と利用条件 Video Information Center and the Documentation of Art in the 1970s (Yu Homma) Chronology of Video Information Center, from 1972... more
Critical new media art is based on research-based art practice. It is both research-and process-oriented, so that the final result is not " completed " works (products) but rather process artifacts. This paper describes the artistic... more
The artistic use of error has a long history, and this essay attempts to reconstruct the genealogy of the relationship between artists and error. It then goes on to analyze the characteristics of technological error used in art along with... more
Visualizando la ciudad glocal. Modelos y paradigmas de una relación creativa entre el dato y su representación en el entorno arquitectónico Visualizing the glocal city. Models and paradigms of a creative relationship between the data and... more
""Electronic Visualisation in Arts and Culture explores a variety of new theory and technologies, including devices and techniques for motion capture for music and performance, advanced photographic techniques, computer generated images... more
Revealing a substantial amount of evidence hitherto missed by pertinent literature reviews, this article sets out to offer a critical appraisal of the empirical research literature on the contributions arts-based programmes may make to... more
This paper presents The Quiet Walk, an interactive mobile artwork for sonic explorations of urban space. The goal of TQW is to find the “quietest place”. An interface on the mobile device directs the user to avoid noisy areas of the city,... more
Examination of competing and complementary relationships of Visual Arts and Design in 21st century K12 arts education, with consideration of "Media Arts" as a potential, new synthesizing "nexus" discipline.
Multimédia můžeme v historii umění chápat buď jako rekurzivní koncept nebo souvislou linii vývoje složených forem, která se v určitých historických obdobích střídavě vynořuje a zase mizí z dominantního diskurzu. Vzorovým příkladem... more
While existing analytical frameworks (Chion 1994, Coulter 2009) provide basic classification tools for experimental audiovisual works, they fall short in elaborating the variety of compositional possibilities falling within the notion of... more
Perhaps it’s obvious; if we take radio out of radio art then we usually have a sound based art work that is not broadcasted, unicasted and/or multicasted; conversely if we take the ‘art’ out of radio art then we have radio (in all of its... more
From the mid-twentieth century into the twenty-first, artists and musicians manipulated, cracked, and broke audio media technologies to produce novel sounds and performances. Artists and musicians, including John Cage, Nam June Paik,... more
Abstract: In this Global Research Report, we focus on Global Dolphin Defense. Our research is original, especially because it includes data from qualitative interviews with those on the front-lines of this issue conducted by the author,... more
El Manual para Emprendedores Culturales presenta de manera sencilla algunos principios básicos de gestión estratégica requeridos para manejar con éxito proyectos pertenecientes a las industrias creativas. Esta publicación fue creada en el... more
The Auditory Setting introduces and investigates how narrative and a sense of place are constructed in film and media arts through the reproduction and mediation of site-specific environmental sounds, or ‘ambience’. Although this sonic... more
This was an essay I wrote about Ryan Trecartin for an assignment in my Masters degree.
Art deployed using the augmented reality medium is doing so from a micropolitics that distances itself from the uses of these same technologies elsewhere, such as in gaming, advertising, or entertainment paradigms. However, the current... more
"When we consider what constitutes the essence of poetry, we are confronted with a variety of questions none of which may be answered with final satisfaction. One feature that seems to emerge repeatedly through time is the notion of... more
A budding of research and experimentation in the field of contemporary art is currently encountered in many of the countries of Southeast Asia. This is all the more noticeable in those countries that are seeing economic and cultural... more
Questa è la prima monografia su Michele Sambin: un ineludibile pioniere della performance nel suo dialogo con le arti, fino al video e al digitale. Musica, teatro, pittura, uso creativo della luce sono esplorati da questo artista nel loro... more
Very tall narrow digital pictures inspired by the art and craft of both modern and traditional totem poles. The pictures cannot be viewed all at one time, but are interactive and must be scrolled. The patterns on these poles were derived... more
This paper discusses three methodological themes employed by contemporary media artists who reuse obsolete information technology hardware in their work. Methodologies include the exploration of the hidden “blackboxed” layer of technology... more
Resumen Este artículo esboza los componentes centrales de una crítica práctica de la comunicación, entendida ésta como un camino metodológico para abordar el estudio de los medios de comunicación y su apropiación crítica. Parte de la... more