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*Academic Book Review* Killer Tapes… is a fascinating book with rigourous theoretical content and effective challenges to entrenched modes of thinking about movie spectatorship. Benson-Allott outlines a new phenomenology of spectatorship,... more
This essay aims to reflect around Mario Tirino's book "Postspettatorialità. L'esperienza del film nell'era digitale". In the contemporary mediascape, where the media hybridize and remedy and the (networked) publics play an increasingly... more
This essay, taken from my upcoming book A Gossip of Images (Duke University Press), considers the intimate and indiscreet circulation of images beyond the context of individual films and the moment of spectatorship. Referring specifically... more
In this paper, we investigate the contextual characteristics of media architecture -- parameters that impact its integration in the existing social fabric -- from a socio-demographic (environment), technical (content) and architectural... more
The reflection on the pervasiveness of technologies in society and in contemporary artistic practices opens up multiple scenarios on our near future. Overcoming the classic dichotomy art + technology, the new areas of research are complex... more
The first exhibition of its kind, ‘Hand in Hand’ featured Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Maori, Samoan, Niuean and Fijian Artists based in Aotearoa, USA and Australia. The 2008 annual Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Co-operative’s... more
This paper discusses the prominence of serialization practices in contemporary Hollywood blockbuster cinema from the vantage points of political economy and seriality studies. It suggests that the recent trend towards sequelization,... more
For figures born more than half a century ago in the pages of American comic books, superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, or Captain America exhibit a remarkable omnipresence on the big and small screens of our contemporary media... more
This article deals with the two major actors in North Africa’s 2011 uprisings—namely, youth and the city—through a critical exploration of the cinematic realism that has defined Moroccan filmmakers’ response to the country’s socioeconomic... more
Instead of developing the general theme of the immersive experience, Francesco Casetti and Andrea Pinotti exemplify it by focusing specifically on Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s Carne y arena, an interactive virtual reality installation... more
A publication has been produced in connection with the Electric Speed exhibition, co-published by the Surrey Art Gallery and the New Forms Media Society, edited by Kate Armstrong with contributions by Caitlin Jones, Sylvie Parent, Mirjam... more
In this article, I discuss iPhone navigation as a performative practice in mobile and interactive augmented reality tours. I take the iPhone as a theoretical object and examine its specifi city as the prime—yet not exclusive— example of... more
Until a few decades ago, when speaking about cinema, a clear and consolidated collective consciousness was evoked. Now, this is no longer. A symbolic icon of modernity and of its distinctive processes, cinema is now living a complex phase... more
In recent years, virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a new frontier of innovation and experimentation within what is known as "immersive entertainment" – gaming, art, museum exhibitions, TV and cinema. The proliferation on the market of... more
Projection d'ouverture au Centre Pompidou le dimanche 22 mai et Colloque à Reid Hall (Paris) les 23 et 24 mai 2022 (keynote, panels, performances et tables rondes). À l’ère de ce que Gilles Deleuze a appelé les « sociétés de contrôle »... more
This point of view featurette examines the usage of the smartphone by rioters documenting their participation in the insurrection of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, in protestation of the certification of the Electoral count for then... more
A contribution to "Ten Years of the Trans Asia Photography Review / Notes from the Field"
La diffusione di tecnologie digitali immersive, come gli headset per la Realtà Virtuale (VR) e le app come Aurasma per la Realtà Aumentata (AR), promettono l'esplorazione di realtà " altre " dove la fruizione passiva viene riconfigurata... more
This paper explores the relationship between the digital desiring subject of our time and his/her digital (sexual) gadgets as a fundamentally infantile and ritualized way of managing the death drive. The paper recognizes the 21st century... more
... For an aesthetics of transmission. Giselle Beiguelman. Abstract. This article addresses some urban interventions I did between 2002 and 2004 using commercial electronic billboards. All those projects happened in networked ...
A.C. Dalmasso, “Technicity and the Utopian Limits of the Body”. In Battin JM, Duarte Penaranda GA (eds.) (2020) Reading Black Mirror. Insights into Technology and the Post-Media Condition, Bielefeld, Transcript-Verlag, 2020 (ISBN:... more
Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung Hochschule Luzern – Design & Kunst, HS 2020/21
Arbeits‐ und Lebensformen in Krise und Transformation

28.10.2020, 17‐19.45 Uhr

"Posthuman Communities"
Nina Franz und Loretta Fahrenholz
Una volta i termini «città» e «cinema» evocavano – almeno nel senso comune – un immaginario piuttosto chiaro e consolidato. Ora non più. Figure emblematiche della modernità e dei suoi processi più caratteristici, la città e il cinema si... more
Seminario dottorale dedicato alla metodologia della ricerca in ambito cinematografico.