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Color is a key feature, crucial for recognizing and categorizing objects. Even though color appearance tends to be perceived as stable, and universal tendencies have been found, color lexicon is subject to both intercultural and... more
This article deals with the history and word formation of the Icelandic word for ‘police’, i.e. lögregla. The word constitutes an interesting case of word formation in that said lexeme is a dvandva compound whose creation is related to... more
2022 marks the 150 Jubilee of the first recorded Scandinavian language service in Queensland. It was held on 26 June 1872 in the Lutheran Chapel on Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, by a Norwegian, Christopher Gaustad. To honour the occasion I... more
In this paper we would like to report on a study of gender assignment of English loanwords borrowed into Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. 1 Gender in the Scandinavian languages has proved to be a lively area of research, which is... more
The Danish pronoun de and its inflections are traditionally described as 3rd person plural, but, as this article demonstrates, it is also used as a gender neutral 3rd person singular pronoun. As this pronoun - termed singular de - has not... more
The book describes and analyses how non-native speakers of Danish evaluate their own as well as other non-native speakers’ accent in spoken Danish. The main research questions are: 1. Do non-native speakers of Danish recognise foreign... more
Both Sweden and Denmark made efforts in the early 20th century to diversify a surname stock heavy in secondary patronymics, but they adopted very different strategies, reflecting different times and prevailing linguistic models. A Danish... more
Detey, S., Racine, I., Kawaguchi, Y. & Eychenne, J. (éds) (2016). La prononciation du français dans le monde : du natif à l’apprenant. Coll. Références. Paris : CLE international, 263 p. ISBN 9782090382419 - With CD-Rom. Preview of the... more
This article examines aspects of Icelandic linguistic purism in the early 18th century, as revealed in a wordlist compiled by Jón Ólafsson from Grunnavík (1705–1779) and preserved in ms. AM 1013 4to (fol. 37v). After a brief introduction... more
Hygge is a keyword in Danish culture and a product of the distinctive Danish social ethos which developed in the late 19th and early 20th Century. The aim of this chapter is to provide a semantic and ethnopragmatic analysis of the concept... more
*FOR CITATIONS PLEASE USE "SHEILA LOUISE WRIGHT"* Also see the audio/video of this piece here: This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic... more
A number of different languages in the Indo-European family were analyzed based on how difficult it would be for a native English speaker to learn them. They were then rated on a purely impressionistic 1-6 scale of easiest to most... more
The Danish language, like many other 'Western' languages, does not have any human-referent gender neutral third person singular pronoun that is "officially" recognized in the sense that it is taught in language classes, used in public... more
В монографии дается полное описание синтаксиса порядка слов и синтаксиса субъектно-предикатных отношений в пяти современных языках скандинавской группы германской семьи - датском, норвежском, шведском, исландском, фарёрском, а также в... more
Chapter 1, Table of Content, frontmatter and index of the upcoming monograph in Routledge's FOCUS series (May 2019) The present book argues that linguistic concepts need to be applicable across various languages and philologies in... more
This paper describes the CoreGram project, a multilingual grammar engineering project that develops HPSG grammars for several typologically diverse languages that share a common core. The paper provides a general motivation for doing... more
This dissertation investigates learner beliefs, language ideologies, self-positioning, and language use among a group of Swiss university students of Danish as a foreign language. The theoretical framework of the study draw on socially... more
This is the published text of my italian translation of "Om min Forfatter-Virksomhed" by Søren Kierkegaard, published by ETS in December 2006. "Sulla mia attività di scrittore uscì a Copenaghen nel 1851, dopo che per almeno un lustro... more
Multilingual education is an essential matter of public concern for modern societies shaped by migration and it remains an important research issue. This article sheds light onto the implementation of autochthonous and allochthonous... more
This paper discusses copula constructions in English, German, and Danish and argues that a uniform analysis of all copula constructions is inappropriate. We provide evidence from German that there should be a raising variant of the copula... more
Omar Pérez Santiago presentó el 2014, el libro “Caricias”, con traducciones de la poesía de amor de la leyenda de la poesía punk de los años 80, el danés y anarquista Michael Strunge. El domingo 9 de marzo de 1986, el poeta tenía 27 años,... more
This paper discusses the problems in the interscandinavian communication between Swedes, Danes and Norwegians. Furthermore it presents the possible strategies, which can be used to improve the understanding between the participants in an... more
The typology of word prosody is still a subject of debate. Tone and stress remain the central units of classification; however, there is not an established consensus about their definitions. In this chapter, I focus on two specific... more
Det Persiske sprog, også kendt som Parsi eller Farsi, primært tales i Iran, Afghanistan og Tadsjikistan. Persisk er også tales af mindretal i Irak, Usbekistan, Tyrkiet, De Forenede Arabiske Emirater, Bahrain og nogle andre regioner.... more
The aim of this thesis is to create a complex and three-dimensional overview of East Norse dialects in the age of runic inscription (approximately 700 AD through 1200 AD). It does so through the use of two innovations – namely, variable... more