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"In the book, an etymological analysis of early romanisms in Slavonic languages is presented. In the fi rst chapter, some general issues related to the topic are discussed: a delimitation of the linguistic material; existing literature in... more
Intended as a companion for students and teachers using Words & Ideas (Wauconda: Bolchazy-Carducci 2009), this key provides answers to all the Exercises, Word Study and For Consideration questions. The key assists teachers and augments... more
The topic of the article is the borrowing of French idioms into the English language. The article primarily deals with the influence of the French language from the phraseological point of view. One way of forming idioms in the English... more
Neste volume recóllense unha serie de traballos dos maiores especialistas en toponimia galega, sobre a metodoloxía, a historiografía e a interpretación etimolóxica. A partir deles propóñense pautas de actuación á hora de estudar a... more
Intended as a companion for students and teachers using Words & Ideas (Wauconda: Bolchazy-Carducci 2012), this key provides answers to all the Exercises, Word Study and For Consideration questions. The key assists teachers and augments... more
The paper focuses on the decipherment of the Svan word "gudra", a cognate of the Kartuli (Georgian) and Megrelian lexeme "guda" designating a 'a skin bag'. The analysis throws a new light on the second component of the Svan word (-ra),... more
Ce travail consiste avant tout à rechercher, décrire et analyser les mots du créole réunionnais qui ont des origines dans le malgache. Je trouverai une étymologie pour chacun de ces mots et je me focaliserai sur les mots ayant une... more
Intended as a companion for students and teachers using Words & Ideas (Wauconda: Bolchazy-Carducci 2006), this key provides answers to all the Exercises, Word Study and For Consideration questions. The key assists teachers and augments... more
The work presents etymologies of the Turkic names for the seven most important cereals: barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye and wheat. Altogether, 106 names are discussed. As yet, this subject has not been dealt with as a whole.... more
У овом раду полазим од две методолошке претпоставке: 1) Култура се може очитати из језика; 2) Култура је целина, те се може објективно испитати само огледањем с другом целином. Полазећи од лексике, примењујем широку филолошку методологију... more
Özet Dilin, tarihî lehçelerden çağdaş lehçelere doğru gelişimini belirli sözcükler ve bu sözcüklere bağlı kavram alanları içerisinde değerlendirmek mümkündür. Buradan yola çıkılan çalışmada, Eski Türkçede ip anlamına gelen yıp sözcüğü ve... more
This etymology-in-context textbook focuses on modern words, their ancient roots, and the ancient concepts that lie behind these words that aid in the understanding of their meanings. It is designed to make classical antiquity available... more
This etymology-in-context textbook focuses on modern words, their ancient roots, and the ancient concepts that lie behind these words that aid in the understanding of their meanings. It is designed to make classical antiquity available... more
The present article offers a critical analysis of Reiner Lipp’s hypothesis, according to which the Proto-Iranian stage of the development of Indo- European palatals *k̂, *ĝ and *ĝh, represented as the sibilants s and z in Common Iranian... more
В настоящей статье, основываясь на принципе формально-семантического единства языковых элементов, мы попытались представить 34 значения двух разновидностей предлога ЗА как единую систему, развившуюся из генетически первичного... more
Prezentowany artykuł należy do tekstów językoznawstwa synchronicznego, jednak w dojściu do synchronii wykorzystane zostały w nim elementy badań diachronicznych. Autorka, odwołując się do historii jednostek opartych na rdzeniach... more
[PT] Este artigo discute a evolução da palavra latina grātus e de seus cognatos para a língua portuguesa. Parece-nos que o etmólogo deveria ter em vista a determinação da data da primeira ocorrência atestada de cada palavra. Neste estudo... more
Майданова Л. М., Макарова С. В. Гидронимический ареал им, ым в Северном Приуралье. С. 3. Марадудна Т. В. Рефлексы сингармонизма в севернорусской субстратной топонимике. С. 7. Шаламова Г. Я. Некоторые результаты структурно-фонетического... more
Analysis of historical and linguistic quasi-reasons, myths and fallacies for long-term nomenclature dispute about the geographical name of the Czech state (Česko in Czech, Czechia in English)
A proposal for Irish fada 'long' being inherited from a Brittonic linguistic layer in early Ireland, now updated with a follow-up on feadh 'extent, duration' and observations on the context of early loans from Latin and Brittonic.... more
Heinz Fähnrich, 2007, Kartwelisches etymologisches
Wörterbuch. Handbuch der Orientalistik, Abt. 8,
Bd. 18, Leiden, E.J. Brill. iv + 873 pp., 24,5cm.
Analysis of the evolution of the use of the words Hellene, gentile, and pagan, when combined with the study of a few representative figures in Roman history, illuminates how notions of personal and group identity shifted from blood... more
This contribution analyses all current etymologies of the Italian and dialectal toponym Polesine, trying to show their main weaknesses. Moreover, Edoardo Scarpanti presents a new etymology, which is based on a wide range of... more
The article examines series of Slavic denominations of potato containing reduplicated clusters of sounds. A hypothesis for sound-symbolic origin of the words is presented. Тhe following data were taken into account: the formal and... more
This etymology-in-context textbook focuses on modern words, their ancient roots, and the ancient concepts that lie behind these words that aid in the understanding of their meanings. It is designed to make classical antiquity available... more
翻閱東亞各地在十七、十八世紀留下的海洋史料時,經常會遇到冠以「官」、「舍」等詞綴的人名,它們與當時縱橫東亞海域的閩南海商密切有關,是非常有福建和閩語特色的標誌。但是這些人名詞綴的意義、用法、詞源,仍是尚未徹底解明的問題。本研究先從批判目前被普遍引用理論下手,梳理此說法從明代中葉至二十世紀初的學術脈絡,並指出既有理論的疑點以及與常理不合之處。筆者認為,梁嘉彬提出的證據僅是缺乏歷史根據的傳說,無法和史料互相檢證,更不可能解釋「官」和「舍」這兩個頭銜的使用,反而是清代《廈門志》與《... more
The paper discusses etymology of some stems, among them, stems m-kh-i-ar-ul-i ‘cheerful’ and sa-kh-el-i ‘name’. It is supposed that the both stems are participles derived from the verb kh-ev-a ‘to sound, to talk aloud, to recite’. The... more
In this paper, a total of eighty-three prospective Diaguitan words are presented, discussed and etymologized. Six of these are lexical borrowings from Aymara, Quechua, Atacameña and Eastern Bolivian Guaraní. Eight of these are believed... more
This paper follows on from Austin’s search for a definition of performatives, both from a linguistic as well as a pragmatic point of view. In the first chapter we attempt to describe and examine performative verbs, or performative... more
I wrote this in my first year as a graduate student, more than 20 years ago. It was posted online without my knowledge, and subsequently appeared on countless websites in many languages, as well as a number of Turkish newspapers,... more
A review of the origins and meanings of the various names of Shavuot, including Chag HaShavuot, Chag HaKatzir, Yom HaBikkurim and Zman Matan Torateinu.
Abstract : this study, which first aim was to demonstrate the correspondences between the Gaulish language and the Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, allowed me also to demonstrate, on the basis of genetical,... more