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جامع‌الحکایات اثر نصرالله بن شهرالله ترمذی از جمله نفایس نسخه‌های خطی منحصربه‌فرد کتابخانۀ مجلس شورای اسلامی است که با گزینش و تصحیح علیرضا ذکاوتی قراگزلو منتشر شده است
Forty years of publishing activities with the publication of about 1,000 books. In this book, the introduction of all books with the alphabetic list of products, thematic list, books published in Arabic, and the history of MZI = مجمع... more
منجمین بلاد اسلامی، قبل از بحث در علم هیئت و نجوم به اصول موضوعه و تعاریف مقدماتی از هندسه و ریاضیات می پرداختند و سپس به مسائل مرتبط با علم نجوم توجه می دادند! کتاب حل التقویم تالیف ابالخیر محمد تقی الفارسی (قرن 7 قمری) همین رویه در... more
This study is based on why during the second stage of the development of nationalism in Iran, anti-Turkism became the focus of attention of Iranian nationalists and the consequences of this approach for the position of the Turkish... more
In addition to the grammatical weight and the nominal head thematic role effects on the processing of a relative clause, which has been dealt with extensively in previous studies, other factors influence the processing of the relative... more
ناصرالدین‌ شاه از مهم‌ترین و تأثیرگذارترین شاهان تاریخ ایران است که وقایع و خاطرات روزانه سال‌های بسیاری از عمر خود را در قالب چند آلبوم ثبت کرده است. یکی از ویژگی‌های او دانستن زبان فرانسه است و یادداشت‌هایش منبع ارزشمندی برای اطلاع از... more
قصص انبیاء صلوات الله و سلام الله علیهم بر اساس آیات و روایات شیعه دوازده امامی! به زبان فارسی! کتابت مرحوم ناد علی، قرن 13 ق Stories of prophets peace be upon them Based on the verses and traditions of Shiite twelve Imams! In Persian!... more
در نوشته‌ی پیشِ رو به بررسیِ چاپِ انتشاراتِ مولی از دانشنامه‌ی علاییِ ابنِ سینا می‌پردازم. در این راستا می‌کوشم به کوتاهی از ویژگی‌های ساختاریِ دانشنامه و جایگاهِ آن در میانِ نوشته‌های ابنِ سینا سخن بگویم. هم‌هنگام با این هدف، افزون بر... more
Dashtaki is a Fārs dialect that is spoken in a small village in Fārs province of Iran. Dashtak is a high mountainous area (altitude: 2040m) situated at the feet of three tall mountains, which impedes the ability for villagers to... more
شامل امثال، ضرب المثل ها، حكم، خرافات وفولكلورهاى رايج ومنسوخ.
گردآوری وتدوین: یوسف جمشیدی پور.
Abstract: The argument I will develop in this essay is that the foreign students are a latent human resource who can assist with overcoming English monolingualism in the Australian population. Foreign students, properly rewarded, can be a... more
Extended abstract 1. Introduction Conditional construction is a linguistic universal that occurs systematically across natural languages, potentially true for all of them. The conditional sentence is a compound statement composed of... more
Background: Auditory rehabilitation is one of the important tasks of speech-language pathologists. So, it is necessary to know auditory behaviors in order to make some decisions about the children with hearing loss such as determining the... more
بازنگری در برخی خصوصیات ادبیات قدیم فارسی
The present study was an attempt to explore the effect of teaching writing through critical thinking and multiple intelligences on the Iranian students' writing ability. In doing so, 120 students of RAD university took part in the study.... more
Eser, yazarın dostlarının ricası üzerine ve şu üç hedef gözetilerek yazılmıştır: 1) Farsça yazılmış manzum ve mensur eserlerin daha çabuk ve iyi anlaşılmasına yardımcı olmak, 2) Farsça'nın kelime haznesindeki Arapça ve Derî kelimelere... more
Translation of the second Jewish-Persian Letter from Khotan in Hansen 2017, The Silk Road: A New History with Documents.
В настоящем исследовании рассматриваются представления о функции неологизмов в иранской и российской лингвистических традициях, даётся развёрнутый анализ определения понятия «неологизм» учёными двух стран и выделяются характерные общие и... more
سعدي به دليل برخورداري از ذوقي سرشار و عاطفه و تخيلي كم نظير، نمي تواند به عرفان كه نگاه هنرمندانه به شريعت است، بي توجه بماند. از اين گذشته، ادبيات پيش از او كه بي گمان سعدي بدان علاقه مند بوده و مستمراً آن ها را از پيش چشم مي گذرانده... more
Due to its limited number of simplex verbs – a total of around 250 – the verbal lexicon of Persian is mainly formed of complex predicates (CPs), that is, syntactic combinations, including a verb and a non-verbal element, mainly a noun,... more
Rad se bavi rečima stranog porekla u klasičnom arapskom jeziku, koji se koristio pre pojave islama i u prvim vekovima po njegovom nastanku, a koji je intenzivno preuzimao reči iz persijskog, grčkog, sirskog, latinskog, hebrejskog i drugih... more
Ethiopia is the cradle of coffee culture, yet early evidence for it is scant. Does the Ge’ez word for coffee reveal clues? I propose an etymological link to the Zorastrian Emperor of Persia, Khosrow I (or II), reflecting contemporaneous... more
スワヒリ語は多言語からの借用語彙が多いことが知られている。そのスワヒリ語について書かれた多くの文献では、スワヒリ語が借用している言語としてアラビア語と英語の他に、ペルシア語も報告されている1。しかし、ペルシア語からの借用語に関してこれらの研究では具体的な範囲が究明されておらず、どのような語が借用されているのかについてもほとんどの場合、不明である。... more
―Abstract― What is the secret of happiness? What is the nature of love? What makes us good hosts or good guests? What traits should we seek out in friends and seek to embody as friends... more
Nizami Ganjavi’s works including the time collapse they compiled were followed by his simultaneouses and his style, writings were consulted and a range of imitative poems were also written. The Khamsah consisting of 5 romances considered... more
This article deals with the place of the Iranian Academy of Language, also known as the Second Farhangistan, in the development of vocabulary and terminology of modern Persian language, describes the history of its foundation and... more