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Life's Dominion is subtitled 'An Argument about Abortion and Euthanasia', and the promise of rational argument is welcome and richly fulfilled. Fights about abortion are bitter and worldwide, as Ronald Dworkin observes, and nowhere more... more
A bill to decriminalize abortion in New South Wales passed their lower house last week. Our Bodies Our Choices is the community campaign to decriminalize abortion in New South Wales. Yesterday they sat down with me for a Twitter Q&A,... more
Debate position paper, arguing on the side of the Supreme Court's majority opinion in Whole Women's Health (et. al.) v. Hellerstedt. Not necessarily a reflection of my own personal political views. ** NOT A PUBLISHED OR PEER-REVIEWED... more
Nowadays, Latin America is immersed in high level of polarization, between progressive and conservative views, and Costa Rica is no exception. As a result, the debate on therapeutic abortion has revolved around religious arguments over... more
Introduction. This study qualitatively explores perceptions of women who have experienced abortion care. It explores women's journey through abortion from confirmation of pregnancy to post-abortion. Aim. The study seeks to understand the... more
The August 11 response of Dr. Elard Koch and several co-authors fails to rectify the two major flaws in their Mexico study that I exposed in my April 9 rebuttal, and in fact, further confirms those flaws. Their lengthy response also... more
In the context of Ireland's new legislation governing abortion, I outline and examine the spatial consequences of political decision-making. I argue that Ireland's new abortion law and its clinical guidance permit travel for some pregnant... more
Abortion today is a burning issue. The question related to it was raised by Feminists-whether a woman has right over her body or not? A fetus is developed within the body of a woman hence the concept of abortion is related with the notion... more
Sborník příspěvků konference o právní ochraně osob před narozením.
Os estudos feministas sobre o direito têm vindo a demonstrar que aquele é guiado por um paradigma eminentemente patriarcal, razão pela qual a lei, baseada numa hierarquia de género, tende a negligenciar diversos tipos de violência... more
This research examines the provision of comprehensive reproductive healthcare to women with HIV in South Africa, with a focus on the highly contested issue of abortion. It explores how the emergence and escalation of the HIV epidemic, and... more
In the chapter, Zabrzewska analyzes Polish politicians’ responses to the 2020 protests against the abortion ban through the lens of feminist philosophy. Using selected sources (e.g. the transcript of the Committee on Administration and... more
On October 22th, 2020 the Polish Constitutional Tribunal made a judgment on the legality of abortion (case K1/20). The Tribunal has decided about the unconstitutionality of abortion in the circumstances of malformation or serious disease... more
This paper draws the connection between the changes in the American perspectives on abortion in the second half of the twentieth century and shifts in the cultural, social and legal status of the society. The major change occurred in... more
These notes reflect my own personal interpretation of these items and do not constitute the official position of The Salvation Army, but only the exact wording of the position statement indicates TSA's official position.
The abortion involves the most intimate and personal choices a person may make in a lifetime, choices central to personal dignity and autonomy. Protecting access to abortion effectuates vital constitutional values, including dignity,... more
Josh Gerstein and Alexander Waed write in Politico: The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court... more
This paper analyses the so-called women’s strike and answers the question whether its main request, namely amendments to provisions regulating abortion, concerns professional, economic or social interests of workers and, consequently,... more
PREVIEW ONLY Download the Full Article Here: Disagreements about abortion are often assumed to reduce to disagreements about fetal personhood (and mindedness). If one believes a fetus is a... more
The Medical Termination of the Pregnancy Bill 2020 is a new ray of light for women who wants to practice safe abortions and for those who want to legally terminate their pregnancies. However, India has to go a long way to reduce and... more
"Before You Blow Up An Abortion Clinic, Read This Please"
Is abortion a question of personal morality? Liberals and feminists often embrace this idea, but so also do those who are personally opposed to abortion. Someone may claim to believe personally that abortion is wrong without holding the... more
Abortion involves the intentional killing of a fetus to end a pregnancy. These fetuses are human, biologically.1 It seems that fetuses are beings, albeit completely dependent beings: what else would they be? So, abortion involves the... more
L’inclusione dell’uccisione del feto nell’ambito dell’omicidio, infatti, non comporta una non consentita analogia inmalampartem, bensì una mera interpretazione estensiva, legittima anche in relazione alle norme penali incriminatrici.... more
The abortion rate in Cuba is staggering--in 2008, official records indicated that 60.7 abortions were performed for every 100 live births. Information gathered from news outlets, personal interviews, and available literature suggests that... more
En lo respectivo al aborto se han hecho muchos estudios, sin embargo, el debate radica en una cuestión puramente ontológica y, por lo tanto, filosófica. En este breve texto, se resume la controversia tanto legal como filosófica de un tema... more
¿Cómo puede colaborar la filosofía con la reflexión sobre un tema tan actual y relevante como el del aborto? Al igual que en otras cuestiones, su función no es decidir por otros ni intentar hacer propaganda a favor de una opinión... more
The offence of child destruction was introduced nearly a century ago for purposes it has failed to adequately serve: criminalising for causing viable foetal death before birth, or whilst in the birth canal. The author critiques different... more
ניתוח מעמדו ההלכתי של העובר בשלבים שונים של ההריון, בפרט בהקשר של הפלה מלאכותית.
Discovering that the Supreme Court of the United States of America, now dominated by an ultra conservative majority of chiefly white men, is planning to overturn Roe v. Wade (1973) was not as unexpected as one might imagine. At least, for... more
Presently, Malta remains one out of only six countries which completely criminalise abortion. Only two of these countries are European – the Vatican City State and Malta. Multiple studies have shown that restricting access to abortion... more
W artykule odniesiono się do argumentów Polskiego Towarzystwa Ginekologicznego, zawierających krytykę rozwiązań prawnych proponowanych w głośnym projekcie ustawy, który był przedmiotem inicjatywy obywatelskiej „Stop Aborcji” w 2016 r.... more
This article analyzes the conditions that enabled the development of a clandestine abortion market in Costa Rica and how it functioned in the period 1900-2020. It also considers the characteristics of this market, in particular the... more
"Questo saggio esamina gli effetti del disastro di Seveso attraverso lo sguardo di una grande ambientalista e femminista italiana: Laura Conti. Nel far ciò, mi muovo all’interno di due cornici metodologico-concettuali: il femminismo... more
In autumn 2020, as the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic began, the Constitutional Tribunal issued a ruling that severely restricted access to abortion. Massive street protests, led by Strajk Kobiet (Women’s Strike), quickly followed.... more
In the 25 years since Canada's Supreme Court struck down the country's s abortion law, Canada's experience is proof that laws against abortion are unnecessary. Canada is the first country in the world to prove that abortion care can be... more