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This paper explains Third World Approaches to International Law (“TWAIL”) as a historically-aware, epistemologically-focused, integrated methodology that aims to explore the enduring effects of colonialism on international law and provide... more
Метою серії науково-методичених видань “Академія порівняль- ного правознавства” є інтенсифікація наукової дискусії з найбільш складних і актуальних питань порівняльного правознавства, сприяння вдосконаленню викладання... more
L’ouvrage Interprétation des lois traite des méthodes et des principes qui guident les juristes lorsqu’ils interprètent les textes législatifs en droit canadien, que ce soit dans un contexte de common law ou de droit civil. Depuis sa... more
Cet article expose le canon interprétatif standard dans l’Allemagne d’aujourd’hui. L’analyse conceptuelle placée au début permettra d’éclaircir une terminologie méthodologiques très souvent confuse en différenciant les arguments, les... more
Rozważania nad metodologią nauk prawnych wypada rozpocząć od dostrzeżenia kontrowersji dotyczącej samej natury nauk prawnych. Dyskusja nad metodą naukową prowadzi do kwestionowania przez niektórych naukowości badań prowadzonych nad... more
What is the true methodological core of legal thought? In answering this question the essay tries to differentiate between law and other disciplines and gives a few suggestions of how a student, in preparing her undergraduate papers,... more
There is a pressing need to develop a research methodology for studying judicial opinions that goes beyond both dogmatic analyzes and the established positions developed within philosophy of law and legal theory (e.g. the hermeneutic and... more
Цель серии “Академия сравнительного правоведения” — оживить научную дискуссию по наиболее сложным и актуальным вопросам сравнительного правоведения, способствовать усовершенствованию преподавания сравни- тельно-правовых дисциплин в высших... more
Private law theory plays a role (for better or worse) in the practice of law, whether that be in education or providing criticism, or contextualizing within a broader frame what private law does and why it does what it does. Yet some say... more
On reconnaît aujourd’hui que la pluralité juridique, c’est-à-dire la coexistence dans un même espace de plusieurs ordres ou systèmes juridiques concurrentiels, caractérise un grand nombre de sociétés de par le monde. Les juristes, et tous... more
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Volné vyprávění z metodologického semináře
Counterfactual history involves asking 'what if' developments had occurred differently and comparing that with what actually happened. Though common in works of popular history and science fiction, counterfactual history remains... more
This book investigates whether national courts could and should import innovative solutions from abroad in the adjudication of complex legal disputes. Special attention is paid to the concept of “legally relevant damage” and its... more
The article examines the concept of juridical act from both a comparative and Louisiana law perspective to establish the validity of the general theory of juridical acts and to determine the useful components drawn from each system.
La retorica è l’arte della scrittura giuridica, utilizzata dagli avvocati d’ogni tempo per l’elaborazione della difesa forense. Nel libro, arricchito di esempi pratici tratti dall’esperienza giudiziaria, si illustra il metodo... more
Begriffe wie "herrschende Meinung" (h.M.), "überwiegende Ansicht" oder "Mindermeinung" (M.M.) werden in der juris-tischen Argumentation in Ausbildung und Praxis verwandt, Bedeutung und Potential dieser Figuren wird aber nicht immer... more
Notice and Complaint filed on 5/11/22 versus US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges sitting in Richmond, Virginia. The US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals does not have "subject matter jurisdiction" to process a Reciprocal Disciplinary case... more
Sommario: 1. Il precedente giudiziale nel diritto contemporaneo. 2. Il vincolo del preceden- te nell’ordinamento italiano. 3. Precedente giudiziario e problematicità del giudicato. 4. Il valore ipotetico del precedente. Riferimento al... more
В статье рассматривается соотношение понятий правовой доктрины, правовой идеологии и юридической догматики.
This paper analyzes the different methodological systems used in Bulgarian General legal theory. The choice of methodology is seen as a mean of achievement of the goals of legal education. I accept, that good legal education must prepare... more
(Final copyedited version) This chapter presents legal materiality as a distinct approach within law and humanities scholarship. Legal materiality is concerned with the conditions of possibility in and through which law arises, rather... more
Comparative legal studies, whether taken as discipline or method, has long been engaged with the conundrum of translation. That is to say, with the question of whether or not it is possible to assert that a legal term, feature or process... more
This chapter will focus upon conceptually mapping the place of socio-legal methodology within legal research. Questions to be addressed include: what are the underlying theories regarding the nature of law and legal argument underpinning... more
Статья посвящена исследованию методологических оснований юридического позитивизма. Автор указывает на четыре основных значения "позитивизма в юриспруденции", раскрывает существенные различия между этатистским и социологическим позитивизмом.
Statutory interpretation is a process by which courts interpret statutes. Statutes/ Acts of Parliament are laws that the Parliament passes. In the Ugandan Context, The Parliament is a law-making organ according to the authority of its... more
В статье раскрываются основные идеи учения о праве и государстве Г.Ф. Шершеневича. Дан краткий обзор биографии ученого, определены методологические основания его учения о праве, взгляды на задачи и структуру философии права, раскрыты... more
The powerpoint slides from a seminar with International Trade Law LL.M students on their legal methodology module dealing with the doctrinal/positivist approach to legal research.
Монография посвящена актуальной и малоизученной в российском правоведении теме – сравнительному анализу философских и методологических оснований учений о праве двух влиятельных школ юриспруденции – естественно-правовой и исторической.... more
Should comparative methods be considered a classic tool for XIXe century Italian jurists ? Italian jurists were naturally open to comparative laws, mainly because of the country’s political situation. However, among the most significant... more
This research guide is intended as a starting point for doctoral researchers in the EUI Department of Law who plan to (or hope to) draw on socio-political, anthropological or historical methodologies as part of their dissertation... more
In this article we explore the relationship between TWAIL scholarship and the universality of international law. In particular, we offer an account of this relation as the outcome of what we describe as TWAIL’s characteristic double... more
This article draws the attention of historians of scriptural exegesis to the relevance of uṣūl al-fiqh — both as a literary genre and as a discipline of the religious sciences — to an understanding of the semiotic foundations and the... more