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Based on interviews with bureaucrats and judges in several Swiss cantons, this article analyzes how bureaucrats decide to order immigration detention and how the judicial review shapes their decisions. The authors argue that discretionary... more
Vallejo files for review before the Supreme Court of California based on the fact Judges in California had interests in real estate and mortgage backed securities ( MBS ) which should have recused themselves and did not. This created a... more
Handbook produced with co-author Varda Bondy. This handbook is intended to address the gaps in legal practitioners’ understanding of how mediation can be used as an alternative to, or alongside, judicial review and to provide practical... more
In the Matter of: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Acceptance Corp.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.; and Asset Backed Securities Corporation... more
MERS CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT FOR FRAUD FOR THE COUNTY RECORDERS The non profit Organization known as Americans Against Foreclosures ( AAF ) has decided that enough is enough when it comes to the Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,... more
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Este trabajo busca introducir a las lectoras en el conocimiento de los principales institutos procesales necesarios para tramitar, resolver y eventualmente implementar las decisiones judiciales tomadas en el contexto de procesos... more
How to Design Impactful Laws - Treatise on Legistic and Legisprudence in the Age of Soft Law La loi peine toujours plus à « faire la loi » à l’ère du droit souple et de la globalisation. Afin de produire un impact législatif aussi... more
Es prácticamente inexistente la literatura sobre la situación de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales en la Suprema Corte de Justicia de Mendoza. En tal marco, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito central dar cuenta de los... more
This article examines the jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals to rule on their own jurisdiction. It reviews arbitral jurisdiction in the United Kingdom by considering the principle of competence-competence as provided for in its... more
A study on the impact of dimensions of risk management such as project complexity, project planning and control, project team and organizational environment on risk management practices of IT firms that develop and manage projects in the... more
This Article analyzes the jurisprudence of CJ Grunis, the President of the Supreme Court of Israel, in light of John Hart Ely's constitutional theory. In an earlier case, during CJ Barak's Presidency, Justice Grunis publicly endorsed... more
Jeremy Waldron has long argued that judicial review is inconsistent with the importance that democracies properly attach to political participation and to equality. This paper looks at those arguments as recently summarised in a paper... more
Un método crítico de casos. Derecho a la vida y pena de muerte. La Opinión Consultiva de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos 4/84. Derecho a la vida y disposición de su propia "vida". El caso Bahamondez". Derecho a la vida y... more
This is a homeowner qualified written request ( QWR ) to lenders across the United States.
After about 30 years as an associate justice, last year one of the most reactionary and obnoxious justices in the history of the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia, died. Since then many eulogies have been written. Right-wing legal... more
Legal proceedings and the moment of decisions have inevitable political repercussions: a judge who has political formation, notably a Supreme Court judge, nominated by a political party and whose decision is strategically oriented must be... more
DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.4084.5682 MARIANO SILVA, Jeferson. (2016), Jurisdição constitucional em Espanha (1981-1992) e Brasil (1988-1997. Tese de doutorado (Ciência política). Rio de Janeiro: IESP-UERJ. O trabalho apresenta um método de... more
This article addresses the question whether the European Union defaulted on the ‘strict observance’ of international law and ‘respect’ for the UN Charter, which are now express objectives of the EU following the Lisbon reform, in the... more
Marbury vs. Madison talvez seja a decisão judicial mais estudada no mundo inteiro. Não é à toa, pois, de fato, foi nesse caso, julgado na Suprema Corte norte americana, à época presidida pelo Chief Justice John Marshall, que se criou... more
Resumo Comumente, os estudos dedicados à centralização da jurisdição constitucional no Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) adotam, como fundamento, suposta ampliação da segurança jurídica e presumido ganho de eficácia em contexto de crescente... more
Autonomy is a concept at work in both defenses and attacks on judicial review. Its opponents cite the costs to collective autonomy (which is what they seem to mean when they talk about its impositions on democracy), while its defenders... more

Homeowners across the United States are filing counter claims against U.S. Banks for fraud on the Courts. Also filing criminal complaints with the FBI and Attorney Generals in each State.
Governments reform the process of nominating judges to constitutional courts, seeking to reduce the courts' involvement in state affairs. Since 2008, reformers have tried to appoint judges who would be more judicially restrained. We use... more
Cox v LSF9 Master Participation Trust and US Bank as Trustee Fraud Another Homeowner wins an unlawful foreclosure case against U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., U.S. Bank, N.A., U.S. Bancorp, the LSF9 Master Participation Trust, et al, as the... more
La "difficulté contre-majoritaire" ne cesse de susciter nombre de travaux, aux États-Unis comme partout ailleurs. On a même cru y voir le problème central sinon exclusif de la théorie constitutionnelle contemporaine. Les débats au sein de... more
This new text provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of administrative law in Hong Kong. It includes original commentary on judicial review, administrative tribunals, the Ombudsman, the Legislative Council Redress System,... more
This article investigates UK judicial engagement with the war and related foreign affairs prerogatives, specifically considering developments in judicial review since 2002. It outlines the comparative strengthening of judicial checks on... more
É possível obter um conceito de Autoridade que esclareça como autoridade e poder interagem no Direito? O problema se justifica na necessidade de categorias para avaliar fenômenos jurídicos e políticos. Utilizamos da obra de Hannah Arendt... more
هذا البحث يحاول تسليط الضوء على أهم وأبرز القواعد التي يقوم عليها الإعلان القضائي التقليدي، ومدى إمكانية تطويعها في استخدامات البريد الإلكتروني كأحد الوسائل الحديثة للإعلان القضائي، من ناحية القواعد الشكلية المقررة في الإعلان، وقواعد... more
A acolhida de nossas Lições trouxe grande alegria e motivação para prosseguir na empreitada, com especial atenção às sugestões dos amigos e alunos. Após o fechamento da primeira edição, novas emendas constitucionais surgiram e diversos... more