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Showing posts with label deathwatch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deathwatch. Show all posts

Friday, 19 April 2024


 Deathwatch are next in the Photo Booth, aka some pieces of paper on the desk. I haven’t taken pictures of all the models, there isn’t much point, as they are all the same really. I will have to get some proper army photos done at some point, once I’ve painted up the two rhinos!

First up are two of the three dreadnoughts, the first is an old push fit model with a scenic base, so its had just a few tuffs of grass on, the other two are standard bases fully flocked.

Here is a small selection of the marines. I haven’t done the transfers on some of these yet, that something to try and sort at some point soon. There isn’t much of a hurry for doing them though as I doubt I will ever have these out on the table top, as I think we’ll lose the base deathwatch vets in the new update. 

Here are a few characters, Watch captain Artemis, a Chaplain and a Lieutenant with jump pack (which must have been an option at some point but is no longer an option for anyone, even in legends)

So there they are, the first fully complete, painted, varnished and base space marine army, just another 4 more to go!

Friday, 18 November 2022

Evolution of an army - Deathwatch

This is a wander through the process of building my Deathwatch army, as despite putting all my first born marines in to hibernation, I seem to have ended up with a 2000 point army of first born Deathwatch.
The story starts where many good stories start, the "for sale" section. Someone at the club was selling half of the Deathwatch Death Masque boxset, the Deathwatch half obviously. The original intent was to just build a kill team with some spare options, however, things kind of got out of hand! 

Although there is only 5 models here, I think I actually built 6 models. The Death Masque box came with 5 marines and Artemis. I'm pretty sure the other guy I built was a infurnus heavy bolter. I built these to fill out the requirement of a kill team from the 2018 rules.

I added the psyker next, I don't remember where I got this model but it came fully painted and based, ready to play. 

Next up I added the dread, mostly at the insistence of my little one. I've painted up all three options for his weapon arm, with plasma, lascannon and assault cannon. Luckily there was no need to magnetise anything as there is a peg that sticks out that the arm just push fits on to. 

Three marines missing, infurnus heavy bolter, bolter marine and a blackshield with storm shield

Once I had done all that I was left with loads of parts, which seemed a waste to me, so I decided to use up a bunch of bodies that I had lying around from the Betrayal of Calth box. Using these bodies and adding in all the various bits and pieces I managed to make up a number of extra bodies, for a total of 21 (including the Libby). An at this point I thought I was done.

And then came the Kill Team: Elites expansion and so I dug back in to the bits box and pulled out the vanguard vets that also came with the Death Masque box and put together 5 vanguard vets to fill out the elite slots that were now available in the game. And then i was certain i was done.

a couple of guys missing here, another heavy bolter and a marine

The thing is when you have little ones (or not so little ones at this point!), they sometimes want to join in the hobby. So I had a few spare bits lying around and my eldest wanted to build some models, so I game him the bits he wanted and let him get on with it. Later he decides he actually want Tau and so the marines he build are now surplus to requirements, and with no where else for them to go, they get folded in to the Deathwatch, adding half a dozen of so extra guys.

It's at this point that I looked at the force and thought, I've quite a little force here and I could probably put together a nice little 500 point force or so for 40k but I've only one real HQ. So a rummage though the bits box and 8 bash together a Lieutenant and Captain with jump packs.  

Then you remember you  had a reshuffle of your kill Teams a while back and there's a bunch of models without a home at the moment, so you fold them in as well. This however means a little bit of a reshuffle is needed within the Deathwatch and you realise that there are a couple of extra models that are missing from the collection and could be useful, so you raid the bits box again and build an ancient and champion to fill out a full command squad. 

So that brings you up to 48 models total and 1988 points. Bu wait! When reading the codex you realise that you can take a squad of terminators with mixed assault and ranged weapons and you have 5 termies laying around from an old kill team. Now technically these are actually part of the old Dark Guardians army and so are only on loan until I get around to digging that army out of storage and finishing it off, but that might be a while at this rate!

So there it is, going from a small 6 man kill team force to a fully fledged 2000 plus points (2170points) army, with out any real plan. Now some.may have noticed that there are some non black models in the pictures and these will remain painted in their original colours and I will fudge together some form of lore to allow them to be there, something like them being there at the direct request of the inquisitor.


Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Deathwatch Dreadnought

Here we have another recently painted model, my Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought. I've had this model for quite a while but have not bothered painting it, although it has been sitting primed and ready for a while. This was a fairly quick paint job, just to get it painted, although I did really enjoy painting this up.

I went with the high bling factor on this one, with lots of gold trim and shiny bits. I have also added as much extra bits to it, in the form of purity seals, shields and other symbols. Some basic transfers were added to finish it off.

The model is good as it makes it very easy to change out the weapon arms, so I've painted up all three of the options.


Assault cannon


 This still needs a bit of finishing, such as the base rim and flocking, but that might wait until I get around to varnishing the model, whenever that is! All in all I think this looks very good for not a massive amount of work, I kind of wish I'd done it earlier, now I just need to get on with the rest of the troops!

Friday, 13 December 2019

Kill team: deathwatch

Image result for kill team

It's been a while since I had a bit of a sit down and ran though a kill team and my thoughts on it, so up for discussion are the deathwatch, the quintessential kill team, designed and built specifically for this type of mission. I think that I said that I would be looking at my chaos team but I'm not, I'm going to do Deathwatch, mostly due to the elites supplement.

So, I could spend many, many hours thinking carefully about the best models to bring and the perfect weapon selection, all tied in to the most appropriate specialism or I could just get one box and build every possibly combination from said box. I went for the latter version of events in case you were wondering.

Now, it's not going to be a very good list, most heavy hitting lists are full of frag cannons and inferno heavy bolters but I've just one of each. Also, I've added in some of the vanguard vets to add some extra mobility. So what have I got exactly?

I've two leader, Watch Captain Artemis and a Librarian. For kill team purposes they are playing Watch Sergeants, with Artemis playing a Sgt with Combi melta and power sword and the librarian is playing a Sgt with bolter and Xenophase blade. This is a bit away from WYSIWYG, as Artemis has a Combi flamer and the Libby has a bolt pistol, but hey, I doubt anyone up here will mind, although I don't know why I can't take a combi flamer anyway.

Next up are the Black Shields, two of them as well. One has a storm shield and maul and the other has a shield and sword. The maul will run as a combat specialist and the sword as a zealot. This is because the maul gets a bonus to strength anyway but the sword needs a little help from Zealot.

The two Deathwatch gunners are armed with the infernus heavy bolter and the frag cannon. Now, the issue I have is what to run them as, either heavy or demolitions. The issue comes from that fact that both can benefit from both specialisms. Both are either assault or heavy, so would get the bonus from the heavy specialism but both also have auto hit weapon that would benefit from the demolitions specialism as well, although I think that that bolter would benefit more due to it's lower strength but that only effects T3 or lower.

Next up are the vets, and there's a lot of them, 14 in all, made up of a mix of shooting and melee units. I'll start with the heavy hitters, the two heavy thunder hammers. These guys will also run as Zealot and Combat. Why? Well with the -1 to hit the extra attack will be useful, plus the +1 strength have a very useful but niche benefit, taking a Marine to ST and so to S10 with the hammer, useful for doubling out nurgle (death guard) units.

Following from the hammers, are the Deathwatch shotguns. These are in for several reasons. Firstly there there for some short range fire support for the hammers, effectively taking the place of a flamer but with some extra flexibility with the various ammo types available. Secondly, these guys are cheap, so they can be thrown In to a team to fill a roster.

That's all the short range vets, granted there's not many of them, two Black Shields, two hammers and two shotguns, not a great selection but good enough for basic games. I do however have a solution to this but more on that later.

The rest of the vets are made up of bolter wielding troops, the first of which has a stalker pattern bolter. I'm not to Keen on this one, in the games I've played with him, he hasn't done to well, taking 3 rounds of shooting to put 3 flesh wound on a guardsman in one game! After this we have 5 bolter troops, 4 of which also have power swords. This are the basic fill in troops and I usually always have at least 1 of these guys in a list. While a power sword is cheap at just a coupe of points, I still have one vet without one, just in case I don't have to points and I don't really want to be running a lits that's 15 points down. There's nothing much else to say about these vets, there just there to fill the list and be cannon fodder basically.

Lastly we have the combi armed vets. We have two combi plasma and two combi meltas. I didn't really have a plan for these vets when I built them, I mostly did because I could. The plasma is always useful, especially when over charged. Having the bolter as well is also useful, especially when you don't need the extra strength of plasma. The meltas were a bit overkill before Elites came out but with the inclusion of terminators and the like, they have become a lot more useful. In addition, one of the plasma is armed with a power maul and 9ne of the meltas is carrying a power swords. The other two are just with the combi's, to keep points down.

Lastly I have decided to take some vanguard vets from the Elites book. There are two reasons for this; one, they look cool and two, they add some extra combat punch, not to mention some extra mobility. I did think about adding in terminators but decided against this in the end, mostly as I don't really see terminators as being sensible for kill team style missions.

Anyway, I went with the vanguard vets for a couple of reasons, mainly the extra mobility that they offer, with a maximum move of 12 or 18 when advancing! With a board that's only 22 by 30, getting around the board is considerably easier. Also the combat ability and weapons choice is considerably better than the standard Deathwatch vet. I chose to go with 5 models, mostly to enable me to switch them across to 40k proper if I feel like it.

There's not much variation in the models, as three of the five models have storm Shields and either a sword, axe or hammer. They all fill the same basic role, charge up and hit stuff but it depends upon what there going to be hitting, as to which will be deployed. Of the others, one is armed with a pair of claws and one with a grav pistol and chain sword. They will all be combat or zealot specialists for extra punch as well.  Now, you'll notice the odd one out the grav pistol and chain sword. Now there is a reason for this, basically I didn't know what to do with the last one and decided that maybe some shooting would be good. Also I don't have a grav pistol anywhere else, so I thought it would be fun to include.

Wow, that was a wall of text! Hopefully I'll be able to get them painted up some time soon!

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Kill team WIP

After the mammoth posts about the Astra Militarum kill team, I thought I would follow this up with a post about the rest of my kill teams or rather the work that's going on with my other kill teams. I've two main teams on the table at the moment, my Deathwatch and my Scions.

First up are my Deathwatch. Now, I've broken these down in to 5 man units to make them more manageable. The first 5 are my current go to team, with Blackshield with shield and maul, Sgt with power sword and bolter (Its a pistol on the model as it actually a librarian but i'm using it as a Sgt), vet with combi-plasma and maul, vet with shotgun and finally, gunner with Infernus heavy bolter. While this might not be the best or strongest loadout for a Deathwatch team, I still like it and its a fun list to run.

The Blackshield on the left has just been started with the base silvers and reds, while the Sgt is nearing completion. He has had all of his base colours done as well as many of the shading, washes and some  of the details done. While he's not finished yet, he shouldn't take too much longer to finish.

The backside of the models and some more of the details can be seen on both models. The Libby/Sgt has a lot of details on the pack, which still needs a little finishing off.

The rest of the kill team. Its quite hard to see the details on these as they are primed black with just a few details of silver. There is still a few bits of silver to do and then some colours to add but being Deathwatch, there isn't many colours to do.

The next team up is my scions. There are a few more models pained up then shown here. I've got about 3 members almost finished and the rest have had there flesh painted up. Here we have just two models, both of which are tempestors but I was planning on using the grey figure as my inquisitor stand in. With the release of commanders, I have considered upgrading this character to a Tempestor Prime to represent the fact that they are an Inquisitor and more powerful than the rest of the team but as I don't have or want the commanders expansion, I probably wont.

The man on the left is my Sgt, Sergeant Dharem and on the right is my modified scion model, Inquisitor Tullus. The model has a few minor modifications, with a head swap, using a female head from Dreamforge Panzerjagers kit, a modified command rod with a modified top end, taken from top of the flag and a power sword on the left leg, which, I think, is an Eldar sword. In addition there will be a plasma pistol held in the right hand which is missing at the moment. I should probably also say that the Sgt model also has a Dreamforge head, from the Eisenkern accessories set.

There are 3 other teams on the table, all in various states. Both the AdMech and Chaos teams have been primed and are ready to paint, once the other two teams are finished. The marines are still on the drawing board to some extent. I've got a good idea about what I want to run and I've most of the models but i'm holding out until I finish assembling and painting them, as I am still hoping that they will release some special Space Wolf rules to enable the taking of Grey Hunters or Blood Claws in a kill team.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Some more Kill Team

So, I had a little run of games a couple of weeks ago. These games were played down at the club against a fellow guard player. As he was playing guard I decided to try out my deathwatch, with a blackshield with power sword and storm shield, frag cannon, stalker boltgun, shotgun and leader with combi-plasma. A fairly small force but one I though was well rounded.  

Start of turn 1. We played the mission where you need to capture your opponent's models, so I decided to play it a bit safe. My leader and frag cannon were at the back, with the stalker taking the high ground. There is a shotgun hiding under the bridge on the left and the blackshield is front and centre, ready to charge in and kill some things in combat. 

The enemy deployment, with the guard huddled up behind the central building with just the sniper sitting out in the open. We both were pretty cautious first turn, with my opponent moving up in to the building and me mostly readying my forces, all apart from the blackshield and shotgun marine, which I push forward towatds the enemy, ready to charge next turn. This is where things started to go wrong. First shot of the game came from the sniper into my blackshield. A 6 to hit followed by a 6 to wound, dishing out a nice mortal wound, which was followed by a 6 on the injury roll. Good night blackshield!

This was the end of turn 2 movement and I've started pushing up. With the death of the blackshield I had to have a rethink and so I moved everything up to try and start gunning things down. This didn't turn out to well in the end. I'm going to blame the dice for this, which were heavily>n my opponents favour this game. For example, I moved my frag cannon up in to range of the group of guardsmen on the centre building and using the auto hitting round, did a massive 12 shots which spread across 4 guardsmen resulted in 1 flesh wound. Yep, 1. No kills, no mass casualties, nope, just 1 flesh wound.

This picture basically sums up my day, this guardsman stood up to combi-plasma, frag cannons, stalker boltgun, the works, and at the end of the game was sitting, alive, on 3 flesh wound. I could not kill him. At the start of turn 4, when all hope was lost, I decided that he would die and I threw everything I could at him and he just stood there, making saves or dodging bullets, well all but one bullet, which I rolled a 1 for my injury roll. At the end of the game my opponent had one model with 3 flesh woulds, 3 models with 2 flesh woulds and a bunch of other with flesh wounds. These are suppose to be the best that the Astartes have to offer and they couldn't even kill guardsmen!

The final stages, my lone survivor, the stalker boltgun vet being closed in on by the mass of guardsmen, still over half the kill team remained. A solid loss for the deathwatch. I don't know the score but I definitely lost.

Game 2 and a change of tactic. Seeing as the deathwatch couldn't do the job, the guard would have a go. I went with my usual choices, leader, vox comms specialist, sniper with sniper rifle and grenade launcher heavy, along with a plasma gunner and a second grenade launcher, plus the required 10 guardsmen.

Setup, I split the forces keeping a core back, with leader, sniper and vox acting as support and pushing up the rest. My opponent bunched up around the central objective, similar to the first game, a tactic that payed off first time around.

Another shot of the setup. 

My opponents setup.

I did not take any more pictures for some reason but the game went very well. Now I played the objective and managed to pull out a good lead. While there wasn't much death in the first couple of rounds but it picked up later in the game. By the start of turn 4 I was well ahead on points, pretty much unassailable, however, there was a minor issue, the break test. Now, turn 4 was not a problem, however at the end of turn 5 both of us were down to less than half number. We rolled off to see if either team broke and my opponent passed and I failed. So as per the rules of the game, I lost.

So despite being comfortably ahead on points, I still lost the game, which was annoying. I still think that the mechanics of the game, including teams breaking, however, I think as a game winning mechanic it isn't very good. After playing the mission and scoring points, enough to win the game, I loose on a dice roll. I really enjoyed both games and I'm counting it as one loss and one moral victory.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Kill team: first impressions

Well, I've finally done it! I've played kill team, not once but twice! After all these weeks of pondering and planning and musing, I have finally been able to see what all the fuss is about.

After two games I can say that I really like kill team and can see it being my main game from now on. As I don't get down much theses days due to work and family, being able to play several games in a day is great, plus only needing to take a smallish box with everything I need, rather than a large case, box of terrain and a mat, really makes a difference. But enough about that, how did I get on? Well, won one and lost one.

Game 1: Deathwatch Vs Orks

The Orks were running a horde list, with a nob, a boy with rocket launcher and 11 or 12 boys with choppa and slugga's. The pox walker in the picture was a stand in boy as one had gone walkies somewhere. I had 5 deathwatch, a leader with xenophase sword and bolter, a shotgun, infirnus heavy bolter heavy specialist, combi-melta and power sword armed veteran specialist (modelled with two swords and combi on pack) and blackshield with sword and shield zealot. The mission was the one where you need to capture your opponent's models.

Now, I probably didn't play this very well as I spread out my guys and charged the blackshield in first turn. I was really just trying to test out the system and try and get into as many situations as possible. While this worked, it did leave me very exposed and I ended up loosing three to nothing when we finished the game at the end of turn 3.

Headless veteran tries and fails to take out some orks.

Rather annoyingly I forgot my mat, at least I remember the terrain. The Orks are swarming my lines.

The infirnus heavy bolter really proved to be a very potent weapon in this game, although it does have some drawbacks.

End game, at the end of turn 3 this was the situation. I had killed quite a few orks but was unable to capture any due to the proximity of other orks. Also we rolled to see if we broke, the Orks broke automatically I think but I rolled a double 6! So two broken teams and me down 3 to nothing, we called it quits to get another game in.

So what did I learn from this game? Marines still suck in combat. One on one the blackshield could probably hold its own, with a good number of attacks and with zealot, there at t5 if you charge. Shooting is good, especially the heavy bolter, although you really have to be within 8 inches of your target and have a second target within 2 of that, to make maximum use out of it. Also I must remember that deathwatch have special issue ammunition, as I only remember for the last round! I don't know if it would have made a difference or not but it might have.

This mission definitely favoured the Orks , as they were able to swamp forward in numbers and stop me from gaining prisoners. Also I really need to remember tokens, I've enough from the two sets I have, so I just need to take them with me.

Game 2: astra Militarum Vs deathguard

For this, the tables were reversed, with my opponent switching to deathguard and brining 6 models. A leader with fist and bolter, a  (heavy?) Plague marine with blight launcher, a marine with melta (veteran?) Combat marine with bolter and two marines with bolters. I on the other hand brought the hordes, with a leader with bolt pistol and chain sword, comms specialist vox caster, sniper gunner with sniper rifle, heavy gunner with grenade launcher, plasma gunner and flamer, plus eleven guardsmen. We were playing the mission where you had to hold the opjectives to gain points at the end of each turn I can't remember which one it is off the top of my head.

Deployment and yet again, the guard hordes are squeezed in. You can see the objectives in this picture, one is on the central building and one is hidden up on top of the top right hand building.

I didn't take many pictures sitting this game as a was busy moving all the guardsmen around and getting in to the game. We played the scouting phase again in this game and while I went for moving a few guys forward, my opponent booby trapped the centre terrain price, which really put the dampeners on things. With this objective being worth 3 points I couldn't get to it with out risking getting one of my guys blown up by booby traps, while my opponent could just wonder around at will.

By this point were on turn three and the last turn of the game. By this point I had taken down all but two of the plague marines and claimed the two right hand objectives and while the lower left was being challenged, there was little chance of loosing it. I had abandoned the centre objective, but had made sure to keep a close eye on it, with my sniped, sitting on top of the crates at the bottom doing a grand job killing off the marine champion that tried to claim it turn 2.

The final fight, which ended up with just one guardsman dying and the objective held. 

This was another fun game to play and while we again finished it in turn 3, with the guard claiming a lead of something like 10 to 4, with only 2 marines left to 12 or 13 guardsmen. In the next couple of rounds I could have gone on to claim up to 5 point a turn uncontested, so there was little point in continuing. The guard were good in this game, with the highlight being taking a plague marine down with a buffed plasma gunner overcharging his weapon, with a +1 from Comms and re-roll 1's from orders, shooting at a marine in the open. My opponent was quick to shut it down by charging the guardsman with his combat specialist.

I this there were fewer mistakes in this match, a few things were done out of sequence but nothing that would have changed the game. I really like guard, there orders are still just as powerful and despite there inability to hit and wound very often, they do have the numbers to make up for it. I can see why people spam plasma, they are really good, especially when buffed but I don't really see it as fluffy and so I'll not be spamming them. Sniper rifles are good, but just as in reliable as in 40k. I was lucky this game and got a mortal wound off but apart from that it didn't impress me much. Next game I will be giving a melta gunner a go and see how that does.

Again, this mission favoured one army over the other, namely the guard, as with the number of bodies they could claim many of the objectives easily and obsorb any losses the deathguard could inflict. I wonder what the results would have been like if the Orks had faced the guard or the deathwatch, the deathguard.

I am really liking kill team and hopefully I will get a few more games in soon but life is pretty busy at the moment and will be getting busier shortly.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Other 8th codices

So what of the other forces that I use? Well, currently I run the Disciples using Imperial Fists tactics, the Stone Dragons as Wolves, Brazen Hawks as Black Templars. Plus I plan on running an Inquisitional detachment with Grey knights, deathwatch and sister. So what are my thoughts on these armies?

Well, most of my thoughts on these armies are pretty thin, hence the single post, as I run most of these for the fun of it rather than for anything serious. Ill start with the Space Marines codex, for no other reason than its the first one I thought of.

So what in the codex would I chane, either in points or options? Points wise I couldn't really say what I'd change as I think that most things are pretty well coasted, well, the bits I use anyway. I also think that there are no gaps in the units, as there are options for everything and more often than not, several options. Granted some units are better than others, think grav-centurions over grav-dev's. There really are just two things that I think need looking at, the first being said grav-Dev's.

Now I'm not against grav or anything, but I think that a devastator marine should not have an amp, a centurion has a grav and amp as well, which seems odd. A normal marine carries a lascannon, or a heavy bolter, but a centurion can carry two lascannon or two heavy bolters, but a normal marine can carry a grav and amp but a centurion can only carry a grav and amp as well? Surely it should be capable of carrying 2 gravs and amps or a marine can only carry a grav and not an amp as well? Now a centurion with two gravs would just be silly, so I think that a normal marine should lose the amp. They will still be powerful weapons, but would be more logical in my view.

The second thing I would like to see I the codex is a change to bikes. I don't mean the actual bikes or anything but the weapon loads. Surely after several thousand years, someone has thought to pull off a bolter and stick something else on there? I mean the Dark Angels managed to do it with plasma guns, but no-one else has thought of this? Not even the White Scars? I don't think that everyone should be driving around with plasma talons, I'm more thinking that one bolter is removed and you loose the twin linked, but have the option to fire both weapons. I think it would be good to have the option for a melts or Flamer on the bike. I know that the marine riding the bike can take these weapons as well, and that would prob need adjusting but I like the idea of bikes with things other than bolters.

In terms of formations, the only thing I think is lacking is a proper formation for the Black Templars, with crusader squads as part of the core instead of tactical squads. There may well be on option for this already, and I might just have missed it, but as far as I'm aware, its only the standard gladius or the ones from Angels of Death to choose from.

For Space Wolves, my knowledge is even weaker but I do think that some of the recent rules and units are a little bit too strong, mainly the Wolfen. The Thunder Wolves are pretty strong as well, and possibly a little cheap for what they are. The only real question I see is with the various Claw units, blood, sky and swift, and the fact that they are still BS3. With all the other scout units being BS4 now, leaving these units as BS3 seems odd, but increasing them would change the whole setup of the codex. In truth I don't know what the answer to this problem is, lucky its not something that's going to affect me, as I don't really play SW and neither do any of my opponents.

The only other codex that maybe affected by the arrival of 8th is my Imperial Allies codex, one I dont actually have yet (birthday present sitting in the cupboard). Will this codex cease to exist? Or will it continue on? I hope it will continue on, as it solves a lot of problems for me, enabling me to field units and armies without having to buy multiple whole codices. Hopefully the new sisters codex (if there is one) won't be to much of a change as to affect the sisters units in the book, not that ill be using many of them and hopefully the same can be said for Grey knights and deathwatch. At the end of the day, I could always just sub units, like for like.

As for the other codices in the GW universe, in afraid in completely clueless, whilst I know of many units and some formations from other books, points costs and rules are beyond me. Yes there are certain units (wraithknight) and formations (Tau Stealth  Cadre I think its called) are either under costed or over powered, but then everybody knows these things and their are lots of people more informed than I am and able to make better arguments for fixing them. For me, the main thing I want to see from the other codices is a leveling of power and universal (and sensible) formations.

At the end of the day, its pretty much anyone guess what 8th will bring.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Deathwatch list

I'm going to sneak this post in here, as I think the next few weeks are going to be taken up with Northern Invasion battle reports and the likes. I'm down at the in-laws for a few days so hopefully ill get it all written up while the mother in-law is spoiling the bairns!

So I'm going to run through my list and explain my thinking a little bit further than the last Deathwatch post. As this is going to essentially be an extension of my Inquisition list (here) I though that I would just do a quick recap of the forces;

Xenos Inquisitor w/Power armour,  Power Sword, Rad grenades, Psykotroke grenades

Xenos Inquisitor w/Combi-plasma, Power Armour, Psyker ML1
Elite 1 – 7x Acolyte’s w/carapace, hotshot lasgun, 3x stormshield
Elite 2 – 10x Acolyte’s w/carapace, bolt gun, 1x psyker, 1x Priest
Elite 3 – 5x Crusader’s, 5x Death Cult Assassins, 2x Priest

The thinking for the above list is in the Inq post, so I won't go over it again but it won't change with the inclusion of the Deathwatch. So, what is my list?

Black Spear Strike Force formation 

HQ-  Watch Captain w/Artificer Armour, Plasma Pistol, Power weapon, Beacon Angeles

Auxiliary- Ancient - Dreadnought w/ Plasma Cannon

Core- Watch Company-

Watch ccaptain w/ artificer armour, bolt pistol, power weapon.

Aquila Kill team - Librarian ML2 w/boltgun, force sword. 
8x veterans w/boltgun, chainsword

Dominates Kill Team - 2x Vanguard Vets w/stormshield, lightning claw
5x Vets w/boltgun, Stalker Pattern Boltgun

Furor Kill Team- Termie w/storm bolter, power weapon, 
2x termies w/storm bolter, chain fists
2x vets w/Flamer, bolter
3x vets w/infurnus heavy bolters

Purgatus Kill Team - librarian ML2 w/boltgun, force sword
5x vets w/boltgun, stalker pattern boltgun 

Quite a compact list I think. One thing you might notice is there are no transports, well this is due to the deepstrike rule from the strike force. Basic plan is to start with Inq detachment and dread on the table and deepstrike the rest near there specified targets. This is a bit of an alpha strike type list, although its a turn two strike. There should be enough on the board to survive turn 1 quite easily.

I have a few things that I'm not sure about with this list. Firstly it seems that you can't take a boltgun and bolt pistol, which seems odd as that really is the staple marine load. Its not a problem as such but it does mean that you either pay for a pistol or power weapon or take the pretty much useless chainsword. Points wise I've gone for chainsword and extra bodies.

Secondly and related to the first is the fact that I've got a couple of marines in the Furor team armed with bolters and flames. This seems to be not right to me, as its two ranged weapons rather than a ranged and combat weapon, I would have thought I would have had to have one or the other.

The final thing I need to check is pretty much the same as the second, that being all the guys armed with both a regular boltgun and a stalker pattern boltgun. This does seem to be excessive. The idea is good though, move and shoot the boltgun, stand and shoot the stalker, whatever your doing you've got special ammo as well. The stalker pattern is also good for anything t5 and above plus extra range, which you want with t5 plus models.

I think the list is pretty balanced, with some ability to take down light armour (heavy bolters and plasma cannon) and heavy armour (chain fist and dread ccw), and with all the bolters and also stalker pattern bolters I should be able to deal with most things.

Friday, 30 September 2016

The Deathwatch

Image result for deathwatch symbol

So, he we are, jumping on the band wagon. The new deathwatch codex has been it and about for a few weeks and while I have the latest Battlescribe files and have eeen the codex, I have yet to get a, er, "copy" to look at. As talked about in a previous post, Battlescribe is not perfect and at present I can't see how to take a vet with boltgun and bolt pistol, in fact I dint see a bolt pistol listed at all. This seems a bit strange as boltgun and bolt pistol are the mainstay of a marine, and its pointless arming a marine with a ccw unless he has a pistol of some sorts. Anyway, hopefully I can get eyes on a codex and see what's right.

Ill post up a full list later, in another post and ill post up the fluff for it as well, again in another post. But I though I would put down some initial thoughts here.

The deathwatch will be fielded with my inquisitional force, to makes 2000 point list, as all my lists are. The current inquisition list is around 650 points, so I'm looking at around 1350 points, which should be easy to hit. In terms of setup, the inquisition list currently is heated towards taking out men's, with hotshot lasguns and power sword wielding death cult assassins and crusaders. The deathwatch will continue this theme, not only with the special issue ammo but in terms of wargear. None of my armies are particularly good, usually lacking in one area or another, such as the Hjaltland lacking any anti heavy armour, and the deathwatch will no doubt suffer the same fate, although there are a few chain fists and a dread ccw in there which will help.

In terms of teams, ill be going for a range to cover all the bases, using the Black Spear Strike Force, for universal deep strike, and then the Watch Company, to gain the additional reroll benefits, and finally ill be taking an Aquila killteam for general stuff, a Dominates killteam, a Furor kill team and a Purgatus killteam all for their special target types, (HQ, Elite and Troop). I haven bothered with heavy support or fast attack, as I figured the Aquila team can deal with fast attack and heavy support doesn't go far usually and can be dealt with by the the chain fisted termies in the Furor team.

I've got most of the bits I need to make this lot, as I'll be using the Betrayal at Calth boxset for the marines and the termies will come from my left over stock of metal bodies with BaC arms. I have pretty much got all the arms and weapons I need from the boxset and my bits box, the only questions are whether I have enough flamers to make the 3 Infurnus Heavy Bolters I want and whether I need jump packs for the vanguard vets, who are listed as jump troops but apparently don have jump packs listed in their wargear. I'm assuming this is an oversite and I'll need jump packs but it would be good if I could drop the packs, as I don't need them.

This army may well be on the drawing board for quite sometime as my priorities right now are to finish the Hjaltland LI, which only has a handful of models to paint including a Valkryie, and paint the rest of my Dagr Ormr MT force and that doesn't include the Eagle Knights, which are also on the list!

Friday, 18 March 2016

death watch; overkill

Image result for deathwatch overkill

Well, the latest game to be released from GW is Death watch; Overkill. While I have to say the models are very impressive, and look superbly detailed, its not going on my wish list. Why? Simple, I'm not a Nids fan and Genecults don't excite me in any way. If you are a Nids fan then I can understand your excitement, as this is something special. I can recal a friend, back in my youth, who had a number of hybrids and it was a shame to see that they had disappeared during my absence from the game.

Whilst having the Deathwatch models would be nice, they would not have much of a place in my armies, apart from maybe the Inquisition, but that wouldn't fit with the fluff. Although having said that, I may just have them anyway. With the new rules being in WD, (which I great that their doing this again!) I might just see about kit bashing some models up to fit the rules. This will have to wait a while though as getting hold of some of the parts will be difficult, namely the termie, bike and jump packs, at least without taking them away from existing armies.

I'm still a little unsure of how they work in 40k though. I get the complete formation, everything in one big unit, but this seems pointless in my mind. It restricts the two jump units, meaning that they can't make use of their full moves, the same with the bike, as both have to stay in coherency with the rest on the unit. The unit is also not optimised at all, with both shooting models and assault models along side anti-infantry and other anti-armour models. So I would like to field them seperatly, but how? Using the inquisition detachment wouldn't work as there is no troop slot and allied doesn't work as there is only one elite and hq slots. CAD can't work as there is only one troop choice. So what's the answer? Are you supposed to just sub them in to your army instead of other units? But that just doesn't work fluff wise, and nor does adding a unit to for a CAD legal force. Also as far as I can tell, all the fast and elite choices are units of 1, who can't join each other or anyone else as none are independent characters. I could be wrong here, but I thought that you had to be an independent character to join other units.

So this still leaves me  wondering, how do you field them?

One thing I really like with this game is the fluff that they have given each character, especially the BA guy, who's obviously succumbing to the Black Rage, which wouldn't be good as far as the inquisition are concerned. The white scars one is good as well, classic white scars, just doing things his (AKA the White Scars) way. If I make my own, I will probably make up my own fluff and have a number of them pulled from my own armies to represent Inquisitor Tullus forming his own hit squad from the units around him.

I would be interested in playing the game though, as the last few games have been enjoyable to play (not that I've played BoC yet). I'll have to see if anyone down the club shells out for the game first though.