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Showing posts with label CSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CSM. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Proxie Warpcoven kill team

This is the first of a few Xenos and chaos forces that I will be building just to have some enemy forces in my collection, should I ever needs some. Most of these forces will be quick and dirty paint jobs, full of proxies to get the job done. This lot are a stand if for the Thousand Sons Warpcoven Kill Team, formed of 3 sorcerer's and 6 Tzaangors or in this case chaos cultist proxies. 

The complete team

The three sorcerer's are pulled from my collection of first born space marines, all of which were painted for various other projects but have been pulled together to form this kill team. The center model is the only actual sorcerer type model, being a space marine librarian, the others are conversions from the bits box.

Hard to see but there is actually some Nurgle mutations on the left hand model between the weapon and the shoulder pad, as this model started life as an old school metal Nurgle plague marine, his backpack still bares the remains of the 3 ringed symbol, now reduced to 3 black dots. 

The Tzaangors are played by the cultists, 5 standard Tzaangors with pistols and chain swords and Champion with great blades. 

3 standard Tzaangors

2 standard Tzaangors and champion (with gold base)

Now, there is a little problem with the wanna be Tzaangors, the cultist are on just 25mm bases and Tzaangors actually come on 32mm bases, plus they are a bit taller. Now I could get around this by debasing them or even just sticking the current bases straight on to the bigger bases, to give some extra height as well but to be honest, when these come out to play it will be in the company of friends and for very casual games, so I don't think that the difference in base and model size will matter at all. If it changes that I probably will.just stick them on top of the bigger bases and be done with it.
The next Xenos team to get a quick job done will be some more cultists repurposed as GSC. 

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

My son's Tau

Following on from last week's post about magnetising my son's Tau, I thought I would show the rest of his force which he is building and painting by himself, which I think is a good achievement for a 10 year old. I think that the painting is definitely a better standard than my first serious effort. He chose the colours and scheme by himself, the only alteration I made was to suggest a red helmet lense colour rather than the original blue, which didn't stand out at all. 

Fire warrior strike squad

Another angle of the strike squad

The strike squad leader

Drone, leader and support turret

In addition to this he has his Stealth suits, 6  in total, his Ghostkeel, a Cadre Fireblade and an ethereal, plus the specialist kill team pathfinder box. I have some plans to help him out and am trying to get some cheap Cadian bodies off eBay, which isn't as easy as you'd think! I plan on kit bashing these up with him, using the breacher squad parts left over from the strike squad to make some Gue'vesa cannon fodder.
We'll see if I can get some Cadians at a decent price to make it worth while.

Also I thought I should show some pictures of my daughter's chaos army. I'm less sure on whether she actually want this army or if her brother has told her she wants it, either way she has enjoyed painting up a few models, including a hellbrute. I've been very surprised how carefully she has painted up these models seeing as she is only 7.

Her chaos marines, some berserkers, havoc and classic marine

A pair of hellbrutes, the one on the left painted by my son and one on the right by my daughter

 I really like the fact that the kids have been enjoying painting up the models and it's nice to just be able to let them get on with it as they are not my models (or not ones I plan on using). I doubt that the young lady will take this up longer term but watching the pair of them sit down together to paint is wonderful to see.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

NI4 Game 1

Game one started off on shaky ground, my original opponent was the young lad with a box of models, one one I had a good moan about last post, but as we couldn't get the army list together, the tournament organizer stepped up with his chaos black legion. He force was a good around list, with 5 termies and a sorcerer in termie armour, two squads of marines, one with a lord, a bike squad and a rhino backed up by a squad of havocs. 

My opponent deployed across the board, with termies on his right, marines in the middle and left, clearly going after the objectives, the bikes and empty rhino were also on the left with the havocs at the back to provide some long range firepower.

My deployment was along my standard lines, however I had gained 2 units outflanking due to my warlord trait, along side relentless, and as such a blob squad and priest were outflanking. The rest set with wyverns at the rear, blob in front with pcs to the left (right on picture!) and c's on the right In The building, to give the snipers some height.

Its hard to tell deployment from turn one, mostly as nothing has moved!

Turn 1

The pictures above are actually from turn one,thought they were deployment, but on closer inspection you can see the marines have move forward. Nothing else really happened for him as he ran most things and took a few pot shots with the havocs. My turn was not much different, my MoO scattered wildly, about 15 inches or so! As did my wyverns, about 10 for them i think, even with the reroll,which was worse then the original roll! However, the shot clipped a havoc,despite the fact I'd been shooting at the marines in the center! As a result the 5 marines were blown back to the warp, and I gained first blood and a point, and they wyverns started as they would continue for the rest of the tournament.

Turn 2
My opponent continued his advance, getting a marine on to the right objective on top of the building and pushing forward with all the other units, including using a psychic power to jump a bunch of marines right up to my right, just on the corner of the center building. Pot shots were taken by the rest of the units with little damage sustained.

My turn 2 and things get interesting. All my reserves are on and mostly doing there job. The vendetta kills off the rhino and the valkyrie and the blob take out half the bikers. The wyverns helps out too, although with the low numbers doesn't do as much damage as I'd like. Still at this point I'm confident I can secure a win.

Turn 3

And my confidence take a bit of a knock. The marine squad that were jumped get up on the building and make it in to combat and start munching through guardsmen, the termies on the left turn and over the psychic, shooting and assault phases, destroy the outflanking guardsmen with little trouble. Points wise, were pretty even at this point, but I've got a plan!

The destruction on the outflanking unit, already down from 21 to 8 and yet to strike any blows in combat.

Turn 4

Things go from bad to worse for my guardsmen!

Yes, that is a daemon prince

The chaos gods decide that the sgt is doing a fantastic job and gift him with princedom, thus a daemon prince appears in the middle of combat, the remaining guardsmen, priest and two psykers are slain with ease for 4 points! Not only that, butte command squad in contacted by the bikers. A little cheeky on themove I think, withthe bikes moving from one side of the building to the other by going over the top, not sure about that? But they passed there difficult terrain tests, so ill let it go.

The combats.

Termies moving for the objective, just out of shot are my pcs who were running for the same objective but though better of it when the remaining termies, the Libby and sgt?, gave them a bit of a spanking. The rest of the squad had died to the wyverns and vendetta, the valkyrie whittling down the marines on the otherside of the board. 

Turn 5

No pictures here, but it was pretty clear at this point I'd won. My flyers had dropped off their cargo in the last round and both squads were heading to their objectives. The chaos troops consolidated on the objective in my deployment zone and the bikes tried in vain to kill my warlord. I also went for objectives, forgoing trying to kill anything. My wyverns went flat out for the left objective, as the termies had tried to take out the last of the pcs who were going for the center objective, they failed but so did the pcs. The plasma command squad ran for the opposition's home objective and the vets went for the objective on the right that lord was sitting on. I should have charged but decided to run.the lord was on one would and my squad was still 11 strong (vets plus priest) and may have been able to take out the lord. There was also a little bit of rule bending going on on my side. My bloke was just about quarter of an inch from the base of the wall and I rolled a 3 on my run move, I placed him up on the next level, a 3 inch move, but should I? To be honest if it was the other way around I would have been happy to let my opposition do the same. It claimed me the objective from the lord due to the vets being troops.

The dead pile, I'd completely forgotten about the spawn! The charged in to the blob squad on turn 2 and were very quickly dispatched.

End game, the vets are missing from the right hand building, you can just see the lord on top. My warlord is just out of shot the bottom, the last survivor of the command squad.

At the end game the points were - 13 to me (FB, LB, 4 Kill points, 7 objective points) and 10 to my opponent (LB, 3 obj, 7 KP). So a win to me and a food start to my campaign.

As for the battle plan, everything went as planned. I had hoped to keep my objective contested and might have been able to if the daemon prince hadn't turned up, but that's the luck of the dice. On to round 2!