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Showing posts with label Kill Team; Elites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kill Team; Elites. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

More eBay purchases


Well, I've done it again, bought another eBay bargain! This time however, it's for kill team. As you may have noticed I am a massive fan of kill team, I like the idea, the size and the rules, I just wish I had some more like minded people around to play with! 40k wise, I'm sorted, there's plenty for nice people to play with but kill teams a bit under supported up here. 

Anyway, I do tend to play a lot with the kids, both mind and friends and they tend to want to play big games with lots of stuff on the table but I'm hoping that with some arena boards I can reduce the size of the games but still retain the fun aspect of it. I don't think it's too hard to achieve, as we currently tend to play on similar sized Infinity boards. 

For less than a tenner I managed to get an almost complete box of arena. The only thing I appear to be missing is the bits to go on the board, such as doors and boxes. I have some of these spare, siluch as boxes and barrels, plus I have other bits that can easily stand in for the pipes, it's only the doors that might be a problem. However I have a solution, these things;

I reckon that a couple of these, printed on paper and stuck on to card, with some appropriate stands should do fine as stand in for the doors. Ok, so they'll not be as detailed (they'll be black and white as well, as the wife's work printer only prints black and white) but they will serve the purpose well enough for what we need. I'm hoping I can get this all sorted this weekend and maybe even have a trial game with the young man at some point but we will have to see if time allows. 

I'm actually quite excited about this. I had been looking at a way to get Space Hulk tiles sorted and printed but it became a lot more complicated than I thought it would be, as the tiles we're all different scales and would need printing and adjusting several times to get them all to match up properly. Something I wasn't able to do. Getting hold of these boards is great, as it gives me what I want cheaply and without any of the hassle. 

Friday, 21 August 2020

Dark Angels kill team

The Dark Guardians are a member of the unforgiven and as before they have a page dedicated to the chapter history (HERE). You might notice that there has been a bit of a change to the colour scheme of the chapter, this is because I decided against the yellow and also, to much silver would just make them look like Grey Knights. This will be the colour scheme of the chapter and I will at some point go back and change it, probably when I update everything to primaris. 

The kill team here,known as the Guardians Spear Strike Team, are a battle hardened veterans brotherhood, who have been sent forward to recover vital intelligence from a clandestine operative who may have information pertaining to the chapters ulterior motive. Formed of the most loyal and trustworthy individuals, members of the first company and others who have been entrusted with the sensitive information of past misdeeds. Like many of there brethren from across the unforgiven, these are stubborn warriors, who once upon the battlefield will not yield untill the last. (Mission - Rescue Mission, Background - Honour Guard, Quirk - Stubborn)

From left to right; Zoreal Namaat, Azkarael Zanthor, Zoreal Zanthor

First up the leadership of the strike force. The leader, Chaplain Azkarael Zanthor, an Ebullient character who delights in doing the Emperor's work. Azkarael is a veteran of many wars and many hunts, he is also a the driving force and will behind the strike force, always ready to strike down his goes with his maul. Azkarael is flanked by his two closest confidants, the two Zoreals. The two company veterans,  Zoreal Namaat and Zoreal Zanthor. Namaat's hatred of the Emperor's enemies is only surpassed only by his hatred of the Xenos. Zanthor on the other hand is just happy, killing in the name of the Emperor and doesn't care who or what he is killing.

In game, Azkarael, while called Chaplain, is actually just a Veteran Sargeant and is the sole leader specialist in the roster and will be fielded whenever the team plays. The other two will usually just be fielded as Company Veterans, with no specialism. Zanthor could be fielded as a Comms specialist, due to the standard he carries but there is little need for a the comms abilities in this list. 

Bethor Azdallon and Shoriel Zacahrus

Apothecary Bethor Azdallon, a very dour warrior who has been through the fires of hell and back to many times to be surprised by anything. By far the oldest of the group, he was still the last to learn of the unforgottens secrets and elicited little more than a raised eye brow and a "Anything else? No? Good, I've got more important things to do than stand around an chat" While it might not have been the answer the master's were expecting, it was not a surprise to any of them. You'll notice, there is little to identify Bethor as an Apothecary, for white or any shade like it, is worn only by the honoured brothers of the Deathwing and the chapter see no reason why apothecary's need to wear anything different to the rest of the brothers. Brother Shoriel Zacahrus is the lowest of the brothers here although he has shown much promise to the master's that he has been entrusted with knowledge beyond his years. His mysterious character has given many a deep mistrust of him and many were unsure if his loyalties could be fully trusted. In truth he has the eye and sponsor of an Interrogator chaplain and is marked for higher things, all he has to do is prove he is worthy and stay alive. 

In game Bethor is a Tactical Sargeant medic specialist. While medics are not really that useful, they do have some uses plus it's very thematic to have a medic along with the force to deal with all the battle wounds. Shoriel is a basic tactical marine and is mostly there to fill points. With the next units on the table, there is not always a lot of points left and so having a cheap model to throw in a list is always useful. 

Left to right; Zakeal Namaat, Nemator Zaborial, Azathor Seraphus

Next up we have the heavy hitters, the terminators of the first company or the oath sworn, as they are know within the chapter. Here we have Gunners Zakeal Namaat and Azathor Seraphus flanking brother Nemator Zaborial. Both Zakeal and Azathor both mysterious characters but in different ways. Zakeal rarely talk to anyone about anything, more often found in quiet contemplation or silently running through various weapons drills. Although his various deeds of valour are well recorded in the chapter records, he will rarely talk of them but for a few words. Azathor on the other hand talks a lot but never about himself or his deeds. He will talk of legends of old, great battles of history, tell stories of other brothers. He will keen you entertained for hours but leave you no wiser as to who he is or what he's done. Brother Nemator on the other hand is a stint faced grim and sombre character, who fight with ruthless efficiency, ever chanting the litanies of hate and death. 

In game the two Gunners will usually be run as Demo (for the flamer) and heavy (for assault cannon) to make maximum use of there weapons. Brother Nemator will usually be run as a basic terminator, with no specialism, although he could use the veteran specialism to help him get further up the table quicker, to off set the slow movement of the TDA.

Ezekial Zaborial and Bethor Seraphus

The last of the strike group and the real "punch" of the force. Terminator Sargeant Ezekial Zaborial, a noble warrior who thinks nothing of throwing himself in to the line of fire to shield a fellow Guardian, trusting in his shield and armour to keep him safe from harm. Ezekial also see his duty to strike hard at the enemies command and moral and can usually be found heading straight for the highest ranking or biggest targets he can see, to smash it down with his trusty hammer. Brother Bethor Seraphus on the other hand is an ebullient character who delights in charging headlong in to the enemy, using his lightning claws to strike down the enemy, cutting swaths through the heretic and Xenos troops alike. 

In games, Ezekial will be run as a terminator Sargeant and a combat specialist, while Bethor will be a basic terminator and a Zealot specialist. The reason for this is that as a Sargeant, Ezekial will get 3 attacks base plus an additional one all the time for combat, giving 4 attacks. With the thunder hammer this means he should hit around twice every time. The extra strength is not really needed, as not much is T5+ and even if they are it's still wounding on 3's. Bethor, with the twin claws, will have 3 attacks (2 base plus 1 for the claws) and with Zealot, he will be up to 4 attacks on the charge. The important bit however is the +1 strength, putting him to S5 and therefore wounding on 3's instead of 4's. These two will usually be fielded together and run up the field to smash things in combat.

The family photo. 

This kill team is all about resilience and slow, methodical progress. This is an elite force without the numbers to swamp the enemy or objectives and will struggle against horde armies but only in as much as victory points. With a chunk of the day having 2+\5++ saves, most horde armies will struggle to chew through them. The army will generally be run one of two ways, shooty or smashy. The shooty version will look something like this;

Azkarael Zanthor (Leader)
Azathor Seraphus (Heavy)
Zakeal Namaat (Demo) 
at 100 points - Shoriel Zacahrus
At 125 points - Zoreal Namaat
Zoreal Zanthor 

There is space for another specialist here and I would probably run Shoriel or one of the Zoreals as a sniper or vet maybe, just because I have that free slot. What ever the points limit, this list works by the two terminators moving up slowly engaging the enemy while the others sit back. 
The smashy list looks something like this;

Azkarael Zanthor (Leader) 
Ezekial Zaborial (Combat) 
Bethor Seraphus (Zealot)  
Bethor Azdallon (Medic) 
Plus at 125 points - Shoriel Zacahrus
Zoreal Namaat

This list is similar to the other but changes out the terminators and adds in a medic to help boost the two punchy termies so more. The list functions by the terminators and the medic running up while the others sit back and support, in a very similar fashion to the other list. 

One member not listed above is Nemator Zaborial, the basic terminator. This is because he is mostly there to give me uptions, to say, drop the assault cannon or TH\SS model for him and save some points, in the case of the TH\SS, by 8 points.

Again, this is not the most potent list but is fun and something different. I do really like this list, I just need an opportunity to play it now! Next up the Grey Knights.

Friday, 14 August 2020

Space Wolves kill team

Over the last few weeks I've had a bit of time to do some painting, not as much as I would have liked but still, I can't complain! Anyway, I've managed to get a few kill teams done, 3 to be precise, as well as start a couple of others but more about that later. 

This kill team is the Stone Dragons and is based on the Space Wolf kill team faction rules. The reason that these guys follow the Space Wolves rules is simple, it's the only way I can run the bloke with the storm bolter and storm shield with a jump pack. Not the greatest reason to base a kill team on but it works. 

But who are these noble warriors I hear you ask? Well it, the main chapter history can be found HERE, these forces are form one of the many crusading forces from the chapter and are lead by the Librarian Dysouris, or more accurately Codicier Gaius Dysouris. The squad themselves are specialist in infiltration, although while they follow the Space Wolves ways of war, they lack the keen senses the Sons of Russ have, being of Ultramarine stock. Despite this or maybe because of this, they have still mastered the art of infiltrating behind enemy lines before unleasing a barrage of bolter shells and blades to secure and control any ground they need to. Dispite this shock and awe approach the lives and safety of Imperial citizens is paramount in the eyes of the Stone Dragons and the warriors of this war band will go to great lengths to avoid any unnecessary civilian casualties. (Mission- Secure and control, Background - Infiltration, Squad Quirk - Selfless)

The warband itself is quite small, formed of only 11 members, although once there were nearly 50. Not all of these have been lost, several have been injured and unable to continue fighting, others have split off, joining other bands, where there skill were required more urgently. Only a few have actually died on the crusade, mostly down to the forsight of the Codicier and the attention of the Apothecary novitiate Sgt Cassus. 

The warband in it's current form, ready to battle the enemies of the Imperium.

Commander Codicier Gaius Dysouris - ebullient - Gaius is an relatively young for a Codicier and this is his first crusade as Commander. Newly promoted from Lexicanium and given charge of this crusade as a test of his abilities, not only psychically but also in leadership. While he maybe nervous of commanding so many battle hardened veterans, he is not nervous of the work he undertakes, for this is the Emperor's work and it is the most noble cause in the universe and he is honoured and delighted to be a part of it. While his zeal for smiting the enemies of the Emperor can draw looks of concern from his more veteran companions, none would criticise him for it.

In game, this will be run as a Commander, the only army that does actually contain a Commander. Obviously it will be a librarian but past this I have no idea how else it will be run. I have not played with commanders at all, nor have I really spent any time looking through the various options or bonuses. If I ever do play with him, I will have to look through the book.

From left to right; Agnathio Tarentus, Marius Varenus, Cato Cassus

The warbands junior leadership and the ones who usually lead the warband in combat. While none doubt the capabilities or passion of the Codicier, his experience however, is a different matter. Therefore it fall to either Veteran Sargeant Marius Varenus (centre) or Tactical Sargeant Agnathio Tarentus (left). These men could be more different. Vet Sgt Varenus is a Sombre, grim faced warrior, who strides the battle field with methodical purpose, recanting the various litanies of war every battle brother is taught, while  Tac Sgt Tarentus is a ferocious hunter, screaming wrathful war cries as he smites the does around him. There is a rivalry between these two, one of a gentle nature though, as each respects and trusts the other wholeheartedly. These two brother joined the Dragons around the same time and have served and fought much the same but Sgt Tarentus has not risen above the rank of Tactical Sargeant where as Varenus has risen to Veteran Sargeant and each feels a need to prove that they are the better warrior. The third member is Company Veteran Cato Cassus, a Mysterious character who, While technically superior to Varenus through rank, due to having been promoted from Tactical Sargeant, is by far more junior in experience and willingly defers to the older and more experience warrior. While unusual, it is not unheard of for such things to occur and if challenged, Cassus nearly shrugs and mutters a few words of wisdom to his questioner, words that it is usually wise to listen to and learn from. 

In game, Varenus and Tarentus, as Veteran Sargeant and Tactical Sargeant, are my leader specialists and which one I take depends upon which other selections I feel I need for the mission. There are two other Sargeants in the roster, another Tactical and another Veteran. The third member, Cassus, is run as a basic Company Veteran without a specialism, although he can be taken as a combat specialist if needs be.

Marcus Aggennor and Andrus Poladrus 

Next up we have the mobile and fast element to the team, Veteran Sargeant Marcus Aggennor and Company Veteran Andrus Poladrus. Vet Sgt Aggennor is an Ebullient warrior, who delights at nothing more than getting stuck in to the enemy and delivering the Emperor's Justice. While he is a Veteran Sargeant, he takes every opportunity to avoid the responsibility of such rank. He would have been happy still being an assault marine or maybe at most a Sargeant but he has found himself elevated to ever higher levels of leadership, the only benefit of which Aggennor can see, is a better selection of kit. Company Veteran Andrus Poladrus on the other hand is a noble and selfless warrior, who has taken it upon himself to watch over Aggennor's back as he throws himself at the enemy with complete disregard for his own safety. Poladrus owes his life to Aggennor, for it was due to one of Aggennors reckless actions, that saved Poladrus, who was just a Battle Brother at the time, from certain death. As such Poladrus watches over his friend and takes care of the threats that Aggennor can't.

In game Aggennor is the second Veteran Sargeant in the roster and will usually be fielded as a Zealot specialist. This means that he has 5 attacks at S5 on the charge and with twin claws, is hitting on 2's, wounding most things on 3's, rerolling, with -2ap, meaning that you will be getting a injury roll every turn of combat, if not an actual kill. At worse, he will be hitting on 3's, wounding on 4's, rerolling, with 4 attacks. So still a good chance of doing damage. Company Veteran Poladrus, a basic Company Veteran, probably run as a Veteran Specialist, for that pregame move to get his storm bolter in to rapid fire range as early as possible, or maybe a Demolition specialist for taking out those obscured targets with his storm bolter. 

From left to right: Titus Poladrus, Ollonius Aggennor, Cassius Cassus, Titus Poladrus, Andrus Tarentus, Cato Chronus

Next up are the basic tactical Marines. These form the bulk of the fighting force. On the left we have Tactical Gunners, Gunner Ollonius Aggennor, with his trusty Missile launcher and Gunner Cassius Cassus, armed with the temperamental plasma gun. Both these men are noble warriors of the chapter, upholding the chapters tennant that civilian casualties be avoided wherever possible. While both these men also apply this to the other brothers within the chapter, they do so in different ways. Gunner Aggennor watches from a far, spying targets and applying surgical strikes to eliminate the enemy threat while Gunner Cassus prefers getting up close and personal before unleashing a torrent of plasma fire at the enemy. To the right there are the two Tactical Marines, Brother Andrus Tarentus and Brother Cato Chronus. Both of the battle brothers are young and aggressive warriors, always eager to be at the front of the battle and prove themselves. Brother Tarentus carries the units comms array, needed for communicating back to the ships in orbit when deep within the hives and tunnels the warband often find themselves in, Brother Chronus on the other hand carries nothing but his bolt weapons. Lastly, in the centre we have Tactical Sargeant and Apothecary Novitiate, Sgt Titus Poladrus. Titus is one of the oldest members of the warband and is probably the most liked as well, due to his charismatic nature and friendly attitude. A veteran of many war zones, he 8s the bands medical support and a rather good one at that. Although not a fully fledged member of the Apothecarian, he has had substantial training from them, as due to the structure of the Dragons, it is not possible for all warbands to contain an apothecary. Titus is trained to do pretty much everything bar harvest the geneseed of the fallen. 

In game, Gunner Aggennor with his missile launcher will usually be played as a heavy specialist, to enable him to move and fire without penalty. With the range of the missile launcher, this will usually mean he is only suffering due to obscurement. Gunner Cassus on the other had is usually run without any specialism, although he may run as a sniper specialist on the odd occasion. Either way, Brother Tarentus, as a comms specialist, is always fielded when Gunner Aggennor is fielded, to ensure that those missiles fly straight and true. He maybe run other times but more often than not he will be paired with Aggennor. Unfortunately Brother Chronus is only ever run as a basic marine to fill the points and add another body to the mix. Tactical Sargeant Titus is the last Sgt model on the roster and usually fielded alongside Veteran Sargeant Varenus. 

So that's the warband in it's entirety. Only 11 models, 10 of which form the main band. The Librarian is really only there as I painted him up a long time ago when I was planning of running a larger force of these guys for 40k games but scrapped that idea a long time ago, when I just couldn't get stuff painted and when it became clear that primaris were going to take over all the Marine rolls. 

Anyway, the band is really split into two 100 point lists;

Vet Sgt Varenus (leader), 
Tac Sgt Titus (medic), 
Gunner Aggennor (heavy)
Tac Tarentus (comms) 
Vet Cassus 
Gunner Cassus


Tac Sgt Tarentus (leader)
Vet Sgt Aggennor (Zealot)
Vet Poladrus (Demo) 
Vet Cassus (combat)
Gunner Cassus

For 125 point games, the list looks like this:

Tac Sgt Tarentus (leader)
Vet Sgt Aggennor (Zealot)
Gunner Aggennor (heavy)
Tac Tarentus (comms) 
Vet Poladrus
Vet Cassus
Gunner Cassus

The more observant will notice that Brother Chronus doesn't get a mention, like I said, he's there to make up the numbers and swap around with people if I want to change things up a bit. Obviously this is in no way an optimised list and is built mainly around the two jump pack equipped vets and the other storm bolter equipped vets. 

Next up are the Dark Guardians (Dark Angels successors) and their heavy list.

Friday, 5 June 2020

New addition to kill team

There hasn't been much in the way of actual hobby stuff on the blog of late, so I thought that I would rectify this by posting up what I've been working on recently.

Meet Grog or is it Drog? or Srog? or Trog? Who really knows, certainly not Brog(??). He is a Bullgryn Bonehead and bodyguard, armed with slabshield and mail to protect his charge and smack anything that comes close. 

You can just see the yellow markings on the inside of the shield, countered by matching red ones on the other side. These are on the shield as Grog can get a bit confused by left and right, so the colours are there as an alternative.

Grog is a veteran of many battle, far more than he can count (which is 13) and has the scars and implants to prove it. He was promoted to Bone'ead after one particular battle in which he stood against more than a dozen Eldar swordsmen, taking out the majority before the rest fled. He was badly wounded but recovered, which is more than can be said for the company Commander who he was supposed to be protecting, due mostly to the fact that Grog was standing on him. In his defense, it did mean that the Eldar were unable to strike him with their swords.

Grog is pretty much always seen with a cigar, a habit he picked up from his last charge, he thinks it's a sign of authority.

It was not long after this event that he was adopted as the personal bodyguard of another company Commander, one who he served until his demise, which wasn't at Grog's hand or feet. At this time he was not near any ogryn units to which he could be assigned, so was sent to join the other misfits of the TRS, where he has been found to be a valuable asset.

His old unit marking is still visible on his back, plus shield front, not that Grog is actually aware that's what it is, he just thinks it look cool.

Grog has only one issue, much like any ogryn, his stomach. The only issue is that with Grog is if you don't feed him when he's hungry, he'll just sit down until you do, no matter where you are, including much to the dismay of his fellows in the TRS, the middle of a fire fight, hence why member always carry an extra bag of goodies with them when they are assigned Grog to one of the patrols.  

In game terms Grog is a Bullgryn Bone'ead combat specialist. This gives him 5 attacks, 4 base plus 1 for the specialist. At S5 with the Bullgryn mail (+2S) he will be wounding most models on 2's (up to T3) and 3's (up to T6) and with -1ap and 2 damage, he has the capability of killing of most things in combat. He is expensive, sitting at 40 points and in some games he is going to be less useful than 8 guardsmen but he is a lot better in combat than 8 guardsmen! He will be added to either my Inquisition (Scion) or Guardsmen list as required but mostly he'll probably sit on the shelf and look pretty!

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The Elucidian Starstriders


Following on from my previous post about my wondering of eBay and where that can lead, I thought I'd share another of my wondering thoughts. 

As I've mentioned several times, right now, Kill Team is my main focus and while I do t get to play all that much, I really like the game and the options it give you. One of those options is the opportunity to use various characters and teams from several other GW boxed games, namely Blackstone Fortress and Kill Team: Rogue Trader. For every day casual play, I really don't need any of these games or the models. However, I quite like some of fluff behind them and the opportunity to mold it to my own ends, basically, I like the thought of kit bashing my own versions to fit my own theme. 

As a collector of Imperial factions, it's only the Elucidian Starstriders (from Rogue Trader) that have caught my attention. I like the idea of the team, having lots of special characters that I can kit bash up to my own tastes, obviously keeping them as close to the original idea as I can so that it's obvious what they are. However, there are some down sides to the team. The biggest on is that it's a 100 point team with no options to add more models or to change wargear. While I don't think that is a big issue for what I want them for, I would like to add in some different models, namely the ability to add in more voidsmen. I would also have like the option to change some of the voidsmens weapon, maybe switch out laspistols for chainswords or lasguns for shotguns, something that would add some extra dimensions to the team. I understand why they haven't, seeing as they are set pieces from a game, which come with a set wargear list. As  things stand though, there are no options and so I will look to build them as they are. 

Talking of building, I have a few ideas. I have numerous Catachan models floating around and a few Cadian ones as well, although these are all push fit, easy build types and not easy to customise. For the voidsmen this might be alright but a better idea would be using the Scion bodies I have, although I think I've only got 4 of them and there are effectively 5 voidsmen, including Voidsmaster Nitsch. I think I have enough bits that I could bash together a pretty reasonable looking force, using mostly Catachan parts to give a much more ferrel and lower tech look bit still be coherent. My only issue would be the dog, Aximillion. I don't have anything I could use now and I wouldn't want to use a dog anyway, I'd want something different, maybe feline or more beastial, maybe giant rat or even spider, something more suited to the back water scheme. I also have a number of AdMech bits spare, which might be useful for making some of the characters or even adding some tech to the voidsmen. Either way there are some possibilities for bashing this lot together. The real question at the moment is whether I want to or not.

One thought that I did have was to add in some other models from the Blackstone Fortress range. Although on closer inspection the choice is actually fairly limited, as only Pious Vorne, Rein and Raus and Gotfret De Montbard. There is also X-101 and UR-025 but these are both AdMech units and cannot be taken with other forces. The former can all be taken with guard units and Vorne and Montbard can also be taken with Sisters. The rest of the Blackstone Fortress models appear to all be commanders and so not much use to me.  Unfortunately, the Elucidian Starstriders themselves are neither Guard or Sisters but there own faction and so can not be paired with any additional characters. This sort of put another spanner in the works and makes it even less likely that I'll bother to build the Starstriders although I may think about building Vorne and Montbard for my guard team or Inquisition team for some combat support.

Building these two should be quite easy. Vorne can easily be built with a separate flamer and chainsword or it should be fairly easy to combine the two to form a weapon more similar to the original. I'll probably form the body out of Catachan parts to reflect the 7+ armour save! Montbard will be formed from Scion bits for the armoured look and probably borrow a sword and shield from some marines. I'll probably build these guys, mostly because I can and not because I would actually use them. 

While I was wondering this post and how to build the units here, White Dwarf 454 was released, containing rules for Sister of Silence in kill team, so I thought I'd tack them on to the bottom of here! Now, SoS ( as opposed to SoB) only have 3 units, those armed with bolters, flamers and swords and so I would not need to form a full 20 man kill team to have an effective roster. By my calculations, a basic usable team, with leader and 3 specialists, would also need 5 bolter armed Sisters and the most expensive would only need 3 swords instead of bolters. I have decided that, should I do a team I would have a Prosecutor Superior as leader, a sniper Prosecutor, a Demo Witchseeker, a Zealot Vigilator Superior and Combat Vigilater plus 3 Prosecutors, 2 Witchseekers and 2 Vigilators, for a team of 12 and enough options to cover most situations. This should work out quite well as my Sisters of Battle team should be about 16 strong, which should mean that I have enough with 3 boxes of Sisters to make the two kill teams. 

I figure that I can build the Sisters of Silence team with Sisters of Battle, painted up golden and possible with some extras of eBay, like heads. It's not like I've got enough teams to paint and play with, so I don't know if I will get around to doing a Sister of Silence team but I will keep some Sisters of Battle spare in case I do. 

Up next and probably filling up most of the next few months will be 9th, not just looking at the rules but also my thoughts and feelings on the game, my armies and where I think I'll be going from here!

Friday, 22 May 2020

A crazy idea......

So, the other day when I was browsing eBay, which is pretty much a daily occurrence at the moment, I came across something that piqued my interest somewhat. On this occasion I was just flicking through 40k related items, from miniatures to terrain to random game related items. It was one of these game related items that caught my eye, namely Space Hulk Tiles. 

Now, I'm not planning on buying some tiles, mostly as they are quite expensive for what they are (on eBay anyway) and because after a quick search on Google, I've found a whole host of tiles for free. Only problem is that they are PNG files and not PDFs, so I'm going to have to convert them all to PDF, so that I can then modify them,as the few that I have done this to have not "printed" the same size. Do far they have ranged from 3.5 inch squares to 2.1 inch squares. Ideally I would like to have them at 2 inch squares, as this seems to be a good size for playing. 

This process of converting and resizing is going to be pretty time consuming but should not be very complicated, as it should just be a case of printing to PDF from PNG and then reprinting at a lower percentage to get them all to be the same size in the end. Once this has been done, I'll look at combining the files and getting multiple bits on to one sheet and then printing. Once this is done I'll stick the price tag to card and then cut them all out to give me lots of playing pieces to use. Now, I won't do every PNG file, as I have several duplicates, as in I have 6 different types of 3 square long corridors and 8 different 2 and 4  square long corridors, when I'll only need one of each type. 

The plan is to have a few corridors but mostly lots of rooms, including several big rooms. This is for a couple of reason, the first being that I don't want to limit who can fire to much. Yes, it will be limited, due to the terrain and such but if the maps just long corridors, then one the front person will get a clean shot, the couple behind might get a bit of a shot but everyone else can't see any thing. This is also one of the reasons that I want the corridors wider, so that more models can see and shoot, in addition to the fact that models on 32mm and especially 40mm can't technically fit in the original corridors. The second reason I want more rooms than corridors is because I want this to have a more arena feel and less of an old skool space hulk feel. Another reason for more rooms, especially larger rooms, is to enable scatter terrain to be placed, giving cover for obscurement. 

Hopefully if I manage to get all this sorted I should be able to create a versatile, modular game board that packs away pretty small and neatly. It should also, hopefully, give some good games.  

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

List building apps

I will start this post with a promise. I promise not to let this post turn into a rambling whine about how crappy all the various list building tools are. Now that's out the way, let's get on with the rambling whine about all the crappy list building tools!

On a more serious note, there are several list building tools out there, some are game specific and some are very generic and I doubt that I will cover even a fraction of them on here but I hope I've covered the main ones. For me, the list breaks down in 3 ways; list building apps, computer programs and manual systems. Now, I am aware that apps are computer programs but for this list, apps will be programs specifically designed for list building and computer programs will refer to programs adapted for list building.

Let's start by listing out the various options;

List building apps;

Kill team companion
Kill team manager
Kill Team command roster
Army builder
Codex Commander

Computer program;

Various Excel spreadsheet

Manual systems;

Pen and paper

As you can see there are lots of apps and not many other options, although I probably could find dozens of Excel based list building tools if I really wanted to and I suppose that for fairness I probably should have but I haven't and as such I'll be pretty general when talking about them.

Personally I use list building apps partly to actually build lists to play with but partly to brain storm options and possibilities or to just play around with list for the fun of it, such as how many infantryman or how many command points I could manage in 2000 points ( 42 if I remember right).

When I started using specific programs for list building, I started with the Lone Wolf Army Builder. While I haven't used this program in a long time, it still seems to be a very good program. I always found it clear and easy to use, with all the options and relatively few errors. However, it had and still has one big issue for me, you can't get it on Android. I do pretty much all my hobby on my phone, so not being able to get the program on my phone instantly dumps in on the "no use pile".

The led me to Battlescribe, as it solver that particular problem but I have found the program not to be as good and quite often having wrong or incomplete information. In addition I have found that it can be very slow to load and use and can suck the life out of your battery. While it is a good program to use, these issue mean that I get frustrated with it and quite often end up having to double check my lists with other sources.

With the release of Kill Team, I sought out apps that could help here and while Battlescribe does have kill Team, I decided to try other apps and came across Kill Team Manager. This was a brilliant app. It had everything I needed in one package, which was easy to use and accurate. I loved it from the first time I used it and all things Kill Team went on Kill Team Manager. That was until Elite's can out, and since then it's been rubbish. Crashing all the time, units you can't use or delete, as it causes the program to crash and with the latest update, it's now even less usable as it's removed some of the previews for units, so you can't see what there equipped with with out clicking on them, which can be very tedious when planning new teams or rosters. It annoys me so much now, especially as it was so good.

So with Kill Team Manager going weird I was on the hunt for another app to use and I came across two, codex Commander and Kill Team Companion. Now Codex Commander looked interesting but it doesn't have a Kill Team option, so it wasn't any good for that but I thought I'd give it a go for 40k proper and to be honest, I wasn't very impressed. It was not very intuitive or simple to use, maybe if I spent more time on it I would have got a better understanding of how it all worked but it really didn't grab me at all, so the app got deleted and I moved on. Kill team Companion on the other had looks very good and lots of people seem to be very impressed by it. It's not a stand alone app, as it requires information to be imported from Battlescribe, so you still need that app as well but once the information is in there it's very simple to use and you can even assign pictures to the various entries. The only downside seems to be that one the information is in you can't edit it. So if you don't set your specialist at the beginning you can't change things around later. There may well be a way, I might just not have figured it out yet but apart from this it's a pretty good app to have.

Lastly, the is GW's very own Kill Team Command Roster. Now I'll included this in the apps list but it could just as easily fit in the computer programs list, as it's an online program accessed only via the companies website. Now I know that there are a lot of people out there who do not like this program, I have found it to be pretty good but not perfect. For starters there is a lot of information on there, such as the campaign resources counters and arena objective options. Now you could just ignore all these quite easily but it's still distracting. Other than that it does have some good features, namely the ability to name your men, without having to type it all in and all the squad info as well. However, it is let down by the fact that you need to have the internet to use it and as I write often play around with lists when out and about, including placed with poor or no signal, this is a bit of an issue. The other issue that I have found in the past and the main reason I have not used this in a while, is that I've often had trouble saving, loading and exporting the rosters. When I did use it I found that most of the time the process just froze and caused the page to crash, needing to reload and loose all of the data I'd entered. The other issue Ive found is that some of the data seems to be missing or incomplete, such as names for custodian guard or for several guard options. If  the program was available off line in app form, I would probably use this as my first choice but as it is, I don't use it at all.

While I was trying to find suitable apps for kill team, I have also tried other methods, all of which I have tried have been Excel based spreadsheet systems. Now, I have tried several over the years, over half a dozen and I have not found any that I liked very much. Most of the had issues, ranging from corrupt pathways or menus, wrong or inconsistent data and poor navigation. They also all suffer from the fact that you cannot easily update the information when FAQ's and Erratas come out. That being said, I have recently acquired a sheet for kill team, titled Elite Kill Team Command Roster, which I found through Reddit. I've had a little play around and from what I've seen so far, it looks quite good, although I've only been looking through my phone and think that it would be significantly easier to use on a computer. I am hoping to get a chance to play around properly one day soon but with all the kids around, finding a quite 5 minutes to play on the computer isn't easy! There still seems to be the usual issues, as in there, are actually several versions of the sheet, as new updates and expansions become available.

Lastly, we have the old classic, pen and paper. This seems to be one of the lost arts these days, actually getting a pen, piece of paper and the rule book or codex and writing a list out in long or short hand. I still do this on occasion, usually after I've played around with a list on one app or another and am modelling up any additionally required units, so I don't have to keep going back though the whole list again and again. Most of the time I don't bother with this, as it's too long winded and I keep changing my mind. It's a shame really, as its nice to look at when your all finished, that is until you notice a mistake and then it just becomes a page of squiggles.

So, after all this, where am I? Honestly I don't really know, I really thought I had it sussed with Kill Team Manager but now I'm left flicking back and forth from one app to another. Does anyone else have any alternative suggestions or tips for things I'm missing?

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Kill Team storage solutions update

Just a quick one  ago this week, as Iive been busy with DIY projects, namely the kids playroom but a while ago I  posted about my new storage solution for my Kill Team teams. Well, I decided I liked it so much that I bought another one, only this time it's blue!

Said blue box!

This box is the same size, 5 trays high, as the pervious box (there's only 3 trays in the picture above as my son nicked off with the other trays). 

The 5 trays will be filled with my other kill teams, namely a layer for Tyranids, and a layer for grey knights. One layer will house two marine kill teams and another will house the scouts and third marine kill team. The last will house the chaos team. This should mean that I have at least half a tray empty which is good because I have 5 Deathwatch models (the Vanguard vets) that still need a home, plus a Bullgyrn for the guard. They may we'll be others at some point but nothing's planned, even so, some extra space is nice. I'll post up more pictures when I've finished.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

On the paint table......

With the final couple of touched added to the Eagle Knights Kill Team, it is time to move on to the next project, which also happens to be a Kill Team. This team is also a marine team, but dedicated more to longer\medium range fire power.

Initially I for planned for this to be a Space Wolf inspired team, using the Space Wolf chapter tactic. However, with the Eagle Knights team using the Blood Angles tactic and really having the option for taking the Space Wolves tactic without any penalty to the overall effectiveness of the team, as both are active in the fight phase, where the Knights are designed to be. Therefore, this team have ended up being designed for a lot more longer range fire power, with a number of storm bolters and bolters, with some support from a missile launcher and plasma gun. There is however some combat ability with several lightning claws and chainswords in the mix. This has given me a little issue though, as I don't know which chapter tactic I will be going with yet, but it will be either Imperial Fists, Salamanders or Raven Guard.

The two test models, more or less finished, although I'm not 100% happy with the finish on the leather items.

The "paint table"

The paint table is currently an old tea tray which has enough room for my selected paints and brushes.

The current work load.

So, this is the full team, assembly for painting. Front rank is two jump pack vets for some fast assault along with a Sgt with storm bolter and sword. Middle rank is the two Tactical Gunners with plasma and missile launcher plus vet with plasma pistol and sword. At the back it's another Sgt with claw and storm bolter, a Tactical and Tactical Sgt, who double as Medic. They have been primed and based with the main areas of yellow blocked out all the units (the vet and missile Gunner have now been done) Next up is adding some details, such as black weapons and armour bits and silver highlights, oh and rebaseing all the models to the newly arrived 30mm bases.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Blood Angels Kill Team

With the recent post about other kill teams, I thought I would post up about the Blood Angels team or rather the Eagle Knights strike team Angelic.

The strike team are formed of 10 members, hand picked by the Veteran Sergeant, known as brother champion Lorenso, from the various members of the 3rd company that have impressed brother champion Lorenso over the last century or so. While brother champion Lorenso exhibits many of the traits of the chapter, he is also an exceptional leader and is considered by many to be a possible future companies Lord commander or even the chapters Grand High Lord Commander. The force has been tasked with providing one of the primary assault units, to act as a spear tip to the overall company, within which there role is to infiltrate and eliminate key targets and personal. Taking inspiration from Lorenso's aggressive nature, the team, once set on a mission, are constantly pushing forward, ready to adapt to any situation but always attacking.

A quick note here. All the information on the team was randomly generated, everything from the mission and background to the names and demeanor. I try and change as little as possible for anything, however, I do allow for bad rolls, such as with this team, when the background first came up as "fire support". Well for a team with only two guns capable of firing past 12 inches, fire support was going to be a little useless, so I rerolled the dice and they became infiltration specialists, which was a much better roll. I also had to change one of the names of the Marines as otherwise I would had had two Marines with the same name, which I thought was a bit odd,  and I don't mean just first or last names the same, I mean both names would have been the same.

Anyway, with that bit of housekeeping out the way, let's move on to the individual Marines.

Vanguard vets

First up we have the Vanguard Vets or as there known in the chapter, the Hawk Brethren. From left to right we have Sergeant Erasmus Arteros, Brother Leonid Raneil and Brother Donatelus Moriar.

Sgt Arteros is a ferocious warrior, who is always at the forefront of any fight, wielding his power fist with precision and power. Arteros is usually flanked by either Raneil or Moriar. Raneil jumps in to battle carring his power axe and pistol ready to smash the skulls of any enemies of the imperium, especially xeno's skull for whom he reserves a special hatred for. Moriar on the other hand is a very dour warrior. Conscious of the black rage and that become of those that fall, Moriar has trained both his mind and body to remove feeling and emotions from his action, so he goes about his work in an almost machine like fashion.

In game terms, I spent a lot of time going back and forth about who to make the vanguard Sergeant. I did initial think of Raneil and make the axe a relic blade (yes I know that they are usually swords, but it's just "blade" not "sword blade" so axe blade counts). This would have upped the AP and strength, but does sort of remove the need for a fist. In the end I went for the Sgt on Arteros with his fist, as I wasn't planning on using any of these as leaders, and making him a combat specialist means that he'll have 4 attacks (3 base plus 1 for combat) to off set the -1 for the fist plus with the Blood Angels trait he'll be wounding everything on 2's (2x S4 making him S8, +1 to wound for BA trait, meaning even Nurgle T5 Marines are wounded 2's). The other two will be Zealot specialists for the +1 strength and attacks, making the axe S6 and claws S5, meaning they will cut through pretty much anything (but Nurgle Marines).

Company vets

The company vets of the 3rd company, known as serpentia, part of the serpent squads. On the left is Brother Furian Amuto, with Brother Champion Faustian Lorenso and Brother Amareus Raneil.

Brother Amuto is a very grim faced Sombre marine, who take his duty very seriously indeed. Amuto is veteran of many centuries and he finds little pleasure in his task these days. Brother champion Lorenso is the overall commander of the force and exhibits many of the traits associated with those of the "blood". He is aggressive, blood thirstly and on occasion can get lost to the fires of battle. While he has heard the call of the black rage many times, he has as yet resisted it's urges. As well as these traits, he is also very wise and experienced, who's knowledge of battle is second to none within the force. Brother Raneil, Amareus Raneil, as opposed to Leonid Raneil from the Brethren, is altogether a different character, quiet, unassuming and mysterious. Little is known about him by his brothers but it is known that Lorenso trusts and often takes council from Raneil when difficult or troubling situations occur and as such he is trusted by the others.

In the game, Amuto and Raneil are going to be kept as non-specialists, to fill out the roster. Lorenso on the other hand will be the teams leader specialist, the only leader and will appear in every list, as it should be.

Marines and sternguard

The next selection are the "shoot" Marines, the tactical and sternguard.


There are several tactical Marines that have been chosen to accompany the companies veterans. Brother Morlaeo Moriar and Brother Rafael Amuto

Brother Morlaeo Moriar is a very dour warrior, Stern and grim faced, a man who takes little pleasure in his work. Carrying his flamer however, he is a solid reliable warrior, willing to stand his ground against any foes. Brother Rafael Amuto on the other hand is an Ebullient character. The youngest of the force, he still rejoices in the Emperor's work and is always Keen to impress his elders with his ability and zeal. Amuto was chosen, not for his combat prowess but for his technical know how and is relied upon as the main vox communication from the squad to the rest of the company.

There are two tactical Marines, one Gunner, Moriar and one standard, Amuto. The Gunner is armed with a flamer for some close up support, horde thinning and counter charge. He will not be getting a specialism as I don't really have enough space to give him one but also because his main job will be protecting the leader from charges or taking on hordes and so he can get away without needing a specialism. Amuto on the other had will be a comms specialist. Now you might question why I need a comms specialist when I don't have any shooting, well up next is a sternguard with special issue bolter and it's because of him that I need a comms. I've only one long range shot for sniping the enemy leaders and specialist, so I really need to make sure I can do something with it, hence the comms. I will be doing some additional modelling to this character to emphasise the comms element of the model. 

Marine Sgt and sternguard

The last two members of the team are Brother Sergeant Leonid Lorenso and sternguard Sergeant, or Vulture legionary Decanus Nicodemus Redolpho.

Brother Sergeant Leonid Lorenso was brought along due to his  training with Sanguinary Priests and so acts as the squads Apothecary. A charismatic character, Lorenso is just the marine you need at your side when your wounded. Able to not only heal the body, his force of will and strength of character have been know to motivate even the most grievously wounded Marine to continue fighting on. He will often be found at the front of any battle treating the wounded, right under the noses of the enemy. Vulture Legionnaire Decanus Nicodemus Redolpho, or Sternguard Sergeant Nicodemus Redolpho, is not quite so charismatic. A serious and stern and some what  dour man, he is nonetheless an excellent shot. Armed with his special issue boltgun, he was recruited to the team for his ability to eliminated targets at range, in even the most cluttered of environments. He is also armed with a power fist, although he generally uses this for punching holes in walls (to shoot through) and less for fighting, preferring to keep at arms length from his quarry.

There is a good reason for having a tactical Sergeant as a medic specialist, it's the only profile that fits the model I had. I could have built a new model, but the Sanguinary novitiate model is ready painted. As he's carrying a chain sword it limits the number of options a lot, down to tactical Sergeant and .......... Yeah, that's it really, so Tac Sgt it is. Medics aren't great but they do have a few tricks that can be useful, such as the level 1 tactic which adds an inch to charges and an extra attack to a model. For a combat oriented force, it could prove to be useful. The last model in the force is the Sternguard. This was included for one simple reason, to add some long range shooting to the force. With the 30 inch bolter there is nothing that can't be hit, if it can be seen plus the -2ap is pretty handy. The Sternguard will also be a sniper specialist for the re-rolls and with the tactic and the comms specialist, an obscured target at long range should be hitting on 3's, at close range, it'll be 2's, wounding might be a bit of a problem but even Marines are saving on 5's. The power fist on the model is there just because really, it's probably not going to get used much, but if something does get withing punching range, there's a good chance it's going to get splattered.

And that's it, that's the Eagle Knights strike team, now all I need to do is get that Sternguard painted up!

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Other kill teams

So following on from the Deathwatch kill team, I have decided to have a quick run down of the other teams I'm planning. Some of these teams are going to be full 20 man rosters, some of them are going to be just 10 man rosters or maybe somewhere in between. Some of these teams are also complete and some are still to be purchased or even released!

I'll start with the ones that are at least complete, in terms of the fact that I own all the models needed to complete the teams. These are mostly Marine based teams but there are also a chaos and tyranids team as well. Im also starting here as these are the teams that I will probably use most of all, after the likes of the guard and AdMech anyway.

Eagle Knights

The first team I'll talk about will be the Blood Angels. Now, the Blood Angels are generally associated with combat and assault packs, so this is the main theme of the force. There is very little shooting, with only a handful of weapons that can shoot over 12 inches, as in 2. One bolter on a tactical marine and a special issue boltgun on a Stern guard Sgt. Other ranged weapons include a tactical with flamer and a tactical Sgt (acting as medic) and 2 vanguard vet both with bolt pistols, and that's it. Nearly Half the team, 3 company vets and a vanguard vet, don't  have any shooting capacity at all. Although what the vanguard vets do have is jump packs, making them fast and the company vets all have storm Shields, making them fairly resilient. The basic idea with these guys is simple, get up close and personal and then try and chain combats. Against elite armies, this team should do well but might struggle against horde type armies as they just don't have the power to reach out and touch that many units at a time.

Stone Dragons

One team that shouldn't have much trouble with hordes however, is the Space Wolves, or Stone Dragons. There is only one man that doesn't have a ranged weapon and only 3 that can't shoot over 12 inches. Within the remaining 6, 3 have storm bolters, 2 bolters and the last man a plasma gun. Space Wolves are not known as a long range chapter and that's reflected here as well with a number of combat weapons spread around plus there are two vets with jump packs for extra mobility. This all means that there is a good mix of fire power and shooting, with the force being best in the 0 to 12 inch range, as opposed to the 0 to 1 inch range of the Blood Angels. This force is also a bit of general purpose list, with the ability to take on elites with plasma and also hordes with storm bolters and boltguns.

Dark Guardians
Yes I know it's a biker, but it's the only full painted model

So, we have a combat oriented and a short\medium ranged team in the mix but there is not a lot of options for a long ranged team, so we're going in another direction now and going for some resilience, as the last marine force is the Dark Angels, or Dark Guardians. This force is very different again and is formed around a core of terminators, in fact half the team is armoured in TDA suits. These suits are a combination of combat and ranged, with twin claws, a TH\SS, heavy flamer, storm bolters and an assault cannon in there. These are supported by a number of power armoured Marines and by support I mean support. Now you could just use 3 termies, with no other units, but 2 with a couple of Marines in support would be best. This force is would be capable of taking on both elite and horde style armies, although fast moving armies would prove a bit more of a challenge due to the termies slow speed.

The last marine team to talk about is the scout team. This is the first full 20 man team and is formed of 17 scouts and 3 full battle brothers. These guys are a mix of weapons, with two heavy bolters, two sniper rifles, two shotguns, X bolters and X bolt pistol and combat knives, with X having chain swords to act as scout sgts. The full Marines are a tactical with plasma gun, and two sets, one with chain sword and plasma pistol and one with Combi plasma, as the whole premis of the force is a small squad of scouts lead by an experienced tactical Sgt. The force can be split in to two rough factions, long ranged with heavy bolters, bolters, sniper rifles and shotguns, and short range with pistols and knives, although there will no doubt be some overlap between these.

The next force is also power armoured but is not a standard marine force, as it belongs to the Grey Knights. This force will be a smallish force, 10 to 12 models. This force is just a basic force with a few of each type of model in. There really isn't a theme or purpose to the force, I just wanted a Grey Knights force in the collection. Dispute not really having any theme to this little force, I'm still looking forward to playing this force.

The last imperial faction I'm going to collect is the adepta sororitas or sisters of battle. I've been looking forward to collecting and building since they announced the new plastic sisters. The plan is to build a force around the battle sisters with only one, modified sister to represent a repentia. I won't be using arco-flagellants at all, as I don't see them as being part of kill team, to unreliable and I can't imagine they would be very good at sneaking through enemy territory to raid or assassinate. The force will contain at least one of each heavy and special weapon, plus a couple of variants of sister superiors. The will also be a minimum of 7 regular battle sisters, one with a Simulacrum Imperialis, one modelled as a medic and 5 basic models to fill out the team.  The repentia will be a modified sister of battle, modified to carry a couple of chain saw. This is because I want the force to have very coherent look and feel to it, like it's a single squad, or two squads, of sisters sent out on a mission. Of all these forces, this is the one I'm most excited about!

After all the imperial forces there are a couple of other forces in the mix, one chaos and one xenos.

The chaos force is formed of a core of Marines, supported by a number of cultists. There are effectively two teams here, a ranged team and a combat team. The Marines are armed with various weapons, a couple with bolters but some have assault weapons, like axes and claws. The cultists are armed with 2 flamers and 2 heavy stubbers, along side several cultists with autoguns and several with auto pistols and brutal assault weapons. While I don't plan on using this team much I have a plan for them. The cultists are going to be painted in very dull and bland colours, with only minor bright colours on sashes or bands, dedicated to the specific god that cultists follows. The marines on the other hand will have very bright and colourful armour, in keeping with there old legions or god. These will form the "bad guy" faction for me to play when I feel like a change.

The final team at present is the only xeno's team and is that of the dreaded Tyranids. This team is actually pretty sizable, about 30 or more models. The main movers and shakers of the team are a Tyranids Warrior, with a big gun, possibly a venom cannon, maybe?, and a lictor. Apart from these two big monsters, we have 12 Hormagaunts and 16 Termagants, with a selection of weapons. There are 4 spinefists, 6 fleshborers and 6 devourers. This force will mostly be used as a enemy force when playing at home, rather than a force to play at the club or tournament. It is also a force that has just grown up as I've gathered bit and there has been no thought or process to how it's been collected.

There are also 3 other teams that I am considering if I get time. The first is a custodies team, which will be formed of just 3 custodes, a spear and two swords. I would basically be collecting this force as it's the only outstanding imperial faction. The second force I might consider is basically a copy of the chaos force but built as an imperial faction, something similar the Ultramarines and their auxiliary forces. Lastly, I might consider another xeno's force, namely an Ork force, just because it would be fun to bash a force together and be a very fun team to play when I fancied a change.