The final part of the Dagr Ormr force is now complete, kind of anyway, there are still a few headless models in there but they will have to wait until i am able to get in to my bits box and find the right parts. Here is all there glory are the Hildasay PDF regiment, along with accompanying characters.
Showing posts with label PDF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PDF. Show all posts
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
Project: Stormtrooper, the PDF update
Parade photo, HQ's to the front and the grunts at the back.
The two company commanders, neither has a name yet, however the one on the left is the senior of the two.
Power sword
The headless command squad. The two flamers, one of which is heavy, still need heads but the standard and medic are good to go.
I'm quite proud of this standard, nice bright and highly visible on the battlefield.
The "veteran" special weapons squad. These boys may get expanded in future to a full squad of vet's but for the moment there just a special weapons squad.
Priest and commissar, keeping the troops in line and fighting
Some of the details of the priests robes.
The final unit, currently a basic infantry squad. I could combine this with the special weapons squad to form a full vet's squad, although these guys have some 3rd party beret heads I got a while ago, no idea where they came from anymore.
Friday, 26 February 2021
Project: Stormtrooper, the PDF
The great painting spree continues and I'm on to the second force, which is still part of the same overall force and the scions but forms the other side of the army, I am of course talking about the Hildasay PDF. There are not many models in this force, just 18 models, as the rest have already been painted up. This force includes the two company commanders, a command squad, a grenade special weapons squad (which my be expanded to a full vet squad at some point) and a bare bones infantry squad. These guys are here to act as screen and counter attack units for anything that gets to close to all the heavy weapons teams, which form the other part of the PDF force.
The tray of primed models. The model top left is my reference models.
While I had some of the paints out, I made a start on a couple of characters, a commissar to keep everyone inline and a priest to add some extra punch if needed.
Friday, 3 August 2018
After posting up about the quickshade, I though I would post up a little bit about how I based my models. It's not the most comprehensive guide to basing and probably isn't the best but it works and I did watch a few youtYou videos before I started, well after I had done a couple of models, which didn't turn out quite sparsely based with the flock.
The plan was simple, lay down a brown base paint, to give it an earthly look, although I think that a gray might have suited the battle mat better and is something I may try with my marines.
For my guard though I started with Revell XXX and added some detail with a few stones. I didn't do this with every model, only with just under half the models and most only had one.
The base covered in PVA glue. I used a slightly watered down mix. I don't know the exact ratio as I just added some water, pretty much at random to the small batch of PVA I was working with. I was as careful as I could be to not get any on the model itself or the rim of the base, however I wasn't that successful at times and so some remedial work was required on some models.
The basing flock, field grass from army Painter, decanted in to an old butter tub to give some space for working.
The base loaded with flock. I dumped a load on to the base and gave it a little press down to help the flock to stock.
I did small batches at a time, basically as many as I could fit on to the lid of the butter tub. I could have done more by just putting them on the desk but I didn't want to waste to much of the flock, as with the bases loaded right up like this, some tended to fall off everything a model was moved or a neighboring one moved.
Once the models had been given a few minutes for the glue to set slightly before I gave them an initial shake to get rid of most of the loose material. Once this was done they were left over night to dry fully before they were given a good shake to get the last of the loose material to fall off.
The finished model.
You can probably see the base through the flock on the front of the base. This seems to happen occasionally, where for some reason the flock doesn't stick as thickly as I would like. This is one of the reasons for thinking about switching to a grey base for the marines, as the mat itself has a more grey colour to it.
Here you can see a large majority of the Hildasay PDF, all based and ready for action. It really does surprise me how much of a difference basing up models makes. In the past, I had always though that yes it looks pretty and all but was it really worth all the extra effort when it doesn't really affect the model. Well, having spent some time doing it, the answer is most definitely yes, it does make a difference. It really does finish off the model and even with the basic basing that I have been doing here, it does really finish the models off.
Here is one final shot, of another missile launcher. This was the second one of my old metal missile teams that I based and you can see that the base is a lot better on this one and you can not see the painted base nearly as much. Personally I don't think that having some inconsistencies within the bases is a bad thing, as the matt is not consistent and nor is nature.
Hopefully, I will be able to get the Hjaltland LI up here at some point, completed and displayed in all there glory. Although, I suppose I should figure out what I'm going to do with the fliers bases at some point.
Friday, 13 July 2018
Completed Hildasay PDF Heavy weapons
After a long period of procrastination I finally took the plunge and brought some basic material for my birthday and these were the first units completed. Now, I just guessed as to which basing material to get, as there are so many options out there these days. It appears that I struck it pretty lucky with my choice, as the colour match is pretty good, despite the fact that this was the first time I had actually seen the basing placed onto my mat.
This is all of the heavy weapons squads that I own now completed and these will form the bulk of the Hildasay PDF force, alongside a couple of squads of vets, which will be sorted out further down the line. Next on the paint table are the remaining Hjaltland LI forces.
The completed heavy weapons squads assembled for parade.
From back to front, two heavy bolter teams, a missile squad and a mortar squad.
On this side, there are two lascannon squads, the second missile squad and finally the second mortar squad.
Top down shot of some of the bigger bases. You can see here that the bases are not a perfect match to the table but they are not bad at all. I think that if I had based them with a gray paint rather than the brown, they might have matched better.
Another shot of the assembled forces.
This is all of the heavy weapons squads that I own now completed and these will form the bulk of the Hildasay PDF force, alongside a couple of squads of vets, which will be sorted out further down the line. Next on the paint table are the remaining Hjaltland LI forces.
astra militarum,
Imperial Guard,
Saturday, 19 May 2018
PDF painting update
So, here is an update to the Hildasay PDF force but it is also a short update on the blog. Don't worry though, the blog will continuing as normal, with only a couple of exceptions. After many years as a full time house husband and father, I have re-entered the active workforce. I figured it was about time as, although I've had a few little jobs here and there ( my last P60 was for £160.23!), I have now got a proper part time job. This means that I working night shifts over the weekend and this has eaten up a lot of my usual blogging time, not with work but sleeping! So, I've missed a few of my posts over the last few weeks and while I will still be posting, for the moment I will be aiming for just one post a week for the moment, until I get use to the new routine. I have a significant amount of half written posts in my draft box, including a review of the Blood Angles Codex. I hope that I can get back to blogging twice a week again soon, hopefully using my work breaks to write. At the moment I'm still struggling to think, let alone write during my breaks!
Anyway, here are some shots of the last few Hildasay PDF soldiers and some of there completed weapons. Unfortunately the photo quality is rubbish, I was trying to get some pictures before the whole lot was cleared away for my parents coming to visit, as my hobby space is in the spare bedroom.
So there you have it, a little update of the troops and the blog. Hopefully I will get some time soon to get some more posts written up and scheduled. Next on the painting table (when I get it back) are 6 mortars and 6 lascannon to finish off the heavy weapons teams.
Anyway, here are some shots of the last few Hildasay PDF soldiers and some of there completed weapons. Unfortunately the photo quality is rubbish, I was trying to get some pictures before the whole lot was cleared away for my parents coming to visit, as my hobby space is in the spare bedroom.
The last batch of models
3 classic 2nd edition missile launchers.
A better shot, you can actually see the firers now.
The rest of the bunch, a couple of mortar men and some others.
A very poor shot, well move swiftly on.....
The completed heavy bolter teams, two squads worth.
The front on shots are all very dark.
Some close ups of the base details, some of the local plant life,
And some sand bags.
Lastly a 2nd edition heavy bolter team. I will have to dig out a 60mm base for these guys to sit on.
So there you have it, a little update of the troops and the blog. Hopefully I will get some time soon to get some more posts written up and scheduled. Next on the painting table (when I get it back) are 6 mortars and 6 lascannon to finish off the heavy weapons teams.
astra militarum,
Dagr Ormr,
Imperial Guard,
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Hildasay PDF
As is usual for me, I have a painting project trundling along in the back ground and right now it is the Hildasay PDF. These boys do not form an army on there own but rather form a part of the Dagr Ormr's strike force, alongside the Scions of the Dagr Ormr.
One thing you'll notice is the there are a lot of heavy weapons teams in the pictures and that's because the force is pretty much all heavy weapons, it's there sole purpose in the strike force. While the Dagr Ormr are a hard hitting army, they also lack any form of long range punch. Yes the Taurox Primes have some punch, but there expensive. Heavy weapons teams in the other hand are cheap and cheerful, plus they have extra options not available to Taurox Primes.
The first batch, which forms just over a third of the models from the heavy weapons teams.
2 complete missile teams and two loaders, from the old 2nd edition models.
The gunners. The guys will be assigned a gun, lascannon or heavy bolter, once the guns are completed. Again, there is a 2nd edition gunner on the right, who will rejoin his heavy bolters when it's complete.
The rest. These are mostly gunners mates, with the exception of the mortar man on the right. The three on the front left are part of the lascannon teams and the one between them and the mortar man is the mate for the 2nd edition heavy bolter. The four at the back are generic gunners mates and will go with either the mortars or heavy bolters.
This is the sole "complete" model in the collection as it is the only one which is actually based properly, as in fixed to a 60mm base. The rest will be based on 25mm bases and then placed on 60mm bases during the game, mostly for ease of transportation.
A better view. I've posed this guy slightly differently as he's side on to the gun and is supposed to look like he's trying to adjust something or maybe clearing a jammed round.
This is my favourite model so far in this collection. It's quite difficult to see in these pictures, I'll have to get some better ones, but the arms and binoculars (monocular?) are actually Tau. When you look closer you can see the three fingers, but at a glance, in works well.
I also like the shoulder rifle with token camouflage, it needs some more work to lighten it up and add some contrast, but even so I like the effect.
astra militarum,
Dagr Ormr,
Imperial Guard,
Friday, 5 December 2014
Hildasay PDF
This force is similar in nature to the Eagle Knights SM chapter, it is formed of the remnants of my imperial forces. While I don know the exact amount of models that will be available to me for this force, I do know that it will be very heavy weapon team oriented. From memory I have about 6 missile teams, 6 mortar teams, 6 heavy bolters, 6 las cannon teams and a couple of auto cannons. This means that I can field at least 8 squads of heavy weapons, meaning that I will need to field two platoons, and so at least 4 squads, 2 PCS and one CCS. hopefully I should have the models for this, although I'm not sure how effective the force would be, as it would be a bit of a glass hammer, hitting hard but not being able to take much return fire. Although, with all those heavy weapons, there shouldn't be much to shoot back! In addition to these models, I also have 3 scout sentinels and a hell hound, the one mentioned in the Hrossey vets list.
The fluff,
The Hildasay PDF is a small force, formed around the extensive use of heavy weapons. The reason for this is due to the fact that the planet is a vastly overpopulated hive world, where the planets law enforcement and the Adaptus Arbites form the major power and exist in such number that the PDF has no need to contain large number of infantry units. However the law enforcement forces do not possess many heavy weapons as there main tasks are patrolling the confines of the Hive, where heavy weapons are to cumbersome and would take too long to get in to suitable fire positions, should any exist. Therefore, in the event of an invasion or a more serious uprising, the PDF can be called upon to deploy with there heavy weapons in support of the law enforcement forces.
The reason for the substantial law enforcement troops on the planet is due to the vast overcrowding that is present within the hive world. This is due to some historical disaster that befell the world of Hascosay, around which the moon or Hildasay orbits, and the fact that the moon use to be a prison. With the mass exodus that occurred from Hascosay, the hives expanded massively and almost uncontrollably. This lead to a number of riots and uprisings, as both food, water and supplies ran in short supply. This lead a massive recruitment drive by the local law enforcement amongst both the upper classes and the scum of the lower hive, all recruits draw by the promise of both pay and guaranteed meals. This had the effect of also reducing the available man power and equipment for the local PDF units, and lead to there specialisation with heavy weapons.
These units will be used as support units for my main forces, either the Hjaltland L.I. or the Hrossey Yeomanry, and maybe even deployed alongside the Space Marine chapters, to supply heavy support. On the whole, they probably wont be deployed much, but they are useful to have, as when they are deployed, they can provide some considerable punch.
The fluff,
The Hildasay PDF is a small force, formed around the extensive use of heavy weapons. The reason for this is due to the fact that the planet is a vastly overpopulated hive world, where the planets law enforcement and the Adaptus Arbites form the major power and exist in such number that the PDF has no need to contain large number of infantry units. However the law enforcement forces do not possess many heavy weapons as there main tasks are patrolling the confines of the Hive, where heavy weapons are to cumbersome and would take too long to get in to suitable fire positions, should any exist. Therefore, in the event of an invasion or a more serious uprising, the PDF can be called upon to deploy with there heavy weapons in support of the law enforcement forces.
The reason for the substantial law enforcement troops on the planet is due to the vast overcrowding that is present within the hive world. This is due to some historical disaster that befell the world of Hascosay, around which the moon or Hildasay orbits, and the fact that the moon use to be a prison. With the mass exodus that occurred from Hascosay, the hives expanded massively and almost uncontrollably. This lead to a number of riots and uprisings, as both food, water and supplies ran in short supply. This lead a massive recruitment drive by the local law enforcement amongst both the upper classes and the scum of the lower hive, all recruits draw by the promise of both pay and guaranteed meals. This had the effect of also reducing the available man power and equipment for the local PDF units, and lead to there specialisation with heavy weapons.
These units will be used as support units for my main forces, either the Hjaltland L.I. or the Hrossey Yeomanry, and maybe even deployed alongside the Space Marine chapters, to supply heavy support. On the whole, they probably wont be deployed much, but they are useful to have, as when they are deployed, they can provide some considerable punch.
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