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Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Space marine scouts

 Next up are some additions to the space marine scouts. With these additional models, one of which is actually a modified model I already had, I can now make up 4 five man squads or 2 ten man squads. I actually have 22 scouts total, but two are models as sergeants and are swapped for other models when switching between 5 and 10 man squads. 

All the new models, the six new models and the adjusted one on the far right. 

There are four new snipers in full camo cloak set-up.

As you can see, they match quite with there older models. The base grey is a little darker on the new models, but nothing to noticeable. 

In addition, there is a new rocket launcher and sniper, without his cloak on, plus the adapted model with sniper rifle slung on his back.

The reason I had to modify the model was to give me an additional sniper rifle equipped scout to fill out a full 10 man squad with a sgt, 8 snipers and a missile and also be able field two 5 man squads, one with a sgt, 3 snipers and a missile launcher and one with a sgt and 4 snipers. The sergeants in both squads are armed with pistol and chain swords for a bit of combat punch if necessary.

These will be finding their way in to the Dark Guardians force, as the lead elements of the biker and terminator force. 

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Completed Kasrkin

 So these guys have actually been all painted up for some time, I just haven't had a chance to post them up here. These are my Kasrkin stand ins, made from Wargames Atlantic bulldogs. I do love the wargames Atlantic kits, just wish I had more uses for them, although I will be getting some Grognards to kitbash some DKoK infantry. 

Anyway, on to the Kasrkin. 

There are a total of 20 models here, that will be split between 2 squads. I haven't marked up the bases yet, I will do this after I have applied the quickshade. 

First up are the riflemen, there are just eight of them in total, four for each squad.

These are also the pack horses for the units, all being equipped with backpacks to carry everything the squad need to survive the fight.

Next up are the specialists, starting with the hotshot sniper rifles and hotshot volley guns. I would have liked to have fitted scopes to the long rifles to make them look like proper sniper rifles but they are still different enough to.make it clear which are the sniper rifles in the squads. The volley guns are also easy to spot in the squads.

The next two guns are a little harder to tell apart, the grenade launcher and flamers. They both have the same basic body and shape, plus, they will most likely be run in the same squad. There are a few minor differences between the two, such as the grenade magazine and the flamer guys wearing gas masks, after all you don't want all that nasty flamer fluid in your face.

These, despite how they look, are plasma guns and not plasma cannons. I would love them to have been plasma cannons, but that would have been stretching things a little. 

Lastly we have the Sergeants, complete with cup of tea. While one of them is all action, pressing forward with sword and pistol, the other is take a little more care and having a cuppa while deciding what to do next. 

The only issue I ran in to here was the bases. The models don't come with bases so I got a bunch of eBay. However, they turned out to be 3d print rather than moulded plastic and so didn't respond to plastic glue, meaning that I needed to super glue the models down. While it worked perfectly fine, I've already had to redo a couple of the bases and one of the grenadiers has had an upgrade to a proper plastic base. 

Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Stone Dragons additions

After painting up the Eagle Knight models, I have also painted some marines in a colour other than orange. These are some additions to the small Stone Dragons Kill team that i built for Kill Team first edition. When the rules changed to the second edition, which while a good game but just didn’t have the same appeal to me, I had some spare models that I decided to up build up to a full tactical squad and characters.   

The complete force

The force now contains; 
a full 10 man tactical squad, with missile launcher and plasma gun, plus sgt with plasma pistol. 
A Librarian.
A Lieutenant with bolt pistol and power fist.
A Captain with Storm bolter and power fist.

The only issue I have now is that I have one squad and three character, so someone isn’t getting attached to a squad. Its not a problem though, as this force will only every be played as part of the Eagle Knights first born army, just an additional tactical squad and characters.  

New tactical squad


Lieutenant with banner

The last thing i need to do to bring this also of the models inline with the others is to give them a coat of quick shade. I’m hoping to get this sorted at the end of the month, when the wife goes south with my daughter for a swim comp. I usually wait until the wife is away as she doesn’t like the smell of the models, which, give that I usually do it in the kitchen with the Lino floors (just in case!), gets all over the house. 

Once I’ve got all the models Quickshaded, i try and post a complete army photo for the whole force, Eagle Knights plus Stone Dragons and Ultramarines. 


Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Imperial Knight Pilot

Here are a few more pictures of the Knights pilot. He doesn't have a name yet but will receive one at some point soon, as he will be the lead knight in the force and defacto leader of the whole AdMech\Knights force. The box comes with the pilot seated and walking, for the specific purpose of playing Sir Hekhtur and his knight Canis Rex. I will not be playing this model at all, I haven't even bothered with the fancy las gun thing at all. 

Pilot seated

Which kind of makes building and painting the walking model a bit pointless, however, it looks cool, so why not?

I actually painted this model first, so the one that is seated in the the knight was painted as a copy, as much as I could to this one. I kept him fairly basic, not going for to much bling or fancy trim, as its the knight that really does the talk here. 

The colours are similarly basic, gold trim on silver dry brushed armour with trims in brown (leather) and keeping inline with the knight, the cables and lights are red.

I like the details on this model, carrying his portable power pack, not really sure why he’s carrying one though? He doesn’t seem to need life support or power for the suit/weapons, so???

Anyway, it looks cool.