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FRAME Metric

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Program Description:

"FRAME" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of plane frame analysis of portal and gable
rigid plane frames subjected to various types of loading. Specifically, the "stiffness matrix" method of analysis is
used to determine the unknown joint displacements, support reactions, and member end forces. Individual frame
members are also analyzed to determine the shears and intermediate moments. Plots of both the shear and
moment diagrams are also produced. Also, the frame is drawn for visual confimation of geometry/configuration.
Note: this is a metric units version, converted from the original "FRAME.xls" spreadsheet workbook.
This program is a workbook consisting of three (3) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Portal Frame Portal rigid plane frame analysis
Gable Frame Gable rigid plane frame analysis

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program uses the "stiffness matrix" method of analysis and four (4) following basic analysis assumptions:
a. Members must be of constant cross section (E and I are constant for entire length).
b. Deflections must not significantly alter the geometry of the problem.
c. Stress must remain within the "elastic" region.
d. Since this analysis is "first-order", the effects of "P-D", "P-d", and shear deformation are not included.
(See below for the iterative, manual procedure to approximate the P-D effects in columns of a frame.)
(Significant effects due to shear deformation are limited to very short and deep members.)
2. Additional assumptions and features are as follows:
a. Frame support joints may each be either fixed or pinned.
b. Frame support joints may be at different levels (elevations).
c. Columns must be vertical (cannot be sloped).
c. For a portal frame, the top (roof) member may be flat or sloped in either direction.
3. A vertical load, horizontal load, and externally moment may be applied to any of the joints of the frame. These
joint loads are to be applied in "global" axes directions. Note: Joint loads applied directly at supports are merely
added directly to support reactions and are not reflected in member end force values.
4. On any individual member, this program will handle up to five (5) full uniform, partial uniform, triangular, or
trapezoidal loads, up to ten (10) point loads, and up to four (4) externally applied moments. For vertical members,
distributed loads and point loads are input in a "X-Global" sence of direction. For flat or sloped top (roof)
members, distributed loads may be applied global over actual member length or applied global over the
"projected" member length. Program designations are "Y-Global", "Y-Projected", "X-Global", and "X-Projected".
For a flat top (roof) member of a portal frame, "Y-Global" and "Y-Projected" loads produce the same results.
Uniformly distributed gravity (dead or live) load would be an example of a "Y-Global" distributed load on a sloped
top (roof) member, while lateral uniformly distributed wind load on sloped top (roof) member would be an
example of an "X-Projected" distributed load. A uniformly distributed load such as wind suction perpendicular
(normal) to a sloped top (roof) member must be resolved into Y-Global and X-Global component values by user.
5. This program will calculate the member end reactions, the member end forces (axial, shear, and moment),
the member maximum positive and negative moments (if applicable), and the joint displacements.
The calculated values for the maximum moments are determined from dividing the member into fifty (50)
equal segments with fifty-one (51) points, and including all of the point load and applied moment locations as
well. (Note: the actual point of maximum moment occurs where the shear = 0, or passes through zero.)
6. The user is also given the ability to select an AISC W, S, C, MC, or HSS (rectangular tube) shape to aide in
obtaining the required moment of inertia for input. (This facility is located off to the right of the main page.)
7. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
Procedure for Stiffness Method of Frame Analysis:

1. Identifiy members and joints in frame

2. Specify near (start) joint and far (end) joint for each member in frame
3. Establish global coordinate system
4. Calculate fixed-end moments (FEM's) and shears for each member due to applied member loads
5. Specify x, y, and z coding components (3 in all) at each joint as follows:
a. Use lowest numbers to identify unknown joint displacements (for partioning overall matrix)
b. Use remaining numbers to indentify known displacements
6. From the problem, establish the known displacements, Dk, and known external forces and reactions, Qk
7. Determine 6x6 stiffness matrix, k', for each of the member expressed in global coordinates
As an example, a member numbered with 1,2, and 3 at start and 4,5, and 6 at end would be:
1 2 3 4 5 6
A B -C -A -B -C 1
B D E -B -D E 2
-C E F C -E G 3
-A -B C A B C 4
-B -D -E B D -E 5
-C E G C -E F 6
where: A = A*E/L*lx^2+12*E*I/L^3*ly^2 Note: lx and ly are the "direction cosines"
B = (A*E/L-12*E*I/L^3)*lx*ly lx = (xj-xi)/L and ly = (yj-yi)/L
C = 6*E*I/L^2*ly (xi,yi) = joint start coordinates
D = A*E/L*ly^2+12*E*I/L^3*lx^2 (xj,yj) = joint end coordinates
E = 6*E*I/L^2*lx L = SQRT((xj-xi)^2+(yj-yi)^2)
F = 4*E*I/L
G = 2*E*I/L
8. Merge individual member stiffness matrices into stiffness matrix, K, for entire frame
9. Partition the structure stiffness matrix, K, as follows:
End Forces Vector Partitioned Stiff. Matrix, K Displacements Vector
Qk K11 K12 Du
= *
Qu K21 K22 Dk
Expansion then leads to: Qk = K11 * Du + K12 * Dk (Eqn. 1)
Qu = K21 * Du + K22 * Dk (Eqn. 2)
where: Qk and Dk = known external loads and displacements (typ. Dk = 0, all)
Qu and Du = unknown support reactions and displacements
K11, K12, K21, K22 = submatrices of partitioned stiffness matrix, K
10. Solve for unknown displacements, Du, from Equation 1:
Du = (Qk - K12 * Dk) / K11 = Qk / K11 where: Dk = 0, all
11. With the solved displacements, solve for unknown support reactions, Qu, from Equation 2
Qu = K21 * Du + K22 * Dk = K21 * Du where: Dk = 0, all
12. Solve for internal member end forces from: q = k' * T * D
where: T = 6x6 displacement transformation matrix as follows for each member:
lx ly 0 0 0 0
- ly lx 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 lx ly 0
0 0 0 - ly lx 0
0 0 0 0 0 1
and k' is the member stiffness matrix (from above), and D is the displacements vector
13. Superimpose member fixed-end moments (FEM's) and shears with the frame analysis end forces to get
final member end forces

Reference: "Structural Analysis" - by Russel C. Hibbeler, Macmillan Publishing Company (1985), pages 441 to 497
Formulas Used to Determine FEM's and Shear and Moment in Individual Frame Members

For Uniform or Distributed Loads:

Loading functions for each uniform or distributed load evaluated at distance x = L from left end of member:
FvL = -wb*(L-b-(L-e)) + -1/2*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((L-b)^2-(L-e)^2)+(we-wb)*(L-e)
FmL = -wb/2*((L-b)^2-(L-e)^2) + -1/6*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((L-b)^3-(L-e)^3)+(we-wb)/2*(L-e)^2
FqL = -wb/(6*E*I)*((L-b)^3-(L-e)^3) + -1/(24*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((L-b)^4-(L-e)^4)+(we-wb)/(6*E*I)*(L-e)^3
FDL = -wb/(24*E*I)*((L-b)^4-(L-e)^4) + -1/(120*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((L-b)^5-(L-e)^5)+(we-wb)/(24*E*I)*(L-e)^4

Loading functions for each uniform or distributed load evaluated at distance = x from left end of member:
If x >= e:
Fvx = -wb*(x-b-(x-e)) + -1/2*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((x-b)^2-(x-e)^2)+(we-wb)*(x-e)
Fmx = -wb/2*((x-b)^2-(x-e)^2) + -1/6*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((x-b)^3-(x-e)^3)+(we-wb)/2*(x-e)^2
Fqx = -wb/(6*E*I)*((x-b)^3-(x-e)^3) + -1/(24*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((x-b)^4-(x-e)^4)+(we-wb)/(6*E*I)*(x-e)^3
FDx = -wb/(24*E*I)*((x-b)^4-(x-e)^4) + -1/(120*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*((x-b)^5-(x-e)^5)+(we-wb)/(24*E*I)*(x-e)^4
else if x >= b:
Fvx = -wb*(x-b) + -1/2*(we-wb)/(e-b)*(x-b)^2 else: Fvx = 0
Fmx = -wb/2*(x-b)^2 + -1/6*(we-wb)/(e-b)*(x-b)^3-(x-e)^3 else: Fmx = 0
Fqx = -wb/(6*E*I)*(x-b)^3 + -1/(24*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*(x-b)^4 else: Fqx = 0
FDx = -wb/(24*E*I)*(x-b)^4 + -1/(120*E*I)*(we-wb)/(e-b)*(x-b)^5 else: FDx = 0

For Point Loads:

Loading functions for each point load evaluated at distance x = L from left end of member:
FvL = -P
FmL = -P*(L-a)
FqL = -P*(L-a)^2/(2*E*I)
FDL = P*(L-a)^3/(6*E*I)

Loading functions for each point load evaluated at distance = x from left end of member:
If x > a:
Fvx = -P else: Fvx = 0
Fmx = -P*(x-a) else: Fmx = 0
Fqx = -P*(x-a)^2/(2*E*I) else: Fqx = 0
FDx = P*(x-a)^3/(6*E*I) else: FDx = 0

For Applied Moments:

Loading functions for each applied moment evaluated at distance x = L from left end of member:
FvL = 0
FmL = -M
FqL = -M*(L-c)/(E*I)
FDL = M*(L-c)^2/(2*E*I)

Loading functions for each applied moment evaluated at distance = x from left end of member:
If x >= c:
Fvx = 0 else: Fvx = 0
Fmx = -M else: Fmx = 0
Fqx = -M*(x-c)/(E*I) else: Fqx = 0
FDx = M*(x-c)^2/(2*E*I) else: FDx = 0

Formulas Used to Determine FEM's and Shear and Moment in Individual Frame Members (continued)

Initial summation values at left end (x = 0) for shear, moment, slope, and deflection:

Fixed beam: (for determining FEM's in frame members)

Vo = -12*E*I/L^3*S(FDL)-6*E*I/L^2*S(FqL)
Mo = 6*E*I/L^2*S(FDL)+2*E*I/L*S(FqL)
qo = 0
Do = 0

Simple beam:
Vo = -1/L*S(FmL)
Mo = 0
qo = 1/L*S(FDL)+L/(6*E*I)*S(FmL)
Do = 0

Summations of shear, moment, slope, and deflection at distance = x from left end of member:

Shear: Vx = Vo+S(Fvx)
Moment: Mx = Mo+Vo*x+S(Fmx)
Slope: qx = qo+Mo*x/(E*I)+Vo*x^2/(2*E*I)+S(Fqx)
Deflection: Dx = -(Do-qo*x-Mo*x^2/(2*E*I)-Vo*x^3/(6*E*I)+S(FDx)

Reference: "Modern Formulas for Statics and Dynamics, A Stress-and-Strain Approach"

by Walter D. Pilkey and Pin Yu Chang, McGraw-Hill Book Company (1978)

P-D Analysis Procedure:

Individual Member (Column) Entire Frame

The effect of P-D produces a secondary (second order) moment in a member which is equal to the axial
force in the member times the frame displacement of the member. This is commonly referred to as P-"Big" D.
Long, slender columns of a frame are typically the frame members most sensitive to the effects of P-D.

Determining secondary shears:

Setting the P-D secondary moment equal to the moment (couple) due to secondary shears applied at the
ends of the column, produces the following expression:

Then, solving for the secondary shears, V, results in the following:

The steps to account for the effects of P-D in the columns of a frame are as follows:
1. Solve the problem for the original applied loads.
2. Calculate the secondary shears for each column.
3. Add (superimpose) the secondary shears to the original loads and re-calculate the results.
4. Compare the new displacements of the latest results to the results obtained from the previous calculation.
5. If the new displacements vary only very small amount (convergence tolerance) from the previous displacements,
then the solution has converged.
6. If not, then return to Step 2, repeating (iterating) the process as required.

Notes: 1. Compression in a column will result in P-D tending to de-stabilize the column by increasing the
moment, while tension in a column will result in P-D tending to stabilize (straighten) the column by
reducing the moment. (See illustration above at right.)
2. P-D effects can be reduced and controlled by using heavier members and/or a stiffer frame.
3. P-d refers to the effects of the axial load in a member subject to deflection (curvature) between its ends.
This is commonly referred to as P-"Little" d, and is not addressed by procedure above.
"FRAME.xls" Program
Version 1.1
For Fixed or Pinned Bases
(Metric Units) Member Direction Cosines:
Job Name: Subject: Member No.
Job Number: Originator: Checker: Results: ###
Input Data: Support Reactions: ###
Joint Coordinates: Y (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) Joint No. Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Mz (kN-m) W44x230
1 13.11 56.92 -3.10 Member Loads:

Y-axis (m)
2.95 12.80 -2.29
Joint No. x (m) y (m) 4.0000 -6.20 13.28 38.26 4 -27.57 59.07 51.87 W44x198
1 0.0000 0.0000 3.5000 Distributed Loads:
2 2 3
2 0.0000 3.9624 3.0000
Member End Forces: W40x593
3 7.9248 4.5720 Member No.
4 7.9248 0.0000 (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) Member No. Joint No. Axial (kN) Shear (kN) Moment (kN-m) b (ft.)
12.80 -2.95 -2.29 1 56.92 -13.11 -3.10 1 (X)

Support Constraints: 1.5000 -12.80 2.95 -36.03 2 -56.92 13.11 -48.84 2 (Y)
1.0000 7.16 12.28 36.03 2 31.85 54.64 48.84 2 (Axial)
Joint No. Condition 0.5000
-5.16 13.72 -54.70 3 -22.95 61.01 -74.16 2 (X)
1 Fixed 1 4 13.28 6.20 38.26 4 59.07 27.57 51.87 2 (Axial)
0.0000 3
4 Fixed X-axis4.0000
(m) 5.0000 6.0000 7.0000 8.0000 9.0000
X -13.28 -6.20 54.70 3 -59.07 -27.57 74.16 3 (X)
0.0000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000
Member Properties and Data: Plot of Portal Frame Portal Frame Nomenclature Member Maximum Moments: Point Loads:
Member No. E (MPa) A (cm^2) I (cm^4) L (m) lx ly c/L (kips) (ft.) Member No. +M or -M M (kN-m) x or y (m) Member No.
1 199948 129.0 30051.9 3.9624 0.0000 1.0000 e/L 2.29 0.00 +M(max) 3.10 0.00 a (ft.)
2 199948 76.1 25473.4 7.9482 0.9971 0.0767 b/L -36.03 13.00 -M(max) -48.84 3.96 1 (X)
3 199948 129.0 30051.9 4.5720 0.0000 1.0000 a/L 39.64 12.32 +M(max) 53.75 3.76 2 (Y)
P M we -54.70 26.08 -M(max) -74.16 7.95 2 (Axial)
Joint Loads: wb 54.70 15.00 +M(max) 74.16 4.57 2 (X)
-38.26 0.00 -M(max) -51.87 0.00 2 (Axial)
Joint No. Px (kN) Py (kN) Mz (kN-m) x or y L 3 (X)
1 Joint Displacements: W40x268
2 14.46 Member Load Nomenclature Applied Moments:
3 (in.) (in.) Joint No. D x (mm) D y (mm) q z (rad.) (deg.) W40x249
4 Note: Point loads or moments at member 0.0000 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Member No.
ends must be input as joint loads. 0.0731 -0.0034 2 1.8570 -0.0874 -0.0015 -0.0864 c (ft.)
Member Loads: 0.0675 -0.0041 3 1.7148 -0.1047 0.0008 0.0486 ###
0.0000 0.0000 4 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ###
Distributed Loads: ###
Member Distributed Load #1 Distributed Load #2 Distributed Load #3 Distributed Load #4 Distributed Load #5 W40x192
No. Load Direct. b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) Determine Fixed End Mome
1 X-Global For Distributed Load #1
2 Y-Global 0.0000 -14.5939 1.0000 -14.5939 Loading Functions Evaluated at x = L
2 X-Projected Points:
3 X-Global Member #1(X) FEM(L):
Member #1(X) FEM(R):
Point Loads: Member #2(Y) FEM(L):
Member #2(Y) FEM(R):
Member Point Load #1 Point Load #2 Point Load #3 Point Load #4 Point Load #5 Point Load #6 Point Load #7 Point Load #8 Point Load #9 Point Load #10 ) Axial(L):
No. Load Direct. a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kips) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) ) Axial(R):
1 X-Global Member #2(X) FEM(L):
2 Y-Global Member #2(X) FEM(R):
2 X-Global Member #2(X) Axial(L):
3 X-Global Member #2(X) Axial(R):
Member #3(X) FEM(L):
Applied Moments: Member #3(X) FEM(R):
Moment #1 Moment #2 Moment #3 Moment #4 Portal Frame Case #1 - Joi
Member No.
c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) Member Stiffness Matrices:
1 Member #1:
2 ###
3 ###
k' 1 =

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"FRAME.xls" Program
Version 1.1
For Fixed or Pinned Bases Results:
(Metric Units) Member Direction Cosines:
Job Name: Subject: Support Reactions: Member No.
Job Number: Originator: Checker: ###
(kips) (kips) (ft-kips) Joint No. Rx (kN) Ry (kN) Mz (kN-m) ###
Input Data: 3.68 12.57 -12.38 1 16.35 55.92 -16.78 ###
-6.93 13.73 39.53 5 -30.81 61.09 53.60 ###
Joint Coordinates: Y W44x230

Y-axis (m)
3 Member End Forces: W44x224
Joint No. x (m) y (m) 4.0000 Member Loads:
1 0.0000 0.0000 3.5000 3 (kips) (kips) (ft-kips) Member No. Joint No. Axial (kN) Shear (kN) Moment (kN-m) W40x655
2 2 4
2 0.0000 3.9624 12.57 -3.68 -12.38 1 55.92 -16.35 -16.78 Distributed Loads:
3.0000 4 1
3 3.9624 4.5720 4 -12.57 3.68 -35.40 2 -55.92 16.35 -48.00 W40x531
4 7.9248 3.9624 8.76 11.37 35.40 2 38.95 50.59 48.00 Member No.
2.0000 2
5 7.9248 0.0000 -6.76 1.63 28.69 3 -30.06 7.24 38.90 b (ft.)

1.5000 6.93 0.48 -28.69 3 30.84 2.13 -38.90 1 (X)
Support Constraints: 1.0000 -8.93 12.52 -50.50 4 -39.74 55.70 -68.47 2 (Y)
0.5000 13.73 6.93 39.53 5 61.09 30.81 53.60 2 (Axial)
Joint No. Condition 1 5 -13.73 -6.93 50.50 4 -61.09 -30.81 68.47 2 (X)
1 Fixed X-axis (m)
0.00001.00002.00003.00004.00005.00006.00007.0000 8.00009.0000
X 2 (Axial)
5 Fixed Member Maximum Moments: 3 (Y)
Plot of Gable Frame Gable Frame Nomenclature 3 (Axial)
Member Properties and Data: (kips) (ft.) Member No. +M or -M M (kN-m) x or y (m) 3 (X)
c/L 12.38 0.00 +M(max) 16.78 0.00 3 (Axial)
Member No. E (MPa) A (cm^2) I (cm^4) L (m) lx ly e/L -35.40 13.00 -M(max) -48.00 3.96 4 (X)
1 199948 129.0 30051.9 3.9624 0.0000 1.0000 b/L 30.03 11.51 +M(max) 40.72 3.51 W40x324
2 199948 76.1 25473.4 4.0090 0.9884 0.1521 a/L -35.40 0.00 -M(max) -48.00 0.00 Point Loads:
3 199948 76.1 25473.4 4.0090 0.9884 -0.1521 P M we 28.81 0.48 +M(max) 39.06 0.15 W40x298
4 199948 129.0 30051.9 3.9624 0.0000 1.0000 wb -50.50 13.15 -M(max) -68.47 4.01 Member No.
Joint Loads: 50.50 13.00 +M(max) 68.47 3.96 a (ft.)
x or y L -39.53 0.00 -M(max) -53.60 0.00 1 (X)
Joint No. Px (kN) Py (kN) Mz (kN-m) 2 (Y)
1 Member Load Nomenclature Joint Displacements: 2 (Axial)
2 14.46 2 (X)
3 Note: Point loads or moments at member (in.) (in.) Joint No. D x (mm) Dy (mm) q z (rad.) (deg.) 2 (Axial)
4 ends must be input as joint loads. 0.0000 0.0000 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3 (Y)
5 0.0247 -0.0034 2 0.6285 -0.0859 -0.0010 -0.0590 3 (Axial)
0.0456 -0.1627 3 1.1593 -4.1336 0.0001 0.0076 3 (X)
Member Loads: 0.0664 -0.0037 4 1.6868 -0.0938 0.0005 0.0281 3 (Axial)
0.0000 0.0000 5 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4 (X)
Distributed Loads: W40x192
Applied Moments:
Member Distributed Load #1 Distributed Load #2 Distributed Load #3 Distributed Load #4 Distributed Load #5 W40x174
No. Load Direct. b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) b/L wb (kN/m) e/L we (kN/m) Member No.
1 X-Global c (ft.)
2 Y-Global 0.0000 -14.5939 1.0000 -14.5939 ###
2 X-Projected ###
3 Y-Global 0.0000 -14.5939 1.0000 -14.5939 ###
3 X-Projected ###
4 X-Global W36x588
Point Loads: Determine Fixed End M
For Distributed Load #1
Member Point Load #1 Point Load #2 Point Load #3 Point Load #4 Point Load #5 Point Load #6 Point Load #7 Point Load #8 Point Load #9 Point Load #10
Loading Functions Evaluated at x = L
No. Load Direct. a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) a/L P (kN) Points:
1 X-Global Member #1(X) FEM(L):
2 Y-Global Member #1(X) FEM(R):
2 X-Global Member #2(Y) FEM(L):
3 Y-Global Member #2(Y) FEM(R):
3 X-Global Member #2(Y) Axial(L):
4 X-Global Member #2(Y) Axial(R):
Member #2(X) FEM(L):
Applied Moments: Member #2(X) FEM(R):
Member #2(X) Axial(L):
Moment #1 Moment #2 Moment #3 Moment #4 Member #2(X) Axial(R):
Member No.
c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) c/L M (kN-m) Member #3(Y) FEM(L):
1 Member #3(Y) FEM(R):
2 Member #3(Y) Axial(L):
3 Member #3(Y) Axial(R):
4 Member #3(X) FEM(L):
Member #3(X) FEM(R):
Member #3(X) Axial(L):

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