ms-8-165-2017 (Mixer Drum)
ms-8-165-2017 (Mixer Drum)
ms-8-165-2017 (Mixer Drum)
, 8, 165–178, 2017
© Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Abstract. When working, the geometric distribution shape of concrete in concrete mixing truck’s rotary drum
changes continuously, which cause a great difficulty for studying the dynamic performance of the mixing drum.
In this paper, the mixing system of a certain type of concrete mixing truck is studied. A mathematical formulation
has been derived through the force analysis to calculate the supporting force. The calculation method of the
concrete distribution shape in the rotary drum is developed. A new transfer matrix is built with considering the
concrete geometric distribution shape. The effects of rotating speed, inclination angle and concrete liquid level
on the vibration performance of the mixing drum are studied with a specific example. Results show that with the
increase of rotating speed, the vibration amplitude of the mixing drum decreases. The peak amplitude gradually
moves to the right with the inclination angle increasing. The amplitude value of the peak’s left side decreases
when tilt angle increases, while the right side increases. The maximum unbalanced response amplitude of the
drum increases with the decrease of concrete liquid level height, and the vibration peak moves to the left.
Figure 1. Structure and mechanics analysis of the concrete mixer system. 1: gear reducer, 2: front bracket, 3: flange, 4: mixing drum,
5: subframe, 6: raceway, 7: rolling wheel 8: rear bracket.
and Qian et al. (2011) built the dynamic equations of the in- is supported by a pair of tapered roller bearings. The centers
clined rotor supported by journal bearing by the use of finite of the two wheels and the drum center form an angle 2γ . The
element method, and the equations are solved by Newmark whole rotating drum is inclined, and the angle of the instal-
method (Dukkipati et al., 2000). The influences of tilting an- lation is β which can be adjusted by a machine frame.
gle with different loads on the vibration performance of the The mixing drum is subjected to gravity G, centrifugal
system are analyzed in detail. Misaligned contact occurs even force Fc and the supporting forces of the roller wheels and
for taper roller bearings because of different contact condi- the bearing in gear reducer. Different from the horizontal ro-
tions between rollers and inner and outer raceways as well tor, the gravity and centrifugal force of the drum are not in
as with the retaining rib. Therefore, all rotors run with some the same plane when the drum rotates. As shown in Fig. 1,
degree of misalignment (Rahnejat and Gohar, 1979). Kabus the forces on the left are radial force Fr1 and axial force Fa1 .
et al. (2014) dealt with the same issue as Rahnejat and Go- The roller wheels do not bear the axial force, so the gravity
har (1979), where numerical analysis of non-Hertzian tilted component of the internal drum and its concrete along the ax-
rollers to races contacts are required for a misaligned rotor- ial direction is borne entirely by the bearing in gear reducer.
bearing system. Aleyaasin et al. (2000) and Tsai and Huang And the force on the right includes Fr2 by roller wheels (Fr2
(2013) used transfer matrix method to establish the dynamic is the resultant force of Fw1 and Fw2 ).
model for rotor-bearing system with multiple degrees of free- Before the mechanics analysis of the mixing drum, the fol-
dom. The critical speed, unbalanced response and vibration lowing assumptions are introduced: (a) the inner ring bearing
mode are studied. and the flange are tight fitted (it is true in actual installation),
It can be found through the analysis of literatures that al- and relative sliding does not occur between flange and inner
though some researches have studied bearing-rotor system, ring. (b) Machining and installing error of bearing housing
the studies on the dynamic performance of concrete mixing are neglected. (c) There is no bearing clearance error, and
truck’s rotary drum are few. In this paper, a type of con- roller-raceway contact is in the range of elastic deformation
crete truck’s mixing drum is taken as the research object. and under elastohydrodynamic conditions. (d) The rotating
The calculation method of supporting force is established on drum can be regarded as a hollow shaft, and the shape of the
the base of mechanics theory. The computational model of section and the geometric size of the cross section are not
the concrete shape in the rotary drum is implemented. A new change when the elastic deformation occurs. (e) The axial
transfer matrix is built to calculate the dynamic performance. deformation and the geometric error of the drum are ignored.
With a specific example, the dynamic response of the mixing As Fig. 1 shows, according to the force balance condition,
drum is studied numerically. the force balance equations of the mixing drum can be ob-
2 Mechanics analysis of mixing drum q
2 2 2
F r1 + F r2 − G cos β + F c + 2e1 GF c cos β/ e12 + e22 =0
The mixing system structure and force analysis of concrete
2 2
a0 Fr1 + e + e G sin β − Fr2 (L6 − L5 − a0 ) = 0
mixing truck are shown in Fig. 1. The mixing drum is con- 1 2
nected to the gear reducer by flange, and the gear reducer is
F w1 cos γ + F w2 cos γ − Fr2 sin (α2 + α1 ) = 0
Fw1 sin γ − Fw2 sin γ − Fr2 cos (α2 + α1 ) = 0
installed on the front bracket. The right side of the drum is
supported by two rolling wheels that are mounted on the rear G sin β − Fa1 = 0
bracket. The wheels are installed symmetrically. Each wheel (1)
y/m 0.5
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 4. Shapes of the concrete with different speeds. (a) β = 12◦ , n = 3 r min−1 . (b) β = 12◦ , n = 8 r min−1 . (c) β = 12◦ , n = 15 r min−1 .
(d) Concrete section shape (z = 4647 mm).
Figure 5. Shapes of the concrete with different tilt angles. (a) z = 3074 mm. (b) z = 4647 mm.
closer to the z axis origin, the higher the concrete liquid level, 3 Vibration model of mixing drum
and the more area of concrete is not moving with the mixing
Figure 6a and b show the effect of the height of static According to previous research, it can be known that the
concrete liquid level on concrete distribution shape when distribution shape of concrete in the drum is continuously
β = 12◦ , n = 8 r min−1 , h = 0 m, −0.10 m, −0.15 m, and changing when working, which will affect the vibration
−0.20 m (at full load, the static height of the liquid level is performance of the drum. This paper used transfer matrix
as the benchmark 0 m, lower than this is a negative value). method to analyze the dynamic performance of the mixing
It can be seen that with the decrease of static concrete liq- drum with considering the concrete shape changing.
uid level height, the concrete surface level decreases at each The concrete mixing drum is lumped in a new system
cross section, however the maximum value of surface level shown in Fig. 7. The system is a multiple degrees of freedom
is almost unchanged. Different cross sections have different system consisting of n rigid lumped-mass discs and n − 1
concrete shapes. The position nearer to the z axis origin will mass-less elastic shaft segment. The supporting at both ends
has smaller concrete liquid level value. of the drum are simplified as spring-damping system. Fe j
is the centrifugal force caused by the concrete. Through the
mechanical analysis of the disc and shaft segment, the trans-
fer matrix of each node is established at both ends of the
Figure 6. Shapes of the concrete with different concrete levels. (a) z = 3074 mm. (b) z = 4647 mm.
state vector. The equations consisted of transfer matrix can Figure 8. Mechanics analysis of shaft segment.
be solved by using the boundary conditions of the system,
and the natural frequencies and the vibration modes of the
Equation (4) can be written in matrix form:
system will be obtained.
Figure 8 is the dynamics analysis of shaft segment. The R L
y 1 l l 2 /2EI l 3 /6EI y
state vectors of both sides of the shaft segment can be ex- θ 0 1 l/EI l 2 /2EI θ
pressed as =
. (5)
0 0 1 l M
Zj = yθ MQ j ,
T Q j 0 0 0 1 j
Q j
Through the Eqs. (6), (9a), the cross section state vector of
the system can be expressed as:
Z1R = Z1 L
Z1L = D1 ZR1 + F1
Z2 = B1 Z1
Z2R = D2 Z2L + F2 . (10)
ZnL = Bn−1 ZnR
Zn = Dn ZnL + Fn
Rxi =
ρI + ρIi
Ryi =
ρII + ρIIi (17)
Rxo =
ρ I + ρIo
Ryo =
ρII + ρIIo
Figure 12. Mechanics analysis of spherical roller bearing.
where Q1j and Q2j are normal loads acting on the two rows
of rollers, and can be obtained according to the method of
literature (Ma et al., 2016). E 0 (N m−2 ) is the equivalent
4 Stiffness and damping
elastic modulus. Rx is the equivalent radius of the contact
4.1 Stiffness and damping at left supporting point point along rolling direction of the roller. Ry is the equiva-
lent radius of the contact point perpendicular to the rolling
The stiffness and damping at left supporting point is com- direction of the roller. The principal radii of spherical roller
posed of the stiffness and damping of the gear reducer’s main of contact in xy and xz planes are ρI = D2 , ρII = R1 . The
bearing and the front bracket. The stiffness and damping principal radii of the inner race of contact in xy and xz
model is shown in Fig. 11. The mass of the bearing and the 2γ 1
planes are ρIi = D(1−γ ) , ρIIi = − ri . The principal radii of the
damping of the front bracket are very small, and can be ne- 2γ
outer race of contact in xy and xz planes are ρIo = − D(1+γ ),
glected. Thus, the spherical roller bearing (SRB) in the gear
reducer is equivalent to a spring-damping system, and the ρIIo = − r1o . D is the roller diameter. R is the roller contour
front bracket is equivalent to a spring-mass system. Both sim- radius. ri is the inner contour radius. ro is the outer contour
plified models are in series. According to the series-parallel radius. γ = D · cos αc /dm . αc is the contact angle. dm is the
calculation formula of stiffness and damping, the total stiff- pitch circle diameter.
ness and damping can be expressed as (Wen et al. 1999): The oil film stiffness of the first and second column of
roller j is (Yang et al., 2016):
Kb1 Ks1 − ms1 ω2 /cos2 β
Kleft = , (13) 1Q1j Q1.073
Kb1 + Ks1 − ms1 ω2 /cos2 β Koil_1j = lim = (18)
1Q1j → 0 1hmin 0.073λ
Cleft = Cb1 , (14)
1hmin → 0
where Kb1 and Cb1 are the stiffness and damping of SRB, 1Q2j Q1.073
Ks1 and ms1 are the vertical stiffness and mass of front Koil_2j = lim = (19)
1Q2j → 0 1h min 0.073λ
The stiffness and damping calculation method of dou- 1hmin → 0
ble row spherical roller bearing (as shown in Fig. 12) has λ = 3.63E 0
−0.117 0.49
α (η0 vm )0.68 1 − e−0.68ki Rxi
not been studied in detail at present. However, based on 0.466
the definition of stiffness, the contact stiffness of the j th + 1 − e−0.68ko Rxo ] (20)
Save calculation results
N Finish
Output results
Draw curves
Figure 15. Residual volume 1(ω2 ) curve. (a) Residual volume curve n-1(ω2 ). (b) Local enlarged drawing of (a).
By using the calculation model established in this paper, a is at the intersection point of the curve and y = 0. It can be
series of curves are obtained by Matlab programming. Fig- seen from Fig. 15b, first-order critical speed of the drum is
ure 14 is the calculation flow chart of the programming. 390 r min−1 . In the actual working process, the rotating speed
Figure 15a is the residual volume curve when calculating of the mixing drum can not reach the critical speed. There-
the critical speed of the mixing drum. Figure 15b is local en- fore, this paper only study the dynamic performance of the
larged drawing of Fig. 15a. The critical speed of the drum drum within n = 3 ∼ 15 r min−1 .
Figure 16. Vibration amplitude of the concrete mixing drum. (a) Vibration mode. (b) Response curve.
15 = 12
Parameters Value
= 13
10 = 14
Inner contour radius (mm) 98.85
Amplitude / m
Outer contour radius (mm) 98.85 = 15
Roller diameter (mm) 24
Roller contour radius (mm) 97.71 0
Number of single row roller 19
Bearing inside diameter (mm) 120
Bearing outside diameter (mm) 215 −10
Bearing width (mm) 80
Radial clearance (mm) 0.083 −15
Nominal contact angle (◦ ) 10
Elastic modulus (N m−2 ) 2.06 × 1011 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Length / m
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
Dynamic viscosity of lubricant (Pa s) 0.1362
Figure 18. Effect of the drum’s tilt angle on vibration amplitude.
Pressure-viscosity coefficient (m2 N−1 ) 2.03 × 10−8
wheel supporting point. This vibration mode is related to the
15 n = 3 r min−1
distribution of the concrete in the drum.
n = 8 r min−1
10 Figure 17 depicts the influences of rotating speed on the
n = 15 r min−1
dynamic properties of the mixing drum when β = 12◦ and
Amplitude / m
h = 0 m. The vibration amplitude of the mixing drum de-
0 creases with the increase of the rotating speed. This is due
to the wider distribution of the concrete along the rotating
direction and the more obviously symmetrical distribution of
−10 concrete which result in the great decrease of concrete’s ec-
centricity. Although the rotating speed increases, the exciting
force becomes smaller due to the great decrease of concrete’s
−20 eccentricity.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Length / m Figure 18 shows the effects of drum’s inclination angle on
the vibration properties when n = 3 r min−1 and h = 0. The
Figure 17. Effect of rotation speed on drum’s vibration amplitude. peak amplitude gradually moves to the right with the incli-
nation angle increasing. The vibration amplitude value of the
peak’s left side decreases when tilt angle increases, while the
Figure 16a and b show vibration curve of the mixing drum right side increases. The peak amplitude is almost unchanged
with n = 3 r min−1 , β = 16◦ , h = 0 m. As shown in Fig. 16b, and gradually moves to the right with the inclination angle
the response curve distributes asymmetrically. The vibration increasing, which is caused by the right movement along the
amplitude first increases to the maximum value and then axial direction of the maximum eccentric position of the con-
gradually decrease (L = 5.6 m). The vibration amplitude of crete in the mixing drum with the increase of the inclination
the drum is almost not changed at the right side of the roller angle.
25 6 Conclusions
20 h=0m
A mathematical formulation has been derived through the
h = −0.15 m
15 force analysis for calculating the supporting force. The calcu-
h = −0.20 m
10 h = −0.25 m lation method of the concrete distribution shape in the rotary
Amplitude / m
Data availability. All the data used in this manuscript can be ob-
tained by requesting from the corresponding author.
Appendix A: Notations
Fr2 and Fr have the opposite direction, and Fr2 is the resultant
force of Fw1 and Fw2 , which means:
Equation (A4) can be written as: Appendix C: Stiffness and damping model at left
supporting point
Fw1 cos γ + Fw2 cos γ = Fr2 sin (α2 + α1 ) (B8)
Fw1 sin γ − Fw2 sin γ = Fr2 cos (α2 + α1 ) , (B9) As shown in Fig. 11, Ks1 and ms1 are the vertical stiffness
and mass of front bracket. Kb1 and Cb1 are the radial stiffness
where α1 is the angle between Fc and Fr , α2 is the angle and damping of the spherical roller bearing.
between Fc and x axis as shown in Fig. 19. When considering the mass ms1 , the composite stiffness of
the front bracket is (Wen et al., 1999):
α2 = arccos q (B10)
e12 + e22 Ks1 0 = Ks1 − ms1 ω2 (C1)
c , the di-
Fc + e1 G cos β/ e12 + e22 The vertical stiffness Ks1 0 should be changed into Ks1
α1 = arccos q 1/2 . (B11) rection of which is perpendicular to the mixing drum’s axial
G2 cos2 β + Fc2 + 2e1 Fc G cos β/ e12 + e22 direction:
Combine Eqs. (A4), (A5), (A6), (A8), (A9) into a set of equa- c
Ks1 = Ks1 0 /cos2 β. (C2)
tions, and let the right side of the equations equal 0, we can
get: The composite stiffness Ks1 c of the front bracket and the ra-
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