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Engineering Mechanics - Unit1 - RA

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UNIT - 1


1.1 Introduction
Mechanics is that branch of physical science that deals with the study of a body or
bodies under the action of a force or system of forces. The application of principles of
mechanics to solve our day to day engineering problems, is called ‘Engineering

M e c h a n i c s

M e c h a n i c s Mo f e Fc h l u a i n d i sc s o f S o l i d s

R i g i d b o dDy e f o r m a b l e b o d y
m e c h a n i c s m e c h a n i c s

S t a t i c s D y n a m i c s

K i n e m a t iK c si n e t i c s

Figure 1.1: Classification of mechanics

In rigid body mechanics, all bodies are assumed to be rigid. In fact no body is rigid
and all bodies deform when loaded. However, while studying the rigid bodies, the
deformation of the bodies are not important and the concept of rigid body is justified.
Mechanics of rigid body is further divided into statics and dynamics.
The branch of science which deals with the study of a body when the body is at rest
is known as statics while the branch of science which deals with the study of a body when
the body is in motion is known as dynamics. Dynamics is further divided into kinematics
and kinetics. The study of a body in motion, when the forces which cause the motion are
not considered is called kinematics and if the forces are also considered for the body in
motion is called kinetics.

1.2 Laws of Mechanics

The study of mechanics is based on the following laws. These laws are called laws
of mechanics.
1.2.1 Newton’s Law of Motion
i) First Law
Every particle continues in a state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless
it is disturbed by an external force to change its state of rest or motion.
ii) Second Law
If the resultant force acting on a particle is not zero, the acceleration of the particle
will be proportional to the resultant force and act in the same direction.
iii) Third Law
To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
iv) Law of Gravitation
This law states that two particles of mass m1 and m2 are attracted towards each other
along the line connecting them with a force whose magnitude ‘F’ is proportional to the
product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance (r) between them.
m1 m 2
where, G = Universal Constant of Gravitation

1.2.2 Parallelogram Law of Force

This law states that two forces (F1, F2) acting on a particle may be replaced by a
single force, called their resultant ‘R’ which can be obtained by drawing diagonal of the
parallelogram, which has sides being equal to the given forces.

F 2

α θ θ
0 F 1

Figure 1.2
From figure,
where, θ = Angle between the forces
α = Angle which the resultant force makes with one of the forces

1.2.3 Triangular Law of Force

It states that if two forces (F1, F2) acting simultaneously on a particle may be
represented in magnitude and direction by the two sides of a triangle taken in order and
their resultant ‘R’ may be represented in magnitude and direction by the third side of the
triangle taken in opposite direction.

F 2

R F 2

θ φ θ
F 1 F 1
( a ) ( b )

Figure 1.3
1.2.4 Lami’s Theorem
It states that, if three forces (F1, F2, F3) acting at a point be in equilibrium, each force
is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two. This law is also known as
sine law.

F 1

γ F
0 2

F 3

Figure 1.4

From Lami’s theorem,

F1 F F
= 2 = 3
sin α sin γ sin β

1.2.5 Principle of Transmissibility

This law states that the conditions of equilibrium or motion of a rigid body will
remain unchanged if a force acting at a given point of the rigid body is replaced by a force
of the same magnitude and same direction, but acting at a different point, provided that the
two forces have the same line of action. In simple terms, along the line of action of the
force, the effect of the force on a body is independent of the point of application.



Figure 1.5

1.3 Force and Force System

The action of one body on the other may be described as a force. It can also be
defined as the agent which change or tends to change the position of rest or motion of the
body. The force is a vector quantity and it can be identified by its magnitude, direction
and point of application. The number of forces acting at a point is called force system.
1.3.1 Classification of Force System
Forces acting on a particle or rigid body are classified into following types.

F o r c e S y s t e m

C o p l a n a r ( p l a n e ) f oN r oc ne - s c y o s p t le a m n a r ( s p a c e ) f o r c e s y s t e m

C o l i n eC a o r n c u N r ro e n n - t c o n c C u or r n e c n u t r r e Nn to n - c o n c u r r e n t

P a r a l l eN l o n p a r a l l e l P a r a l Nl e ol n p a r a l l e l

If all forces acting on a particle or a rigid body lie in same plane, then it is called
coplanar forces. In case of non-coplanar forces, all forces acting on a rigid body or a
particle may not lie in the same plane but act in the different plane and have a common
line of action is known as a collinear force system. Similarly, if all the forces act in the
same plane and they intersect at a common point, then it is called coplanar concurrent
force system. On other hand, if the entire forces act in the same plane but do not have a
common point of application, then it is called coplanar non-concurrent force system. In
case of coplanar non-concurrent force system, forces acting on a body may parallel or non-
parallel to each other. If forces are parallel to each other, then it is called coplanar
nonconcurrent parallel force system while if forces are non-parallel, then it is called
coplanar nonconcurrent non-parallel force system.
In case of non-coplanar concurrent force system, all the forces act in different planes
but they intersect at a common point. However, the non-coplanar non-concurrent force
system, all forces act in different planes but do not intersect at a common point. Some of
the classification of forces are shown in figure 1.6

F F 3 o
F 1

a ) C o l l i n e a r f o r c eb )s y C s o t e n m c u r r e n t f o r c e s y s t e m

F 1
P L A N E F 3
F 2

c ) P a r a l l e l f o r c de ) s yN s o t en m- c o n c u r r e n t n o n - p a r a l l e l
f o r c e s y s t e m


e ) N o n c o p l a n a r p af )r a N l l oe ln f c o o r pc el a s n y a s r t en mo n c u r r e n t f o r c e s

Figure 1.6: Classification of force system.

1.3.2 Resultant of Concurrent Forces in Plane

When a number of forces act on a system, it is necessary to find out the resultant of
the forces acting on a particle or rigid body since the state of rest or motion of a body can
be determined by the resultant. Therefore, the resultant of a force system is defined as a
single force having the same effect as that of the total effect of the force system.
The resultant of plane concurrent forces can be done by using two methods.
a) Graphical method
b) Analytical method
a) Graphical Method
There are three graphical methods are available to find the resultant of concurrent
i. Parallelogram law of forces
ii. Triangular law of forces
iii. Polygon law of forces
i. Parallelogram Law of Forces

b c

F 2
α θ
a d
O F 1

Figure 1.7: Parallelogram law of forces.

Let us consider two forces (F1, F2) acting at a point O. The resultant of these two
forces can be obtained by constructing a parallelogram such that the forces F1 and F2
represent the two adjacent sides of the parallelogram are shown in figure 2.7. In the above
figure, the angle ‘α ’ represent the angle made by the resultant with the force F1.
However, this method can be used only to determine the resultant of two forces only.
ii. Triangular Law of Forces

F 2
R F 2

θ φ θ
0 F1 F1
( a ) ( b )

Figure 1.8: Triangular law of forces.

In this method, the resultant of two forces (F1, F2) acting at a point can be determined
by constructing a triangle such that the forces F1 and F2 are represented by two sides of the
triangle taken in an order. The closing side of the triangle represents the resultant of two
forces as shown in figure 1.8. The major limitation of this method is that it connot be used
for finding the resultant of more than two forces.

iii. Polygon Law of Forces

The most advantage of this method is that it can be used for finding resultant of
more than two forces. In this method the resultant of concurrent forces acting at a point
can be obtained by drawing a polygon in a systematic order and the closing side of the
polygon taken in an opposite direction represents the resultant of concurrent forces.
To illustrate, let us consider four forces (F1, F2, F3, F4) acting at a point as shown in
figure 1.9. The resultant of these forces is the closing side of the polygon.

F 4

F 3 F 1
F 4

F 2
F 3
F 1
F 2
( a ) ( b )

Figure 1.9: Polygon law of forces

b) Analytical Method
Resultant of concurrent forces can also be found out by the following analytical
i. Parallelogram Law of Forces


F 2 R

φ θ

Figure 1.10: Parallelogram law of forces.

Figure 1.10 shows the law of parallelogram of forces where the resultant of two
forces (F1, F2) inclined at an angle ‘θ ’ and acting at point ‘O’ is given by the diagonal of a
parallelogram passing through O. The resultant ‘R’ is inclined an angle φ with force F1.
To get the resultant analytically, first draw BD perpendicular to OC.
From ∆ BOD, R2 = BD2 + OD2
= BD2 + (OC + CD)2 ( OD = OC + CD)
= BD + OC + CD + 2 OC · CD
2 2 2

= BC2 + OC2 + 2 OC · CB cos θ ( BD2 + CD2 = BC2)

(∴ CD = CB cos θ )
= F + F1 + 2 F1 F2 cos θ
2 2

∴ Resultant, R = F1 + F2 + 2 F1 F2 cos θ
2 2

BD CB sin θ F2 sin θ
tan φ = = =
OC + CD OC + CB cos θ F1 + F2 cos θ

ii. Triangle Law of Forces


φ θ

Figure 1.11: Triangle law of forces.

To get the resultant analytically, first draw BD perpendicular to OC.
Then, from ∆ BOD
R2 = BD2 + OD2 = BD2 + (OC + CD)2
= BD2 + OC2 + CD2 + 2 OC · CD
= BC2 + OC2 + 2 OC · CB cos θ
= F22 + F12 + 2 F1 F2 cos θ

∴ Resultant, R = F1 + F2 + 2 F1 F2 cos θ
2 2

∴ = F1 + F2 − 2 F1 F2 cos α
2 2
(  α = 180 − θ)
BD CB sin θ F2 sin θ
tan φ = = =
OC + CD OC + CB cos θ F1 + F2 cos θ
 F2 sin θ 
∴φ = tan −1  
 F1 + F2 cos θ 

iii) Polygon Law of Forces

The law of polygon of forces can be proved by using the law of triangles as shown
in figure 1.8. The resultant of forces F1 and F2 is R1, R1 and F3 is R2 and then that of R2 and
F4 is R. Thus, the resultant of force system is R.

F F 3

F 1
F 4
F 2
F 3
R 1 R 1

F 1

F4 O
( a ) ( b )

Figure 1.12: Polygon law of forces.

1.3.3 Resolution and Composition of Several Concurrent Forces in Plane

A force can be splitted up into two or more forces along any desired axis or lines
such that the resultant of these forces is a given force. Therefore, resolution is nothing but
y y
F 2 s in θ2

F 1 s in θ 1

2 F 1

θ2 θ1
x x
– 2 Fc o θ 2 s F 1 c o θ 1s
– 3 Fc o θ 3 s F 4 c o θ 4s
x x
θ3 θ4
– F 3 co s θ3

– F 4 s in θ4


y y

Figure 1.13: Rectangular components of a force along x and y axis.

Resolving a given force along any desired axis for finding its effect. Generally, a
force can be resolved along x and y axis as in case of plane force. While in case of space
force, it can be resolved along x, y and z directions or axes. Figure 2.13 shows a
resolution of plane force along x and y directions. When a force is resolved along any two
perpendicular axis, the components of the force are called rectangular components.
Composition of concurrent forces is nothing but algebraic sum of the force components
along x and y axes.The resultant is the output of composition of forces. This method is
used to find the resultant of several concurrent forces acting on a particle.
In the above figure, each force acting at O can be replaced by its rectangular
Let ∑Fx=Algebraic sum of the force components along x - axis.
= F1 cos θ1 − F2 cos θ2 − F3 cos θ3 + F4 cos θ4
∑Fy=Algebraic sum of the force components along y - axis.
= F1 sin θ1 + F2 sin θ 2 − F3 sin θ 3 − F 4 sin θ 4

∴ The resultant of and is given by,

( ΣF ) + ( ΣF )
2 2
R = Resultant x y

The angle φ made by the resultant with x - axis is given by

tan φ =

1.3.4 Equilibrium of a Particle in Plane

A particle at rest or moving with a constant velocity with respect to an inertial
reference is said to be in equilibrium. For the equilibrium, net force or resultant force
acting on a particle must be equal to zero. The equilibrium of a particle obey’s Newton’s
first law.
Let R = Resultant of given concurrent forces.
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2

∑Fx = Algebraic sum of the force components along x - axis.
∑Fy = Algebraic sum of the force components along y - axis.
∴ For equilibrium condition, ∑Fx = 0 and ∑Fy = 0

1.3.5 Resultant and Equilibriant

As we know, resultant is the force having the same effect as that of the total effect of
the force system. It is obvious that the particle will move in the direction of resultant
acting. If a single force ‘E’ whose magnitude is equal to resultant ‘R’ but opposite in
direction applied on a particle, the particle will be in equilibrium. The force ‘E’ is known
as an equilibriant. Therefore, the equilibriant of a force system is a single force having its
magnitude equal to that of the resultant of the system but opposite direction along the
same line of action.
1.3.6 Free Body Diagram (FBD)
In dealing with any equilibrium problems in engineering mechanics it is necessary to
consider all the forces acting on the body. The problem becomes much simple if each
body is considered in isolation. Such a body which has been so separated or isolated form
the surrounding bodies is called free body. In other words, it is a diagram of a body or a
group of bodies which is isolated from its surroundings and on which all the external
forces such as weight, applied forces, reactions and friction are acting. The free body
diagram of some of the figures are given below.

S t r i n g

B o d y u n d e r e q u i l i b r Fi u . B m . D



B o d y u n d e r e q u i l i b F r . iB u .m D


B o d y u n d e r e q u i l i b F r . Bi u . mC



B o d y u n d e r e q u i l i F b . rB i u . D m
F θ
θ θ W A

B o d y u n d e r e q u i l i b F r . i Bu m. D

Figure 1.14: Free body diagram of some figure.

1. If two forces F1 = 30 kN and F2 = 25 kN act on a particle as shown
figure 1.15.
= 2

5 0 °
O F 1= 3 0 k N

Figure 1.15
Find the resultant of these two forces by following methods.
a) Parallelogram law of forces
b) Triangle law of forces.
a) Parallelogram Law of Forces
We know,

Resultant, R = F1 + F2 + 2 F1 F2 cos θ
2 2

( 30 ) + ( 25 ) + 2 ( 30 ) ( 25 ) cos 50º
2 2

= 49.89 kN
Inclination of resultant force with F1,
F2 sin θ 25 sin 50º
tan φ = = = 0.4157
F1 + F2 cos θ 30 + 25 cos 50º

∴ φ = tan–1 (0.4157) = 22º 341

b) Triangle Law of Forces

We know, R = F1 + F2 − 2 F1 F2 cos α
2 2

Resultnat force,
where, α = 180 – θ = 180º – 50º = 130º
( 30 ) + ( 25 ) − 2 (30 ) (25 ) cos130º
2 2
∴R =

= 49.89 kN
R 25
α = 1 3 F0 2 °
φ θ = 5 0 °
F 1 = 3 0 k N

Figure 1.16
By applying law of cosines,
R 25
sin130º sin φ
25 × sin130º 25 × sin130º
sin φ = =
R 49.89

= 0.3839
∴ φ = sin–1 (0.3839) = 22º 341

2. Two forces 60 N and 70 N act on a screw at an angle of 30º and 80º from
the base respectively as shown in figure 1.17. Determine the magnitude
and direction of their resultant.
Apply parallelogram law of forces.

F 2 = 7 0 k N

F 1 = 6 0 k N
8 0 °
3 0 °

Figure 1.17

Resultant, R= F + F + 2 F1 F2 cos θ
2 2

where, θ = Angle between the two forces

= 80º – 30º = 50º
( 60 ) + ( 70 ) + 2 ( 60 ) ( 70 ) cos 50º
2 2
∴R =

= 117.89 kN
Direction of resultant,
F2 sin θ 70 sin 50º
tan α = =
F1 + F2 cos θ 60 + 70 cos 50º
= 0.5107
∴ α = tan–1 (0.5107) = 27º 31
∴ Inclination of the resultant from the base
= α + 30º = 27º 31 + 30º
= 27º 31
3. A cart is pulled by two ropes as shown in figure 1.18. The tension in rope
PQ is 4 kN. The resultant acts along the axis of the cart. Determine the
tension in rope PR and the magnitude of the resultant of two forces.

4 k
T 1

3 5 °
2 5 °

T 2

Figure 1.18

Let T1 = Tension in rope PQ = 4 kN (given)
T2 = Tension in rope PR
Resolve the forces along x - axis.
ΣH = PQ cos 35º + PR cos 25º
= T1 cos 35º + T2 cos 25º
= 4 cos 35º + T2 cos 25º
Similarlly, resolve all the forces along y - axis.
Σv = T1 sin 35º − T2 sin 25º
= 4 sin 35º – T2 sin 25º
Given that the resultant acts along the axis of the cart.
i.e., ΣH = R and Σv = 0
∴ 4 sin 35º – T2 sin 25º = 0
4 sin 35º
∴ T2 = = 5.428 kN
sin 25º
Then, Resultant R = 4 cos 35º + 5.428 cos 25º
= 8.196 kN
4. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the forces
acting on the bolt as shown in figure 1.19.
2 0 N

3 0 N 1 0 N
3 0 2° 0 °

3 0 °

Figure 1.19
Resolve all the forces along x - axis.
∑Fx = 10 cos 30º + 20 cos 70º – 30 cos 60º
= 0.50 N
Resolve all the forces along y - axis.
∑Fy=10 sin 30º + 20 sin 70º + 30 sin 60º
= 49.77 N
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
∴ Resultant, R
( 0.50 ) + ( 49.77 )
2 2
= = 49.8 N
Inclination of resultant,
 ΣF   49.77 
θ = tan −1  y  = tan−1 
 x  0.50 
= 89.25º

5. The force system shown in figure 1.20 has a resultant of 100 N pointing up
along the y - axis. Compute the values of F and θ required to give this

2 0 0 N x
4 5 °

1 2 0 N

Figure 1.20

Resolve all the forces along x and y axis.
ΣFx = F cosθ + 120 cos 45º – 200
= F sinθ – 120 sin 45º
Given that the resultant of 100 N pointing up along y - axis.
i.e., ∑Fx = R
and ∑Fy = 0
F cosθ + 120 cos 45º – 200 = 0
∴ F cosθ = 115.14
F sinθ – 120 sin 45º = 100
∴ F sinθ = 184.84

F sin θ 184.84
Then, F cos θ 115.14

tan θ = 1.6054
∴ θ = tan–1 (1.6054) = 58º 41
F= = 217.6 N
cos 58º 41

6. Find the magnitude and direction of resultant of four concurrent forces

acting on a plane as shown in figure 1.21.

6 P

4 5 ° 6 0 °
o 3 P

3 0 °
4 P

Figure 1.21

Resolve all the forces along x and y direction.
i.e., ∑Fx = P cos 60º + 3P – 6P cos 45º + 4P cos 60º
= 1.257 P
∑Fy = P sin 60º + 6 P sin 45º – 4 P sin 60º
= 1.644 P
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
∴ Resultant, R
( 1.257 P ) + (1.644 P )
2 2

= 2.06 P
Direction of resultant force,
 ΣF  1.644 P 
θ = tan −1  y  = tan−1  
 ΣFx  1.257 P 
= 52º 351

7. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant from the following cases.
a) 30 N inclined at 25º towards North of East
b) 25 N towards North
c) 35 N inclined at 40º towards south of west
d) 30 N towards North west.
2 5 N
3 0 N

3 0 N

4 5 ° 3 0 °
4 0 °

3 5 N

Figure 1.22
Let us consider x and y axes along the East and North directions.
Resolve all the forces along x and y direction
∑Fx = 30 cos 30º – 30 cos 45º – 35 cos 40º
= –22.04 N
∑Fy = 30 sin 30º + 25 + 30 sin 45º – 35 sin 40º
= 38.71 N
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
∴ Resultant, R
( −22.04 ) + ( 38.71 )
2 2

= 44.54 N
ΣFy 38.71
tan φ = =
ΣFx 22.04
∴ φ = 60.34º
∴ The resultant lies in the second quadrant.
8. Find the resultant of the system of forces shown in figure 1.23.

y - a x i s
1 0 N
1 5 N

5 3
1 2β 4
5 0 N

1 5
1 2 N
7 0 N

Figure 1.23
From figure 1.23
cos α = 4/5, or tan α = 3/4, sin α = 3/5
cos β = 12/13, sin β = 5/13
cos θ = 15/17, sin θ = 8/17
Resolve all forces along x and y axis
∑Fx = 50 + 15 cosα + 10 cosβ – 12 cosθ
= 50 + 15 × 4/5 + 10 × 12/13 – 12 × 15/17
= 60.64 N
∑Fy = 15 sinα – 10 sinβ – 12 sinθ – 70
= 15 × 3/5 – 10 × 5/13 – 12 × 8/17 – 70
= –70.49 N
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
∴ Resultant, R

( 60.64 )
+ (− 70.49 ) = 92.98 N
2 2
ΣFy 70.49
tan φ = =
ΣFx 60.64

θ = 49.29º
The resultant lies in the fourth quadrant.

9. A system of five forces of 4 kN, 5 kN, 6 kN, 7 kN and 8 kN act at one of the
angular points of a regular hexagon and pass through the other angular
points as shown in figure 1.24. Find the magnitude and direction of the
resultant of the force system.
7 k N 6 k N

5 k N
8 k N
3 0 3° 0 °
3 0 °
3 0 °4 k N

Figure 1.24
Resolving all the forces along x and y directions.
∑Fx = 4 + 5 cos 30º + 6 cos 60º – 8 cos 60º
= 7.33 kN
∑Fy = 5 sin 30º + 6 sin 60º + 7 + 8 sin 60º
= 21.62 kN
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
Resultant, R
( 7.33) + ( 21.62 )
2 2

= 22.23 kN
ΣFy 21.62
tan φ = = = 2.95
ΣFx 7.33
∴ φ = 71.3º

10. A system of four forces act on a bolt as shown in figure 1.25. Determine the
resultant of the forces on the bolt.

8 0 N Y

2 0 ° 1 5 0 N

3 0 °
1 5 °

1 0 0 N

1 1 0 N

Figure 1.25
Resolve all the forces along x and y directions.
∑Fx = 150 cos 30º + 100 cos 15º – 80 cos 70º
= 199.134 N
∑Fy = 150 sin 30º – 100 sin 15º + 80 sin 70º – 110
= 14.293 N
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
∴ Resultant, R
( 199.134 ) + ( 14.293 )
2 2

= 199.64 N
ΣFy 14.293
tan φ = =
ΣFx 199.134

∴ φ = 4.10º

11. A force is represented by a vector F = (8i – 6j)N. Find the magnitude of

the force and counter clockwise angle (ccw) it makes with + ve x - axis?
F = (8i – 6j)N
Component of force along x - axis = Fx = 8N
Component of force along y - axis = Fy = –6 N
= Fx2 + Fy2
∴ Magnitude of the force
( 8) + ( −6 ) = 10N
2 2

Direction of resultant,

tan φ =
∴ φ = tan–1 (–6/8) = –36º 521
Counterclock wise angle (ccw) = 360 – 36º 521 = 323.48º

12. Three forces +20N, –10N and +30N are acting perpendicular to xz plane
as shown in figure 1.26. The lines of action of all the forces are parallel to
axis. The co-ordinate of the point of action of these forces along x and z
directions are respectively (2, 3), (4, 2) and (7, 4). All distances being
refered in metres find out, a) The magnitude of the resultant force,
b) The location-of the resultant.

Resolve all forces along y – axis.
∴ Resultant R= ∑Fy = 20 – 10 + 30 = 40 N(↑)
In order to determine the location of resultant from oz, equate the moment of
resultant with moment of the algebraic sum of all the force with respect to plane.

2 0 N 1 0 N 3 0 N
2 m 2 m 3 m

O x

Figure 1.26
∴R×x = Σ Mz = Σ Mo
40 × x = (20 × 2) – (10 × 4) + (30 × 7)
∴x = = 5.25m
To determine the z co-ordinates of the resultant from ox, equate the moment of
resultant with moment of the algebraic sum of all the forces with respect to yz plane.
∴ R × z = Σ M x = ΣM o
40 × z = –(30 × 4) – (20 × 3) + 10 × 2 = –160 N.M
∴z = = − 4.0 m

3 0 N 2 0 N 1 0 N

1 m 1 m 2 m

z O

However, the z co-ordinate must be such that a force of 40 N (acting up) will have
negative moment of 100 N-M. Therefore, R must be to the left of O. In this case the z co-
ordinate is positive when it is to the left of O.
∴ z = + 4.0 m
∴ The resultant of 40N (↑) locating at (5.25, 4.0)m

13. A force ‘F’ acts at the origin of a co-ordinate system in a direction defined
by the angles θ x = 69.3º and θ 2 = 57.9º. If the components of the force
‘F’ along y - directions is –174 N. Determine
a) The angle θ y
b) Other components of the force ‘F’
c) The magnitude of the force ‘F’ .... (Nov. 2001)

Given, θ x
= 69.3º and θ z
= 57.9º, Fy = –174 N
We know,
cos2 θ x + cos2 θ y
+ cos2θ 2
= 1
cos2 (69.30º) + cos2 (57.9º) + cos2θ y
= 1
or cos2 θ y
= 0.5928
or cos θ y
= ± 0.7699
∴ θ y
= 40º or θ y
= 140º
Magnitude of the force cannot be negative though its components may be negative,
hence θ y should be 140º.
F = –174 / cos 140º = 227.14 N
Fx = F cos θ x = 227.14 × cos (69.3º) = 80.28 N
Fz = F cosθ z = 227.14 × cos (57.9º) = 120.70 N..

14. The x, y, z components of a force are 30 kN, –24 kN and 18 kN

respectively. Find the component of this force along the line joining
A (1, 2,3) and B (–1, –2, 2).

Given Fx= 30 kN, Fy = –24 kN and Fz = 18 kN.

∴ Force vector, F = Fx i + Fy j + Fz k
= 30i − 24 j + 18k
Also, the component of the force along AB

= F · nˆ AB
where, n̂ = Unit vector along AB



( x B − x A ) i + ( y B − y A ) j + ( z B − z A) K
( x B − x A ) + ( y B − y A ) + ( z B − z A)
2 2 2

−2i − 4 j − 5k
( −2 ) + ( −4 ) + ( 5 )
2 2 2

∴ n̂ AB = − 0.30i − 0.60 j + 0.75k

Component of force along AB

= F nˆ AB
= ( 30i − 24 j + 18k ) ( −0.30i − 0.60 j + 0.75k)
= –9 + 14.4 + 13.5
= 18.9 N
15. If five forces act on a particle as shown in figure 1.27, and if the algebraic
sum of horizontal components of all forces is +250 N, calculate the
magnitude of ‘F’ and the resultant of all the forces.
2 5 k N

1 0 k N

7 k N 4 53 °0 ° 4

Figure 1.27
From figure,
Resolve all the forces along x - axis
∑Fx = F cos (36.87º) + 25 cos 45º – 10 cos 30º – 7
= F cos 36.87º + 4.59
But, ∑Fx = +250N (Given)
or + 250= F cos 36.87º + 4.59
∴ F = 363.28 kN
Resolve all the forces along y - axis.
∑Fy = 363.28 sin 36.87º – 25 sin 45º + 10 sin 30º
= –299 kN
( ΣFx ) + ( ΣFy )
2 2
Resultant, R
( 250 ) + ( −299 ) = 389.8 kN
2 2

 ΣF 
φ = tan −1  y  = 50.10º
 ΣFx 
16. Examine the equilibrium condition for the particle as shown in figure 1.28.
4 0 0 N y

6 0 °
x 3 0 0 N
6 0 °

1 7 3 . 2 N
2 0 0 N

Figure 1.28
The necessary condition for equilibrium of particle are,
∑Fx = 0 and ∑Fy = 0
∑Fx = 300 – 200 cos 60º – 400 cos 60º = 0
∑Fy = –173.2 – 200 sin 60º + 400 sin 60º = 0
Hence the particle will be in equilibrium.

17. Two cables are tied together at ‘N’ and loaded as shown in figure 1.29.
Determine the tension in cables MN and ON,

6 0 °

2 0 °
5 0 0 N

Figure 1.29

Let, T1 and T2 be the tension in cable MN and ON respectively.
The particle N will be in equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on it is
y T
y T 2

1 4 0 °
6 0 °
x x
2 0 °
1 5 0 °
7 0 °
T 1 T 1

W = 5 0 0 N W = 5 0 0 N

Apply lami’s theorem.

500 T1 T2
= =
sin140º sin150º sin 70º
500 × sin150º
T1 = = 388.93 N
∴ sin140º
500 × sin 70º
T2 = = 730.96 N
18. Determine the tension in cable PQ and PR required to hold 50 kg weight
shown in figure 1.30.

Q 2 0 °
3 0 ° P
4 5 0 N

4 0 k g

Figure 1.30

T 2

T 1

5 0 3° 0 °
x 4 5 0 N

W = 4 0 k g = 4 0 × 9 . 8 1 = 3 9 2 . 4 N

Let T1 and T2 be the tension in cable PQ and PR.

Resolve all the forces along x - axis.
∑Fx = –T1 cos 30º – T2 cos 50º + 450
Resolve all the forces along y - axis
∑Fy = T1 sin 30º + T2 sin 50º – 392.4
For equilibrium condition,
∑Fx = 0 and ∑Fy =. .0
–T1 cos 30º – T2 cos 50º + 150 = 0

T1 sin 30º + T2 sin 50º – 392.4 = 0

or – 0.87 T1 – 0.642 T2 + 450 = 0 ....(1)
0.5 T1 + 0.767 T2 – 392.4 = 0 ....(2)
Solving (1) and (2)
− T1 − 0.738 T2 + 517.24 = 0
T1 + 1.534 T2 − 784.8 = 0

Add + 0.796 T2 − 267.56 = 0

∴ T2 = = 336.05 N

−T2 sin 50º + 392.4 −336.05 × sin 50º + 392.4

T1 = =
sin 30º sin 30º = 269.9 N

19. A sphere weighing 300 N is tied to a smooth wall by a string as shown in

figure 1.31. Find the tension in the string and reaction ‘R’ of the wall.

2 0 °

W = 3 0 0 N

Figure 1.31
F.B.D of sphere

1 1 0 °
7 0 °
R 1 6 0 °

W = 3 0 0 N
W = 3 0 0 N

Let R be the reaction of the wall and T be the tension in the string.
Apply lami’s theorem.
300 T R
= =
sin110º sin 90º sin160º
300 × sin 90º 300 × sin160º
∴T = = 319.25 N ∴R = = 109.19 N
sin110º sin110º
20. A chord supported at A and B carries a load of W at ‘C’ as shown in
figure 1.32. Find the value of W so that CD remains horizontal.

6 0 ° 3 0 °


W 2 0 k N

Figure 1.32

Draw the F.B.D of the system.

3 0 ° 1 5 0 °

T D C 1 2 0 °

W = 2 0 k N W = 2 0 k N

Let TDC and TDB be the tension in the chord DC and DB respectively.
Apply lami’s theorem.

= =
sin150º sin 90º sin120º

20 × sin 90º
∴ TDB = = 40 kN

20 × sin120º
TDC = = 34.64 kN

1 2 0 °
6 0 ° T C A= T D C= 3 4 . 6 4 k N
C 1 5 0 ° T C D= 3 4 . 6 4 k N


Let TCA be the tension is the chord CA.

Apply lami’s theorem.
= =
sin150º sin 90º sin120º
TCD × sin 90º 34.64 × sin 90º
TCA = = = 69.28 kN
∴ sin150º sin150º

34.64 × sin120º
W= = 60 kN

21. Determine the tension in various segments of the connected flexible cables
shown in figure 1.33.

3 0 °


6 0 °

3 0 0 N
4 5 °

4 0 0 N

Figure 1.33

Consider the free body diagram of joint ‘S’

1 0 5 °
3 0 ° S 4 5 °
1 2 0 ° 1 3 5 °

4 0 0 N 4 0 0 N

Let TSQ and TST be the tensions in the cable SQ and ST respectively.
Apply lami’s theorem.
= =
sin105º sin120º sin135º

400 × sin120º
TST = = 358.7 N
400 × sin135º
TSQ = = 292.82 N
and, sin105º

Consider F.B.D of joint Q.


6 0 °
T Q P Q 3 0 °

T Q =S S TQ = 2 9 2 . 8 2 N
3 0 0 N

Resolve all forces along x - axis.

∑Fx = 0
∑Fx = TQR cos 60º + 292.82 cos 30º – TQP = 0
⇒ TQR cos 60º + 292.82 cos 30º – TQP = 0
Resolve all forces along y - axis.
∑Fy = 0
TQR sin 60º – 292.82 sin 30º – 300 = 0
292.82 sin 30º + 300
∴ TQR = = 515.47 N
sin 60º
and TQP = TQR cos 60º + 292.82 cos 30º
= 514.47 cos 60º + 292.82 cos 30º
= 511.32 N

22. A wire fixed at two points A and D as shown in figure 1.34. Two weights of
10 kN and 30 kN are supported at B and C respectively. When
equilibrium is reached it is found that the inclination of AB is 20º and that
of CD is 50º to the verticle, determine the tension in the segment AB, BC
and CD of the wire and also the inclination of BC to the verticle.

5 0 °
2 0 °

B θ

3 0 k N

3 0 k N

Figure 1.34

Consider the F.B.D of joint B and ‘C’.



7 0 ° θ 4 0 °
θ C


3 0 k N 3 0 k N

For joint B
Resolve all the forces along x and y axis.
= 0
TBC cos θ – TBA cos 70º = 0
TBA cos
TBA = = 2.92 TBC cos θ
cos 70º
Similarly, = 0
–TBC sinθ – 10 + TBA sin 70º = 0
–TBC sinθ + 2.92 TBC cosθ sin 70º = 10
–TBC sinθ + 2.74 TBC cosθ = 10
TBC (2.74 cosθ – sinθ ) = 10 .... (1)
For joint C
∑Fx = 0
TCB cos 40º – TCB cosθ = 0
or TCD = 1.30 TCB cosθ
Similarly, = 0
TCD sin 40º + TCB sinθ – 30º = 0
1.30 TCB cosθ sin 40º + TCB sinθ = 30
0.839 TCB cosθ + TCB sinθ = 30
TCB (0.839 cosθ + sinθ ) = 30 .... (2)
Divide (1) / (2)
T BC ( 2.74 cos θ − sin θ ) 10
= ( TBC = TCB )
T CB ( 0.839 cos θ + sin θ ) 30

(0.839 cosθ + sinθ ) 10 = 30 (2.74 cosθ – sinθ )

8.39 cosθ + 10 sinθ = 82.2 cosθ – 30 sinθ
40 sinθ = 73.81 cosθ
sin θ 73.81
cos θ 40
tan θ = 1.8452
∴ θ = tan–1 (1.8452) = 61.54º
Put θ = 61.64º in Equation (1)
2.74 cos ( 61.54º ) − sin (61.54º )

= 23.44 N
TBA = 2.92 TBC cosθ = 2.92 × 23.44 cos (61.45º)
= 32.61 kN
and TCD = 1.30 TCD cosθ
= 1.30 × 23.44 cos (61.54º)
= 14.52 kN.

23. A fine light string ABCDE whose extremity ‘A’ is fixed, has weights
W1 and W2 attached to it at B and C. It passes round a small smooth pulley
at D carrying a weight of 40 kg at the free end E as shown in figure 1.35.

1 5 0 ° 1 2 0 °
4 0 k g

W 1 W 2

Figure 1.35
If in the position of equilibrium, BC is horizontal and AB and CD makes
150º and 120º with BC, find i) Tensions in the portion AB, BC and DC of
the string, ii) Magnitudes of W1 and W2.
T B A T C D = 4 0 × 9 . 8 1
= 3 9 2 . 4 N
1 5 0 ° 1 2 0 °
1 2 0 ° T T C B
1 5 0 °

W 1 W 2

F.B.D of joint B F.B.B of joint C

For joint C
Applying lami’s equation at joint C.
TCB W2 392.4
= =
sin150º sin120º sin 90º
sin150º × 392.4
TCB = = 196.2 N
∴ sin 90º
sin120º × 392.4
W2 = = 339.82 N
and, sin 90º

For joint B
Applying lami’s equation at ‘B’
TBA W1 196.2
= =
sin 90º sin150º sin120º
196.2 × sin 90º
TBA = = 226.6 N
∴ sin120º
196.2 × sin150º
W1 = = 113.27 N
and, sin120º

24. Determine the horizontal force F to be applied to a block of weight 2 kN to

hold it in position on a smooth inclined plane AB which makes an angle of
30º with horizontal axis, shown in figure 1.36.

F =2

3 0 °
3 0 °


Figure 1.36
1 2 0 °
3 0 °

1 5 0 °

W = 2 0 0 0 N

Apply lami’s equation
F 2000 R
= =
sin150º sin120º sin 90º
2000 × sin150º 2000 × sin 90º
F= = 1154.70 N R= = 2309.4 N
∴ sin120º sin120º

25. A ball weighing 1000 N is at rest in a right angled trough as shown in

figure 1.37. Determine the forces exerted on the sides of the through at D
and E. Assume are the surfaces to be smooth.

1 0 0 0 N


4 0 ° 5 0 °

Figure 1.37

1 0 0 0 N E

9 0 °

1 3 0 ° 1 4 0 °

5 0 ° 4 0 °
1 0 0 0 N

F.B.D of Ball
Apply lami’s theorem.
1000 RD RE
= =
sin 90º sin130º sin140º
1000 × sin130º
∴ RD = = 766.04 N
sin 90º
1000 × sin140º
RE = = 642.78 N
and, sin 90º

26. Two identical rollers each weighing 200 N are placed in a trough as shown
in figure 1.38. Assuming all surfaces of contact are smooth, find the
reactions developed at the point of contact surfaces.


4 0 °

Figure 1.38


O 1

4 0 °
R O 2
D 4 0 °
5 0 °

2 0 0 N

5 0 °
2 0 0 N


5 0 ° O 2 9 0 °
R D 5 0 ° 4 0 °
4 0 °
1 4 0 ° 1 3 0 °

2 0 0 N
2 0 0 N
F.B.D of Balls
For Ball O1
Apply lami’s theorem,
200 RB RA
= =
sin 90º sin140º sin130º
200 × sin140º
∴ RB = = 128.6 N
sin 90º
200 × sin130º
RA = = 153.20 N
sin 90º

For Ball O2
Resolve all forces along x and y axis.
∑Fx = 0
RD – RB cos 40º – RC cos 50º = 0
∴ RD = RB cos 40º + RC cos 50º .... (1)
∑Fy = 0
–200 – RB sin 40º + RC sin 50º = 0
R B sin 40º + 200 128.6 sin 40º + 200
RC = =
∴ sin 50º sin 50º

= 368.98 N
Substituting RD in equation (1)
∴ RD = 128.6 cos 40º + 368.98 cos 50º
= 335.69 N

27. Two cylinders M and N rest in a channel as shown in figure 1.39. The
cylinder M has diameter of 100 mm and weighs 200 N, whereas the cylinder
N has diameter of 180 mm and weighs 500 N. If the bottom width of the
box is 180 mm with one side vertical and the other inclined at 60º, determine
the pressures at all the four points of contact.


+ H

6 0 °
1 8 0 m m

Figure 1.39
( RE – 5 0 0 )

5 6 ′ ° 9
R 3 0 °
2 0 0 N R J
H 5 6 ′ ° 9I
I θ K
9 0 m m
5 0 0 N
2 0 0 N R G
3 06 ° 0 °


F.B.D of cylinders
From the geometry of the figure,
IAE = 60º
AE = IE cot 60º = (180/2) × 0.577 ( cot θ = 1/tanθ )
= 52 mm
LB = 100/2 = 50 mm
EL = IK = 180 – 52 – 50 = 78 mm
IJ = 90 + 50 = 140 mm
IK 78
∴ cos θ = = = 0.5571
IJ 140
∴ θ = 50º 9’
Considering the equilibrium of cylinder M.
Apply lami’s equation at J.
RH RG 200
= =
sin ( 90º + 56º 9 ' ) sin 90º sin (180º − 58º 9 ' )
200 × sin ( 90º + 56º 9 ')
∴ RH =
sin ( 180º − 56º 9 ')

= 134.2 N
200 × sin 90º
RG =
sin ( 180º − 56º 9 ' )
= 240.8 N
Considering the equilibrium of cylinder N.
Apply lami’s theorem.
( RE − 500 )
sin ( 180º + 30º − 50º 9') sin 60º sin ( 90º + 50º 9 ')
240.8 × sin ( 90º + 56º 9 ')
∴ RF =
sin 60º = 154.9 N
240.8 × sin ( 180º + 30º − 56º 9 ')
R E − 500 =
sin 60º = 122.5 N
∴ RE = 122.5 + 500 = 622.5 N
1.4 Introduction to Equilibrium of Rigid bodies
In the previous unit, we have analyzed the system of forces on a particle in which we
assumed each body as a particle. This assumption is valid, if the body has negligible size.
But in many cases, this assumption may not be possible. When a body is not subjected to
concurrent force system then the body is said to be a rigid body. A rigid body is a
combination of particles in large numbers. For the equilibrium of rigid body, the size of
the body, forces acting on different point of applications has to be taken into
The basic and important conditions to be considered for the equilibrium of a rigid
body are the summation of forces and moments in each direction is taken as zero. By
taking the above conditions, the forces and moments of forces are balanced in each
direction. Another important consideration is that the system of external forces will not
impart translational or rotational motion on the body taken. When a stationary body is
acted upon by some external forces, the body may start to rotate (or) may start to move
about any point or an axis. If the body does not move or rotate about any point or an axis,
then the body is said to be in equilibrium.

1.5 Moment of a Force

A force acting on a body tends either to displace in some direction or to rotate the
body about a point. The tendency of a force to turn a body about a point or an axis is
called the moment of that force. Therefore, moment is defined as the product of the
magnitude of the force and the perpendicular distance of the point from the line of action
of the force.

A o 2

d 2



Figure 1.40

Consider a force ‘F’ applied to a rigid body (Figure 1.40) at A. The force tends to
rotate the body about O. The point ‘O’ is called the moment centre. The perpendicular
distance between the line of action of force and the point about which moment is
calculated is called moment arm.
where, F = Force applied
d = Moment arm
If point O1 is taken as the moment centre,
M1= F × d1 CCW (Counter clockwise sense)
If point O2 is taken as the moment centre,
M2= F × d2 CW (Clockwise sense)
The tendency of the moment is to rotate the body in the clockwise direction about O.
Hence the moment is called clockwise moment. If the tendency of a moment is to rotate
the body in anticlockwise direction, then that moment is known as anticlockwise moment.

1.6 Varignon’s Theorem (Principle of Moments)

It states that the sum of moments of individual forces of a system of concurrent
forces about any point is equal to the moment of their resultant about the same point.

F 1
d 1
d2 F

F 2
Figure 1.41

Refering to Figure 2.41, F1 and F2 are a system of coplaner forces. F is their

According to Varignon’s theorem, moment about O is given by,
F1d1 + F2d2 = Fd

1.7 Couple
A couple is defined as two parallel forces that have the same magnitude, opposite
directions and are separated by a perpendicular distance ‘d’ as shown in figure 2.42. The
perpendicular distance between the parallel forces is called arm of the couple. Couple has
a tendency to rotate the body.
– F

Figure 1.42
Moment of a couple is the product of any one of the parallel forces and
perpendicular distance between the forces.
Moment of couple = Force × arm of the couple

1.8 Equivalent Forces and Couples

The two forces having the same magnitude, direction and line of action but acting at
different points producing the same external static effect on the rigid body are said to be
equivalent forces.
If two couples produce the same moment on the rigid body, they are called
equivalent couples.
1.9 Equivalent Force Couple System
A system of forces acting on a rigid body can be replaced by a single force acting at
a given point and a couple. This force and couple is known as equivalent force couple
1.10 Moment and Couple
The couple is a pure turning effect which may be moved anywhere in its own plane
or into a parallel plane without change of its effect on the body. But moment of a force
must include a description of the reference axis about which the moment is taken.
1.11 Resolution of a Force into a Force and a Couple
Let us consider two points M and N acting on a rigid body as shown in
figure 1.43. A force ‘F’ is acting at point M. The perpendicular distance between line of
action of ‘F’ and the point N is d.



= = F
d d
F M = F d

( a ) ( b ) ( c )

Figure 1.43

Apply equal and opposite forces at N (Figure 1.43(b)) so that the equilibrium of the
system is not disturbed. The system of forces shown in figure 1.43 (b) is same as that
shown in figure 1.43 (a). Now the force at M and the downward force at N form a couple
of magnitude M = F ×d (Clockwise). Hence at N, we have a couple M and a force ‘F’ as
shown in figure 1.43(c). The system shown in figure 1.43(c) is same as that shown in
figure 1.43(b).
1.12 Resultant of Coplanar Non-Concurrent Forces in Plane

F 3
F 3

F 1

F 1
Σ Μ ο
o o

( a ) F 2 F 2
( b )

Σ Μ ο

y R
( c )

R d x
Σ Μ ο

( d ) ( e )

Figure 1.44

In many situations, it may be required to reduce a system of forces into a single

equivalent force or into a couple of force.
Figure 1.44 shows three non concurrent coplanar forces F1, F2 and F3 acting on a
rigid body. Each of these forces can be replaced by a force of same magnitude and
direction, acting at ‘O’ and a couple. The sum of couples due to F1, F2 and F3 as Σ MO, as
shown in figure 1.44(b). The forces become concurrent, when all acting at O.
In figure 1.44(c), the resultant of the concurrent forces, R, is shown along with
Σ MO. Thus a system of coplanar noncurrent forces has been reduced to a couple and a
single force.
Now, introduce equal and opposite force ‘R’ at point ‘A’ located at a distance ‘d’
from O. Such that the couple due to downward Force ‘R’ at A and R at O should nullify
the effect of Σ MO. The couple due to R is counterclockwise while Σ MO is clockwise.
∴ R × d = Σ MO
Finally, we are left with a single Force R acting A. Thus a single force resultant for
a system of coplanar nonconcurrent forces has been obtained.
The following equations are used to solve the above problem analytically.
( ∑ Fx ) + ( ∑ Fy )
2 2
R =
∑ Fy
tan φ =
∑ Fx , where φ = angle made by R with respect to x-axis
∑ MO
d =
Distance, R

where, Σ Fx = Algebraic sum of x components of all forces.

Σ Fy = Algebraic sum of y components of all forces.
= Algebraic sum of moments of all forces about any arbitrary point
d = Perpendicular distance between the point O and the line of
action of the single force resultant ‘R’.

1.13 Equilibrium Conditions for Coplanar Non-Concurrent

Forces in Plane
A body is said to be in equilibrium when it does not have any rotatory motion in any
direction. This means that when the body is in equilibrium, the following two
simultaneous conditions are to be satisfied.
i) The algebraic sum of the components of the forces along each of the two
mutually perpendicular directions, is zero.
ii) The algebraic sum of the components of the moments acting on the body
about each of the two mutually perpendicular axes, is zero.
Σ Fx = 0 : Algebraic sum of the components of the forces along
x axis is zero.
Σ Fy = 0 : Algebraic sum of the components of the forces along
y axis is zero.
Σ Μ = 0 : Algebraic sum of the components of the moments
along x and y axis is zero.
Review Questions
1. Define Engineering mechanics.
2. State the branches of Engineering Mechanics.
3. Define Statics and Dynamics.
4. Distinguish between Particle and Rigid body.
5. State Newton’s law of motion
6. Explain the following:
i) Parallelogram law of forces ii) Triangle law of forces
iii)Principle of transmissibility iv)Lami’s theorem
7. Define force. State its characteristics.
8. Describe the classification of force system.
9. What is resultant force? Discuss the methods of determining the resultant of
two concurrent forces.
10. What is meant by resolution of a force?
11. Distinguish between resultant and equilibriant.
12. State the conditions of equilibrium of a particle in plane.
13. What is a free body diagram?
14. Write a force in space in cartesian co-ordinates.
15. Explain the method of finding the resultant of concurrent forces in space.
16. Briefly explain equilibrium of a particle.
17. State the necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium of a particle in two
18. Explain the equilibrium of a particle in space.
19. State the necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium of a particle in space.
20. What are equivalent forces?
21. Find the magnitude and direction of resultant from the following cases.
i) 200 N inclined at 30º towards North of East
ii) 250 N towards North
iii)300 N towards North West
iv)350 N inclined at 40º towards South of West
(Ans: Magnitude, R = 456 N and φ = 47.7º)
22. Two cylinders of radius 300mm and 150mm are lying in a channel with their axes
horizontal. The larger one, of weight 1800N, lies below the smaller one, of
weight, 600N as shown in figure. Take the width of the channel to be 0.8m.
Determine the reactions at all points of contacts assuming smooth surface for all

B 0 1

0 2

0 . 8 m m

(Ans: RC = 743.3 N, RBA= RAB = 955.5 N, RE = 2400 N, RF = 743.3 N)

23. A 100 N force is acting away from the origin at 25º to the horizontal. Another force

of 150 N is acting towards the origin at 115º to the horizontal. Find the total verticle

and horizontal components of these two forces. Also find the magnitude and
direction of resultant.
(Ans: Σ H = 154 N, Σ V = –93.68 N, R = 180.25 and φ = 31.31º
24. A lamp weighing 10N is suspended from the ceiling by a chain. It is pulled aside
by a horizontal cord until the chain makes an angle of 60º with the ceiling as shown
in figure. Find the tension in the chain and the cord by applying lami’s theorem.

6 0 °

C h a i n

O C o r d

2 0 N

(Ans: TOB = 5.78 N, TOA= 11.6 N)

25. Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of forces acting at ‘O’as
shown in figure below. (Ans: R = 21.70 N, φ = 79.37º)
2 0 N
2 6 N

1 2

2 5 N

3 0 º

1 0 N

26. A force acts at the origin in a direction defined by the angles θ y = 65° and θ z = 40°.
Knowing that the x component of force is -90kN, determine (a) the other components and
magnitude of force. (b) the value of θ x.
27. The x,y,z components of a force are 36kN, -24kN and 24kN respectively. Find the
component of this force along the line joining A(1,2,-3) and B(-1,-2,2).

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