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Wind Load Warehous

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Length of Building, (Normal to Wind), B 168.526 ft Wind
Width of Building, (Parallel to wind), L 98.4 ft Ѳ
Height of Building, H1 20 ft
Eavh Height, H2 5 ft
Average Height, H 22.5 ft 6.9 m
Bay spacing, 20 ft

6.7 kn/m
Gable Column Spacing, 20.00 ft
Spacing of Purling 3.28 ft
Total Dead Load, DL 5 Psf
Total Live Load, LL 12.5 Psf
Wind Load, Vb 190 Km/hr
Co-efficient, Cc ### Width of Bui
Importance factor, C I 1
Height & Exposure Co-efficient, Cz 0.44 Exp=A at Height H
Wind Pressure at height, H, q z 0.75 KN/m 2
Guest Co-efficient at H, C G 1.56 Exp=A at Height H
Degree of Building, Ѳ 5.80 Degree
Average height & Length ratio, H/L 0.23
Length & Width Ratio, L/B 0.58
Co-efficient, Cpe for L/B (Windward Wall) 0.8 Windward Wall From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for H/L (Windward Roof) -0.824 Windward Roof From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for H/L (Leeward Roof) -0.7 Leeward Roof From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for L/B (Leeward Wall) -0.56 Leeward Wall From table external Pressure coe
Side or End walls (Gable Wall), Cpe = -0.7 Gable Wall
Internal peak pressure coefficient, C' pi 0.25 Table 6.2.14 IF Opening is more than 10% the
Hence internal pressure or internal suction = C' piqz 0.19 KN/m 2

1) Design pressure for external forces plus internal suction, p = qzC GCpe+C'piqh
Pz for Windward Wall= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z 1.12 KN/m 2 6.74
Pz for Windward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -0.78 KN/m 2 -4.66
Pz for Leeward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -0.63 KN/m 2 -3.79
Pz for Leeward Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.47 KN/m 2 -2.81
Pz for Side Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.63 KN/m 2 -3.79

2) Design pressure for external forces plus internal Pressure, p = qzC GCpe-C'piqh
Pz for Windward Wall= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z 0.75 KN/m 2 4.49
Pz for windward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -1.15 KN/m 2 -6.91
Pz for Leeward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -1.01 KN/m 2 -6.04
Pz for Leeward Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.84 KN/m 2 -5.05
Pz for Side Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -1.01 KN/m 2 -6.04

Roof DL 0.25 KN/m2

Roof LL 0.625 KN/m2
Dead Load on Rafter, DL=Roof DLx Bay spacing 1.52 KN/M 0.76
Live Load on Rafter, LL=Roof LL x Bay spacing 3.81 KN/M 1.91
Wind ward Leward

Eave Height
5.00 ft
-3.8 kn/m


23 ft
-2.8 kn/m
20 ft

Width of Building= 98.4 ft

e external Pressure coefficients Cpe for roof at page6-40

e external Pressure coefficients Cpe for roof at page6-40
e external Pressure coefficients Cpe for roof at page6-40
e external Pressure coefficients Cpe for roof at page6-40

g is more than 10% then use this or Use zero

Neg. sign indicate Upward pressure Local "Y" Direction

KN/m 3.369 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -2.329 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -1.894 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -1.403 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -1.894 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel

Neg. sign indicate Upward pressure Local "Y" Direction

KN/m 2.245 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -3.453 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -3.018 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -2.527 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
KN/m -3.018 KN/m Half for Exterior Panel
External Pressure Co-efficient Cpe for Walls L= Parallel to Wind Direction
Surface L/B Cpe For use with B=Normal To Wind Direction
Windward wall All values 0.8 pz=C GC peq z
0.65 -0.6 (Y) Y1 Y2
Leeward wall 1 -0.5 pz=CGCpeqz 0.23 0.1 0.65
2 -0.3
>=4.0 -0.2
Side wall All values -0.7 pz=C GC peq z

External Pressure Co-efficients, Cpe for Roof

Windward Side
Wind direction Ѳ (degree)
0 10 to 15 20 30 40 50
<=0.3 -0.7 0.2/-0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
0.5 -0.7 -0.9 -0.75 -0.2 0.3 0.5
Normal to ridge
1 -0.7 -0.9 -0.75 -0.2 0.3 0.5
>=1.5 -0.7 -0.9 -0.9 -0.9 0.35 0.2
h/B or h/L<=2.5 -0.7
Parallel to ridge
h/B or h/L>2.6 -0.8

Table 6.2.14
Internal Peak Pressure Co-efficients for Buildings, C'pi
Condition C'pi
Percentage of total wall area occupied by openings in
one wall exceeds that of all other walls by 10% or more 0.75 and -0.25
and opeinings in all other walls do not exceed 20% of
respective wall area.
All cases ±0.25

Table 6.2.15
Overall Pressue Coefficients, Cp for Rectanglar Buildings with Flat Roofs
0.1 0.5 0.65 1.0 2.0 >=3.0
<=0.5 1.4 1.45 1.55 1.4 1.15 1.1
10.00 1.55 1.85 2.00 1.70 1.30 1.15
20.00 1.80 2.25 2.55 2.00 1.40 1.20
>=40.0 1.95 2.50 2.80 2.20 1.60 1.25
Note: 1)These coefficients are to be used with Method-2 given in sec Use
Cp=±0.7 for roof in all cases
2) Linear interpolation may be made for intermediate values of h/B and L/B

Table 6.2.17
Overall Pressure coefficients Cp for Moneslope Roofs Over Unenclosed Buildings and Structures

Degrees( Ѳ)
5 3 2 1 1/2 1/3 1/5
10 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.45 0.55 0.7 0.75
15 0.35 0.45 0.5 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.85
20 0.5 0.6 0.75 0.9 1 0.95 0.9
25 0.7 0.8 0.95 1.15 1.1 1.05 0.95
30 0.9 1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 1
Location of centre of pressure, X/L, for L/B of:
2 to 5 1 1/5 to 1/2
10 to 20 0.35 0.3 0.3
25 0.35 0.35 0.4
30 0.35 0.4 0.45

Note: 1) Wind forces act normal to the surface and shall be directed inward or outward.
2) Wind shall be assumed to deviate by ±10 degrees from horizontal.
3) Notation:
B: dimension of roof measured normal to wind direction, meters
L: dimension of roof measured parallel to wind direction, meters
X: distance to centre of pressure from wind ward edge of roof, meters
Q: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, degrees

X1 X2 Cpe(X)

Width =B
-0.5 -0.6 -0.524


0.01Ѳ Length=L
0.01Ѳ (-0.7) for
all values
0.01Ѳ of h/L &
-0.7 Deg, (Y) Y1 Y2 X1 X2 Cpe(X)
-0.8 11.00 0 10 -0.7 -0.9 -0.920


Hospital & other medical facilities, Fire & Police station, Central
I Essencial Facilities Water Tanks , Emergency vehicle shelters & garages, Cyclone &
Flood center, Government communication center

II Hazardous Facilities Structures containing Toxic & Explosive substances

Special Occupancy Public Assembly >300 person, School, College, Medical with 500
Structures resident, Jail & detension facility, Power Plant, Public Utility.

Standard Occupancy
IV All structures having occupancies or functions not listed above

Buildign Low risk to human life, Agricultural buildings, minor storage

V Low Risk Structure
facilities, temporary facility, costruction facality, Boundary wall.


Urban and sub-urban areas, industrial areas, wooded areas, hilly or

Exposure-A other terrian covering at least 20 percent of the area with obstruction
of 6meters or more in height and extending from the site at least
500meters or 10 times the height of the structure, whichever is

Open terrian with scattered obstructions having heights generally

Exposure-B less than 10m extending 800m or more from the site in any full
quadrant, This category includes air fields, open park lands,
sparasely build-up outskrits of towns, flat open country and

Flat and unobstructed open terrian, coastel areas and riversides

Exposure-C facing large bodies of water, over 1.5km or more in width. Exposure
C extends inland from the shoreline 400m or 10 times the height of
structure, whichever is greater



Combined Height & Exposure Co-efficient, Cz

Height(m) Exposure A Exposure B Exposure C

3 0.368 0.801 1.196 LINEAR INTERPOLATION
6 0.415 0.866 1.263 Exp A
9 0.497 0.972 1.37 Height, h(Y) Y1
12 0.565 1.055 1.451 7.1 m 6
15 0.624 1.125 1.517 10.4 m 9
18 0.677 1.185 1.573 13.4 m 12
21 0.725 1.238 1.623 16.5 m 15
24 0.769 1.286 1.667
27 0.81 1.33 1.706
30 0.849 1.371 1.743
33 0.885 1.408 1.775
36 0.92 1.444 1.807
39 0.954 1.477 1.836
42 0.986 1.508 1.864
45 1.017 1.539 1.89
48 1.046 1.567 1.914
51 1.074 1.595 1.973
54 1.101 1.62 1.959
57 1.128 1.646 1.98
60 1.155 1.671 2.002

Gust Co-Efficient, Gz

Height(m) Exposure A Exposure B Exposure C

3 1.654 1.321 1.154 LINEAR INTERPOLATION
6 1.592 1.294 1.14 Exp A
9 1.511 1.258 1.121 Height, h(Y) Y1
12 1.457 1.233 1.107 7.1 m 6
15 1.418 1.215 1.097 10.4 m 9
18 1.388 1.201 1.089 13.4 m 12
21 1.363 1.189 1.082 16.5 m 15
24 1.342 1.178 1.077
27 1.324 1.17 1.072
30 1.309 1.162 1.067
33 1.296 1.155 1.063
36 1.283 1.149 1.06
39 1.272 1.143 1.056
42 1.262 1.138 1.053
45 1.252 1.133 1.051
48 1.244 1.129 1.048
51 1.236 1.125 1.045
54 1.229 1.121 1.043
57 1.222 1.118 1.041
60 1.215 1.114 1.039
Y2 X1 X2 Cz(X)
9 0.415 0.497 0.445
12 0.497 0.565 0.528
15 0.565 0.624 0.593
18 0.624 0.677 0.650

Y2 X1 X2 Gz(X)
9 1.592 1.511 1.562
12 1.511 1.457 1.486
15 1.457 1.418 1.439
18 1.418 1.388 1.403

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