Wind Load Warehous
Wind Load Warehous
Wind Load Warehous
6.7 kn/m
Gable Column Spacing, 20.00 ft
Spacing of Purling 3.28 ft
Total Dead Load, DL 5 Psf
Total Live Load, LL 12.5 Psf
Wind Load, Vb 190 Km/hr
Co-efficient, Cc ### Width of Bui
Importance factor, C I 1
Height & Exposure Co-efficient, Cz 0.44 Exp=A at Height H
Wind Pressure at height, H, q z 0.75 KN/m 2
Guest Co-efficient at H, C G 1.56 Exp=A at Height H
Degree of Building, Ѳ 5.80 Degree
Average height & Length ratio, H/L 0.23
Length & Width Ratio, L/B 0.58
Co-efficient, Cpe for L/B (Windward Wall) 0.8 Windward Wall From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for H/L (Windward Roof) -0.824 Windward Roof From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for H/L (Leeward Roof) -0.7 Leeward Roof From table external Pressure coe
Co-efficient, Cpe for L/B (Leeward Wall) -0.56 Leeward Wall From table external Pressure coe
Side or End walls (Gable Wall), Cpe = -0.7 Gable Wall
Internal peak pressure coefficient, C' pi 0.25 Table 6.2.14 IF Opening is more than 10% the
Hence internal pressure or internal suction = C' piqz 0.19 KN/m 2
1) Design pressure for external forces plus internal suction, p = qzC GCpe+C'piqh
Pz for Windward Wall= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z 1.12 KN/m 2 6.74
Pz for Windward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -0.78 KN/m 2 -4.66
Pz for Leeward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -0.63 KN/m 2 -3.79
Pz for Leeward Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.47 KN/m 2 -2.81
Pz for Side Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.63 KN/m 2 -3.79
2) Design pressure for external forces plus internal Pressure, p = qzC GCpe-C'piqh
Pz for Windward Wall= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z 0.75 KN/m 2 4.49
Pz for windward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -1.15 KN/m 2 -6.91
Pz for Leeward Roof= C GCpeq z+ C'piq z -1.01 KN/m 2 -6.04
Pz for Leeward Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -0.84 KN/m 2 -5.05
Pz for Side Wall= C G*Cpe*q z+ C'piq z -1.01 KN/m 2 -6.04
Eave Height
5.00 ft
-3.8 kn/m
23 ft
-2.8 kn/m
20 ft
Table 6.2.14
Internal Peak Pressure Co-efficients for Buildings, C'pi
Condition C'pi
Percentage of total wall area occupied by openings in
one wall exceeds that of all other walls by 10% or more 0.75 and -0.25
and opeinings in all other walls do not exceed 20% of
respective wall area.
All cases ±0.25
Table 6.2.15
Overall Pressue Coefficients, Cp for Rectanglar Buildings with Flat Roofs
0.1 0.5 0.65 1.0 2.0 >=3.0
<=0.5 1.4 1.45 1.55 1.4 1.15 1.1
10.00 1.55 1.85 2.00 1.70 1.30 1.15
20.00 1.80 2.25 2.55 2.00 1.40 1.20
>=40.0 1.95 2.50 2.80 2.20 1.60 1.25
Note: 1)These coefficients are to be used with Method-2 given in sec Use
Cp=±0.7 for roof in all cases
2) Linear interpolation may be made for intermediate values of h/B and L/B
Table 6.2.17
Overall Pressure coefficients Cp for Moneslope Roofs Over Unenclosed Buildings and Structures
Degrees( Ѳ)
5 3 2 1 1/2 1/3 1/5
10 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.45 0.55 0.7 0.75
15 0.35 0.45 0.5 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.85
20 0.5 0.6 0.75 0.9 1 0.95 0.9
25 0.7 0.8 0.95 1.15 1.1 1.05 0.95
30 0.9 1 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 1
Location of centre of pressure, X/L, for L/B of:
2 to 5 1 1/5 to 1/2
10 to 20 0.35 0.3 0.3
25 0.35 0.35 0.4
30 0.35 0.4 0.45
Note: 1) Wind forces act normal to the surface and shall be directed inward or outward.
2) Wind shall be assumed to deviate by ±10 degrees from horizontal.
3) Notation:
B: dimension of roof measured normal to wind direction, meters
L: dimension of roof measured parallel to wind direction, meters
X: distance to centre of pressure from wind ward edge of roof, meters
Q: Angle of plane of roof from horizontal, degrees
X1 X2 Cpe(X)
Width =B
-0.5 -0.6 -0.524
0.01Ѳ Length=L
0.01Ѳ (-0.7) for
all values
0.01Ѳ of h/L &
-0.7 Deg, (Y) Y1 Y2 X1 X2 Cpe(X)
-0.8 11.00 0 10 -0.7 -0.9 -0.920
Hospital & other medical facilities, Fire & Police station, Central
I Essencial Facilities Water Tanks , Emergency vehicle shelters & garages, Cyclone &
Flood center, Government communication center
Special Occupancy Public Assembly >300 person, School, College, Medical with 500
Structures resident, Jail & detension facility, Power Plant, Public Utility.
Standard Occupancy
IV All structures having occupancies or functions not listed above
Combined Height & Exposure Co-efficient, Cz
Gust Co-Efficient, Gz
Y2 X1 X2 Gz(X)
9 1.592 1.511 1.562
12 1.511 1.457 1.486
15 1.457 1.418 1.439
18 1.418 1.388 1.403