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CPP-3 - Wave Optics

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CPP-3 Wave Optics IIT-JEE

Introduction of Mica Sheet in Young's Double Slit Experiment


1. In a Young’s double slit experimental arrangement shown here, if a mica sheet of

thickness t and refractive index  is placed in front of the slit S1, then the path difference
(S1P – S2P)
(A) Decreases by ( – l)t (B) Increases by ( – l)t
(C) Does not change (D) Increases by t

2. In Young’s experiment, monochromatic light is used to illuminate the two slits A and B.
Interference fringes are observed on a screen placed in front of the slits. Now if a thin
glass plate is placed normally in the path of the beam coming from the slit
(A) the fringes will disappear
(B) the fringe width will increase
(C) the fringe width will increase
(D) there will be no change in the fringe width but the pattern shifts
3. A thin mica sheet of thickness 2  10– 6 and refractive index ( = 1.5) is introduced in the path of the first
wave. The wavelength of the wave used is 5000 Å. The central bright maximum will shift
(A) 2 fringes upward (B) 2 fringes downward
(C) 10 fringes upward (D) None of these
4. When one of the slits of Young’s experiment is covered with a transparent sheet of thickness 4.8 mm, the
central fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the 30th bright fringe. What should be the thickness of
the sheet if the central fringe has to shift to the position occupied by 20th bright fringe?
(A) 3.8 mm (B) 1.6 mm (C) 7.6 mm (D) 3.2 mm
5. Light of wavelength 500 nm is used to form interference pattern in Young’s double slit experiment. A uniform
glass plate of refractive index 1.5 and thickness 0.1 nm is introduced in the path of one of the interfering
beams. The number of fringes which will shift the cross wire due to this is
(A) 100 (B) 200 (C) 300 (D) 400
6. A flake of glass (refractive index 1.5) is placed over one of the openings of a double slit apparatus. The
interference pattern displaces itself through seven successive maximas towards the side where the flake is
placed. If wavelength of the diffracted light is  = 600 nm, then the thickness of the flake is
(A) 2100 nm (B) 4200 nm (C) 8400 nm (D) None of these
7. In Young’s double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced by a distance x when a glass plate of one
refractive index 1.5 is introduced in the path of one of the beams. When this plate in replaced by another plate
of the same thickness, the shift of fringes is (3/2)x. The refractive index of the second plate is
(A) 1.75 (B) 1.50 (C) 1.25 (D) 1.00
8. In a double slit arrangement fringes are produced using light of wavelength 4800 Å. One slit is covered by a
thin plate of glass of refractive index 1.4 and the other with another glass plate of the same thickness but of
refractive index 1.7. By doing so the central bright shifts to original fifth bright fringe from the centre.
Thickness of glass plate is
(A) 8 m (B) 6 m (C) 4 m (D) 10 m

In Young’s interference experiment has a set up as shown in figure, consider
that a source of monochromatic light of wavelength 5000 Å is placed at S. S1
and S2 are equidistant from S and have equal widths. A wavefront proceeds from
S, and S1 and S2 being points on this wavefront, emit light waves, which
superimpose to result in an interference pattern on the screen kept at position
(1). This is an experiment where coherent sources are obtained by division of
wavefront. O is a point on the screen equidistant from S1 and S2. P is a point on
the screen 1 mm from O at which path difference between waves from and S1
and S2 is 11250 Å. Position of any point on the screen can be expressed by .
FIITJEE Ltd., Indore Centre: 27, 2nd Floor, Scheme No -54, PU -3, Opp. Orbit Mall, A.B. Road, Indore
Phone:0731-4274702, 4044447, 4274763; website:
CPP-PHYSICS Wave Optics [2]

The path difference is zero at O and a central bright fringe of intensity 'I0' is obtained at O. Q is another point 2 mm
from O. If the screen is now shifted to a new position (2) [not shown in figure] so that D changes, the fringe width is
found to be 50% more than its earlier value and the angular fringe width is 1/90 radian.

Answer the following questions [assume D to be large and  very small so that sin   tan   ]

9. When the screen is at position (1), phase difference of waves from S1 and S2 at point P is effectively
(A) 90° (B) 120° (C) 150° (D) 60°

10. Intensity at P when the screen is at position (1), is

I0 I0
(A) 2I0 (B) I0 (C) (D)
2 4

11. Fringe width when screen is at position (1) will be

4 3 4 1
(A) mm (B) mm (C) mm (D) mm
9 5 5 4

12. Intensity at point Q when screen is at position (1) is

(A) 0.5 I0 (B) 5 I0 (C) zero (D) none of these

13. Distance ‘d’ between S1 and S2 is

(A) 0.2 mm (B) 45 m (C) 20 m (D) none of these

14. When the screen is at position (2), its distance from the double slits is nearly
(A) 30 cm (B) 20 cm (C) 38 cm (D) none of these

15. Angular position of a bright fringe of order ‘5’ when the screen is at position (1), will be nearly
1 1 1
(A) rad (B) rad (C) rad (D) None of these
9 18 10


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

FIITJEE Ltd., Indore Centre: 27, 2nd Floor, Scheme No -54, PU -3, Opp. Orbit Mall, A.B. Road, Indore
Phone:0731-4274702, 4044447, 4274763; website:

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