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Zpocalypse Core Game F.A.Q

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Zpocalypse Core Game F.A.Q.

Some scavenge cards tell you to place a squad on a new tile

drawn. Rules say that at the beginning of the combat phase
all survivors start in the bunker. Do you move the squad back
to the bunker at the start of the combat phase in this
No. The squad starts in the middle of the zombie horde. Scavenging cards trump core rules.
Specifically, those scavenging cards are called night owl events, which means you got delayed
coming back to the base, and thus start on the combat field instead of safely in the bunker.

If you gain any survivors and items in the scavenge phase

but can't feed them, what happens to the cards they are
carrying. Do they go into the bunker piles?
Yes. Everything goes to the bunker pile. You can keep any cards you find, and are able to
carry, given survivor card limit (4 cards/survivor). Any card that you can't carry, after having fed
your current survivors, or new ones, get placed into a public bunker discard pile.

After the combat phase is complete and you are ready for the
next day, do you return your squad to the bunker?
Return to the bunker, all aspects of non combat phases are abstracted, so your physical
position during these phases has no meaning, except for placement during combat (if you get
an night owl scavenging card, you start on the board instead of in the bunker).

Do zombies block LOS when using grenades? Can you throw

them over a horde of figures to reach a more desirable
Yes they block LOS. Unless you were on a lookout tower.

Some weapons can be upgraded, can the scrap for these be

used to upgrade the weapon at any phase in the game?

If you start the game with a firearm weapon, do you have to

find ammo from somewhere before you can use it? Is this
true if you search an armory and gain a firearm?
All firearms, or anything that has a finite ammo (chainsaw, crossbow) start with ammo in them.
Once you roll a "click", tap the card as having no ammo.

At game setup you place armory cards in the bunker, do

these have to be weapons or any cards drawn?
The point of those cards is for players who respawn if they die. For purposes of actively using
them, ignore them. They are meant to be starting gear for a dead player. We just draw random
and don't adhere to game start conditions for them needing to be weapons.

Can you use radioactive food to recruit new survivors from

the bunker or does it have to be normal food?
Recruitment requires clean food.

When the 2nd tile with a bunker entrance is revealed and

placed, does that bunker entrance lead to the current bunker,
or does it lead to a different bunker?
It leads to the same bunker and creates another exit/entry point as shown in example for the
blue player on page 16 of the rulebook.

There is a purple dot that signifies a crows nest with stairs up

to it. (cant remember what it is called) Can this be torn down
by zombies, and if so, how do you show this?
The stair case is permanent on the map and cannot be taken down.

We spawned some zombies in the bunker in the first turn.

There were three squads in the bunker, and two zombies left
on the zombies turn to attack. Who rolls defense? All three?
Point leader?
Yes the bunker is treated as one square, thus 3 zombie and 3 survivors means each survivor
could roll defense against 1 zombie each. Note if there was 3 survivor and 1 zombie the
zombie would attach the person with the highest point value and only they would roll defense.

In the first phase, we each take a scavenge card and end up

getting more items, survivors, food or armory. Do we
reconcile the four cards per character rule during phase 1, or
can we do it after feeding survivors in phase 2?
The hand limit applies whenever you go over 4 cards per person. Thus if you are in Phase 1
Scavenge and go over 8 cards (example with 2 survivors) you will have to discard the excess.
Its as though you do not have the pockets or hands to carry everything back. *NOTE: If you
drop cards during combat please see Death! on PG.20.

Can you attack each other, besides the reason of a daily

Only the grenade can be used to directly attack another squad in the base game. Otherwise
there are no specific rules regarding PVP.. yet.

(Somethings Happening) Nuclear Hell At the bottom of the

card, in bold, it reads: Anyone without a Bio Suit or Gas
Mask takes 1 health damage per turn. In a 4-person squad,
would that be 4 damage per turn, or would it only be 1
damage per turn?
Anyone applies to the squad. Thus your squad would loose 1 hit point per turn. If you had 4
survivors this would still be 1 hit point per turn. As your all slowly chocking.

(Daily Goals) Turncoat: The Challenge reads: Lets really

go off the deep end! Force Survivors into a trap! Roll 1 red die
per survivor in your Squad; a success is a 5 or 6. The victim
takes 1 red die of damage, excluding armor.
The card would play out as follows. Cox another players squad to stand adjacent to a trap.
Then roll red dice equal to the number of survivors you have. If you get a 5 or a 6 the other
players squad is pushed into the trap. Thus you get the opportu nity to steal on of their

When the 2nd tile with a bunker entrance is revealed and

placed, does that bunker entrance lead to the current bunker,
or does it lead to a different bunker?
It leads to the same bunker and creates another exit/entry po int as shown in example for the
blue player on page 16 of the rulebook.

One card per success when searching? so squad with 6

smarts can get up to 6 cards on a single roll?
Yes this is correct however the current characters only have an average of 3 smarts. Thus
most of the time you will only see 3 cards if you roll lucky.

Do you rebuild the board at Night 3? Clearing all

fortifications, titles and start with a new 4 tile base set? (what
effect does this have on game balance fresh search/loot
areas dont the search tokens handle this?)
This is only required if playing a 3-4 player game. As there are not enough tiles to expand the
board ( unless you have an expansion). This simulates you traveling to a new location.

Without a weapon what can a survivor do? Just hold zombies

No weapon no problem roll 1d6 with a success on just a Z.

Do blue die count towards the Red Attack die limit of 8 on a

single attack action?
Only the red dice count towards the total Red dice attack limit.
Are the large squares color coded on the VP track? Red =
Melee, Green = Firearms only? Or can someone who lands on
red 5, upgrade their Firearms by 1?
The red and green locations on the Victory point tracker directly correspond to the red and
green circles on the Scenario card. In the main scenario you gain 1 skill point when reaching
the red locations. This skill point can be spent in either Melee or Firearms.

Do all the survivor cards count as being in the bunker or only

the 2 that are placed under the bunker. For example zombies
reach the bunker, they convert the two inside, do they start
going through the face down survivor deck?
Those are the survivors you happend to enter the bunker with you. They will be eaten by
zombies if no survivor is in the bunker to protect them. Any additional survivors unable to be
fed during feed and fortify are placed in the bunker, these may act as additional survivors to
respawn with in addition to the first 2 that start in the bunker, should a player die while in

Zombie Limit on the board? What to do when running out of

zombie minis?
Feel lucky some perished on the way to your location. Seriously this should only happen in
very rare cases. When this does you have exhausted all the zombies

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