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PNP Community Quest - Campaign Rules

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Campaign Rules

The aim of these rules is to provide a framework for linking individual adventures into an
ongoing campaign by allowing heroes to gain experience, advance in level, and retain loot
between games. This is compatible with the app, the prewritten adventures and the random
adventure generator, all whilst retaining most of the rules as written. The only additional items
you will need are a scrap of paper and a pencil in order to record your character details between

Before I get into the new rules, it is worth pointing out that I play using two sets of the game and
I have written these rules using all of the resources that two sets provides, including running
four heroes, however, these rules should all be easily scalable to a single set and running two
heroes. I find that setting the number of heroes in the app to 3 but actually running 4 heroes
sets the difficulty about right. This can be changed to 4 heroes in the app once your party has
levelled up a couple of times, as explained below.

Campaign Rules

Initial Setup

Choose 4 heroes and their ability cards as normal, however, only the most basic weapons are
available to them at this point. These weapons are the daggers, the mace and shield, the bow,
and the lightning staff. These should be allocated to the warriors however you see fit. The
remaining weapons are shuffled into the items deck and this should be set aside WITHOUT
drawing the 3 cards that make up the shop. The shop doesn't exist in the dungeon in these
rules, as expalined later.

Gaining Items (Loot)

As mentioned above, the shop isn't used in the dungeon in these rules, instead, shuffle the
remaining weapon cards into the item deck and place this face down in the play area. Now,
each time a tile is cleared of monsters you may search the slain corpses for any items that they
were carrying. Roll a D6; on a 5 reveal the top card from the item deck and allocate it to any
warrior. On a 6 reveal the top 2 cards from the item deck and choose 1. Shuffle the rejected
card back into the item deck and allocate the chosen card to any warrior. This represents the
loot that you have discovered. If you do not want to keep the item you have found you can
instead take gold (gp) equal to its printed value and shuffle the card back into the item deck. DO
NOT record the gold on the treasure track, instead, jot it on the scrap paper as the treasure
track is not used in these rules. If you find one of the unused weapon cards this can be
allocated to one of the warriors that currently only has one weapon card. Warriors can now carry
two weapons cards, as explained later.

If you roll a 1 while searching for treasure you have dallied too long in the dungeon and have
been discovered by a wandering patrol!. Roll 2 D6s; the first die represents the type of monster
that has found you, odd numbers for , even numbers for . The second die represents
the number of these monsters to spawn. These new monsters can be fought and looted as

Carrying Two Weapons

Each warrior can now carry two different weapon cards but can only have one card equipped at
any given time. The warrior can switch between each weapon card at the cost of one action
action during his activation.

If a weapon card is discovered as loot and the warrior wanting to claim it already has two
weapon cards equipped she can discard one of the already equipped cards, shuffle it back into
the item deck, and claim the new weapon.

Gaining Experience (No More Treasure Track!)

Warriors no longer gain treasure from defeated monsters, instead they gain experience points
(xp). Still roll the monster dice upon defeating them and track the number on the treasure
(yellow) track, however, this can no longer be spent to buy items, instead, this experience can
be accrued, representing the warrior gaining knowledge and expertise, and can be used as

5xp - can be used immediately to reroll any one dice

10xp - can be used immediately to reroll any number of dice on any one test
15xp - can be used between adventures to raise any character skill modifier (not dice) by +1,
including maximum health
20xp - can be used between adventures to learn any skill from any other ability card. This skill
can then be used as per its existing rules.

Used xp is immediately removed from the yellow track. Unused xp at the end of an adventure
can be rolled over to future adventures (recorded on a scrap of paper), or spent to level up if
you have saved enough!

Knocked Out Heroes

If a hero is reduced to zero health during an adventure they are assumed to be heavily wounded
and are being helped through the dungeon by their mates. They can no longer activate or take
any actions. If the remaining heroes clear the dungeon then the knocked out hero is dragged
back to town, beaten and bruised but otherwise good to recuperate and join the next adventure
without penalty.

Alternatively, if the remaining hero or heroes don't think that they can complete the dungeon
they can attempt to ecort their wounded allies back to the starting tile and out of the dungeon. If
they attempt this roll a D6 at the end of every turn, on a 1 they have been ambushed as per the
Ambush! rules above. If any hero makes it back to the starting tile then it is assumed that they
have helped all of their wounded friends back to town, however, the KO'd heroes lose all of their
saved xp, gp, loot, and aditional weapons, representing them having to drop everything and flee
the dungeon.

If there is a total party kill then the adventurers are lost to the darkness and never seen again.
Roll up a new party and start anew!

Between Adventures (Town Phase)

As mentioned above, warriors can now level up and gain new skills between adventures, if the
have saved enough xp to do so. This represents them reflecting on their adventures and putting
to practice the lessons they have learned.

Between adventures the heroes can also visit the local vendors and craftsmen and purchase
their wares. Shuffle the item deck and reveal the top 5 cards, these are the items that are
available to purchase. If the heroes found any gold in the dungeon then this can be spent here.
Any items that they carried out of the dungeon but no longer want can be sold for their printed
value, and this can be spent in the shop on the new items. Shuffle the discarded items back into
the item deck.

If any unused weapons cards are revealed in the 5 drawn for the shop then these can be bought
for 10gp each. Unwanted weapons can also be sold for 10gp.

[To be added - Table of town events to aid and hinder the party between dungeons]

Record your heroes saved xp, gp, items, and any increases in modifers or learned skills on a
scrap of paper so that hese can be carried forwards into the next adventure. Reset their health
back to max and their energy back to zero before they venture into the next dungeon.

Link your adventures together, devise an overarching narrative to your dungeon crawls, create
back stories and motivations for your heroes and let the campaign create its own emergent

Strength Dexterity Wisdom Charisma
Blue Rune Green Rune Red Rune Yellow Rune
T1 Enemy T1M1 Enemy T1M2 Enemy T1R1 Enemy
T1R2 Enemy T2 Enemy T2M1 Enemy T2M2 Enemy
T2M3 Enemy T2R1 Enemy T2R2 Enemy T2R3 Enemy
T3 Enemy T3-1 Enemy T3-2 Enemy T3-3 Enemy
T3-4 Enemy T3-5 Enemy T3-6 Enemy Energy
Treasure Health Point of Melee
Ranged Defense

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