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Gobbit - The Rules PDF

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The wild Chameleons Island

2 moons have passed since our Captain OldChap’s last

adventure on the talking parrots island. Sailing through the
warm sea of the Ocean, our crew is enjoying a peaceful cruise,
when, all of a sudden...
«Shore ahead !”, and what a peculiar island this is...
Savanna, Icy summits and erupted volcanoes stand side to
side on a few miles. After a difficult landing, our crew discover
inhospitable banks which indicate how tough surviving these
lands is for its inhabitants.
Flyquitoes, these strange and fat flies, cruising in the
air as a crab would on the sand, are trying to escape from
the extensible tongues of the chameleons; whereas vicious
snakes, ready to strike, hungrily stare at this ballet...
A little further, deep footsteps, and, amazingly, even
deeper fiststeps lead a way through the other landscapes of
the island.
Is there more here than meets the eye ? What other
preys and predators is our crew going to find ?

Game set-up
First you need to clear your table from all object and
glasses that might be on it.

Shuffle up and deal evenly all the cards to all players.

None of you should look at them. These cards will be each
player’s own drawing deck.

The hungriest player starts.

The aim of this game is to preserve your cards while
stealing the other players’ ones. A full match of Gobb’it is a
succession of small rounds. In order to win a round, you must
be the last player with remaining cards.

If you wish to calculate scores, refer to chapter «scores»


On your marks, get set, eat !
Running of the game

Following the table’s order, each player quickly draw the

first card of his drawing deck and put it face up in front of
him on the table. These cards will be referred to as face-up

Each player must quickly draw his card, flipping them

towards the other players.

The last card put on the face-up deck is the one that is
to be taken into count by every players, and as long as it is

During the game, you may sometimes have no face-up deck

Game overview

Each time you put a new card on your face-up deck, you
temporarily become the animal pictured on it. There are 4
different types of animal, belonging to one food chain.
Description of this chain is made in chapter the The Law of
the Jungle p.6

As a consequence, you will often find you into preys/predators

conflicts. You will then need to show remarkable reflexes in
order to survive. Solving conflicts is explained in the chapter
‘Conflicts’ p.8-9

As long as you have an animal visible on top of your face-up

deck, it is active !
So pay attention ! A conflict involving you might happen at
any moment...

The Law of the Jungle
The food chain

Eat Eat

Flyquitoes Chameleons Snakes Gorillas

Snakes eat Chameleons
Chameleons eat Flyquitoes
Snakes do NOT eat Flyquitoes
Gorillas do NOT eat but KILL Snakes, Chameleons and
Flyquitoes, unfortunately for them, do not eat nor kill anyone.


Each colour represents one of the landscapes of the Gobb’it


Savannas Icy Mountains Volcanoes

Animals may eat or kill one another

ONLY if they are of the same colour.

Flyquitoes always come by pairs. If of 2 different colours,

they may be eaten or killed by predators from both colours.

Conflicts (how to eat)
When a conflict situation occurs, meaning when one animal
on a top of a face-up deck may eat another one visible on
top of another face-up deck, the player whose animal is the
predator has to as fast as possible put his hand on his prey’s
face-up deck.

The player whose animal is the prey has to protect

himself by putting his hand on its own face-up deck.

The quickest player will be allowed to take all the cards

of this face-up deck and put them under his own drawing

If you are a predator and you successfully eat a prey’s

face-up deck, you only put under your drawing deck the
cards you just ate, and not your own face-up deck.

Conflicts (how to kill)
If a gorilla is the predator, the prey is not eaten but
killed. Therefore, face up decks successfully slammed by
gorillas are sent to the graveyard. Refer to the chapter
graveyard below.
If a player successfully protects himself from a gorilla,
he can put all his face-up deck under his drawing deck.
If a player makes a mistake (attacks/defends a face-
up deck which couldn’t/needn’t be), his whole face-up deck
instantly goes to the graveyard.

The graveyard
The graveyard is a pile of cards put face down at the
centre of the table where end all animals that have been
killed. It is created with the first kill, and will keep growing
as the set goes on. There is no graveyard at the beginning
of a round.

Killed animals are never to be recovered... So be quick but

smart !

« Gobb’it ! »
From the moment there is a graveyard, if one (or more)
flyquitoes of each colour is visible among the face-up decks,
all players must quickly put their hand on the Graveyard and
loudly say Gobb’it !

The game pauses when a Gobb’it occurs.

Among the players who have a face-up deck in front of

them, the last one who hit the graveyard must give his face-
up deck to the first player who did the Gobb’it move.
All other players recover their own face-up deck and put
it back below at the bottom of their drawing deck.

The player who won the Gobb’it move is the one to restart
the game.

When a Gobb’it happens, all other conflicts situation are

ignored. Only the Gobb’it move counts. So just rush the
Graveyard when you hear Gobb’it !

Poltergeists :
If a player loses all his cards, he instantly becomes one
of the Poltergeists of the island. He cannot win anymore, but
he can make the other players lose. A Poltergeist can kill,
and therefore send to the graveyard, identical cards : same
animal and same colour.
In the case of flyquitoes, it has to be the same pair of

exempla 1 exempla 2
If a Poltergeist successfully put his hand(s) on one or
several face-up decks, these decks end in the graveyard.
Still living players can of course protect themselves from
slamming Poltergeists. If so, they can recover their face-up
deck and put it back at the bottom of their own drawing deck.
If a Poltergeist strikes with no reason, the unjustified
attacked player is allowed to recover his face-up deck to
his drawing deck.

End of a round
As long as a player has cards in one of his decks, he is not
dead and keeps playing, even if his drawing deck is empty.
The drawing turn simply skips this player as long as he does
not recover any cards.

As soon as only one player has remaining cards, he wins

the current round.

If all remaining players are simultaneously killed, there is

then no winner for this round.

Before starting a Gobb’it, you may decide a number of
points to reach in order to win the game.
For your first time, 12 points should be a good choice.
Once a set is over, the winning player is to count all the
chameleons he has. He scores 1 point per chameleon plus 1
point for his victory.
You will sometimes find yourself in situations where several
predators can attack the same prey. The quickest one will
be the one to eat it. You might also be able to attack several
preys at the same time, it is yours to try to eat them all. You
might also be a prey and a predator at the same time; try to
judge if it is better to attack or protect yourself, or try to
do both if you can.

Attacking beats an error

If a predator attacks the face-up deck of a prey who makes a
mistake, and even if this prey corrects and protects himself, the
cards are eaten by the predator, and not sent to the graveyard.
Barely touching = slamming
If a player touches a face-up deck or the graveyard, even just
a little, it is considered as an attack , a defence or a gobb’it
move, regarding the situation. On the contrary, if players do
not directly touch a deck (e.g. there is an opponent’s hand
between yours and the deck you were aiming), they are not
making mistakes.
Double or Nothing
When all players’ drawing decks are run out and that it
leads to a blocked situation, they can chose :

whether to end this round. More than one player may

have points this way.
whether to pick the cards of their face-up deck, shuffle
them, and go for a final draw.
King of the Island
When only one player is drawing cards, he does not put
the cards he protects under his drawing deck, but he puts
them face down on the side.
If another player starts drawing cards again, he has to
put all these cards back in his drawing deck ; but if he
succeeds in putting all of his cards on the side, remaining
players then find themselves in a double or nothing situation
(refer to the above chapter).
Expert Variation
Did you notice that there were 6 different back designs
of cards ? Perfect !
In the expert version of Gobb’it, you will have to pay
attention to the drawing visible on the back of the card
which is on the top of the graveyard. This drawing indicates
one more rule which all players need to obey. Refer to chapter
Experts rules p16.
As cards regularly go the graveyard, this one more rule
will regularly change during the set.

You only pay attention to the back of the card visible at the
top of the graveyard, so there will only be one expert rule
active at a time.

If this rule is not respected or forgotten, it will be

considered as a mistake, and so the considered player will
have to discard his face-up deck to the graveyard.

Experts rules :

Conflicts now take place only if the prey(s) and the

predator(s) are from different colours.
Only one different colour is needed for the

The food chain order is upside down ! From now on,

flyquitoes eat chameleon, and chameleons eat snakes.
Gorillas remain the ultimate predators.

Identical animals now eat themselves ! The food

chain becomes a colour chain as below :


Red Yellow

Each time a conflict occurs, you have to shout the
first name of the person you are attacking or defending
from. A player with a hand on top may win if he clearly
says the first name before its opponent. A delay in saying
the name is not considered as a mistake as long as the
cards are not picked up.

Players do not draw and flip their cards following

the table’s turn anymore, but all count to 3 and flip them
quickly simultaneously.

You will now need to clap your hands immediately

before attacking or defending yourself. You will have
to clap once if attacking/protecting from an immediate
neighbour ; twice if there is a seat between you, three
times if there are 2 seats, and so on... There isn’t a way
in which you have to count these seats; the shorter, the

Circle of Life Mode
This mode has been made for the most forbearing of you.

1) There are no more Poltergeists ;

2) The Gobb’it rule is modified as follows :
The first player to make the Gobb’it move does not take
the cards of the slowest, but all the cards that were in the
graveyard at that time.

For its part, the slowest player having cards, puts his
face-up deck at the centre of the table, therefore making
it the new graveyard.

This mode allows you to come back in the game, even if you
have run out of cards, by winning a Gobb’it move. There isn’t
any points to count, as the goal of this mode is to be the
ultimate survivor, with all the cards of the game.

A game created by Paul-Adrien Tournier, Jean-Baptiste
Frémaux and Thomas Luzurier.
Illustrated by Nicolas Fumanal
Acknowledgements :
To Segolène Louzeau, Thomas Neveu, Eloïse Chabbal,
Benoît Faguet, Alban Perennes (1st fan of the game),
Emmanuel Van Den Broek, Kenza Benani, Aurélien Panhaleux,
Nadège Corman (Official Gobb’it champion on prototypes) and
Jérôme Luzurier for their contribution and big help.
To all of our friends and families, who followed the
creation of the game and allowed us to make it what it is
today, piece by piece.
To the FLIP’s organisers and all of the players who there,
for an hour or the whole day, sat and play with us.
To all the other boardgame geeks who played with us, too
numerous to mention, but who deserve their small space in
To all of you, who bought the game and are ready to share
lots of laughs and emotions around Gobb’it !
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