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Zpocalypse Reference Sheet by Universal Head

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by Universal Head

Another game aid


Esoteric Order of Gamers

Tabletop game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles,

interviews, reviews and lots more at


These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.



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Greenbrier Games (2013)

Rules summary front
Rules summary back
Play reference front x2
Play reference back x2

Feb 2014

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

Universal Head. Design That Works.

Choose your starting base tile set (4 tiles with a matching
colored glow) and place them together to form your starting
base. The Hotel Lobby is recommended for first time players,
and the Park is for experienced players. Decide which side of
the remaining tiles to play and shuffle them into a stack.
Shuffle the following card types into separate decks: Survivors,
Armory, Food, Items, Scavenge and Somethings Happened!
Shuffle the Scenario cards and the Daily Goal card decks.
Place the Search tokens facedown (X side up) in a pile.
Place the Bunker near the base tile set and place 2 Survivor
cards and 2 Armory cards facedown under it. Place the Victory
Point tracker board near the base tile set.
Each player chooses a color and takes the matching Squad
board. Choose any 2 hero miniatures, attach them to your
matching squad base, and place this miniature in the bunker.
Place your matching pawn on the starting space of the Victory
Point Tracker board.
Draw a Scenario card and follow the setup instructions. Though
it may vary according to the scenario, each player usually starts
with the following cards drawn from the decks:

Daily Goal card (place facedown on your Squad board),

card, and
cards (these must be Melee or Firearm cards).

Players may choose to wait until after the first Scavenge phase
to record their stats on their Squad board.
When a card is used, discard it faceup to the appropriate
discard pile. When a deck is exhausted, shuffle the discard pile
to create a new facedown deck.

Your squad is made up of a maximum of 4 survivors. Additional
survivors may be kept facedown in the bunker as a common
survivor pool for all players.
Hit Points (HPs) and
Armor are equal to the sum of your
survivors stats in each of these categories.
Melee are equal to the sum of your
Firearm and
survivors stats in each of these categories, and never
Movement is equal to the slowest squad member.

Smarts is equal to that of your smartest squad member.
Each survivor has a special ability that can only be used once
per day unless otherwise specified. Combat abilities apply to
both of the squads actions during their turn.
Place cards underneath Survivor cards to indicate who is
holding what. Each survivor can carry a maximum of 4 cards
(any combination of Armory, Item or Food cards).
If you exceed your carry limit, drop the extra card(s)
immediately. Place a Death token of your color on the card(s),
and leave the second token on the square where you dropped
them. The first squad to get to the token can pick up your gear
for 1 action. The token stays on the board until all the gear is
taken or the Combat phase ends. If your gear is still on the
map when the phase ends, it is removed from the game.

Skill Points: When you reach red

and green
spots on the
Victory Point tracker you are awarded the skill points indicated
on the Scenario card matching that color level. You must spend
the points immediately. Skill points are used to increase firearm
or melee stats on a 1 for 1 basis.

A game is played over a series of days, each of which consists
of 4 phases.

A survivor who eats any amount of radioactive food loses 1 HP.

Place a Radiation token on the survivors card as a reminder.
If you use a 2 Food card to feed 1 survivor, the card is still
discarded. You may trade or beg for food from other players.
Only active (fed) survivors may build fortifications and act in the
Combat phase. Unfed survivors leave your squad and are placed
in the common survivor pool in the bunker.
If you cannot feed any of your survivors, choose one to keep and
lose 2 HPs (you must show the other players you have no food).

The scenario card describes the story, setup and objective. At

the end of the indicated number of days, add up your total VPs,
including VPs from any cards you have: whoever has the most
VPs is the winner.
When the Goal, Challenge, or both are completed on a Daily Goal
card, the card is discarded and the appropriate VPs awarded.


The player with the least Victory Points (VPs)
goes first.
If VPs are tied (or on the first turn of the game), roll a red
die and the highest roller goes first. Play proceeds clockwise.
Experienced players may complete this phase at the same time.

During this phase you may spend 2 Food to look at all the
Survivor cards in the bunker and select one for your squad.
Decide on your squad of up to 4 survivors and assign your cards
to them. Each survivor may only carry up to 4 Armory, Food and
Item cards; you must give any extra cards to other players or
place them faceup next to the bunker.
Finally, tally all your squad stats and record them on your Squad
board. Note that survivors who ate radioactive food (and have a
Radiation token) have 1 less HP.

2. Fortify
Each player may build fortifications.

1. Draw Daily Goal Cards

Each player draws a Daily Goal card.

You may build as many fortifications as you have active survivors

to allocate, but each survivor may only work on
and scrap
one task per day.

2. Draw Scavenge Cards

In turn order, each player draws a Scavenge card, reads it aloud,
then rolls a number of red dice equal to their squads Smarts (if
Smarts are 0, roll 1 die). Any roll of 5 or Z ( ) is a success.

If you drew a Night Owl Scavenge card in the Scavenge phase,

you cannot build fortifications.
Used Scrap cards are discarded to the Scrap deck discard pile.

Your success or failure determines how many Armory, Food and

Item cards you receive and how many zombies are on the new
tile you place.
Special cards may require you to make 2 checks: one for the
special event, and the second to see what supplies you get.
Any new survivor cards are placed sideways in front of you. You
may not use any of their stats or special abilities until they have
been fed in the next phase, however they may carry up to the
standard 4 cards.
After drawing new cards, draw a new tile, attach it to an existing
tile, and place the indicated number of zombies
on the tile
on any square(s) without a . Zombies must always be able to
move towards the bunker entrance or players.
Tiles may be connected in any way, though matching tile
borders is recommended. If you choose to place the tile as close
as possible to the bunker entrance square, you get 1 VP. Any
tile that belongs to a base tile set must always be connected to
the other 3 tiles with the matching colored border.
On the third day, return all the tiles (discarding fortification
tokens on them) to the stack and reshuffle all of them into a
new tile stack, this time using their opposite sides. Set up a
new base tile set and begin exploring a new area, rebuilding the
board off the new base tile set.

Survivors Required

Scrap Cost


When 4 single or double zombies are adjacent to the lookout,

it acts the same as a wall. On the next turn it turns into rubble
and anyone on the space takes 1 red die of direct damage,
ignoring Armor, and loses both their actions next turn. At a cost
of 1 action a survivor may jump down from a lookout into an
adjacent empty square.


One player draws and reads aloud a Somethings Happened card.
Then draw 1 new tile per player and attach them to existing
tiles closest to the bunker entrance (no VPs are gained). Any
tile that belongs to a base tile set must always be connected to
other tiles with a matching colored border.
Place the number of zombies indicated (depending on the
night) on each tile. Place them on
whenever possible, but never on
squares. Zombies must
always be able to move towards the bunker entrance or players.
The card also indicates the movement speed
the Combat phase.

of zombies in


The Combat phase starts with each squad in the bunker (unless
indicated otherwise by a card). The Combat phase ends when
all zombies have been killed or all squads have been killed.

- 1

Special Rules Each Night

Night 1: Normal rules.

Night 2: Add an extra red die to each double zombie attack roll.


Night 3: Zombies move and attack first. Squad defensive roll

successes are reduced to Z (normally 5 or Z).




Fortifications cannot be placed anywhere on a tile that has

zombie(s) on it, or on any space with a
on it.
Each fortification you build adds to your total VPs: record these
by moving your pawn up the Victory Point Tracker.
Sandbags are placed on the edge of a square. When a zombie
moves over one, its move ends and it cannot attack during its next
turn. Squads must spend an extra Move point to move over a
sandbag. Both zombies and survivors can attack over a sandbag.
Barbed Wire Traps are placed on squares. 2 zombies can fall
into a trap and be killed (no one gains VPs for zombies killed in
this way). When 1 zombie is killed by the trap, flip the token;
when 2 have been killed, remove the token from the board.


Walls are placed on the edge of a square. When a double

zombie reaches a wall placed by a player, it is blocked for 1
round of combat. On the next round remove the wall from the
board. On the third round, the zombie can continue to move.
Survivors cannot move through walls.

1. Feed Survivors and Squad Maintenance

Restore any Health lost and discard Radiation tokens placed the
previous day.

Gates are placed on the edge of a square. They act the same
as regular walls, but survivors can move freely through them.
Survivors may not attack through gates.

Feed each of your survivors 1 Food (normal

or radioactive
by discarding the cards to the Food deck discard pile.

A single zombie cannot push over a wall or a gate: it tries for 1

round, then looks for another way in.

are placed on squares. Nothing blocks the LOS
of a survivor using a firearm from a lookout space. A survivor
may only use melee weapons from a lookout space which have
a range of 2.

Night 4: Zombies move and attack first. Squads get no

defensive rolls.

1. Player Actions
In turn order, each player takes 2 of the following actions:
Attack (Firearm / Melee) using Armory cards.
Move a number of squares up to your Move stat.
Heal 6 HPs damage by discarding a First Aid


Search spaces on the board with a Search icon.

Any player standing in the bunker during the Combat phase may
pick up the faceup pile of Item cards next to it for 1 action and
choose which cards to take.
A squad may also take 1 free action per turn:
Trade Food and Items cards with adjacent squads.
You may not trade Armory or Survivor cards during this phase.
Reload Discard 1 Ammo card. If you dont have any ammo for
a firearm it cannot be used: turn the card on its side.
Rearrange weapons among survivors in your squad.

2. Zombie Actions
When all players have taken their actions, the zombies
move and attack.
During nights 3 and 4 zombies move and attack first.

The number of zombies you may place on the board is limited
by the number provided with the game.

You may search a Search square you are standing
on as an action. Roll red dice equal to your squads
Smarts: for each success (5 or Z) draw 1 card from
the deck matching the symbol inside the search icon.
Now draw a Search token and place it on the space
with the number side faceup.

White numbers are the minimum number of Smarts you need to
roll to search again.
When a location is successfully searched a second time, flip the
token to the X side to show the location is exhausted.
Red numbers mean you must place that number of zombies
adjacent to you; then flip the token to the X side to show the
location is exhausted.

General Movement
Zombies and squads may never occupy the same square.
A squad may pass through a square occupied by another squad.
All figures may move diagonally, but diagonal movement through
doorways, or around corners, is not allowed.
No squad or zombie can move through or into squares with a
or through a red line.
It costs 1 Move point to move from the bunker to the board, or
to move from the bunker to a tunnel entrance on the board.
The bunker acts as a single square for all purposes.
It costs 1 Move point to move through a tunnel
(there must be a tunnel entrance on the board).
Zombies may not use tunnels unless noted.

Squad Movement
Squads may move twice by using both their actions (but they
may not then attack).
It costs 2 Move points for a squad to move onto a yield
on it (and 4 Move points to
square or over a sandbag with a
move onto a trap with
A squad who starts their turn on, or moves through, a biohazard
or radiation
square loses 1 HP.

Zombie Movement
The player with the most VPs moves the zombies (other players
may help), starting with the zombies closest to their goals (the
bunker or nearby squads). Zombies always move the maximum
number of squares possible along the shortest path to the
bunker entrance, moving around all objects except sandbags
and traps. They move towards a squad instead of the bunker if,
at any time, the squad comes within 4 squares and LOS.
Single zombies (grey) become double zombies (lime green)
when they move into the same square; create double zombies
whenever possible. Otherwise, zombies may pass through a
square occupied by other zombies, but if their movement is
blocked by another zombie, they push those zombies along.
A zombie must stop after it moves over a player-placed sandbag;
otherwise it ignores all yield
If given a choice of attacking or moving towards more than 1
squad, the zombies split, with the larger group attacking the
player with the higher VPs. On a VP tie, both players roll a red
die: the higher roller gets 1 fewer zombie.
Once the bunker is breached and there are no survivors left
inside, zombies gain +2 Movement and always move
towards the closest squad.

Each survivor in your squad who wields a weapon can roll the
number of red dice shown on the Armory card the survivor is
using (according to your squads skill level in the type of weapon).
Each survivor can only use 1 weapon at a time (unless the
Duel Wield ability has been unlocked, in which case both
weapons must have this ability).

Zombies Attacking
A squad attacked by a zombie must make a defence roll. Roll
a red die for each survivor in your squad. Each 5 or Z result
prevents 1 zombie from attacking.
Night 3: Defensive roll successes are reduced to Z.
Night 4: Squads get no defensive rolls.

The maximum number of red dice you can roll is 8.

Zombies still attacking after the defence roll each roll 1 red die
(double zombies roll 2 red dice).

For each success rolled (5 or Z) you kill a single zombie and

gain 1 VP. After one success against a double zombie, replace it
with a single zombie.

Add up the total result and subtract your squads Armor. Reduce
your squads HP by the final result.

Roll red attack dice (and blue ammo dice) for firearms first,
then roll red attack dice (and blue ammo dice if necessary) for
melee weapons. Firearm and melee weapon attack dice can be
rolled simultaneously if the target is within range and LOS of
both. You may change targets between actions.

If the zombies roll double Zs, immediately lose a survivor from

your squad (dropping any cards he carried), and add a zombie
to the board adjacent to your squad. Then recalculate your
squads HPs, Armor, Smarts and Movement as a result. Finally,
tally the result of damage, ignoring the double Z results.

LOS (line of sight) is blocked by squads, zombies, walls, red

lines and squares with a
(unless youre in a lookout tower).

On Deaths Door: If your squads total HPs are below 10

and double Zs are rolled by attacking zombies, instead of
subtracting a survivors total HP from your squad, reduce your
total HPs by 2. However still subtract their Armor and adjust
your Move and Smarts if necessary.

Firearm Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie within the

firearms range and in LOS (you may shoot at adjacent squares).
Take the total attack dice and ammo dice for all the firearms
being used and roll them together. Check your firearm skill level
to see what numbers count as a success. The first successes
rolled kill the targeted zombie(s) and subsequent successes kill
zombies on or adjacent to the target zombie within LOS.
Melee Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie within
the melee weapons range and LOS (you may attack adjacent
Take the total attack dice (and ammo dice, if necessary) for all
the melee weapons being used and roll them together. Check
your melee skill level to see what numbers count as a success.
Any successes rolled kill the targeted zombie(s).
Out of Ammo: Each CLICK you roll on a blue die means a
a weapon is out of ammo.

Bullets on the dice have no function. You may choose which
weapon is out of ammo if you fired several at the same time.
Unarmed: Unarmed survivors may roll a 1 red die melee attack,
with a success on a Z result.

Weapon Cards
Each card has a VP

Nights 2-4: Double zombies roll 3 red dice.

Zombies in the Bunker

When a zombie enters the bunker, and there are no squads
there, it attacks the unattended survivors. Each zombie turns
1 survivor into a zombie. The next round, those 2 turn 2 more,
etc. This continues until either a squad intervenes or all are
turned into zombies.
The bunker aways counts as 1 square, so if a squad goes into
the bunker to attack the zombies, everyone in the bunker may
attack on their turn. You may not fire or attack into or out of the
bunker entrance: if there are zombies inside the bunker, you
must enter in order to attack them.
When you have run out of unclaimed survivors there is no
chance to restart your squad. If a survivor dies during this
round, they lose all the equipment they were carrying. The
rest of the players may continue. Zombies are now enraged:
they gain +2 Movement and move towards the closest squad
regardless of LOS. Combat does not end until everyoneliving
or undeadis dead.

value tallied up at the end of the game.

Ammo Check: This means that the weapon requires ammo. You
must roll 1 blue die when attacking. If you roll a CLICK on this
die, you are out of ammo. Discarding an Ammo item card
reload your weapon is a free action.
Special Weapon Traits: On your turn, you may choose which
special ability to use but only if you meet the prerequisite level
of the ability. Once you have reached the level to unlock a trait,
you have the option to use it if you are at a higher level. For
each action a special ability can only be applied once. Roll for
weapons with traits separately.
Knockdown: You knock over a single zombie, instead of killing
it. Knockdowns occur when you roll 1 face value less then your
skill requires on a red die. Place the knocked down miniature
on its side. Any player may then spend 1 action to automatically
curb stomp its face for the kill.
On the next zombie turn, if the zombie was left alive it gets
back up. It cannot move, but may attack a survivor within range.
You cannot knockdown double zombies.
Range (bottom right hand corner): The distance, in squares, at
which you can attack a zombie. You must have LOS.
Range for Thrown: Roll this number of red dice to determine
the maximum number of squares the object may be thrown.
Amor: Added to your total Armor stat.

Explosives do not have a fixed range. Instead, roll the number

of red dice shown on the card to see how many squares you can
throw the explosive. The target square must be equal to or less
than the number rolled.
The square in which the explosive lands and all 8 adjacent
squares are affected. Any single or double zombie in the center
of the blast is automatically killed.
Then roll the number of dice listed on the card. The number
of successes equal how many zombies are killed in the
surrounding 8 squares (gain 1 VP per zombie killed as normal).
Explosive damage is dealt within LOS; therefore walls block
the blast. Fortifications caught in the blast are destroyed and
removed from the board
If another squad is in the blast radius, roll the damage dice,
killing off zombies as normal. Any dice that are not absorbed by
zombies in the blast are applied to the squad as damage. If you
throw the explosive on the square of a fellow survivor, use the
dropping the explosive rules for that squad.

Dropping the explosive

If you roll double 1s on your range dice you have dropped the
explosive. Roll the number of damage dice: each 5 or Z kills
1 survivor in your squad. The total of any remaining dice is
applied to your squad as normal attack damage, minus Armor.
Adjacent zombies are not affected.

Using explosives in the bunker

Even though the bunker is treated as 1 square, all zombies
are not automatically killed. Roll the damage dice and kill
the number of zombies matching the successes. Players take
damage as above as if they are in the blast radius.


When a survivor is killed, another zombie is added to the map
adjacent to your miniature. Remove your survivor from the game
and recalculate your squads HPs, Armor, Smarts and Movement
as a result. The game continues, with your remaining survivors
continuing to fight.
If you have no HPs left, arrange your hand of cards
(items and weapons) into a pile, placing a Death
token matching your color on top of them. Leave a
second token on the square where all your gear just
dropped. Pick 2 new survivors from the draw pile
in the bunker, and start your next turn in the bunker. Take the 2
Armory starting cards if they are still available. These survivors
form your new squad. Set your Squad board accordingly.
Easy Mode: Keep your firearm and melee skills at the same
level. This keeps the game fun and easy if there are remaining
survivors who can reform your squad.
Hardcore: When your squad dies, reset both firearm and melee
skills back to 0.
The first squad to stand on the same square as your Death token
on the board can pick up loot for 1 action. The token stays on
the board until all your possessions are taken or the Combat
phase ends. If your gear is still on the board when the phase
ends, it is removed from the game.
Starting Day 2+: If you were eaten by zombies, and there were
no survivors left in the bunker for you to recruit, roll 1 red die
for scavenging and gain whatever survivors and items you may
find on the Scavenging card to start your new day.

First Aid
On your turn, you may spend a First Aid item card and use one
action to add 6 HPs, up to your maximum. The card is then


The Day Zero scenario is a quick play cooperative scenario
where all players must work together to find the bunker, and is a
shortened game with some quick and dirty combat.
The scenario is a Combat phase only game; all previous phases
are skipped. Start with just 1 tile and on each players turn their
squad may walk off the board and place a new tile.
Setup: Remove 1 Bunker Entrance tile from the game, and
shuffle the other Bunker Entrance tile into the bottom half of
the tile stack. Have all players start on a Road tile. Follow the
instructions on the Scenario card for starting survivors and
On a players turn they may spend 1 action to walk off the map
and draw a new tile. Zombies have 3 Movement and move
towards the closest squad, even without LOS.
When a new tile is placed, roll a red die to determine how many
zombies spawn on that tile. When the Bunker Entrance tile
is drawn, place an additional red die roll worth of zombies on
that tile.


The player with the least Victory Points (VPs)


goes first.

1. Draw Daily Goal Cards

Each player draws a Daily Goal card.
2. Draw Scavenge Cards
In turn order, each player draws a Scavenge card and rolls a
Smarts check. Any roll of 5 or Z ( ) is a success.
After drawing new cards, draw a new tile, attach it to an
existing tile, and place the indicated number of zombies
on the tile on any square(s) without a . If you choose to
place the tile as close as possible to the bunker entrance
square, you get 1 VP.
On the third day, set up a new base tile set from the
opposite side of the tiles and shuffle a new draw stack.

The player with the least Victory Points (VPs)

Draw 1 new tile per player and attach them to existing tiles
closest to the bunker entrance (no VPs).

1. Draw Daily Goal Cards

Each player draws a Daily Goal card.

Place the number of zombies indicated (depending on the

night) on each tile. Place them on
whenever possible, but never on


Special Rules Each Night
Night 2: +1 red die to each double zombie attack roll.
Night 3: Zombies move and attack first. Squad defensive

roll successes are reduced to Z (normally 5 or Z).
Night 4: Zombies move and attack first. Squads get no

defensive rolls.


1. Feed Survivors and Squad Maintenance
Restore any Health lost and discard Radiation tokens placed
the previous day.
Feed each of your survivors 1 Food (normal
or radioactive
) by discarding the cards to the Food deck discard pile.
A survivor who eats any amount of radioactive food loses 1
HP (place a Radiation token on the survivors card).
Only active (fed) survivors may build fortifications and act in
the Combat phase. Unfed survivors leave your squad and are
placed in the common survivor pool in the bunker.


One player draws and reads a Somethings Happened card.

1. Player Actions
In turn order, each player takes 2 of the following actions:
Attack (Firearm / Melee) using Armory cards.
Move a number of squares up to your Move stat.
Heal 6 HPs damage by discarding a First Aid


Search spaces on the board with a Search icon.

Any player standing in the bunker during the Combat phase
may pick up the faceup pile of Item cards next to it for 1
action and choose which cards to take.
A squad may also take 1 free action per turn:


goes first.

One player draws and reads a Somethings Happened card.

Draw 1 new tile per player and attach them to existing tiles
closest to the bunker entrance (no VPs).

2. Draw Scavenge Cards

In turn order, each player draws a Scavenge card and rolls a
Smarts check. Any roll of 5 or Z ( ) is a success.
After drawing new cards, draw a new tile, attach it to an
existing tile, and place the indicated number of zombies
on the tile on any square(s) without a . If you choose to
place the tile as close as possible to the bunker entrance
square, you get 1 VP.
On the third day, set up a new base tile set from the
opposite side of the tiles and shuffle a new draw stack.

Place the number of zombies indicated (depending on the

night) on each tile. Place them on
whenever possible, but never on


Special Rules Each Night
Night 2: +1 red die to each double zombie attack roll.
Night 3: Zombies move and attack first. Squad defensive

roll successes are reduced to Z (normally 5 or Z).
Night 4: Zombies move and attack first. Squads get no

defensive rolls.


1. Feed Survivors and Squad Maintenance
Restore any Health lost and discard Radiation tokens placed
the previous day.
Feed each of your survivors 1 Food (normal
or radioactive
) by discarding the cards to the Food deck discard pile.
A survivor who eats any amount of radioactive food loses 1
HP (place a Radiation token on the survivors card).
Only active (fed) survivors may build fortifications and act in
the Combat phase. Unfed survivors leave your squad and are
placed in the common survivor pool in the bunker.

1. Player Actions
In turn order, each player takes 2 of the following actions:
Attack (Firearm / Melee) using Armory cards.
Move a number of squares up to your Move stat.
Heal 6 HPs damage by discarding a First Aid


Search spaces on the board with a Search icon.

Any player standing in the bunker during the Combat phase
may pick up the faceup pile of Item cards next to it for 1
action and choose which cards to take.
A squad may also take 1 free action per turn:

During this phase you may spend 2 Food to look at all the
Survivor cards in the bunker and select one for your squad.

Trade Food and Items cards with adjacent squads.

You may not trade Armory or Survivor cards this phase.

During this phase you may spend 2 Food to look at all the
Survivor cards in the bunker and select one for your squad.

Trade Food and Items cards with adjacent squads.

You may not trade Armory or Survivor cards this phase.

Decide on your squad of up to 4 survivors and assign your

cards to them. Each survivor may only carry up to 4 Armory,
Food and Item cards.

Reload Discard 1 Ammo card. If you dont have any ammo

for a firearm it cannot be used: turn the card on its side.

Decide on your squad of up to 4 survivors and assign your

cards to them. Each survivor may only carry up to 4 Armory,
Food and Item cards.

Reload Discard 1 Ammo card. If you dont have any ammo

for a firearm it cannot be used: turn the card on its side.

Tally all your squad stats and record them on your Squad
board. Survivors with a Radiation token have 1 less HP.

2. Fortify
Each player may build fortifications. You may build as many
fortifications as you have active survivors and scrap
, but
each survivor may only work on one task per day.

Survivors Required

Scrap Cost



- 1





Fortifications cannot be placed anywhere on a tile that

has zombie(s) on it, or on any space with a
on it.
Each fortification you build adds to your total VPs.

Rearrange weapons among survivors in your squad.

2. Zombie Actions
When all players have taken their actions, the zombies
move and attack. During nights 3 and 4 zombies move and
attack first.

You may search a Search square you are standing
on as an action. Roll a Smarts check: for each
success (5 or Z) draw 1 card from the deck
matching the symbol inside the search icon.
Place a Search token on the space with the
number side faceup. White numbers are the

minimum Smarts number you need to roll to
search again. After being searched successfully a second
time, flip the token to show the location is exhausted.
Red numbers mean place that number of zombies adjacent
to you, then flip the token to show the location is exhausted.

Tally all your squad stats and record them on your Squad
board. Survivors with a Radiation token have 1 less HP.

2. Fortify
Each player may build fortifications. You may build as many
fortifications as you have active survivors and scrap
, but
each survivor may only work on one task per day.

Survivors Required

Scrap Cost




- 1




Fortifications cannot be placed anywhere on a tile that

has zombie(s) on it, or on any space with a
on it.
Each fortification you build adds to your total VPs.

Rearrange weapons among survivors in your squad.

2. Zombie Actions
When all players have taken their actions, the zombies
move and attack. During nights 3 and 4 zombies move and
attack first.

You may search a Search square you are standing
on as an action. Roll a Smarts check: for each
success (5 or Z) draw 1 card from the deck
matching the symbol inside the search icon.
Place a Search token on the space with the
number side faceup. White numbers are the
minimum Smarts number you need to roll to
search again. After being searched successfully a second
time, flip the token to show the location is exhausted.

Red numbers mean place that number of zombies adjacent

to you, then flip the token to show the location is exhausted.

Sandbags are placed on the edge of a square. When a
zombie moves over one, its move ends and it cannot attack
during its next turn. Squads must spend an extra Move point
to move over a sandbag. Both zombies and survivors can
attack over a sandbag.
Barbed Wire Traps are placed on squares. 2 zombies can
fall into a trap and be killed (no one gains VPs for zombies
killed in this way). When 1 zombie is killed by the trap, flip
the token; when 2 have been killed, remove the token.
Walls are placed on the edge of a square. When a double
zombie reaches a wall placed by a player, it is blocked for
1 round of combat. On the next round remove the wall from
the board. On the third round, the zombie can continue to
move. Survivors cannot move through walls.
Gates are placed on the edge of a square. They act the same
as regular walls, but survivors can move freely through them.
Survivors may not attack through gates. A single zombie
cannot push over a wall or a gate: it tries for 1 round, then
looks for another way in.
Lookouts are placed on squares. Nothing blocks the LOS of
a survivor using a firearm from a lookout space. A survivor
may only use melee weapons from a lookout space which
have a range of 2. When 4 single or double zombies are
adjacent to the lookout, it acts the same as a wall. On the
next turn it turns into rubble and anyone on the space takes
1 red die of direct damage, ignoring Armor, and loses both
their actions next turn. At a cost of 1 action a survivor may
jump down from a lookout into an adjacent empty square.

Each survivor in your squad who wields a weapon can roll
the number of red dice shown on the Armory card the
survivor is using (according to your squads skill level in
the type of weapon). The maximum number of red dice you
can roll is 8. Firearms and melee weapons can be used
simultaneously if the target is within range.
For each success rolled (5 or Z) you kill a single zombie and
gain 1 VP.
Firearm Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie within
the firearms range and in LOS (you may shoot at adjacent
squares). Roll dice for all the firearms being used. Check
your firearm skill level to see what counts as a success.
The first successes rolled kill the targeted zombie(s) and
subsequent successes kill zombies on or adjacent to the
target zombie within LOS.
Melee Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie
within the melee weapons range and LOS (you may attack
adjacent squares). Roll dice for all the melee weapons being
used. Check your melee skill level to see what counts as a
success. Any successes rolled kill the targeted zombie(s).

Out of Ammo: Each CLICK you roll on a blue die

means a weapon is out of ammo.

You may choose which weapon is out of ammo if you fired
several at the same time.

Unarmed: Unarmed survivors may roll a 1 red die melee

attack, with a success on a Z result.

Weapon Cards
Knockdown: You knock over a single zombie, instead of
killing it. Knockdowns occur when you roll 1 face value less
then your skill requires on a red die. Place the knocked
down miniature on its side. Any player may then spend 1
action to automatically curb stomp its face for the kill.
On the next zombie turn, if the zombie was left alive it gets
back up. It cannot move, but may attack a survivor within
range. You cannot knockdown double zombies.
Range for Thrown: Roll this number of red dice to determine
the maximum number of squares the object may be thrown.

Zombies Attacking
An squad attacked by a zombie must make a defence roll.
Roll a red die for each survivor in your squad. Each 5 or Z
result prevents 1 zombie from attacking.
Night 3: Defensive roll successes are reduced to Z.
Night 4: Squads get no defensive rolls.
Zombies still attacking then roll 1 red die each (double
zombies roll 2 red dice).
Nights 2-4: Double zombies roll 3 red dice.
Add up the total result and subtract your squads Armor.
Reduce your squads HP by the final result.
If the zombies roll double Zs, immediately lose a survivor
from your squad (dropping any cards he carried), and
add a zombie to the board adjacent to your squad. Then
recalculate your squads stats as a result. Finally, tally the
result of damage, ignoring the double Z results.
On Deaths Door: If your squads total HPs are below 10
and double Zs are rolled by attacking zombies, instead of
subtracting a survivors total HP from your squad, reduce
your total HPs by 2. However still subtract their Armor and
adjust your Move and Smarts if necessary.

For explosives, roll the number of red dice shown on the
card to see how many squares you can throw it. The target
square must be equal to or less than the number rolled.
The square in which the explosive lands and all 8 adjacent
squares are affected. Any single or double zombie in the
center is automatically killed. Then roll the number of dice
listed. The number of successes is how many zombies are
killed in the surrounding 8 squares (gain 1 VP per zombie).
If another squad is in the blast radius, roll the damage dice,
killing off zombies as normal. Any dice not absorbed by
zombies in the blast are applied to the squad as damage. If
you throw the explosive on the square of a fellow survivor,
use the dropping the explosive rules for that squad.
Dropping the explosive: If you roll double 1s on your range
dice roll the number of damage dice: each 5 or Z kills 1
survivor in your squad. The total of any remaining dice is
applied to your squad as normal attack damage, minus
Armor. Adjacent zombies are not affected.

Sandbags are placed on the edge of a square. When a
zombie moves over one, its move ends and it cannot attack
during its next turn. Squads must spend an extra Move point
to move over a sandbag. Both zombies and survivors can
attack over a sandbag.
Barbed Wire Traps are placed on squares. 2 zombies can
fall into a trap and be killed (no one gains VPs for zombies
killed in this way). When 1 zombie is killed by the trap, flip
the token; when 2 have been killed, remove the token.
Walls are placed on the edge of a square. When a double
zombie reaches a wall placed by a player, it is blocked for
1 round of combat. On the next round remove the wall from
the board. On the third round, the zombie can continue to
move. Survivors cannot move through walls.
Gates are placed on the edge of a square. They act the same
as regular walls, but survivors can move freely through them.
Survivors may not attack through gates. A single zombie
cannot push over a wall or a gate: it tries for 1 round, then
looks for another way in.
Lookouts are placed on squares. Nothing blocks the LOS of
a survivor using a firearm from a lookout space. A survivor
may only use melee weapons from a lookout space which
have a range of 2. When 4 single or double zombies are
adjacent to the lookout, it acts the same as a wall. On the
next turn it turns into rubble and anyone on the space takes
1 red die of direct damage, ignoring Armor, and loses both
their actions next turn. At a cost of 1 action a survivor may
jump down from a lookout into an adjacent empty square.

Each survivor in your squad who wields a weapon can roll
the number of red dice shown on the Armory card the
survivor is using (according to your squads skill level in
the type of weapon). The maximum number of red dice you
can roll is 8. Firearms and melee weapons can be used
simultaneously if the target is within range.
For each success rolled (5 or Z) you kill a single zombie and
gain 1 VP.
Firearm Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie within
the firearms range and in LOS (you may shoot at adjacent
squares). Roll dice for all the firearms being used. Check
your firearm skill level to see what counts as a success.
The first successes rolled kill the targeted zombie(s) and
subsequent successes kill zombies on or adjacent to the
target zombie within LOS.
Melee Weapons: Choose a zombie or double zombie
within the melee weapons range and LOS (you may attack
adjacent squares). Roll dice for all the melee weapons being
used. Check your melee skill level to see what counts as a
success. Any successes rolled kill the targeted zombie(s).

Out of Ammo: Each CLICK you roll on a blue die

means a weapon is out of ammo.

You may choose which weapon is out of ammo if you fired
several at the same time.

Unarmed: Unarmed survivors may roll a 1 red die melee

attack, with a success on a Z result.

Weapon Cards
Knockdown: You knock over a single zombie, instead of
killing it. Knockdowns occur when you roll 1 face value less
then your skill requires on a red die. Place the knocked
down miniature on its side. Any player may then spend 1
action to automatically curb stomp its face for the kill.
On the next zombie turn, if the zombie was left alive it gets
back up. It cannot move, but may attack a survivor within
range. You cannot knockdown double zombies.
Range for Thrown: Roll this number of red dice to determine
the maximum number of squares the object may be thrown.

Zombies Attacking
An squad attacked by a zombie must make a defence roll.
Roll a red die for each survivor in your squad. Each 5 or Z
result prevents 1 zombie from attacking.
Night 3: Defensive roll successes are reduced to Z.
Night 4: Squads get no defensive rolls.
Zombies still attacking then roll 1 red die each (double
zombies roll 2 red dice).
Nights 2-4: Double zombies roll 3 red dice.
Add up the total result and subtract your squads Armor.
Reduce your squads HP by the final result.
If the zombies roll double Zs, immediately lose a survivor
from your squad (dropping any cards he carried), and
add a zombie to the board adjacent to your squad. Then
recalculate your squads stats as a result. Finally, tally the
result of damage, ignoring the double Z results.
On Deaths Door: If your squads total HPs are below 10
and double Zs are rolled by attacking zombies, instead of
subtracting a survivors total HP from your squad, reduce
your total HPs by 2. However still subtract their Armor and
adjust your Move and Smarts if necessary.

For explosives, roll the number of red dice shown on the
card to see how many squares you can throw it. The target
square must be equal to or less than the number rolled.
The square in which the explosive lands and all 8 adjacent
squares are affected. Any single or double zombie in the
center is automatically killed. Then roll the number of dice
listed. The number of successes is how many zombies are
killed in the surrounding 8 squares (gain 1 VP per zombie).
If another squad is in the blast radius, roll the damage dice,
killing off zombies as normal. Any dice not absorbed by
zombies in the blast are applied to the squad as damage. If
you throw the explosive on the square of a fellow survivor,
use the dropping the explosive rules for that squad.
Dropping the explosive: If you roll double 1s on your range
dice roll the number of damage dice: each 5 or Z kills 1
survivor in your squad. The total of any remaining dice is
applied to your squad as normal attack damage, minus
Armor. Adjacent zombies are not affected.

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