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Heroes For Dungeonquest Rules

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This ring will detect one trap, which you avoid automatically.You may use the ring as soon as you draw a Room tile with a red
entry arrow (toavoid taking a Trap Card) or when you take a Trap Room card (to avoid losingLP's to the trap).
This ring causes a flash of light which will blind any Monster. You may use it assoon as you draw a Room Card with a Monster,
and defeat the monsterautomatically.The ring will not work against a Sneak Attack.
This ring will restore 5 LP's at the start of any turn, but you may not do anythingelse that turn.You may not increase your LP's to
more than their starting level.
This ring will open one Door or Portcullis for you.If you use the ring you do not have to take a Door card or make a Strength test.
This ring affects the very walls and floors of Dragonfire Castle.You may use it if you draw a Room tile you do not want.Return
the tile to the box and draw another, but you must accept the second Tileyou draw.
You may use this ring to retake any one dice roll that you are not satisfied with.You must decide to use the ring immediately after
you have rolled the dice, andyou must accept the result of the second roll.
At any time that you wish to search a room you may use this ring.Instead of drawing one search card you may draw four, and
keep one of yourchoice.The remaining three cards are discarded.
You may use this ring to teleport yourself out of the Catacombs below DragonfireCastle. You may use it whenever you wish,
including just after you have drawn aCatacomb Card you wish to avoid. Your character will teleport straight up, andwill reappear
on a Room Tile using the normal rules for exiting the Catacombs.
Some characters are occasionally forced to use unarmed combat to defeat amonster. When this happens, use the following system
to resolve the combat.The player controlling the monster should roll a D6 (for Goblins or Trolls) or a D10 (for any other
monster).The player who is fighting the monster should then roll a d6. Whoever has the lowest score must lose a LP.In the case
of a tie, both sides lose a LP. If you are forced to fight the Giant Spider using unarmed combat,you are only allowed to pick 2
numbers before you roll the D6 (instead of the normal 3).
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Farendil has an Elf Bow and four arrows, which he mayuse in exactly the same way as El-Adoran uses hisLongbow.
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Take the 6 Spell Cards which you keep face downbeside your Character Sheet. Whenever you wish to usea spell, turn the card
face up. You may only use onespell at a time, so you can never have two Spell Cardsface up at once.You may not use any other forms of
magic, and you donot receive a Magic Ring at the start of the game. If youare playing with the Dungeonquest CatacombsExpansion
Set, you will not use any Magic Amulets thatyou find.If you are ever forced to fight a monster (because youcannot use a spell for
some reason), you must use therules for unarmed combat.
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You may use the Dark Force at the start of any turn to regain lost LP's. You may not usethis spell while you are in the Treasure
Chamber.When you use the Dark Force, you have a choice: you may either increase your LPs by 3points or you can roll a D6 and
increase your LPs by the amount rolled. If you roll the D6,you must accept the result, even if you get a 1 or 2. You may never
increase your LPs tomore than the number you started the game with.You may only use this spell once per game. Discard the
Spell Card after you have used it.

You may use this spell whenever you encounter Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Death Warriors or Champions of Chaos.The Eyes of
Doom can cause a sense of fear and foreboding in a monster so that it will flee in terror. Each timeyou use the Eyes of Doom, lower your
LPs by 1.To find out if the Eyes of Doom work, the player on your right draws a Monster Card and looks under 'Attack'. Ifthe card
says 'Flee', the monster runs off. If it says Combat, roll a D10. If you score more than the monster'snumber of LPs, it flees. Whatever the
result, turn the Spell Card face down after you have rolled the D10. If youfail to make the monster flee, you may use a Fireball or invisibility
spell, or fight it using Hand-To-Hand combat.Note that the Eyes of Doom may only be used against the monsters above. If you
draw a Sneak Attack, you stilltake the D12-Luck damage, but may then use the Eyes of Doom as above.

You may cast Fireballs at Goblins, Trolls, Death Warriors, Champions of Chaos, The Giant Spider, Doorsand Portcullises.Using
Fireballs requires a great deal of magical energy, so you must miss your next turn while you recover.Leave the Spell Card face up
until the end of the 'missed' turn, and then turn it face down again.In Combat, a Fireball may be cast as soon as you meet the
monster, or you may choose to Wait & See andonly cast the Fireball if the monster attacks you. Any monster attacked by a
Fireball is killed instantly. Ifyou use a Fireball against a Door or Portcullis, you place your piece at the opening, miss your next
turn, andmay then enter the next tile.If you draw a Sneak Attack, you still take D12-Luck damage, but may then use a Fireball as
You may turn yourself invisible at any time at a cost of 2 LPs. You may leave this Spell Card face upfor several consecutive
turns if you wish, but at the start of each turn that the spell is left 'on' you mustpay 1 further LP. If you do not pay the LP at the
start of your turn, place the card face down.While invisible, you may ignore Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Death Warriors, Champions of
Chaos andGiant Spiders. You may even turn yourself invisible at the moment you meet them, or after trying touse the Eyes of
Doom. Discard the monsters card. However, you may not turn invisible to avoid aSneak Attack, and all other cards and tiles work
as usual. The spell will not protect you in theTreasure Chamber, so you must draw Dragon counters as normal.

This spell must be used at the start of your turn. By stopping time, it allows you to take several turns in a row. Butthere is a
cost to be paid, as for each extra turn that you take, you must pay 1 LP.While time is stopped, you draw Room cards for each
Room tile you enter as normal, but may ignore all monsters,traps or creatures you meet. You are allowed to draw Crypt or Dead
Adventurer cards, and may ignore any Trapsthat you draw. Room Tiles count as usual, with the exception of the Rotating Room,
which will not rotate until youplace the Spell Card face down again. In the Treasure Chamber you are allowed to take 2 Treasure
Counters eachturn the Stasis spell is in effect, and you do not have to draw any Dragon Counters.Pay the 1 LP cost at the start of
each turn you take. If you do not pay this LP cost, place the Spell card face down,and then take your 'normal' turn.

Once per game, you have the ability to pass through walls, as long as you have atleast 6 LPs (although it does not cost any LPs to
use the spell). This spell works inexactly the same way as finding a secret door, but with one important exception; ifyou are on a
tile that is adjacent to the edge of Dragonfire Castle, you may passthrough the outer wall to freedom.As noted above, you may
only use this power once per game. Discard the SpellCard after you have used it.
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At the start of the game, take the 'Berserk' card and place itbeside your character sheet.
During the game, you may go berserk. This makes you analmost unstoppable opponent in a fight, but does slightlyimpair your
judgement... Your berserking may be triggeredwhen going into combat, or when you suffer damage from aDoor Trap, or you
may trigger it voluntarily.As soon as you go into any kind of combat (including againstthe Giant Spider) you must roll a D6. If
you get 5 or 6 you goberserk, on any other result the combat is carried out as usual.If you suffer damage from a Door Trap, you
also roll a D6,going berserk on a 5 or 6 as above. In this case, youimmediately attack the door (see rules below).At any time, you
may try to go berserk voluntarily. Roll theD6, you go berserk on a 3-6. You may only ever roll to goberserk once per turn, so you
may not roll again if you havealready rolled because of combat or a Door Trap (althoughyou could choose to try to go berserk
voluntarily beforemaking the involuntary test).

When you go berserk, place the 'Berserk' Card on yourcharacter sheet so that it covers up your normalcharacteristics, and then
move your LP marker 4 spaces upyour Life Point track (but not to over 16). As long as youremain berserk, the following rules

When you meet a monster, you must choose attack asyour combat option. Any blow you strike in combat willcause double the
amount of damage to your opponent. Ifyou fight the Giant Spider, you will defeat it on a 2-6.•

You do not draw Door cards, you attack the door instead!Roll the D12, and if you score equal or less than yourStrength (1-11 in
other words) you smash it down and may pass through.•

You may not search rooms, dead adventurers or crypts, you may not keep any items you find, you mustdiscard them (any items
you had before you went berserk may be kept, however). If you enter theTreasure Chamber, you must not draw any Treasure
Counters, but must draw two Dragon Counters.At the start of each turn, roll a D6 and look up the result below:
Die Roll Result *** BERSERK TABLE ***1
You remain berserk, and the player to your right decides which direction you will move thisturn, including whether you attack a
door or portcullis. Once the direction has been decided bythat player, you handle the rest of the move.
You remain berserk.
You return to normal.As soon as you return to normal, remove the 'Berserk' card from your character sheet, and move the
LPmarker 4 spaces down the Life Point track. If this results in your LPs dropping to 0 or less you are - sadly -dead. However, if
you manage to escape the castle while berserk, you are assumed to survive even ifreturning to normal would 'kill' you.Should you
draw a Card saying your torch goes out, you immediately return to normal, and must try to lightyour torch using the normal rules.
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If you are carrying 8 or less Treasure cards or counters,and move on already placed tiles, you may elect to movetwo tiles instead
of the normal one. The followingspecial rules apply while you are running:You cannot run through Doors or a Portcullis.
Neithercan you run through a Chamber of Darkness Tile or aCave-In Tile, though you can end a running move onsuch a tile.You
may run over a Bottomless Pit Tile (or a NarrowBridge Tile, if you are playing with the DungeonquestCatacombs Expansion
Kit), provided you make thenecessary test against your Agility. Corridor tiles stillprovide you with a free move.You never draw a
Room Card for any tiles you runthrough, though you must draw one for the Tile youfinish your move on, as you would have
done normally.If you draw a Room card with a Sneak Attack, you takeD12-4 LPs of damage (rather than D12-Luck).You may
not use your Slingshot and run in the sameturn.If you draw any sort of Trap, you take 2 extra LPs ofdamage.You may not search
Dead Adventurers or Crypts. Youmay not keep any items you find while you are running, you must discard them.
You may use your Slingshot once in each combat, just before or just after the Monster card isdrawn. If you fire before the
Monster card is drawn, you must choose Attack as your combat option.If you decide to fire after the card is drawn, you must
choose Wait & See as your Combat option.You may not use your Slingshot against Sneak Attacks or if you ran in the same turn.
The Slingshotworks against Goblins, Trolls, Death Warriors, Orcs and Champions of Chaos, not against any othercreatures.To
use your Slingshot, roll a D10 to see if you hit and a D6 for damage if you did hit.
SLINGSHOT TABLE Goblin Troll Death Warrior Orc Champion of ChaosTo Hit (D10)
8 or more 3 or more 5 or more 6 or more 5 or more
Damage (D6)
D6 D6-3 D6-3 D6-2 D6-2
Your Slingshot has an unlimited supply of ammunition - if you run out, just pick up a few morerocks!
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You do not get a Magic Ring at the start of the game.You will have to rely on brute strength to survive inDragonfire Castle.If you
are using the Amulet cards from DungeonquestCatacombs Expansion Set, you may not use a MagicAmulet if you find one.
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At the start of the game, place a plastic token on the '4' space of theDagger Track on your Character Sheet.
You are never without your trusty set of skeleton keys. When youtake a Door card, a Door Jammed counts as a Door Opens.
DoorTraps, however, count as usual.
When searching a room you may, if you wish, draw 2 Search cardsinstead of 1. Should you choose to draw 2 cards, both count
You are equipped with four daggers, which you may throw or use inhand-to-hand combat. Keep track of how many daggers you
stillhave by using the Dagger Track on your character sheet. If you loseall four daggers you must fight using unarmed combat;
see the rulesabove.You may throw your daggers against Goblins, Trolls, DeathWarriors, Orcs or Champions of Chaos, either
before or duringcombat. You may not use your daggers against the Giant Spider.You may not throw daggers before a sneak
attack.If you decide to throw your daggers before combat, you are fastenough to throw all four daggers, if you wish. The daggers
arethrown before the Monster card is drawn, and you will have toremember how much damage you inflict. Then the player on
yourright draws a Monster card and looks under the attack column tofind out how many (if any) LPs the monster has.If you
throw a dagger during combat you may only throw onedagger per round, and may not throw daggers two turns in a row.When
you decide to throw a dagger, the attack is resolved in thesame way. Your opponent chooses a Combat card and places it
facedown on the table. You then pick two Combat cards (Slash andMighty Blow, for example). If either choice is the same as the
cardchosen by your opponent, the dagger hits, causing D6 LPs ofdamage (D6-2 LPs of damage to Death Warriors). If your
choice isnot the same as your opponent's, you lose 1 LP.If you use a dagger in hand-to-hand combat, the maximum amountof
damage you may cause is 1 LP, no matter what the combat cardsays (in other words a Mighty Blow will cause only 1 LP of
damageif the monster decides to Slash). Otherwise the combat is resolvedas normal.When the combat is over, you must check to
see if you are able toretrieve your daggers. Roll a D6 for each dagger you threw. On aneven number, you recover the dagger
(move the marker one space up the Dagger Track) and on an odd number thedagger is lost.Note that you may only recover
daggers in the combat that has just taken place, not any that were lost earlier in thegame (they are gone for good). If you find it
difficult to remember how many daggers you have used, place a spareplastic token on your Life Point Track in the 'Skull' space at
the start of each combat, and move it one space up the trackeach time you throw a dagger.
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At the start of the game, you should also take theCharacter sheet for Flame Bright and the 'Healing Salve'card.
Your Sun Orb will never go out (ignore' Torch GoesOut' cards) and will even light a Chamber of Darkness(treat such tiles as
Empty, but do not draw a Roomcard).
You carry a small jar of healing salve that you may useonce per game, on either yourself or Flame Bright.Discard the Healing
Salve Card after you have used it.The salve will restore your LPs to their maximum, orwill restore 3LPs to Flame Bright. If you
use the salve,you miss a turn.
When you move onto an empty square, the player onyour right should draw the Room Tile, look at it, andthen place it face down
in the square you have chosen.That player then rolls the D10 behind his hand, so thatyou cannot see the result.If the Room tile is
a Trap, Bottomless Pit or RotatingRoom, Flame Bright will give you a warning on a 2 - 10,or fail to warn you on a 1. If it was not
any of these,Flame Bright warns you on a 1 and does not warn youon a 2 - 10 (in other words, Flame Bright is always rightif the
roll was 2 - 10, and always wrong on a 1 - theplayer tells you either "Flame Bright warns you" or"Flame Bright does not give you
any warning").If you decide to enter the Room tile after hearing what the player has to say, flip the tile over andfollow the rules
as normal.Should you decide not to enter the tile, you may go through a different opening on the tile you areon. Again, if the
square is empty, Flame Bright may be able to warn you of any danger, just asabove. However, if you decide not to enter the
second tile your turn is over and you remain standingon the tile you were on.If you or any other player enters a face-down tile
later in the game, it should be flipped over, andplaced so that the character moves onto the tile through the entry arrow.If you
wish to open a door, you may either do it yourself (in which case draw a Door card asnormal) or you may set Flame Bright on the
door. If you use Flame Bright, you must roll equal to orless than Flame Bright's Strength on a D10. If you fail, your turn is over.
Otherwise, you may movethrough the door as normal (with the player on your right drawing the Room Tile and placing it onthe
board). Flame Bright may also be used to open a Portcullis, using the normal rules.
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If you draw any Card with a Trap (apart from DoorTraps and Crypt Traps), roll a D6. If you roll an evennumber, Flame Bright
warns you in time and you takeno damage. If the number is odd, you are both affectedby the trap, and must roll for any damage
or missedturns for you and Flame Bright. Door Traps and CryptTraps will only affect your character.With a Trap Door or
Bottomless Pit, you must roll bothfor yourself and Flame Bright to see if either or both ofyou fall in, Flame Bright will jump in
after you (to itsdeath in the case of a Bottomless Pit). You and FlameBright must roll to climb out of a Trap Door. If FlameBright
falls down a Bottomless Pit, you do not have to jump after it, but Flame Bright is still out of the game. IfFlame Bright falls
through a Trap Door, you can eitherwait for it to climb out, or abandon it and continue onyour way (and all the other players are
given permissionto make rude comments at such cowardly, selfishbehavior!).
If you encounter a monster, Attack or Wait & See areyour only combat options – Flame Bright refuses to fleefrom combat. Flame
Bright does all your fighting foryou, as long as it remains alive. Flame Bright does notfight using Combat cards. Instead, the
player to yourright rolls a D6 for a Goblin or Troll, and a D10 for anyother monster. The dice you roll depends on how manyLPs
Flame Bright has remaining. You start the gamerolling a D12 - if Flame Bright's marker is on the 10space or lower, you roll a
D10; and if it is on the 6 space or lower, a D6.Whoever rolls the lower number will lose a LP, unless there is a tie, when both lose
a LP. Thecombat continues until one opponent dies. If Flame Bright is killed, you must fight using unarmedcombat.Flame Bright
will never be surprised by a Sneak Attack. Treat such cards as monster cards of theappropriate type.Combat against the Giant
Spider is handled as normal, except that any damage is taken by FlameBright. If you are attacked by Vampire Bats, however, the
damage is taken by your character.
Your agility is 9 as long as Flame Bright is alive, dropping to 6 if it should be killed.
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You have a magic helm, bestowed by the Chaos Godsyou worship. If you concentrate, this helm produces afearful aura, that may
cause monsters to flee in terror.The helm only works against Goblins, Trolls, Orcs andChampions of Chaos, not against Death
Warriors or anyother creatures you may meet. If you wish to use thehelm, you must say so as soon as you meet a monster.As soon as you have
made this choice reduce your LPsby 1 (the Chaos Gods never do anything for free!) Thenroll the D6 four times and add up the score.If
the total is 13 or more, the monster flees in terror. If itis less than 13, the player to your right draws the topmonster card and looks
under the attack heading. If theresult is flee, the monster runs off anyway! If the resultis combat, the monster causes D6 LPs of
damage to youwhile you recover from using the helm (except forgoblins, who only cause D6-3 LPs damage). The combatis than resolved as
normal.If you are surprised by a Sneak Attack, you must stillroll D12-Luck to see how much damage you take, butmay then use
the helm if you wish.
You have the ability to regain lost LPs throughconcentration and meditation. Instead of taking yourturn, you may meditate,
regaining 1 LP. You may donothing else on a turn when you meditate, and you maynot increase your LPs to higher than their starting level.
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At the start of the game, you should take the 'Blowpipe' card,and place a plastic token on the '4' space of the ShurikenTrack on
your Character Sheet.
You are able to hide in shadows so effectively that youbecome almost invisible. When you draw a Room card with amonster
(Champion of Chaos, Troll, Death Warrior Orc orGoblin), take the D6 and choose a number by placing the diceon the table with
your hand cupped over it. The player onyour right may now pick 2 numbers for a Troll, Champion ofChaos or Orc, or 3 numbers
for a Goblin or Death Warrior. Ifthe player does not pick the number you have chosen, you arenot discovered and the monster is
discarded. If they pick theright number, the combat is resolved as normal.
Your acute senses make it very difficult for anyone to sneakup on you. If you draw a Sneak Attack card, roll the D6. Ifyou roll an
even number, you notice the monster in time andthe combat is resolved as normal (although you may not hidein the shadows). If
you rolled an odd number, the monstergets to make a Sneak Attack.
You are equipped with a Blowpipe filled with poisonous dust.This weapon is nearly infallible, but it may only be used onceper
game, and you should discard the Blowpipe card after youhave used it.You may use the Blowpipe as soon as you meet a
monsterand have been discovered (it cannot be used against a SneakAttack, as it takes a second or so of preparation, and may
notbe readied during combat). When using the Blowpipe, roll theD12. If you roll a 1, you miss, but any other result hits andkills
the monster instantly (apart from Champions of Chaoswho lose 4 LPs instead).
As well as your Blowpipe you carry 4 Shuriken, which maybe used once each (keep track of the Shuriken you have usedon the
Shuriken track on your character sheet).Shuriken are used in exactly the same way as the arrows fromEl-Adoran's bow, except
that you use the Shuriken tablebelow to find out the results of the attack.Shuriken may not be usedagainst a Sneak Attack.They
may be used againstthe Giant Spider, just likeEl-Adorans bow.
Die Roll Goblin Troll Death Warrior Orc Champion of Chaos1
Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed
Missed Missed Missed Missed Missed
Missed -1 LP Missed -1 LP -1 LP
-1 LP -1 LP Missed -2 LP -2 LP
-2 LP -2 LP -1 LP -3 LP -3 LP
Killed Killed -2 LP Killed -4 LP

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